01-14-2004, 07:51 AM
Long ago, on the night of a clear crisp winter solstice, while the Sisters gathered and danced within their circle, there came a visitor in the form of a warm spirit. It beckoned them to follow. Through a forest full of twists and turns, the warm spirit lead the Sisters to a crystal clear lake. Across the lake, topping the highest trees, they saw the three towers of Moonstone Abbey. The Sisters had once again a place in their beloved abbey.

After much toil and renovation, Moonstone Abbey now stood in all its splendor. A full cycle of the moons later, the members of Moonstone Abbey opened its doors for the public to bear witness to the magicks held deep inside the ancient abbey. This Grand Illumination and Blessing of the Lands has become an annual event.

However...there are more secrets to unfold, as once again on the cool winter solstice night, there came a dark spirit. It spoke of things hidden - of knowledge not yet learned. One name could be heard carried by the crisp breeze of the winter night...Makiri.

The members of Moonstone Abbey invite all to come join them in their annual celebration and Grand Illumination of Moonstone Abbey. Share in lore of the Abbey and learn of secrets not yet told. On the 21st day of Lormesta (January 21st) beginning at 10pm Elven time. Merryment! Dancing! A time for rededication. Moonstone Abbey can be found Southwest of the city of Ta'Illistim. Follow the illuminated path through the forest and the grove.