View Full Version : The bunny man

10-08-2003, 06:57 PM
It all started awhilea go when I was sukara's tent. I fell asleep on accident, and when I was sleeping I happened to get picked. Well, since I was sleeping, I can imagine it was quite annoying to Sukara. So, she changed my claidhmroe tattoo on my arm to a dancing bunny tattoo. When I woke up I found myself somewhere in shanty town with beer and ale all around me.

Well,many months ago, (recently) i went ot the artisans faire. There was Bindi, (My favorite merchant), I got my plate altered, and a few other things. I happened to fall asleep agian at that time, (I told her I had to go and would be back soon) and when I came back I had a bunny costume on me!

It was real ugly, frilly and stuff. Had pink roltons dancing embroidred on it.

I Whispered to her and asked her how she just made this costume on me, and she whispered back that she altered my claidhmore pin that I was wearing, (I was wearing it the whole time I Never gave it to her) into this costume.

The pin happened to have a spell in it, +2 or so like a minor eblade. And it was non crumbly reimbeddable. After some talking I got the costume altered the way I liked it.

And it was stuck to me so I cant remove it. (She did this so I cant sell it apparently)

Well its pretty cool! Here's what it does when you rub it:

You rub a pristine white bunny costume embroidered with pink roltons dancing around a veil iron border of daisies.
1d100: 55 + Modifiers: 62 == 117

A bright glow forms around your short sword for a moment, then seems to seep into the weapon, giving it an inner glow.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

10-08-2003, 06:58 PM
Ya said all this already. You must be really proud of your outfit or you wouldn't bring it up so much.

[Edited on 10/8/2003 by CrystalTears]

10-08-2003, 06:59 PM
I am. I just wanted some people to have a kick out of the story if they didn't know already

10-08-2003, 07:04 PM
That outfit is a crime against God and man.

Also, it has minor elemental edge in it because your old claidhmore pin did.

10-08-2003, 07:28 PM
My bunny rocks.


10-08-2003, 08:28 PM
heh, that is fascinating, really.


10-08-2003, 08:30 PM
I actually loved how you cried and whined about getting your beloved claidhmore tattoo changed into a little bunny.

Tell us that part again.. I can't get enough of it.

10-08-2003, 08:35 PM
Heh. Cute story. It is always a bit more fun when the GMs have a sense of humor about things. The bunny suit is your lasting reminder that it is never smart to go to "sleep" during a merchant event. ;)


10-08-2003, 08:45 PM
Wow, it really is stuck to you permanently? Haha.

10-08-2003, 08:47 PM
I'll use your analogy you said before, harmnone..

Would you laugh and says that if that boy would had been forced by his school's director to wear a pink bikini in class, just because he felt asleep during a course?

I would assist until that crap was outta me

[Edited on 9-10-03 by Xcalibur]

10-08-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
I'll use your analogy you said before, harmnone..

Would you laugh and says that if that boy would had been forced by his school's director to wear a pink bikini in class, just because he felt asleep during a course?

I would assist until that crap was outta me

[Edited on 9-10-03 by Xcalibur]

Heh. In this particular case, the wearer seems to enjoy the bunny suit. So... no harm, no foul, I say.

HarmNone thinks it is a cute bunny suit

10-08-2003, 09:23 PM
Yeah I have to agree.. that is pretty harsh that it's stuck to him permanenty AND he lost an item that wasn't given to her. I mean..it's great that he likes the costume now but principle wise it was out of line in my opinion. I can't count how many merchants I have been to where someone who got picked was sleeping. They woke up and apologized but still..noone changed something on them that they couldn't remove.

10-08-2003, 10:54 PM
That's what you get for "falling asleep" at a merchant gathering. Sorry but I have zero sympathy for people who sleep out at merchants to get their chance in before others and not even be available when called. I'm tickled bunny pink that they did that, and I hope they follow that example and do that to other people who act the same as well.

10-09-2003, 04:07 AM
This is kind of off topic, but I want to share it anyways. Once I had an alter that Sukara did (she's bad with typos) that had a couple typos and was grammatically incorrect. I assisted about it, and a GH listened to my story. He told me to hold on a couple minutes; then tells me to check the item. Sure as heck, the description had been fixed without me physically handing it to anyone and I was thrilled about it.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong.....but the 'simu position' I've heard on this sort of thing is they can't change any item that's not in their possession. But apparently that is false.

10-09-2003, 04:24 AM
If I was a merchant, and someone on my list fell asleep or ghosted, they'd wake up with a much worse suprise, believe you me.

10-09-2003, 07:45 AM
In Plat, Balouga changed a male character into a female-attire, weapons and all. And I am sure she wasnt holding him.

It was hilarious. He stayed a she quite some time too. Until she decided to change him back.

NEVER annoy Balouga!

