View Full Version : Edge shall get a beating

06-05-2003, 12:02 AM
Bro, I don't need my friends to jack you. They'll just be there to make sure no one interferes. You might as well make reservations for the hospital. Ex-Marine my ass, you're gonna eat shit come Thrilla. However, lets show a little respect for Ciston's property and go down the street.

06-05-2003, 12:09 AM
nah brawl right in his house

06-05-2003, 01:42 AM
Oh, now this outta be a comical fight. Nothing more fun than seeing two people fight that each think they're the shit.

Assuming one or both isn't barred from Ken's place, we'll first hear shit-talking that will go on for a good 20 minutes or more, neither wanting to make the first move, then you get to see how sloppy and gay they fight if they do end of rumbling. And that's pretty bad considering I don't ever use the lame word "gay".

I'm a weight-lifting football player, I can kick your ass. I'm an ex-marine bar-room brawler, I can kick your ass. Lol, you two need to quit trying to build up an imagine thinking it'll strike fear into people. The loud shit-talkers and those that list things about themselves to make them sound tough are the biggest pussies there are.

Edge, you were doing good staying away from the boards and spending quality time with your family. Forget this lame ass thread and go back to having fun. No need to build up more useless BS.

Sean, quit talking shit as it's very old and all it does it continue to make you look bad no matter how much you may enjoy all the reactions. You think you're getting the last laugh but actually we are. You're starting to now annoy even me with this garbage whereas before it was at least somewhat stupidly amusing. So just cut the act now. If you really want to prove everyone you're the shit at the Thrilla, I'll gladly toss your ass out of Ken's myself. Oh, and just to boost your confidence, I'm not an ex-marine, football player, six-foot+, or yolked out juicer. :D

You fools are nothing but a joke. Grow up.

- N

[edit: I didn't notice the recent post in the older folder. Glad to see Edge just called the bluff and wasn't saying it just to be a wiseass. Sorry.]

[Edited on Jun th, 2003 by Neildo]

06-05-2003, 03:33 AM
Edge, i got ur back dawg, let me know if i gotta roll up to this thing, remember i'm right in vegas, i'm sure i could get one of my boyz to give me a ride. ;)

06-05-2003, 04:34 AM
Spanky ...

About the only thing you can beat is your pud and I'm sure that monkey probably beats you more than you beat it.

06-05-2003, 06:50 AM
I'm pretty sure everyones done with these topics.

06-05-2003, 10:00 AM
Sorry, I can't resist. Kesir, you failed to answer my question in the last thread. If you're a football star at the place you SAY you are, why isn't your name on the roster? There's only one Sean there, he went to High School in Colorado. There are two from where you claim to have gone to HS. Which one are you? PROVE IT!!!

P.S. GS4Gurl's post about your room also asked a few very good questions. I guess we'll have to wait until we see your house on "cribs" (snicker).

[Edited on 6-6-2003 by SpunGirl]

06-05-2003, 11:08 AM
Hehe yeah It's funny he won't answer our questions. I do find it funny "rich" people have closets bigger than his crappy bedroom.

It's going to be even funnier once he realizes Ken/Ciston isn't even going to let Sean on his property to begin with. Seriously, who in their right mind would?

In any case. I wana see pictures of Sean getting a beat down! GO Edge! My money is on you!!!

06-05-2003, 02:04 PM
He's underage. I'll make sure Ken don't let him in. hehe

06-05-2003, 03:40 PM
Neildo I think you need to grow up. But nice try at insults. You are probably one of those people that thinks boxing and UFC is stupid. But most likely you are someone that couldn't defend yourself from a paper bag.

I look forward to this fight with you Sean. You are only 19 and not very big. I got over 50 fights more experience then you easily, that is if you got into lots of fights while you was a kid. Which you are still a kid to me.

But since you are so rich and famous. Let's put money on this. We give money to Ken in advance, so if you do a noshow or take off after you see me. I can collect my winnings. You name the price, we just have the money to Ken 1 month in advance.

I showed everyone your muscle pic and they laughed their ass off....lol.

I will put money that he does a noshow. Or if he does show, he will make some excuse not to fight, like the people did at the last 3 Simucons I went to.

[Edited on 6-5-2003 by edge]

[Edited on 6-5-2003 by edge]

06-05-2003, 04:36 PM
I got $50 on Edge to whip his ass or Kersir no-showing.

06-05-2003, 05:12 PM
I'll fight ya Edge, bring it on.

*victorious smirk*

06-05-2003, 05:53 PM
You know now that I think about it. Ken should make an event out of it. Charge admission, take bets etc. We all know Ciston likes makin moolah eh? hehehehe:smilegrin:

Kesir, Sean, wanted us to shut up yet he makes a new thread, we respond and now he's suddenly quiet. Did daddy take his comp away? Lets hope so! Daddy probably saw the weenie pics of his kid on the MSG Boards and felt ashamed. :moon:

Weedmage Princess
06-05-2003, 06:04 PM
Can anyone get in on this bet? I'll throw $100 on Sean not showing up..and $300 on Edge if he does, no lie, I'll send the money check, money order, Western Union, PayPal, whatever you want to do, I'll do it. Just tell me who to contact and by when.

