View Full Version : Creative Revenge

11-01-2005, 12:04 PM
A friend of mine loaned a PC to someone halfway across the country, as a favor, with the understanding it would be returned. My buddy paid for the shipping. It's been a few months. My buddy provided a prepaid freight waybill to get it back, and fuckstick recipient has made all kinds of excuses as to why he can't box the thing up and put it in the mail. My guess is that he sold it.

Since I am incredibly incensed about this whole situation, I want to provide some justice to said fuckstick. I've got a name, address, phone number.

I'm appealing to you deviantly creative people out there. Karma be damned. What can I do to this asshole that would be fitting? And at least semi-legal? All revenge scenarios will be considered. I want my friend to have plausible deniability, but SOMETHING needs to be done.

11-01-2005, 12:11 PM
A similar question was asked recently


I am bias and of course prefer my suggestion of posting racist comments on the BET and other black forums and then leaving the address/phone number.

11-01-2005, 12:16 PM
I suppose a small claims court might work. (or judge judy/wopner) :D

revenge, well, it can be illegal, however, direct marketers of all types really enjoy people to add to their mailing list. Especially if you can create an "on-target" profile for this person.

There goes my karma.

You really should just pursue any legal means, however, a gift/loan, as always, should be considered something that you won't get back. Which is why I am careful about who I loan $$ to.

11-01-2005, 12:18 PM
Yeah I thought of that thread as well.

Or you could give his information to Warclaidhm and tell him it's a new pen pal.

11-01-2005, 02:07 PM
Sign them up for trial subscriptions, informational packets to everything, call lists, porn spam ... and get his name into every political party doing fund raisers.

11-01-2005, 04:12 PM
I would find try to find out the name of some skank this guys has had sex with recently. Then I would call him "from the Police" and ask him if he has slept with Jane Doe recently, when he says yes, ask him if he has had an aids test recently, when he asks why tell him she was arrested for knowingly spreading the aids virus. Of course the down side to this plan is that you are impersonating an Officer which is a crime and you would ruin the reputation of the skank.

11-01-2005, 04:32 PM
If he lives in Indy I can break thumbs.

11-01-2005, 04:33 PM
On the subject of pranks.. that new show Homewrecker with Ryan Dunn in it, is amusing.

11-01-2005, 04:46 PM
Well if he's married, or just shacked up ...

Call when you know he's not home, but his wife/live in is. Say you're with Public Health calling in his STD test results ... then leave a message with all of the "possitive" results.

After that, ask the woman if she is positive, or was ... and suggest she get some testing done.

11-01-2005, 05:37 PM
Signing them up for gay pron works.

Fake and spoofed emails to the ol' job work too.

Or just destroy everything they've ever known and loved in their life.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-01-2005, 07:35 PM
My programming guys at work can make any email look like it came from me -- the whole emailing his say... CEO of wherever he works with some less than complimentary things to say would be interesting.

Sean of the Thread
11-01-2005, 07:38 PM
Well there is a chance the already a scoundrel CEO would take it as an outstanding move that took extreme ballz that would fit a position he was wanting fill as well.... and then you would be wtf pwned!

11-01-2005, 08:17 PM
Hold his air conditioner or hot water heater for ransom.

11-01-2005, 08:35 PM
Break into his house and shit in his sink. I have done this before though depending on how mad you are you can wait till you have the runs.. That is much harder to clean up. Good luck with your revenge.. Enjoy it! I always do!

11-01-2005, 09:14 PM
Ya know all those cards that fall out of magazines, where you fill in the information and you get a free subscription for 90 days, and then they'll bill you if you don't cancel? You know the ones - they say postage paid on the front and presumably it's illegal to throw them away.

Well - now you know what to do with those pesky cards. Fill'em in with his name and address. Imagine the look on his face when, in 2 weeks, the post office suddenly brings him a whole bag full of magazines.

And then 3 months later, when he gets the bill for each one.

11-01-2005, 09:19 PM
You can also enter him for membership in every book club you can find online. They'll send him books whether he wants them, or not, and with the books come...bills. :D

Seriously, if you know anyone who lives near him, I'd see if I could get some really big, mean-looking guy to show up on his doorstep saying: "I've come for the computer you bilked my dear friend for. I suggest you have it here within the next five minutes. My fists itch." Then, have him smile ingratiatingly. That oughta do it.

11-02-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
A similar question was asked recently


I am bias and of course prefer my suggestion of posting racist comments on the BET and other black forums and then leaving the address/phone number.


11-03-2005, 07:17 AM
Wow... you guys can be scary!!

11-03-2005, 07:56 AM
If you're willing to burn a little cash for this, get him a membership in NAMBLA.

I'd rather get a thousand magazines sent to me than one of their newsletters.

If you're going the free route, sign him up on swingers websites, go into lurid detail about how he likes to catch and how phone sex really breaks the ice for him. Then helpfully provide the aforementioned phone number and address.


11-03-2005, 08:53 AM
HN's visual made me snicker a little.

I'm good at coming up with horribly evil schemes, but I rarely do them. Not so much because I'm happy with letting karma work its magic on them...
But cause I've seen what she can do to me.

11-03-2005, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
My programming guys at work can make any email look like it came from me -- the whole emailing his say... CEO of wherever he works with some less than complimentary things to say would be interesting.

There are simple programs that can do the same thing. So he could send the email himself, however I would use remailers.

11-03-2005, 03:21 PM
Well... the fuckstick sent back the computer. It arrived today smelling of stale cigarettes and with dead bugs in the packing box. And no note thanking my buddy for the use or apologizing for the delay in the return.

The fuckstick is at least going to get a bunch of magazine/book club subscriptions, and a few items of lurid gay porn (he lives with his mom).

You guys rock.

11-03-2005, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Ylena
Well... the fuckstick sent back the computer. It arrived today smelling of stale cigarettes and with dead bugs in the packing box. And no note thanking my buddy for the use or apologizing for the delay in the return.

The fuckstick is at least going to get a bunch of magazine/book club subscriptions, and a few items of lurid gay porn (he lives with his mom).

You guys rock.

Gay porn is Arkans department. I am sure he will have some recommendations for you.

11-03-2005, 04:44 PM
I heard he likes hairy men. See my sig.

11-04-2005, 07:17 AM
I would sugges finding some dumb ass webpage and sign him up for as many terrorist groups as you can.. wait for them to send him the propaganda then call in an anonymous tip that you saw him wearing a towel on his head with an AK dancing to weird music..... that should take care of the problem....