11-20-2005, 01:37 PM
Just thought I'd post a log of last night's fashion show for those interested. It was all very well done and the models and announcer did a fantastic job! Enjoy, although it is rather long for a log.
Ask and you shall Receive! Warning however, this is a pretty long log but it's worth the read in my opinion. I was so very impressed by Jaysehn, our announcer, and all of the models involved who all did these actions and speeches on their own, on the spot. They were so creative and wonderful! All of the outfits were beautiful!
[Champagne Tent]
White velvet hangings in long sweeping arcs endow the tent with an air of grace and good taste. Tall, arched candleabras hold dozens of flaming candles, spilling light onto crystalline chairs and gilded tables. Soft white carpets cover the ground, providing a quiet cushion for each footfall. The sweet scents of vanilla and jasmine perfume the air. You also see the Riverman disk, the Theogrim disk, the Missoni disk, the Perigourd disk and a lacquered brass cart with some stuff on it.
Also here: Umisko, Raliver, Riverman, Aydan, Great Lady Cristal, Jahariki, Satira, Theogrim, Evelith, Raeyanii who is sitting, Chanari, Lady Jerilyn who is sitting, Perigourd, Missoni, Great Lord Plur who is sitting, Zhorf who is sitting, Ehlerrond, Kateerina, Indica who is sitting, Inaara, Briah who is sitting, Daiyonn who is sitting, Lady Chisandra, Lady Michiko, Sarvia who is sitting, Karibeth, Jaysehn, Kasia, Stunseed, Nilandia, Lanitha who is sitting, Vyrshkana
Obvious exits: out
Jaysehn taps the tip of his faewood cane on the ground.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Good evening, everyone."
You take a few steps back.
Jaysehn clearly says, "I would like to say before we begin that I have done my best to capture the essence of these outfits in my narrations."
Jaysehn clearly says, "Should I fail....."
Jaysehn points at you.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Blame her."
You blush a nice shade of pink.
Riverman nods to Jaysehn.
Nilandia begins chuckling at Jaysehn!
Karibeth chuckles.
You poke Jaysehn in the ribs.
Jahariki chuckles.
Chisandra smiles quietly to herself.
Jerilyn chuckles.
Sarvia smiles quietly to herself.
Jaysehn clearly asks, "Well then....if we are ready?"
Jaysehn glances at you.
You nod to Jaysehn.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Our first model this evening is displaying an outfit designed by Milque O'Moonshade, an elfmaid of the Vaalor."
(Inaara smiles, shawl about her shoulders, pausing to gaze out at the audience before she starts.)
(Inaara glides across the cleared center of the floor, each step causing the flared cranberry silk hem of her gown to swirl about her lead leg just a moment afterwards revealing her pomegranate red slippers.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "Perfect for those early autumn nights when the faint chill of winter's approach can be felt, this ensemble brings to mind falling leaves turned the color of the season."
Inaara swings her hips in a saucy manner.
(Inaara pauses, head turning to extend the graceful line of her neck as she gazes off to the side, dark lashes lowered halfway. She allows her autumn-hued shawl to slide to the crooks of her elbows, baring her shoulders, the fringe dancing against her thighs.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "The dark hue of the slender cranberry dress is skillfully contrasted by the lighter hued shawl. ."
Inaara smiles softly.
Inaara removes a snow white silk fan painted with autumn leaves from her wrist.
With a precise flick of her wrist, Inaara opens a snow white silk fan painted with autumn leaves.
Jaysehn clearly says, "The colors stand apart, yet retain the exquisite feel of autumn's gentle touch."
(Inaara uses the fan to hide the lower half of her face, eyes a deep mysterious violet as she gazes coyly over the blades.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "The thin gold tiara seems to sit like a fallen leaf atop one's head, almost as though it awaits the next breeze to fly to another's brow."
(Inaara tilts her head towards the floor, the light gleaming off the golden leaves of her tiara as she moves the fan downwards, brushing the painted blades over the curves in the slim bodice of her gown, along her waist to rest on the outswell of her hip.)
With a graceful economy of movement, Inaara folds a snow white silk fan painted with autumn leaves neatly closed.
Inaara attaches a snow white silk fan painted with autumn leaves to her wrist.
Jaysehn clearly says, "The pomegranate like slippers recall fond memories of early autumn's harvest while the snow white fan hints at the season to come."
