View Full Version : Tell me what you want... what you really really want

11-05-2005, 09:07 AM
Tsoran's spreadsheet is teh shit, but there's a few things that it's missing (runestaves, etc).

Is there anything you'd like thrown together in excel, visio, etc? I did that level-up time calculator recently- tells ya what time you'd reach a certain level. Also have a visio blueprint thing for twilight hall somewhere... probably not finished. If there's an overwhelming consensus for a big project I could undertake, I'll probably get down to it. I just need a muse!

Anyone have any ideas?

11-05-2005, 10:03 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but you have a WHAT for twilight hall?

11-05-2005, 11:33 AM
oh, I walked around twilight, and for fun, made a blueprint-type thing for the hall. Like a floor-map kinda thing. It's more to try and visualize what the damned place looks like, rather than a bunch of little squares. :p

I'm not really done with it yet- gotta do some rooms and the second floor/back porch.

It's fun, I like playing with my programs.