View Full Version : WoW N00b Information?
10-28-2005, 10:16 AM
How pointless would it be for me to get into WoW now...? I am too far behind everyone else to even make it worth my time? and do you have a good page for me to check it out.. I wana look into it .. The days of GSIV are getting more borring.. I need a good side project and I figured what the hell maybe WoW...
10-28-2005, 10:26 AM
Na, never too late. People who have capped usually make alternate characters and level them up so they'll have more then one profession at cap.
I'd suggest just going to for a glimpse.
You should also try to determine what type of server you want to be on. There are 4 types, currently.
RP - Roleplaying (no retarded names, light RPing by the general public, more intense roleplaying in certain guilds that advertise)
There is no PvP unless you flag yourself or are in an arena.
Normal - Similar to Roleplaying, but without the roleplaying. Still no PvP unless you flag yourself or in an arena.
PvP - As soon as you're in a contested area (which is most of the lands) you are open game to anyone in the opposing faction. And they are open game too. For the most part quests and such won't take you into contested areas until you are level 20+. Plus side: Killing opposing faction without worrying about flags. Down side: (obvious) Getting killed by opposing faction & some quests are more difficult if you need to worry about PvP on top of the quest tasks.
RPPVP - These just popped up. Relatively low level servers so far. PvP servers with Roleplaying.
10-28-2005, 10:46 AM
I've been talking with Wuxong and we've narrowed it down to Warrior or Hunter for him (and RP server).
He's looking to level somewhat fast and be able to get decent gear. In GS he was a cleric and a ranger.
Anyone have any good sites he can visit for info? Or especially video? I think watching a video of a hunter and/or warrior would definitely help him decide on what would be the direction to go.
Any other sites than that would have vids that show off the hunter/warrior skills?
10-28-2005, 10:48 AM
Yeah please help me.. this WoW is way over my head.. or i am really tired... either way tho...
10-28-2005, 11:46 AM
its never too late to get into WoW. blizz purposefully designed it so that leveling isnt as tedious as other games such as gs4 or eq.
just pick any class and go play for a bit, if you dont like the class, make another. you can have up to 8 characters on 1 server i believe.
if you're really set on playing a warrior or a hunter, keep these things in mind:
a warrior is very dependant on gear, so unless you have a few blues here and there, the dmg won't be spectacular.
hunters are easily the easiest to level right next to the rogue. and if you go into the beastmastery tree, your pet gains godmode for like 15 seconds every 3 minutes.
pvp-wise its easier to pvp as a hunter
pve-wise hunters are a dime a dozen so if you ever decide to run end game instances like molten core, blackwing lair, or the new one ahn qiroq (sp?) you'll want a warrior because WoW is so melee dependant.
oh yea if you want to see videos, just go to sites like filefront or fileplanet and lok up the videos. theres also
[Edited on 10-28-2005 by Silvanostar]
10-28-2005, 11:51 AM
I thought it was 8 chars too, but I just created my 10th char on Argent Dawn the other day, lol.
And on RP servers you can have characters on both factions. on PvP servers you are limited to one faction.
10-28-2005, 11:53 AM
wow didnt know you could have toons on both factions on rp servers
and compared to gs4 game mechanics, wow is EASY
all you need to remember is that casters get screwed while melee can kill anything they want as long as they have healers
[Edited on 10-28-2005 by Silvanostar]
Some Rogue
10-28-2005, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Silvanostar
all you need to remember is that casters get screwed while melee can kill anything they want as long as they have healers
[Edited on 10-28-2005 by Silvanostar]
Hahahaha, what a load of crap.
1 on 1, any mage or shadow priest will own a warrior or rogue unless you're talking PvE then yeah, melee can solo more.
It's fine, learn2play.
Cry more nub.