Any chance of getting a webcast of this too? I'd kinda like to see the process of winning my money if it does go down.

06-05-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Any chance of getting a webcast of this too? I'd kinda like to see the process of winning my money if it does go down.

YES! webcast! I'd chip in for the equipment.

06-05-2003, 06:16 PM
Nobody don't want none of me. I've been in Universal Karate since I was 5! HA!


I have a gun.

- --[ Kage ]-- -

06-05-2003, 06:22 PM

I have a gun. >>

I've got 4. What's your point? Any fool can pull a trigger. You don't want none.


06-05-2003, 06:31 PM
Difference is this. I will be fighting someone with no experience in fighting. A kid for gods sake that spouts nothing but lies.

Look at him. He is not big. He is only 19. Only people he beat down was most likely when one of his friends was already beating them.... he reminds me of Bud Bundy....rofl. Give me a break. I got 10 years on him. 10 years of battles and I am still in good shape. Not a overweight, out of shape loser he claims everyone that plays Gemstone is like. But yet he plays it???????

I doubt anyone will bet on him.

06-05-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by edge
.... he reminds me of Bud Bundy....rofl.

HAHA quote of the month. Glad you discovered that Edge, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Well said. However, we shouldn't insult Bud like that...at least Bud is cool.

[Edited on 06-05-03 by Gokkem]

06-05-2003, 10:10 PM

I'm sorry guys, this just isn't that amusing anymore without the 'roid rage replies from Kesir. Although, the Bud Bundy comment did elicit quite a laugh!

C'mon, what about it? Roster? "We're rich" house? ::waits::


[Edited on 6-6-2003 by SpunGirl]

06-06-2003, 03:49 AM
In the wordz of the Luniz - I got 5 on it. :)

06-06-2003, 06:16 AM
I wanna fight someone from GS

06-06-2003, 06:50 AM
I'll beat the ugly right out of you!



[Edited on 6-Jun-2003 by Zanagodly]

06-06-2003, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by Ben
I wanna fight someone from GS

let's wrestle :flamed:


06-06-2003, 01:24 PM
every one of Kage's posts screams, give me attention.

06-06-2003, 03:30 PM
Well... Part of the reason I haven't replied... Was because I could not post. Because Caels revoked my posting ability... So I made this new name. The other reason is because I drove a couple hundred miles to visit my girl while she was on vacation because she missed me (Yes, even jerks have a soft spot for their woman). Anyhow... I was thinking and I came up with a great idea. Be it Pudgee (Neildo), Edge, or whoever... Why don't we make this an event, with money?

Instead of a chaotic street fight... I will take on one of you flamers in a boxing match. All rules, a sanctioned boxing match. Everyone who wants to watch pays 10 bucks. Winner takes the money. How does THAT sound? Why don't we see if Ken wants to agree to hold it there. I'm sure it will bring a ton of people, I'll make a ton of money, and it will be quite an event to watch me pummeling whoever into unconciousness. Exactly, like you all said... We can take bets, webcasts, etc.

Anyhow, it should be quite fun. Btw, Edge, here's a secret... I've been in plenty of fights. I also happen to probably be plenty bigger, and in plenty better shape than you. ME vs you, I'm callin you out. Ok it with Ken, your buddy, and it's on. I'm betting you don't even last 3 rounds with the gloves on with me...

As for the football thing, I am a FRESHMAN in college (As in first year, truly, since i took a year off), therefore I would not be on the roster until I find out whether I am redshirting or not, and if I am, I wouldn't be on it anyways... Dumbass. Also, I graduated Highschool in '02 (which would've been '01 season)... So I doubt my name is on the school's website anymore, being that it was almost two years ago I played for them now. Although I don't know if their is a 'records' page on their website. Nuff said.

Ladies and Gentlemen, get ready to place your bets come August. Like I said, I'll put 500 down, that Edge doesn't even last 3 rounds with me.

06-06-2003, 03:36 PM
Um. You were banned from posting so you made a new name. I smell an IP ban coming.

06-06-2003, 03:42 PM
Ask me if I care :-) my IP changes every 5 minutes. So try. Also... The name is just a joke cuz I couldn't think of anything else at the time before you folks talk a bunch of shit on it.

06-06-2003, 03:59 PM
*sniffs* I smell it too. :D

You do realize that your ban had nothing to do with your user name and everything to do with your behavior on these boards right? No of course not because the amazing Sean isn't quick on the uptake.

[Edited on 6/6/2003 by CrystalTears]

06-06-2003, 04:16 PM
Oh boy, another proxy chaining wiz kid. Do us all a favor and post somewhere else, maybe someplace where people care. Thank you.

[Edited on 06-06-03 by Gokkem]

06-06-2003, 05:42 PM
Proxy chaining? He's probably just logging on and off with AOL/Earthlink to change his IP. Simplest explanation is usually the correct one. =p

06-06-2003, 07:15 PM
Boxing is so.. limiting. I'd rather see the street brawling.