(Inaara spins lightly on the toe of one delicate dance slipper, sending her skirt twirling up about her shapely calves, the embroidered leaves floating as if caught in a gentle breeze.)
Inaara swings her hips in a saucy manner.
Daiyonn applauds Jaysehn.
Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.
You applaud.
(Inaara gives one last glance over her shoulder as she walks way.)
Stunseed applauds.
Kateerina applauds.
Zhorf applauds.
Jerilyn applauds.
Zhorf hoots.
Chanari applauds.
Raliver applauds.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Madam O'Moonshade designed the dress and dancing slippers herself. Our model is Inaara of House Zrenigotham."
You see Inaara.
She appears to be a Human from Jantalar.
She appears to be extremely young and shorter than average. She has long-lashed violet eyes and fair skin. She has very long, silky black hair secured into a spiral knotted bun by some twisted platinum hairsticks. She has an oval face, a small nose and full, softly curved, naturally pale pink lips.
She has a stylized sunburst tattoo encircling her navel with rippling silver-edged violet rays curling outwards.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a snow white silk fan painted with autumn leaves in her right hand.
She is wearing a thin gold tiara shaped as gently curling autumn leaves, a fringed autumn-hued shawl, a slender dark cranberry silk dress patterned with falling leaves that increase in number towards the flared hem, and a pair of pomegranate red dance slippers.
Indica applauds.
Plur whistles tunelessly to himself.
Nilandia applauds Inaara.
<<Insert Lots of applause here>>
Jaysehn clearly says, "The judges, so as not to forget what they have seen in the blinding fashion we are to see tonight, will take short pauses between each outfit to do their scoring."
You recite:
"Please help yourselves to food and drinks while they do their judging."
Jaysehn clears his throat.
Jaysehn taps the tip of his faewood cane on the ground.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Our second outfit of the evening comes from the Forest Gnome, Vyrshkana."
(Kasia gracefully steps forward, her long hair rustling softly against the delicate fabric of her kirtle as she turns in a slow circle before slowly gliding around the room.)
Jaysehn clearly exclaims, "Tonight, she has brought us a vision of her family and homeland, subtly disguised as a mere evening ensemble!"
Kasia turns around.
Kasia smiles warmly.
Michiko looks thoughtfully at Kasia.
Jaysehn clearly says, "The richly shaded satin kirtle, with its wonderful bronze hue is but the start of this outfit. If you could stand where I am, you would clearly see on the sage and russet cloak a motley collection of leather and stiffened wool leaves have been stitched to resemble an autumn forest canopy."
(Indica focuses her gaze on Vyrshkana.)
Vyrshkana lowers her head in a shy manner, laces her fingers behind her back and scuffs the ground with her foot.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Colors range from a deep emerald to shimmering ice green and pale fawn to dark reddish bronze. A pair of carved faewood iceblossoms clasp the throat, connected by a daintily wrought silver chain."
Theogrim gives Kasia a dreamy look.
(Kasia's lips twitch in a smile as she gently pulls aside her delicate veil before letting it fall to shade her face, brushing her hand down her cloak.)
Kasia sashays in a circle to the left.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Not to be outdone, the wispy bronze veil clearly has tiny scraps of voile, raw silk, and samite that have been cut into leaf shapes and stitched onto the burnished bronze veil, their variegated shades of copper, green, and fawn mimicking an autumn forest canopy."
Jaysehn clearly says, "Some of the leaves' veins and stems just beneath the top edge are shot with gold thread, leaving the glinting after-image of a pair of hawk wings spread in flight."
Indica gazes at Kasia.
Jaysehn clearly says, "What woman would go out without the proper accessories? These layered copper leaf hoops are centered around a spiraling wire core. Tiny copper oak leaves have been welded and shaped to mimic a swirl of autumn wind. ."
Jaysehn clearly says, "The leaves are unevenly polished, leaving some glistening while others remain dark. Intricate veins have been scorched into the surface of each, giving them shadowy skeletons."
Jaysehn clearly exclaims, "Complete the picture with some dainty sorrel boots and we can all clearly see that Madam Vyrshanka has brought the woods to us!"
(Kasia's feet move gracefully around the room, displaying her dainty feet in swishes of skirts as she walks back to the head of the room)
Jaysehn clearly says, "Madam Vyrshanka personally designed every piece of this outfit, including the stunning hair design. Our model was Kasia McCairnis."