[Edited on 10-28-2005 by Some Rogue]
10-28-2005, 12:50 PM
I don't think you can really say who is better at PvP. It depends on the player. I've seen mages kick the crap out of warriors, and priests kill shaman, and so on and so forth. Each class has their strengths and weaknesses, you just need to learn to use strategy and common sense.
I also think that Silvanostar is only speaking from a hunter's point of view since this person is posting rather biased about them. Heh. First time player? Try a warrior or rogue. Just stab stab, swing, smack.
Some Rogue
10-28-2005, 01:11 PM
There's more to playing a good warrior than that! ::mutters::
See if I ever help a troll out again!:moon2:
But yeah, that's all there is to being a rogue :lol: Did Scarlet Monastery last night with my rogue and it was so nice to just go in and be able to just kill stuff and not have to worry about tanking and trying to keep everyone alive.
[Edited on 10-28-2005 by Some Rogue]
10-28-2005, 01:19 PM
Oh I'm sorry. Charge, rage, swing, smack. My bad!
You know you want some trollish jungle love. :P
Some Rogue
10-28-2005, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Oh I'm sorry. Charge, rage, swing, smack. My bad!
You know you want some trollish jungle love. :P :hitit:
And you forgot some steps: let mage nuke, draw aggro and chase mage around while he runs away from you with the mob chasing, say screw it, let mage die, and laugh.
10-28-2005, 01:29 PM
You make me cry.
Originally posted by CrystalTears
It depends on the player. When it comes to PVP this can't be said enough. That and the gear.
10-28-2005, 03:50 PM
Great Hunter site...
10-28-2005, 03:56 PM
Can I play on a 56k? I was gonna buy it yesterday but I figured it would usck balls
10-28-2005, 04:01 PM
I know someone that plays via dial up. There are things she does miss out on like any type of raiding and even has lag in regular 5 man instances. But considering how many different things you can do in a game like WoW, it's not impossible to enjoy it.
10-28-2005, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Daniel
Can I play on a 56k? I was gonna buy it yesterday but I figured it would usck balls
If you avoid going to majorly populated or graphical areas (read: Ironforge) then it's possible.
Just make sure your PC is up to snuff. (1+ghz, 512mb+ram, 32mb+ video card)
10-28-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Silvanostar
pve-wise hunters are a dime a dozen so if you ever decide to run end game instances like molten core, blackwing lair, or the new one ahn qiroq (sp?) you'll want a warrior because WoW is so melee dependant.
Ahn'Quiraj, and there is no end game instance there
10-28-2005, 05:09 PM
I scoff at the insinuation that my PC isn't up to snuff.
Dwarven Empath
10-28-2005, 08:21 PM
I'm also thinking about going to WoW.
Are there player sites on the web I can browse through?
10-29-2005, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I don't think you can really say who is better at PvP. It depends on the player. I've seen mages kick the crap out of warriors, and priests kill shaman, and so on and so forth. Each class has their strengths and weaknesses, you just need to learn to use strategy and common sense.
I also think that Silvanostar is only speaking from a hunter's point of view since this person is posting rather biased about them. Heh. First time player? Try a warrior or rogue. Just stab stab, swing, smack.
i'm actually posting from a jaded mage's perspective. sure, i can do pretty well in pvp, but melee is the way to go as of now since all the melee stuff is getting more attention from blizz devs.
and hectomaner, Ahn'Quiraj is scheduled for the november patch update :P
10-30-2005, 08:30 PM
Definitely not too late to get started in WoW.
EverQuest would be a different matter entirely. ;)
Unlike Gemstone and EverQuest, WoW does NOT take an enormous amount of effort to cap a character. The game has been out for a little (over?) a year nor and has not even had it's first expansion pack released yet which will bring all sorts of new additions to an already perfectly made game.
Check out for all sorts of WoW information concerning classes, tradeskills, quests, and more.