- N

Weedmage Princess
06-06-2003, 07:35 PM
Yeah, boxing is lame, I want to see a regular street fight. Just no weapons and/or foreign objects while both are standing..once Sean is on the floor, though, then Edge should be able to use whatever he wants. Something along the oaken bat lines preferrably.

06-06-2003, 08:28 PM
500 bucks that I will not last 3 rds with you. DEAL. I am going to let money motivate me here. After 3rds of you not being able to knock me out and losing your 500 bucks. Then we can take off the gloves. That's if you are still standing. You are stupid for making that beat...lol. All the days of playing hockey I was never knocked out in a fight and they could hit hard and fast. ONLY time I have ever been knocked out is with a baseball bat to the face....OUCH! I been kicked, hit with brass knuckles and other varies weapons. One thing I know I can do, is take more pain then your ass.

I am shaking in my chair right now...rofl. Malok and his brother said they will make the trip just to watch.

I know the truth, you will be a noshow or to broke to pay up.

ROFL. hahahahaha. You are a real joke.

I will be going whether or not you show up.

06-06-2003, 08:29 PM
<I will take on one of you flamers in a boxing match>

Oh. You must be looking for a bf. Sorry bro. I like chicks.

06-06-2003, 08:48 PM
I'd love to see this happen. But we all know it won't. Edge will be there, we know that since he lives so close to St. Louis. But there is NO WAY Sean would go, no way at all. Once Edge got done with him there'd be a whole line of people to get in potshots. However, I refuse to believe that even Sean is dumb enough to go to simucon. Not after all the people he's pissed off. That would be like him getting a brain.......never gonna happen.

06-06-2003, 09:05 PM
It's not Simucon, stupid. It's the Thrilla.

06-06-2003, 09:22 PM
3 rds with soft gloves on for 500 bucks. Now that was a stupid beat....lol

06-06-2003, 09:55 PM
Ken just said over the phone. Friday night at the fights is what the Thrilla needs. He also said. No way I could pass up that bet.

So get your money to him. It's on.

06-06-2003, 10:52 PM
Heh, after reading the thing on betting in this folder, I just now checked my mail to find some spam mail:

>>>>Subj: Project: Get an Edge Sports Betting <<<<

I thought it was from Edgeleaf making this official sending out betting forms, lol.

I do agree though, a 3 round amateur boxing knockout with gloves on with your weights and builds is a losing bet.. from the claims of what kind of punishment Edge can take. A knockdown or slip, yeah, but not a knock.. out. And don't say that's what you meant. :P Looks like Edge is gonna make an easy $500.

Heh, this'll really make it the "Thrilla in the Villa". Looks like Kabosh outta sell more Thrilla gear. I just noticed he sold that sorta stuff, heh. I'm gonna have to pick me up a cap:


- N

[Edited on Jun th, 2003 by Neildo]

06-06-2003, 11:38 PM
You were banned based upon your actions within these forums.

If you continue to make new names and we discover them, we will ban those names too.

Eventually you will get tired of creating new names, but we will never tire of protecting the integrity of our forums. Thus, I suggest that if you do decide to create another name, don't be blatant about it, and don't post like you normally post.

06-06-2003, 11:39 PM
Oh good its on! Now I have two big questions. When will it be webcast? AND Where do we send bets?! hehe
After all the thing is called "Thrilla" after the boxer Mohammed Ali "Thrilla in Manila" something like that. Anyhow I wish I can go but I am strapped here. So WEBCAST it!!! I'm betting on Edge. After Edge pummels him then can the attendees get in a punch or a kick too? I am sure after reading these boards they would want to. :)

Weedmage Princess
06-07-2003, 09:31 AM
Yeah seriously...I'll throw some cash in with Gokkem to go towards setting up a webcast, as I wont be able to get to Cali anyway..time off work and the baby and all.

06-07-2003, 03:06 PM
Ok guess I'm ignorant. I thought the thrilla was at same time as simucon. Oops, my bad. Regardless, Sean will never show.

06-07-2003, 03:14 PM
Hell ya. People can start boxing at the thrilla. Friday night at the fights!

Then after we get a noshow from Sean. 10 bucks a shot hitting me in the belly...lol. Whoever knocks me down that way gets half the pot! I get the other half since I will be hurting so bad..... Pain and suffering. Would be with gloves on, so I can last longer then a few hits...heh. No running hits either. Unless you are a chick. If anyone shows up with the name 'anvil' 'the hammer'. I am running like hell.....

What the hell. I know lots of people would like to hit me. Greed. Biggest motivator in the world.

06-07-2003, 07:44 PM
>>>>If anyone shows up with the name 'anvil' 'the hammer'. I am running like hell..... <<<<


- N

06-08-2003, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by Zanagodly
I'll beat the ugly right out of you!



[Edited on 6-Jun-2003 by Zanagodly]

Let's do this thing.

06-08-2003, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by Kisteira

Originally posted by Ben
I wanna fight someone from GS

let's wrestle :flamed:


Can I DDT you on pavement?

06-08-2003, 05:03 AM
Originally posted by edge
Hell ya. People can start boxing at the thrilla. Friday night at the fights!

