View Full Version : Place to post Backgroud Stories?

11-01-2005, 05:43 AM
I just came up with a lovely 3 page hand written background story I just wrote. Is there somewhere that it is possible to post up background stories for characters, or at least somewhere in game to store them?

Be nice to encorporate it into my roleplaying without having to tell people about it all the time.

If nothing else, can I at least post it up somewhere on PC and have you all give me a critique? Well not really a critique because I don't care if you don't like it. It has -just- the right amount of cheese.

11-01-2005, 05:47 AM
It'd be cool to have a journal folder for the lives of our characters.
I thought of this ages ago but thought it was too much of an emo idea.

If you really need to post it somewhere, I know that the officials have a folder for character backgrounds.

Edited to add, :
You'd still need to tell characters in game about your history, otherwise it'd be OOC for them to know about him/her purely from reading the PC.
Personally you've got me interested so post it soon. I love reading character backgrounds.

[Edited on 11-1-2005 by Drayal]

11-01-2005, 06:03 AM
You're welcome to post it in our Roleplaying folder, hon. I'd love to read it! :)

11-01-2005, 06:22 AM
I don’t have much to tell about my mother, because she didn’t have much to tell. All I know from the elders of the village was that once, while walking through the woods, she decided to step into a cave she happened upon. Maybe, she felt like exploring; maybe, she didn’t wish her hair wet from the light sprinkle that had just begun.

Everyone rushed from inside their homes after they heard the shriek from the fist villager that spotted my mother clawing her way up the street. Her clothes were in tatters, her face black and blue, and the sheath buckled to her thigh was empty. What was not known until later was that she was with child. That child was me.

If it weren’t for the elves respect for life I don’t believe I would be telling this story. Too unfortunate is the fact their respect does not extend to half-breeds. The same whisper was on everyone’s lips when my mother gave birth: “cave gnome.” There was no denying the violet rim that darkened my eyes or the slight hunch I still demonstrate today.

Half-breeds face animosity from the pure to begin, but to be cursed by the conception of violence by such an ignorant race is hardly stood for. Much of my time was spent quietly whimpering and nursing my bruises from other children; sometimes, I can still feel the ridge of a scar on my scalp throb red. I feel no shame. My mother was never so lucky. She became a recluse and lost touch with the lands we are so much a part of. I set her pyre ablaze myself when I was barely waist high. If tears could scar I would be hideous.

Weeping,lonely, in the woods one twilight evening I stifled my tears just long enough to hear a melody that mirrored my feelings. I ran through the woods until I stumbled face first into the ground. The blonde human pulled the flute from his mouth and reached a hand to lift me. I cried as quickly as I could: “No sir! You must continue playing.” He nodded knowingly and raised his flute again. I sat up, mesmerized by the lanky figure playing more beautifully than the entire elven orchestra, his blonde locks and multi-hued cloak billowing gently in the breeze as the sun continued to set.

Finishing his tune he reached out and ruffled my hair before handing me his flute. Without words he placed my fingers over the peddles in the flute, and guided my mouth to the opening. He nodded to me to blow deeply into the silver instrument. As I did he picked up my fingers gently removing the pressure; teaching me a short five note tune. He smiled in reply to my obvious pride at my accomplishment, before turning and walking away purposefully. I was left standing there, mouth agape.

Dedication to the art became my life from that moment. As my abilities grew so did my confidence. I began to fight back with the other boys. I did not always win, but I no longer lost every time either. I learned that when I played I could create the same reaction I had once had, and others would look past my violet-rimmed eyes. I never looked back as I walked away from my village, nor will I return.

I will not dwell on the atrocity that was committed to my mother, and I will not hunt out every cave gnome to exact revenge. I do guarantee any that exhibit tendencies towards violence will never walk away. I also know I will my spend life granting kindness to other half-breeds, and searching for my lost family heirloom. It has been described to me as an opal-pommelled dagger lacking a cross guard. It is scrawled with the elven initials “JS”.

Special thanks to HarmNone for some grammatical correction!