Acolyte Kurili, fondly remembering Boomsplat...with the daisies on his shield and the nice skirt

10-09-2003, 08:01 AM
You forgot the part of the story where you thought she put a spell in the costume and it turned out you had it in your claid pin the entire time.

I was thinking about starting a topic about something that happened awhile ago and I've already started at least 1 topic on it in the not to distant past. Damn you for taking my ideas.

A warrior in a bunny suit wouldn't be so bad if you were something other than a giantman, you're a disgrace to the bloodline.

Anyone that camps out and falls asleep at a merchant should be dropped into a pit full of bugs and snakes that give stackable posions so the idiot dies nice and slow like.

10-09-2003, 04:31 PM
I do have to agree with the consensus that falling asleep at a merchant is plain rude and inconsiderate. You are dang lucky you didn't wake up dead or worse.

10-09-2003, 06:38 PM
I got an alter today and we were joking about how I could make a vine-covered vultite shield etched with the image of an exotic dark-elven female stalking a limping Warclaidhm.

10-09-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
In Plat, Balouga changed a male character into a female-attire, weapons and all. And I am sure she wasnt holding him.

It was hilarious. He stayed a she quite some time too. Until she decided to change him back.

NEVER annoy Balouga!

Acolyte Kurili, fondly remembering Boomsplat...with the daisies on his shield and the nice skirt

Heh. I would have done most anything to have seen that! :lol:

HarmNone is giggling at the thought

10-09-2003, 06:47 PM
GMs (and I guess GHs) are able to look at all of the scripts, and change all of the scripts on any item.

Look <item>, is just a unique script, and the GH (or a GM they asked) just edited it.

10-09-2003, 07:00 PM
That's not what really ticked me off. What really ticked me off is when I wrote to feedback and a GM responded and said this: I understand about your bunny tattoo. However, since it was your fault for falling asleep, and since merchants don't like that, I'll give you 2 choices.

Choice 1) I will change the tattoo back to the claidhmore tattoo but if I do this, you can never get any alterations or services from Sukara or any of her sisters ever agian.

Choice 2) Wait till the next tattoo merchant comes

You can email me with your decision.



(Forgot the GM who said that, heh)

10-09-2003, 07:01 PM
Sounds reasonable to me.

10-09-2003, 07:02 PM
Be a man, remove that crap and walk proudly, and turn off your damn computer (or at least quit) if you do other stuff

10-09-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by LaVaca
That's not what really ticked me off. What really ticked me off is when I wrote to feedback and a GM responded and said this: I understand about your bunny tattoo. However, since it was your fault for falling asleep, and since merchants don't like that, I'll give you 2 choices.

Choice 1) I will change the tattoo back to the claidhmore tattoo but if I do this, you can never get any alterations or services from Sukara or any of her sisters ever agian.

Choice 2) Wait till the next tattoo merchant comes

You can email me with your decision.



(Forgot the GM who said that, heh)

First off the costume isn't stuck to him, its a pin worn costume. I saw him take it off and put it back on several times ... it was just cursed for the first day. Warclaidhm don't forget to mention when Bindi (Sukara's other player) offered to remove the bunny tattoo, you said no its fine. And please, don't take this as a flame, and then get mad at me IG. If your going to tell a story, tell it right to these people. If you seriously didn't like the bunny crap, with roltons on the costume dancing, why on earth did ye' make pink rolton pants to match? :?:

[Edited on 10-9-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

10-09-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
If you seriously didn't like the bunny crap, with roltons on the costume dancing, why on earth did ye' make pink rolton pants to match? :?:

:lol: :lol:

10-09-2003, 08:55 PM
He didn't turn off his computer because he was hiding the fact that he was on it from his parents and meant to sneak back to the computer later on that night after they were in bed and he wound up falling asleep. Sukara waited two hours for him to wake up and he didn't. He got lucky waking up with a tattoo, if I would have been the GM he would have wound up with much worse.

Making a thread about yourself to get attention is stooping to a new low.

10-09-2003, 09:03 PM
how do you know that? he told you? hehehehehehe

10-09-2003, 09:04 PM
Oh, God... I remember those days.

Stuffing a pillow next to the back of my computer so my parents wouldn't hear the modem dialing up.

Thank God they are over.

10-09-2003, 09:06 PM
LOL! ;o)

10-09-2003, 09:07 PM
He got lucky waking up with a tattoo, if I would have been the GM he would have wound up with much worse.

Heh, if I was the GM, I'd have killed him, closed the flap to the tent, prevented spells, and then altered for everyone in the room.

Then again, I'm a spiteful, spiteful bastard.

10-09-2003, 09:09 PM
There are reasons none of us are GM's.

Me? I'd only do my own alters. I'd have people give me items they wanted done, and do whatever I wanted (within reason. Like they could pick a color and a theme.)