Then after we get a noshow from Sean. 10 bucks a shot hitting me in the belly...lol. Whoever knocks me down that way gets half the pot! I get the other half since I will be hurting so bad..... Pain and suffering. Would be with gloves on, so I can last longer then a few hits...heh. No running hits either. Unless you are a chick. If anyone shows up with the name 'anvil' 'the hammer'. I am running like hell.....

What the hell. I know lots of people would like to hit me. Greed. Biggest motivator in the world.

I'm down for that too.

06-08-2003, 11:04 PM
lol. Those things hurt. I been on the receiving end a few times.

06-09-2003, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by edge
I been on the receiving end a few times. I doubt it.

06-09-2003, 11:38 AM
Lot of bad things happen to you when you grow up and graduate high school in Detroit. I doubt you ever hit anyone with those. Tears up the palm of your hands something awful.....lol

Hockey pucks hurt as bad as brass knuckles. They come at you much much faster.

[Edited on 6-9-2003 by edge]

06-09-2003, 10:55 PM
graduating high school is for wusses

06-09-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by edge
Lot of bad things happen to you when you grow up and graduate high school in Detroit. I doubt you ever hit anyone with those. Tears up the palm of your hands something awful.....lol

Hockey pucks hurt as bad as brass knuckles. They come at you much much faster.

[Edited on 6-9-2003 by edge]

I wouldn't say online if I hit anyone with them. =) and hockey pucks hurt less, I got hit the the face at a Rangers game.

06-10-2003, 06:14 AM
Um.. now I KNOW both of you would get hammered in a real situation. TRY and familiarize yourselves with what is aparently a little known maneuver called 'ducking' and 'sidestepping'. You dont even need 27 years of intensive training in various techniques and diciplines.. itssimply paying attention to your environment. :rolleyes:

I've been to hundreds of hockey games, and had quite a few 'close calls'.. I just tilted my head and let it clock the guy behind me in the chest :lol:

It works with punching too.. so work on those reflexes just a tad, even a tiny guiding tap to an oncoming blow, punch, or kick will make it breeze on past :yes:

Personally, I honestly feel that ANYONE who wants to go 'Mano-a-Mano' and trade blows with someone else needs a labotomy. I would much rather dodge, pass, and deflect attempts untill the person is exhausted and totally humiliated. They move along, you move along, and aside from some pride and alot of frustrated swearing, no-one got hurt.

Originally posted by Ben

Originally posted by edge
Lot of bad things happen to you when you grow up and graduate high school in Detroit. I doubt you ever hit anyone with those. Tears up the palm of your hands something awful.....lol

Hockey pucks hurt as bad as brass knuckles. They come at you much much faster.

[Edited on 6-9-2003 by edge]

I wouldn't say online if I hit anyone with them. =) and hockey pucks hurt less, I got hit the the face at a Rangers game.

06-10-2003, 10:58 AM
That is a very ignorant statement Happy. When you play hockey. You get your body between the puck and goal. There is no dodging. Pads don't cover all your body either. No matter how fast, how quick you are in a fight. You are still going to take blows. I can see you never been into one. What do you do? Run? lol. Most likely. Seems you are scared of handling a situation like a warrior.

Pucks will break bones, jaws and anything else just like a Brass knuckle will. But, I doubt you know what you are talking about.

06-10-2003, 11:18 AM
This has degenerated beyond pointless, not only that, it's just not fun without Sean to make fun of anymore.


06-10-2003, 11:25 AM
Actually, I spoke in reference to Ben's comment on being hit at a Rangers game.

As a spectator, there are 2 posibilities.. your down close and given VERY little time to react, which is irrelavent since your protected by a 1/4 wall of lexan, or you up in the hi seats (like I go cause you are less likely to get somebodies beer spilled on you and have lots of time to react.

As for playing as a goaly.. nope, never done, I'm lousy at ice skateing. And handling the situation 'like a warrior'? If nothing else has, that last bit really proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are well and truely, a lying putz.

What a guy huh? I gotta admit, your a HELL of a role-model for the son "you live for" now.. I expect any day now we will be reading about him in the paper.. or perhaps the post office mugshot hall of shame?

Good luck, and sleep light, never know when kids might get into the cutlery drawer

Originally posted by edge
That is a very ignorant statement Happy. When you play hockey. You get your body between the puck and goal. There is no dodging. Pads don't cover all your body either. No matter how fast, how quick you are in a fight. You are still going to take blows. I can see you never been into one. What do you do? Run? lol. Most likely. Seems you are scared of handling a situation like a warrior.

Pucks will break bones, jaws and anything else just like a Brass knuckle will. But, I doubt you know what you are talking about.

[Edited on 6-10-2003 by HappyGuyJr]

06-10-2003, 01:22 PM
That was a pretty lame thing to say about Edge's son.

06-10-2003, 02:08 PM
Im not the one who brnadishes him like a shield in every thread to vindicate my 'new self' and then later post like a kid with one too many videos of 'Zena: Warrior Princess' on the shelf. For all I know the kid's yet ANOTHER product of his over-active mouth gland.

Originally posted by Gokkem
That was a pretty lame thing to say about Edge's son.