Now all I need to do is get a feature mod and I'm set! The only thing I worry about is that it is a little "too busy"

PS. For Drayal: I like emo too :)

[Edited on 11-1-2005 by AbnInfamy]

[Edited on 11-1-2005 by AbnInfamy]

11-01-2005, 06:31 AM
I don't find it "too busy", at all, hon. In fact, it's a very good story, in my opinion. Well done, and credible. :)

11-01-2005, 11:04 AM
Very well written. I just have a question; your character is half cave gnome, but what's the other half, Elf?

11-01-2005, 11:13 AM
I liked the back story a lot. Good job! :)

11-01-2005, 11:42 AM
Very nice!

11-01-2005, 05:29 PM
Any criticisms on mine?

It seems I can’t go a day without someone asking me the origins of my name, not that I blame them, since it is a rather odd one at that. The truth is, it isn’t my real name at all. From what I’ve read I was born Ryshal Mongolaz II, named after my mother’s father. The story of my birth is a sad one as a majority of my kinds are, because I am a half-elf. Yes, a half-breed, whatever people feel the need to call me, I am what I am. I will spare you the details of that birth, or perhaps I spare myself, because it still hurts to think of such a horrible act committed upon my mother. I will not mention my mother’s name in this writing, as I do not wish any ill to happen to her, should my death not be enough for some folk.

My mother was of House Ta’Faendryl, and I left home at an early age for reasons that until this time were my own. I will share them now, if only here in my journal, because if something might happen to me, I wish my mother to know why I left. The fact of the matter is, that I felt that I was a constant reminder to my mother of the atrocities of her past. This being the case or not, at the time I felt the need to leave, and so I did.

That’s how I am; when I have a feeling I act on it. Upon my arrival in Wehnimer’s Landing, I decided to start anew. I had little money, and no friends. I met up with another half-elf who would come to be a close friend; his name was Talantris Lavins. The story of Talantris is not mine to tell, but his friendship gave me the courage to attempt to make a name for myself in this strange place.

I spent long hours training in the way of the sword, and of the dagger, and eventually I became quite the thief. I took up training with the Rogue’s Guild, and quickly climbed my way to the rank of Guildmaster.

This brings me to the origins of my current name. I had become somewhat of a dare devil, as I think all thieves do. Seeing who can score the biggest mark, and what not. Talantris and other friends began calling me Rysk. The name stuck.

The only person that remembers my true name anymore is Talantris, and even he never uses it. I’ve come to forget that name, just as I’d like to forget that prior life. This is my new life, and I shall have a new family.

The Ponzzz
11-01-2005, 05:36 PM
I like how you worded it Rysk.

Both stories are short and sweet. Not going into too much detail where it's too much, but giving the reader enough to understand.

Perhaps in yours Rysk, adding after the line, Half elf, a half-breed, put down Hathlyn as well. A well known Human term that half elves are referred to. Though, those that are die hards with the House of Ta’Faendryl will say, you would have been killed at birth. But due to not going into any detail, you can say that's why you left.

11-01-2005, 06:20 PM
I like it Rysk. Like The Ponzzz said, its very well worded. Gets you caught up enough to want to get to know more.

11-01-2005, 06:22 PM
I'm amazed that you took up 3 pages writing that.

11-01-2005, 06:30 PM
Another really good story! Well done, Rysk! :up:

11-01-2005, 08:12 PM
I had about 18 pages of Talindara's history written down and ready to post.
Then I gave her to Chad and now she's obsolete.

I would love to post Shimmerain's history but Fallen and Xandalf would pick it to pieces and make fun of me! :(

11-01-2005, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I'm amazed that you took up 3 pages writing that.

Once you have grown to your full height you will understand Grasshopper, pray you are not blessed with banana fingers.

I write in almost all uppercase letters, just making the ones after the start of the sentence smaller, so they're all blocky, but very neat and legible.

How lame are you point that out, apparently not quite as pathetic as I am for defending my writing skills here.

11-02-2005, 04:29 PM
<<How lame are you point that out>>

How lame are your English?


11-03-2005, 04:28 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<How lame are you point that out>>

How lame are your English?


zing :(