You see Kasia McCairnis.
She appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
She appears to be mature and taller than average. She has slightly-tilted, alluring stormy grey eyes and bronze skin. She has knee-length, thick sorrel hair cut in a tumble of loose curls and held back by a leather thong strung with gold-banded flight feathers. She has an upturned nose and slightly upswept pointed ears. Her finely contoured features are accentuated by her high cheekbones.
She has a fox-motif Vaalor crest tattoo on her wrist, and some layered copper leaf hoops in her left eyebrow.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a variegated sage and russet cloak, a richly shaded bronze satin kirtle with wispy russet voile sleeves, an elegant silver and ruby ring, and some dainty sorrel boots.
<<show on earrings: Around a spiraling wire core, tiny copper oak leaves have been welded and shaped to mimic a swirl of autumn wind. The leaves are unevenly polished, leaving some glistening while others remain dark. Intricate veins have been scorched into the surface of each, giving them shadowy skeletons.
<<You notice that your copper leaf hoops could be worn in your right ear, though you could probably flip it to change that.
<<SHOW on veil: Tiny scraps of voile, raw silk, and samite have been cut into leaf shapes and stitched onto the burnished bronze veil, their variegated shades of copper, green, and fawn mimicking an autumn forest canopy. Some of the leaves' veins and stems just beneath the top edge are shot with gold thread, leaving the glinting after-image of a pair of hawk wings spread in flight.
<<SHOW on cloak: Against a plain background of fine hunter green linen, a motley collection of leather and stiffened wool leaves have been stitched to resemble an autumn forest canopy. Colors range from a deep emerald to shimmering ice green and pale fawn to dark reddish bronze. A pair of carved faewood iceblossoms clasp the throat, connected by a daintily wrought silver chain.
<<SHOW on wig: This expertly crafted wig is made of knee-length, thick sorrel hair cut in a tumble of loose curls and held back by a leather thong strung with gold-banded flight feathers.
<<insert tons of applause here>>
Vyrshkana lowers her head in a shy manner, laces her fingers behind her back and scuffs the ground with her foot.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Once again, the judges will take a short break to tabulate their scores."
Jaysehn clears his throat.
Jaysehn taps the tip of his faewood cane on the ground.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Gracing us with the elegance of the Sylvan people is our third designer, Nilandia Liserna."
Nilandia smiles.
(Nilandia steps forward to the center of the gathering, the soles of her rich copper silk slippers whispering against the white carpets of the tent. She turns slowly, allowing everyone to see her ensemble from all angles.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "Based on how we might expect to see a Sylvan maid dressed for the season, the focal point of this outfit is without question the finely pleated kirtle with the ivory armband-hung sleeves."
(Nilandia's waistchain sparkles gently in the ambient light as she runs her slender fingers over the gold links to draw attention to it. The fine chain stirs in response, producing an almost musical sound.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "Madam Nilandia informs us that this piece is properly called a bliaut in her homeland. In truth, who can blame her? The Common tongue hardly has the words for such understated elegance."
Indica gazes with interest at Nilandia.
Nilandia smiles.
Nilandia nods to Jaysehn.
You smile at Jaysehn.
Michiko looks thoughtfully at Nilandia.
(Nilandia turns her head to the side a bit, the candlelight playing across the gold with a warm glow. As she does so, the golden highlights of her sunset red hair glimmer softly as the tresses spill from her shoulder.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "While the educated person is well aware that Sylvans typically use natural materials and metals in their design, I would like to make a special note of the skill with which this practice is carried out here."
Nilandia removes a coppery spidersilk fan patterned with complex knotwork from her wrist.
With a precise flick of her wrist, Nilandia opens a coppery spidersilk fan patterned with complex knotwork.
(Nilandia lightly fans herself for a moment, the copper spiderilk shimmering with the movement. She smiles warmly and rests the blades on her opposite shoulder, highlighting her slender collarbone and graceful neck.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "The leaf atop our designer's head is so finely made that one would have to be this close to realize it is actually gold and not some trick of magic."
Folding her wrist gracefully, Nilandia rests her open spidersilk fan against her opposite shoulder.
Jaysehn clearly says, "The waistchain's strands are accented by leaf shaped jewels cut by the most skillful of hands."