06-10-2003, 03:09 PM
lol. It's ok Gokkem. I know I am a good father. Happy means nothing to me or his words. He showed what type of person he is in his replies. He will raise his children not to stand up for themselves. Son, if someone is going to hit you. Run and call the police! Don't stand up to them. Be like me! hahaha.

I noticed most people over the internet are scared in RL. This is where they come to be brave. But hey. Yer not a coward when you are 100s of miles away from the people you are insulting.......rofl. The difference between us is this. What I say here, I would say to your face. Sorry for being to honest. But I am a blunt person in RL.

I am happier and a better person Happy. I don't letlittle things bother me like I us to. That would be you....heh

Weedmage Princess
06-10-2003, 03:19 PM
Just out of curiousity, Happy...do you have any children of your own?

06-10-2003, 04:18 PM
I've got a platoon full of children, they're called boot pfc's and lcpl's heh. Take a kid with brains put him in cammies and the culture shock turns them into walking idiots. After a few months they get back to normal but is fun to sit back and laugh until then.

06-10-2003, 06:31 PM
Some chick cornered me on the bus in grade school once. She said "Hey Bert I hear you don't like me." I said "Nah I don't." and she punched me in the face. I just sat there, and the kids in the back of the bus laughed at me. I yelled at them to shut up and leave me alone, and the chick punched me again. I sat there crying. Got off at my stop, told Mom, who called the Principal. Didn't see the chick for the rest of the week.

The next Monday, Cindy came up to me at school and slapped me on the shoulder, saying, "Hey Bert..thanks to you I got a three day suspension." Shivering with fear, I just stood there, ready to run again if she tried to pull out a punch. "So...if ya ever need anyone beat up, just lemme know," she said and waved at me as she went into the courtyard.

That's a true story. I made a friend because I didn't fight back, and because I went home crying to mommy.

06-10-2003, 07:38 PM
With all this talk of trading blow for blow, taking it like a warrior and such, I'm curious how you all fight. It just sounds like you all stand toe-to-toe like boxers, circle each other, and just punch and that's it. Or you guys are acting like this is Fight Club where you beat each other up but have the honor of not disabling or crippling someone. If half those people simple broke the other guys arm or crushed their knee, they wouldn't be all bruised and black and blue as it would have been an easy fight, lol. Anyhow, does anyone wanna describe themselves in a simulated fight?

Well with me, there's no trading blow for blow. I don't fight like a boxer. I tend to rush in right away to disable the person's ability to throw punches since that's the most common way of fighting. If the person is lucky, they'll get one hit in when I rush but they usually don't since they react slow or I deflect the hit. I tend to rush in with my head tilted down (kind of like Cesaer Chavez) so the only way to hit me would be a hook as you would have to have lightning reflexes to get an uppercut off and any other type of hit would hurt like hell hitting my head and not my face. So that's mainly for protection.

And as I rush in, I have my hands moving around in a slapping motion (kind of like Steven Seagal does) as it's a defensive form for any oncoming blows which makes it even harder to get a hook off. You simply slap away the punch so they either miss big time and fly past or when it does hit, it's slides off like a boxer's vaselined up body. Also with the slapping and swiping motions, depending on the distance between the both of us, it gives me a chance to make a grab to grip the wrist of the hand that's throwing the punch in which case I lock up their wrist or whole arm and can then throw a few blows to their face or stomach for some one-armed fighting, force the guy down to the ground, break the arm if I hate the guy, or release and kick him in the butt to send him running forward head-first to the ground (to get a laugh, heh). Or if we're closer, I move in behind them and I lock up both their arms and wrap one of my legs around one of theirs to take them down so they fall face down, and then I go to town on them.

And then for a guy much bigger than me, I simply just kick them in the knee so it bends inwards and breaks. Or if they reacted to it, it won't break but it'll still hurt and make them come down in a half-buckle. And once they lower their body from the hit, I make a swiping, angled hook so my knuckle connects to their temple which will usually knock them out and if not, I do it again.

But of course, that's all just an example of what usually happens. Things are/can be different depending on various factors but that's how a fight usually is with me since most people tend to fight the same way.

So what's a fight normally like for everyone else? Do you mainly box like little homies and kick people once they're down, look for the nearest blunt/sharp object to use, do you rush in and wrestle or grapple, know an offensive/defensive discipline, go berserk and just start swinging madly, lol, or what? lol

- N

06-10-2003, 07:47 PM
Edge, Ken informs me that you're a friend of his, so I look forward to meeting you at a peaceful, non-combative Thrilla.

As for this thread, I guess I'm blown away by the presumption that a brawl at someone else's house... at a party thrown and financed by several different people... would be a desirable thing. This will be the third year running, and the original idea was to create something that allowed people to get away from antagonistic nonsense. It's going to stay that way. :)

If you guys are so hell-bent on beating the crap out of each other, pick a neutral site, invite those who've expressed an interest in attending, and have at it.


Ashemu's player

Weedmage Princess
06-10-2003, 08:43 PM
Uh Ashemu...correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Edge say in one of his posts that he talked to Ken (Ciston) about the fight at his place and he was all for it???