10-31-2005, 11:03 AM
For me, the thing that cinched it as far as WoW goes was the "Leeroy Jenkins" video. I was kinda wavering on whether or not I'd try it out... but I downloaded that video after someone posted a link here on PC and I was like OMG I gotta try that! The whole idea of a 15-man raid with Teamspeak and graphics was way beyond cool to someone who had only played GS (ever). The video is meant to be a joke, of course, but it still got to me.
As far as getting started... pick a warrior, rogue, or hunter. They can solo pretty easily and aren't all that complicated to play so you can get used to the mechanics faster. Every class has "spells" in one form or another, some take mana, others take rage or energy. Once you do like 8-12 levels with your first char (can do that in a day if you're a freak, a couple of days for normal people), you can try a different profession/race/faction/servertype.
I recommend against PvP servers unless you can handle getting harassed by older and/or multiple players of the opposing faction, or "ganked." Ganking can make you want to throw your computer out of the window sometimes and is a fact of like on PvP servers. That being said, my chars are all on PvP servers. Leveling is slower on PvP servers too. If you have servers with friends on it, then try those of course.
I knew I was going to play a priest when I came to WoW so read all the guides I could find before I even bought the game. WoW is just like GS in the sense that people write quite extensive guides. The problem with WoW sites are that many of them operate in a BBS type format, and unless you bump the posts once every week or so they get deleted. I had a bunch of links to what I considered to be great guides that are no longer valid. There's an unofficial site in the UK that actually has guides stickied... I think it's You can also download addons there, which are pretty important once you get past the first few levels.
It's not too late to start, like others have mentioned. I took mine from 1-60 in about 3 months of somewhat obsessive playing, but it can be done much faster. The addicted people are always rolling up new alts, so there's always someone at your age level on the server. Just let people know if it's your first time in and instance/raid/etc if it is.
Have fun and be prepared to kiss whatever social life you may have had goodbye!
[Edited on 10-31-2005 by Trouble]
10-31-2005, 11:17 AM
Also alot of people are scared away from the talk of "3-4 hour raids". That is only at end game, and only to get better gear.
There are much shorter raids/instances to do (I was in an 8-man Baron run the other night that took an hour, and there were some really nice drops in it)
To gain experience, you do one of two things:
Quest - Talk to different people who have a yellow "!" over their head and decide if the quest is worth the time you'll put into doing it. Some quests are quick and simple, like a delivery. Other quests involve killing a certain number of beasts or collecting a certain number of items. Quest rewards can be anything from gold to items. Item rewards usually offer a few items to pick from, depending on your profession/armor. You will always gain experience from quests, sometimes quite a bit.
Grinding - This is killing. Killing just to get experience to level. It takes a while, but is necessary if you aren't in the mood to quest (or don't have any available).
There's also Farming, which is basically a term for killing things just to see if they'll drop any nice items. Lately I've been farming in the Blasted Lands (level 53-ish critters, I'm 60) just for runecloth (to make uber-bandages) and crystal fragments that drop (that can be turned in for a level 50ish magical item).
People are always willing to help, at least in our guild in Argent Dawn. I have a blacksmith, leatherworker, and tailor (young though) so I can make pretty much all the starting gear you'd need very easily.
10-31-2005, 11:49 AM
No it's not to late. I started a few months ago and I'm having a blast. My main character, Anticor, is a lvl 39 druid. I haven't played him in quite awhile because I got a whole bunch of buddies from work to start playing and I started a char to lvl with them. So now I also have a lvl 24 priest.
PvP is a riot and it's a rush. Being ganked can suck but I've never had it so bad that I felt like quitting or anything like that. You want to see ganktastic action head to Tarren Mill. It's a constant I gott quest but I'll get ganked area but it's still a blast.
When you pick professions it does help to pick two that support one another unless you're like me and just farm and pass the stuff off to guild members.
Lots of GS players on Dunemaul, horde side.
11-02-2005, 01:31 PM
Is there anything you don't know about any MMORP Anticor?
11-02-2005, 01:36 PM
What's an MMORPG? :cool:
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