(Nilandia executes another turn, this time using her free hand to draw attention to the cut of her gown. Gold silk edges the neckline and winds about her waist to accentuate her lithe, slender figure, finely pleated copper falling from it to the floor. Couched copper leaves swirl along the gown, collecting at the hem of her skirts and knee-length sleeves hung from ivory armbands.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "The complex knotwork to be found on the fan must have taken its patterner days to complete."
Jaysehn clearly exclaims, "At the same time the copper satin slippers help to blend the natural fibers of fabric with the sheen of metallic color, a very subtle touch indeed!"
With a graceful economy of movement, Nilandia folds a coppery spidersilk fan patterned with complex knotwork neatly closed.
Nilandia taps her closed spidersilk fan against the back of her opposite wrist.
Nilandia attaches a coppery spidersilk fan patterned with complex knotwork to her wrist.
You ponder the meaning of Nilandia's existence.
(Nilandia sweeps the skirts of her bliaut into her hand as she drops an elegant curtsy.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "Madam Nilandia herself designed the bliaut and employed Mavika to make it."
You see Nilandia Liserna the Historian.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Lassaran D'ahranal.
She appears to be youthful and tall. She has softly sparkling, gold-flecked forest green eyes and smooth, creamy white skin. She has very long, golden-highlighted sunset red hair divided into two pairs of two tresses each, wrapped elaborately together with silk ribbons. She has a gentle and delicate face, a slender nose and slightly upswept ears that taper into fine points. She has slender hands with long, soft fingers and gently curving rose-red lips.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a thin gold tiara shaped as gently curling autumn leaves, a fine-pleated copper silk kirtle with silk ivory armband-hung sleeves, a coppery spidersilk fan patterned with complex knotwork, a triple-strand gold waistchain with jeweled leaves, and some copper satin slippers.
<<insert tons of applause here>>
(Nilandia steps away from the center, back to her original place.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "While our judges score the outfit, I invite any who have not already done so to help themselves to refreshments."
Jaysehn clearly says, "Of course, help yourself to more, if you already have."
Jaysehn clears his throat.
Jaysehn taps the tip of his faewood cane on the ground.
Jaysehn clearly says, "In a color I myself have taken to this season, our final designer, Jerilyn, has graced us with an outfit hued in the rich, deep purple of the plum."
(Evelith walks forward gracefully, her deep black skirts rustling as she moves. Placing a hand on the brilliant plum bodice of her gown, she drops into a deep curtsy. The bodice is resplendent with glass crystals that shimmer as they are caught in the light given by the elegant candleabras.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "The clear showpiece here is the satin gown, which all can see has a brilliant plum satin bodice with an intricately embroidered matching lace overlay."
Jaysehn clearly says, "Deep plum lace appliques and beautiful glass crystals form a heart shaped neckline. The back of the bodice is open, crossed with black ribbons and bordered by silver embroidered lace. Tight sleeves of a deep black end in a lacy pattern attached to the middle finger with a silver embroidered loop."
Evelith smiles as she glances up, then rises. She runs a smoothing hand over the black skirts of the gown, calling attention the plum satin underskirts that present a muted, yet elegant complement.
Jaysehn clearly says, "The skirt, of the same black satin, opens from the waist, widening in the front to show the plum satin beneath."
(Evelith turns, dropping the ebon silk of her shawl to display the open back of her gown. Ribbons cross over each other from her shoulders to the small of her back, their black hue a stark contrast against the ivory of her skin.)
Jaysehn clearly says, "The large amethyst pendant speaks of a quiet confidence, while its delicate chain whispers the elegance of the piece."
Evelith just tried to pull a gossamer ebon spidersilk wrap.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Our journey through purple continues with the inspired plum silk purse. ."
Evelith indicates her a deep plum silk purse with a smile.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Would that you had my view, you would see that Finely spun silk was used to make this small lady's bag with a black satin cord wound around the opening of the purse, to cinch it closed."
Evelith smiles as she faces those gathered, grasping the elegant lady's purse lightly.
Jaysehn clearly says, "An overlay of ebon black lace and silver crystal beads decorate this otherwise plain purse."
Jaysehn clearly says, "The black accents return with the crystal beaded satin slippers and the gossamer ebony wrap, the finishing touches to this muted journey through the virtues of plum."
You smile.
(Evelith pulls lightly at her black skirts and touches her toe to the carpetted floor to display her plum slippers.)