06-10-2003, 08:54 PM
Being brave and being a fool are commonly mistaken. A fool goes toe to toe. Being brave is having to do something when there is no other choice, and doing it. A fight is never needed to be done. Only a fool will fight. You can debate and defend your stance all you want. Whatever lets you sleep better at night.

[Edited on 6-11-2003 by Cyprion]

06-10-2003, 09:05 PM
<"... and he was all for it...?"

Ken is a friend of mine. Ken also has a perverse sense of humor. We've had this conversation, and I can assure you he doesn't want a fight within half a mile of his place on the days of the party.

If I believed that he actually wanted the fight, I'd rent out a different property and herd everyone over there for the party while Ken stood in his driveway and watched the fisticuffs and snacked on cheetos.

Thankfully, that's not the case. :)

Ashemu's player

[Edited on 6-11-2003 by Ashemu]

06-10-2003, 09:20 PM
Having said that, I now have a sneaking suspicion that Ken will clandestinely encourage the combat just to dick with me and let me clean up the mess later.

You'd have to know Ken. And yes, despite all that, I really like the guy. *grin

Ashemu's player

06-10-2003, 09:42 PM
In response to your inquiry, I fight dirty. I've taken Universal Karate for virtually all my life and Ninpo since I was 8 years old. I have excellent technique and am confident that I could fairly decimate 98% of the global population if I went one on one with them. However, I don't fight fairly. When I fight, I fight to maim, mutilate, disable or kill. I will pick up nearby bricks and smash your skull in. I'll bite the hell out of you if you don't have AIDS or SARS. My favorite area to strike is the groin, and if I can find tools to help me out, I'll use them.

Don't fight me in your back yard. I'll sever your pride and joy with hedge clippers and introduce your face to my hoe. :P

But as for purely physical fighting style, Ninpo teaches me to evade and absorb what I can't evade. It's semi-acrobatic and very leverage vs. reach intensive. Tumbles and the occasional gymnastic maneuver is combined with holds, grapples or blocks to gain a better position. When being pummeled (bad enough to be unable to block well), Ninpo teaches to turtle up and exhale completely, causing the blows to do far less damage. When the opponent is winded, a firm knife hand to the throat followed by a swift strike to the temple should put them down at very least. And if it doesn't, the knife hand movement (step in, foot behind their ankle) puts you in optimal position to drop them anyway. Once they're down, it is best to coup de grace. One foot on the cheek and the other on their shoulder can be utilized to snap or fracture their neck. If they have strong necks or just extremely flexible neck tendons, you can kick them in the temple or leap onto their throat to crush it. The nose is also a good target for stomping.

But if I don't want to kill someone (usually the case as I've never had a fight serious enough to kill anyone), I'll just give them a firm nut kick or eye strike. I'm also fond of leaping onto their stomachs, this isn't as fun as the others, but it incapacitates them for a while (knocking the wind out of them). And gives you plenty of time to gloat, leave your business card behind for them and vanish without a trace. :bouncy:

- --[ Kage/Klaive/Darien ]-- -

06-10-2003, 10:00 PM
Being brave and being a fool are commonly mistaken. A fool goes toe to toe. Being brave is having to do something when there is no other choice, and doing it. <A fight is never needed to be done. Only a fool will fight. You can debate and defend your stance all you want. Whatever lets you sleep better at night. >

That is the cutest thing I ever heard....lol. I sleep very good at night. If you really believed that, then you would not have wasted your time replying to it.

Just because 2 people would rather step willingly into a ring or out of a ring and fight. They are fools? So every sport out there that is physical is foolish? That is ignorant. You live on a different planet....heh. There is money involved so I could use the greed motivator here.

As for your personal knowledge of what Ken said. Well, he told me differently on the phone. So we will see if he changed his mind since the last time I talked to him. But we can arrange this boxing match elsewhere, as long as the money is in Kens hands 1 month in advanced. I want the easy 500 bucks from chumpchange.

06-10-2003, 10:03 PM
<I'm also fond of leaping onto their stomachs, this isn't as fun as the others, but it incapacitates them for a while (knocking the wind out of them). And gives you plenty of time to gloat, leave your business card behind for them and vanish without a trace.>

Made me think of a comic books. Where they always have to have the punchline. But in reality they give them long enough to pull a gun out and shot you....lol.

06-10-2003, 11:34 PM
I was teasing about the business card. After kicking someone's ass, I either beat them some more or flee the scene. LoL

- --[ Yo' baby's daddy ]-- -

06-11-2003, 12:15 AM
a shocking amount of you gs nerds claim to be pretty tuff!

06-11-2003, 01:41 AM
Heh.. amazing isnt it? :grin: K-mart must have had a sale on tuff-(guy) pills.

As for my having any children, no. I had a son, but he died after delivery 2 months premature, a congenital heart defect due to the mother refusing to stop smoking durring her pregancy.