10-09-2003, 09:11 PM
Okay, I'm confused. Are you happy with the costume or complaining about it?

<mutters something about pink roltons>


10-09-2003, 09:20 PM
I'm asking the same thing.

-Athie (wondering with Vesi)

10-09-2003, 09:54 PM
I have a new bunny.


(look down)

Edit: Damn it's not working.

[Edited on 10-10-2003 by Tayre]

[Edited on 10-10-2003 by Tayre]

10-09-2003, 09:56 PM
Aww a cute cussing bunny ;o)

10-09-2003, 09:57 PM
It's so funny it's SICK.

Edit: Ok this new one is funny and more masculine.

Pink is not cool.

[Edited on 10-10-2003 by Tayre]

10-09-2003, 10:02 PM
I dono ... I think pink is *your* color ;oP

10-09-2003, 10:43 PM
Heh. I considered telling you all to get back on topic, but what the hell! You are talking about bunnies, after all. :D

HarmNone the bunny-talk promoter

10-09-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Oh, God... I remember those days.

Stuffing a pillow next to the back of my computer so my parents wouldn't hear the modem dialing up.

Thank God they are over.

Oh my god, I thought I was the only one, or one of the very few, to do that... I had it down to a technique, as in.. which pillows were best for the job and how to hold them. I found that the couch cushions (the back ones) were the best, held over the vent openings. I also tried to time it to when the A/C kicked on, hoping that'd help muffle it too.

Gemstone III has been a nasty addiction since I was fourteen (although I was forced to quit cold turkey for a while when it went pay on the web! Grr!)

10-11-2003, 05:54 AM
Well at first I said I didn't like bunnies in game, (I love rabbits in real life) but I got used to the costume. Yep, I like it. I didn't put pink roltons to match, it was bindi made it that way. I only altered the veil iron border part and made it pristine instead of filithy.

Well awhile ago I was going to do a "rabbit re-production" project for school. And so we got 2 of them together, they did their thing, and in a month, the female had many, many, babies. For some reason the mother rabbits sometimes dismember their babies, and that happened to a few of them. Most of them came out fine. We did this a few more times, intill we had 16. Then my dog brandon tore up a few, and now we're down to 11.

So I really like bunnies in real life and out. And this rabbit thing in game which started by Sukara is funny because it just happened.

[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]

[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]

10-11-2003, 05:55 AM
Rabbits, like most rodents, only eat their babies if they're feeling threatened or crowded.

10-11-2003, 06:00 AM
OMG I used to have to creep down to the office, pray to god the extra loud modem would not wake my parents, then sit in the cold with no lights on playing til about 5 am. Our provider in those days was pay per minute, so after three months of constantly huge bills my Dad put a lock on the door. So I'd use the PC during the day for school work and just before leaving for the night I'd unlock the large window next to me. He'd then lock up and go to bed. I'd wait a few hours, then go down stairs, go outside, open the window, climb in, and play.

Sad yes, but back then it was magical (GS I mean).

10-11-2003, 06:04 AM
I used to do shit like that.

Those were the days!

10-11-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by LaVaca
Well at first I said I didn't like bunnies in game, (I love rabbits in real life) but I got used to the costume. Yep, I like it. I didn't put pink roltons to match, it was bindi made it that way. I only altered the veil iron border part and made it pristine instead of filithy.

Well awhile ago I was going to do a "rabbit re-production" project for school. And so we got 2 of them together, they did their thing, and in a month, the female had many, many, babies. For some reason the mother rabbits sometimes dismember their babies, and that happened to a few of them. Most of them came out fine. We did this a few more times, intill we had 16. Then my dog brandon tore up a few, and now we're down to 11.

So I really like bunnies in real life and out. And this rabbit thing in game which started by Sukara is funny because it just happened.

[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]

[Edited on 10-11-2003 by LaVaca]

Well at least we know that you do like it, you had some of us confused ... but you did make pink rolton pants, I saw them when you showed Bindi the next day ... :wow:

10-12-2003, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
Rabbits, like most rodents, only eat their babies if they're feeling threatened or crowded.

....this is spoken as an anal retentive almost-zoology major. Rabbits are not rodents. They're lagomorphs. Most people think they're different just because of their double sets of incisors but they also bear certain other skeletal differences.

10-12-2003, 11:59 AM
I didn't have my own computer until I was in college and worked for a computer programmer who taught me how to build my own. I didn't find Gemstone until a couple of years later, although I was always on Prodigy or the Imagination Network playing games. Never had to hide my addictions.

10-12-2003, 07:24 PM
Daina, doll, ye weren't missin' much... Then again, as a teenager, what good was an addiction if you didn't have to be creative to hide it from your parents. Granted, I never had to put pillows over the modem, then again, my parents were heavy sleepers.

10-14-2003, 02:45 PM
Same here..... I didn't have my first computer until WELL into college.