Evelith turns around.
Evelith turns around.
Jaysehn clearly says, "Madam Jerilyn is responsible for the design of every piece here, save the wrap. Our model was Madam Evelith of Vaalor."
(Evelith gathers the gossamer silk of her wrap over her shoulders as she dips into a deep curtsy.)
You see Evelith.
She appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
She appears to be very young and tall. She has dark-rimmed pale grey eyes and ivory skin. She has long, wavy locks of silken charcoal black hair held in a loose chignon by some thin violet mithril hairpins. She has a delicate face, a thin nose and high cheekbones.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a deep plum silk purse in her right hand.
She is wearing a large amethyst teardrop pendant hanging from a thin silver chain, a gossamer ebon spidersilk wrap, a satin plum and black gown, and a pair of plum satin slippers with black crystal beading.
<<SHOW on gown: This gown has a brilliant plum satin bodice with an intricately embroidered matching lace overlay. Deep plum lace appliques and beautiful glass crystals form a heart shaped neckline. The back of the bodice is open, crossed with black ribbons and bordered by silver embroidered lace. Tight sleeves of a deep black end in a lacy pattern attached to the middle finger with a silver embroidered loop. The skirt, of the same black satin, opens from the waist, widening in the front to show the plum satin beneath.
<<SHOW on purse: Finely spun silk was used to make this small lady's bag with a black satin cord wound around the opening of the purse, to cinch it closed. An overlay of ebon black lace and silver crystal beads decorate this otherwise plain purse.
Jaysehn clearly says, "A final round of applause please for all our designers and our fearless models."
You recite:
"If you would all please give us a moment, we'll tally up the judges votes and announce our winners. Shortly afterwards, we will draw for the Harvest basket."
Jaysehn takes a few steps back.
Plur recites:
"If any women try to kill Jaysehn aft'r da show because o' da scores he will announce, you'll have to get through me, his bodyguard firs'. Note that I am easily persuad'd by kind words, a gentle touch and ale. That is all."
Plur sits down.
Jaysehn glances at Plur.
Nilandia begins chuckling at Plur!
Jahariki turns to Plur and cheers!
Plur winks at Jaysehn.
Nilandia softly asks, "A pretty face, too?"
Plur snickers.
Plur exclaims, "Yes!"
Plur nods to Nilandia.
Kateerina smirks.
Plur snickers.
Nilandia raises her voice in merry laughter.
Jaysehn clearly says, "I would like to make it clear that I am not a judge."
Theogrim whistles tunelessly to himself.
Jaysehn nods.
Speaking softly to Jaysehn, Nilandia says, "You are in trouble."
Jaysehn clearly says, "VERY clear."
You recite:
"Alright if we can have some quiet please, we will announce the winners!"
(Vyrshkana hides behind Nilandia.)
You recite:
"In third place, with a wonderfully designed outfit...we have.."
You recite:
You remove a Wehnimer's promissory note from in your russet silk dress.
Vyrshkana has accepted your offer and is now holding a Wehnimer's promissory note.
Vyrshkana says, "Tank oos."
You curtsy to Vyrshkana.
You say, "Congratulations."
Vyrshkana lowers her head in a shy manner, laces her fingers behind her back and scuffs the ground with her foot.
You recite:
"In Second place, with a wonderful ethnic designed outfit.. we have.."
You recite:
You remove a Wehnimer's promissory note from in your russet silk dress.
Nilandia softly says, "Thank you very much."
Speaking to Nilandia, you say, "This is only part of your prize, we have the rest on it's way."
Nilandia has accepted your offer and is now holding a Wehnimer's promissory note.
Naessi taps a sleeveless honey-colored silk gown with an amber-beaded empire waist, which is in her right hand.
Nilandia softly exclaims, "That is lovely!"
Nilandia accepts Naessi's silk gown.
Speaking to Nilandia, Naessi says, "It's also been enchanted three times, in case you find yourself being attacked at the ball."
You grin at Nilandia.
You recite:
"And for first place, with the prize of an original Harvest themed Nalea gown..we have.."
You whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
You ask, "Did everyone enjoy yourselves tonight?"
Nilandia chuckles.
Vyrshkana blinks.
Riverman softly says, "Yes."
Evelith laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Cristal smiles.
Jahariki nods to you.