Originally posted by Ben
a shocking amount of you gs nerds claim to be pretty tuff! :grin:

[Edited on 11-Jun-2003 by Zanagodly]

06-11-2003, 03:19 AM
>>>>a shocking amount of you gs nerds claim to be pretty tuff! <<<<

Yeah, I know whatcha mean, Benito. An emotionless face with some brass knuckles and an elbow tat is hardcore, man. These whole 10 or so tough guy posts from less than 5 people making up not even .001% of the GS population. I guess us less than 5 people are the new stereotype for "nerd". All Gemstone players must be like us! Nah, can't be, you're the only true 'puter thug. :o

Seriously though, I find it amusing as well when people come to the boards spouting off various badass comments, but on the flipside it's amusing that there are those thinking that those types of things and people aren't possible. Exactly what do you know of everyone that plays Gemstone? You'd be surprised by some of the people who play. C'mon, it's a freakin game. What next, Gemstoners are the only people who go to the supermarket or actually take dumps in their bathrooms? Say it ain't so! We're not privy to that!

- N

06-11-2003, 03:39 AM
Sorry to hear that, Happyguy.

- N

06-11-2003, 04:08 AM
I've had 12 years to get used to it, and i still think about it every day.

Tyler was sort of my chance to make up for things I had done poorly or stupidly. When my sister named her first child Tyler, it was like getting another chance. But I still think about my son.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda, maybes are pretty much all some folks have

06-11-2003, 08:27 AM
I never claimed I wasn't a nerd, trust me I am.

06-11-2003, 08:27 AM
LOL... I come back from vacation to this...

Too funny... in a pathetic type of way on many levels.

06-11-2003, 08:28 AM
By the way, My daddy can beat up your daddy.

06-11-2003, 08:33 AM
Ha! Unlikely!

06-11-2003, 12:40 PM
i'm an overweight GS player.

i'm also a pacifist.

So, from reading this, i guess i'm in the minority =/

but i started playing GS again because its really less "demanding" than EQ, allows me to work out daily, practice with my band, etc. So, yeah. GO GO GS

I'ma kick all your guys asses, and my dad can beat up YOUR dad.

06-11-2003, 01:57 PM
No, in most sport they actually play a sport. They dont sit there and say please punch me in the head again. Look and most past boxers, they arent exactly smart are they? Lot of brain damage, wouldn't you say? You boxed for awhile didn't you? Explains a lot. Quite a character.

A lot of people are ignorant according to you. Is it possible you are the ignorant one? I've never met you or your character, but have a pretty good idea how you play if your anything like you are out of game. You "roleplay" an evil guy that attacks lower lvl guys that don't worship you. Makes you feel big, strong, and special. Did I get a bullseye?

Lost some braincells on this thread, i'll let you validate yourself to others. Already made my judgement about you being a joke. No need to listen to you anymore.

06-11-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
In response to your inquiry, I fight dirty. I've taken Universal Karate for virtually all my life and Ninpo since I was 8 years old. I have excellent technique and am confident that I could fairly decimate 98% of the global population if I went one on one with them.
- --[ Kage/Klaive/Darien ]-- -

I wish I had a quarter for every person's claim on a message board that was over inflated or simply made up. Hell, I'd be rich just reading this board with Sean around.

Sorry Klaive.. I have a hard time imagining you as anything more than a short fat kid at a computer that has been bullied his whole life and uses games like Gemstone to make him feel important and powerful. Someone starved and begging for attention.

Whether that's the truth or not.. that's how I see the player behind Klaive.

06-11-2003, 08:10 PM
Karate sucks

06-11-2003, 08:45 PM
oooooooooookay.. seems we have someone taking Seans place as the role of antagonist?

Originally posted by Ben
Karate sucks

06-11-2003, 09:22 PM
Gods, this thread makes me wonder what everyone thinks I look like.


06-12-2003, 02:22 AM
I'm a model, my girlfriend is hot, I am rich, I am a master of gemstone.

06-12-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Ben
I'm a model, my girlfriend is hot, I am rich, I am a master of gemstone.

Didn't you say you were starting linebacker for the Bucs too?

06-12-2003, 03:00 PM
Thats it.. time for me to go to sleep before folks start bragging about how many marbles they can fit in their ass [shudder]

06-12-2003, 03:01 PM
So far, my record's 43

06-12-2003, 03:25 PM
LOL, you guys are sick.

06-12-2003, 05:20 PM
<No, in most sport they actually play a sport. They dont sit there and say please punch me in the head again. Look and most past boxers, they arent exactly smart are they? Lot of brain damage, wouldn't you say? You boxed for awhile didn't you? Explains a lot. Quite a character.

A lot of people are ignorant according to you. Is it possible you are the ignorant one? I've never met you or your character, but have a pretty good idea how you play if your anything like you are out of game. You "roleplay" an evil guy that attacks lower lvl guys that don't worship you. Makes you feel big, strong, and special. Did I get a bullseye?

Lost some braincells on this thread, i'll let you validate yourself to others. Already made my judgement about you being a joke. No need to listen to you anymore.>

Seems I got under someones skin....lol. Imagine that. It's ok you are scared of physical activities and pain. Doesn't make you are bad person. Now what makes you a bad person, what makes you a ignorant person is this. You are condemning people for wanting to fight, something they enjoy to do. They consider it a sport. Fun. You are condeming me for standing up to a person that called all Gemstoners fags and such. Must be true on your part, since you want to attack me for standing up to a twit for me and everyone elses honor. But hey. You go ahead and be scared of Sean...lol. Maybe you don't want his baby face messed up because you want to hook up with him or something...lol. See. I can make personal insults to! Now you want to hit me? But that is only for losers and ignorant people. Guess everyone is ignorant from your standpoint. Because everyone gets angry and wants to hurt someone at some point in their life.

But, Oh wait. You don't mind being called a fag. Which Sean called you. So my insults didn't bother you.

Good times bro, good times.

06-12-2003, 06:45 PM
Oh this thread is ridiculous. Wanting to fight people you've never met because they have nothing better to fill their lives with by insulting online people? Yeah you go. Like I really care what some twit on a message boards, who doesn't know me from Adam has to say about me. He insulted me and I laugh because he's a nobody and that's how he should be treated, as though he's not even there. Then again, I'll never understand the male mind to want to beat people senselessly for no reason. And really, this is for no reason other than ego crap. It's getting old.

If y'all can bitch about this stuff, so can I. :P

06-12-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I wish I had a quarter for every person's claim on a message board that was over inflated or simply made up. Hell, I'd be rich just reading this board with Sean around.

Sorry Klaive.. I have a hard time imagining you as anything more than a short fat kid at a computer that has been bullied his whole life and uses games like Gemstone to make him feel important and powerful. Someone starved and begging for attention.

Whether that's the truth or not.. that's how I see the player behind Klaive.

That's cool man, I picture you the same way. The fact is, some would consider me short, others tall. Depends on your region. I'm 5'8". I am not a body builder, but I'm very limber and in good shape. I would be fat as all hell if I was playing EQ, but the hunt/rest cycle of GS is conducive to physical fitness. While I'm resting, I used to get on my treadmill or bowflex.

These days I don't play as much and live 5 feet from a 24 hour fitness which I'm a member at (okay more like 200 feet.)

I visit the gym once or twice a day and jog at least two miles, do 5 sets of 10 on the bicep girl, bench press, seated row, leg press, hamstring curl, abdominal pulldowns, etc.

You'd think that doing all this, I'd be in awesome shape. But I eat high fat junk food a lot. I like it. This results in me being fit, but not perfectly chisled.

I don't claim to be superman. I claim to be able to kick 98% of the planet's ass because the vast majority can't fight at all and would be down with one good punch. Mainly because the majority are children, elderly people and whimpy adults.

I wouldn't (by choice) go one on one with a boxer who's punch could shatter my jaw. Because although I have good technique, I can still be hit.

I think that more GS Players than you think are very physically fit. We just don't show up at the Cons for obvious reasons.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

06-12-2003, 08:29 PM
Lord, Klaive. Looks like we have another Sean.

And edge, dude... it's online. Let it go, dawg.


06-12-2003, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
Lord Klaive, Looks like we have another Sean.

Oh? Who's the other Sean? (That rhymes with bean right? I never have known anyone with that name IRL.)

My first name's Darien by the way. Since you guys seem to go by that more than by your character name.

- --[ Darien ]-- -

06-12-2003, 09:55 PM
i always looked at it like..."if i weren't playing GS right now, what would i be doing?" probably sitting around watching TV. One can only be a social butterfly for so long in a day.

Since i came back, i've been hitting the gym a lot, i've really grown to love working out. i'm still overweight (but not morbidly obese), i drink too much (way too much), smoke a lot too...But a lot of GS players i'm sure aren't morbidly obese scumsuckers that sit around with bags of doritos lost inside their rolls...It's either grow up and still play, grow up and stop playing, or stay exactly the same; a computer zombie fat man.

Like i said, I'm not trying to insult anyone in particular. I'm simply saying, a lot of players have decided to grow up and still play. It sounds superficial to say that people in GS are fat, sure, but i'm simply saying, people that are overweight because of the game...they've learned, for the most part, that inactivity is making them that way. And a lot of people are doing something about it.

06-12-2003, 09:56 PM
Sean is Shawn. where do you live zimbawe?

Red Devil
06-12-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Oh this thread is ridiculous. Wanting to fight people you've never met because they have nothing better to fill their lives with by insulting online people? Yeah you go. Like I really care what some twit on a message boards, who doesn't know me from Adam has to say about me. He insulted me and I laugh because he's a nobody and that's how he should be treated, as though he's not even there. Then again, I'll never understand the male mind to want to beat people senselessly for no reason. And really, this is for no reason other than ego crap. It's getting old.

If y'all can bitch about this stuff, so can I. :P

And your a somebody?, get real fat ass

06-12-2003, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Red Devil

And your a somebody?, get real fat ass

Yet another clever and oh so well thought out argument brought to you by Mr Red Devil.

06-12-2003, 11:53 PM
I'm closing this topic since it has degraded into a purely invective topic.

I don't mind some debate but when you start tossing nothing but flames around, its breaking TOS.

Please discontinue the childish insults and the degradation of others, especially when you have no experience with that person in real life.