Twellyn starts chuckling at you!
Vyrshkana stares at you.
Indica appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Sarvia chuckles.
Raeyanii giggles at you!
Sarvia shakes her head.
Sarvia nods.
You say, "Good! We should do this again sometime."
Twellyn exclaims, "The winner!"
You ask, "The wha?"
You say, "Oh yes."
Vyrshkana exclaims, "Winner!"
You say, "The winner."
Jahariki snickers.
You cough.
Cristal grins.
You grin impishly.
Balinworn applauds.
Vyrshkana exclaims, "Is beinged sayings who winninged!"
You recite:
"Milque! Who unfortunately could not attend, so we have Indica here to represent her."
You remove a leaf-patterned green gossamer houppelande with a fitted golden bodice from in your russet silk dress.
Theogrim whispers, "No more special cigars for you."
You tap a leaf-patterned green gossamer houppelande with a fitted golden bodice, which is in your right hand.
Indica's jaw drops.
Speaking to Indica, Satira says, "Lovely job."
Indica recites:
"I know she will be quite astounded."
Indica has accepted your offer and is now holding a leaf-patterned green gossamer houppelande with a fitted golden bodice.
Indica recites:
"An'thankful as well."
You recite:
"And for the other designer, we have a small token of appreciation for entering. Your outfit was lovely."
You nod to Jerilyn.
You remove a Wehnimer's promissory note from in your russet silk dress.
Jerilyn has accepted your offer and is now holding a Wehnimer's promissory note.
You curtsy to Jerilyn.
Speaking clearly to you, Jaysehn says, "Plum is very fine, I'll have you know."
Jaysehn attends to his miniver longcoat, making the longcoat as presentable as possible.
Theogrim appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Raliver smiles.
Speaking to Jaysehn, you say, "I adore plum, myself."
Jaysehn nods.
Speaking to you, Jerilyn says, "Thank you."
You recite:
"Alright we'll draw for the basket winner now"
Plur says, "...and as a free door prize to every woman who attend'd get a free date wit' Jaysehn."
Jaysehn stares at Plur.
Jaysehn places his hand on his inlaid cordovan swordbelt.
Satira recites:
"Alright I have the winner of all these goodies."
Jaysehn glances at Plur.
Speaking to Plur, Stunseed says, "But then he'd date every fashionable woman this side of the mountains.."
Satira recites:
"The winner of the raffle is..."
Nilandia quietly says, "Not everyone would complain..."
Satira recites:
Theogrim blinks.
Theogrim holds his sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.
Theogrim accepts Satira's knapsack.
Satira says, "Enjoy the skirt."
Satira nods to Theogrim.
Speaking to Theogrim, you say, "Congratulations. You'll look ravishin in that skirt."
Michiko chuckles.
Jahariki laughs!
You grin.
Theogrim just opened a knapsack.
Theogrim says, "Ruh roh."
Theogrim stares at something in a knapsack.
You grin at Theogrim.
Theogrim says, "Jarly and Scax gonna tear me apart."
Theogrim exclaims, "Lotta cookies!"
Theogrim removes a cinnamon silk cardigan fastened with bright ivory ribbons from in his knapsack.
Theogrim removes some ivory velvet slippers with delicate gold heels from in his knapsack.
Theogrim stares at his ivory velvet slippers.
Speaking to Theogrim, Satira says, "I hand picked all of those, so you better enjoy them."
Theogrim removes a cinnamon silk skirt with a white lace crinoline from in his knapsack.
Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.
You recite:
"Just so you know, they are not all for just women, normally. This time considering the nature of the event, we decided to cater to women."
Satira says, "Also, there's plenty of things to eat in there as well."
Theogrim grins evilly.
Satira says, "So it isn't entirely feminine."
You recite:
"If you all are interested in purchasing any baskets that we design for you to deliver to a friend or loved one, please let a member of Elanthian Elegance know."
You recite:
"Our members are Evelith, Kasia, myself, Jaysehn, Satira, Naessi, Michiko and Jesae."
You recite:
"We also have a part time member, Karibeth. Any of us can be reached regarding questions for Elanthian Elegance or its baskets."
You recite:
"At this time if any of you have questions regarding Elanthian Elegance or what we do, please feel free to whisper to any one of us."
You recite:
"If not, please feel free to stay, visit with each other and partake of the food and drinks! And have a good evening."
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