View Full Version : Massive stone mattock

Shabar Shabaz
10-24-2005, 11:33 PM
Selling a massive stone mattock. +15, bind flares that turn opponents to stone, fake double strike flares up to 70 that usually result in knockdowns, lazy scripts when swung, and tappable quake which can be used with no rt, no mana, and in cast rt.


*The stone mattock is obviously carved from a single large stone. The deep grey stone is unlike any that you have seen before. The mattock looks as old as time itself, and seems to glow with an inner power.*

Lazy scripts:

You swing a massive stone mattock at a frost giant!
AS: +323 vs DS: +57 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +44 = +346
... and hit for 131 points of damage!
Left leg mangled horribly.
The mattock starts to rumble and shake violently!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You swing a massive stone mattock at an arctic titan!
AS: +323 vs DS: +208 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +20 = +177
... and hit for 48 points of damage!
Internal organs bruised.
The arctic titan is stunned!

The intense rumbling coming from the mattock grows louder!
Roundtime: 5 sec.


You lift your stone mattock high above your head and slam it into the ground between your feet with thunderous force!

The ground trembles and shakes sharply!
The arctic titan falls to the ground!
The frost giant falls to the ground!
The arctic titan falls to the ground!
The frost giant falls to the ground!
The arctic titan falls to the ground!


You swing a massive stone mattock at an ice troll!
AS: +323 vs DS: +264 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +35 = +128
... and hit for 16 points of damage!
Jarring blow to the ice troll's back.
With a burst of surprising speed, your mattock twists in your hands and strikes the ice troll again!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to solar plexus stuns the ice troll.
It is knocked to the ground!
The ice troll is stunned!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You swing a massive stone mattock at an arctic titan!
AS: +323 vs DS: +194 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +35 = +206
... and hit for 50 points of damage!
Right hand mangled horribly.
The arctic titan is stunned!
Right after the stone mattock strikes the arctic titan, you see the titan start to turn a mottled grey color. Slowly the color spreads over the arctic titan's entire body. In moments, the arctic titan has been turned completely to stone!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Will take 25mil flat and hear offers above 20 mil. Email me at runrudyrun@comcast.net or catch me on AIM at Nomarowv

Shabar Shabaz
10-26-2005, 12:19 PM

10-26-2005, 01:02 PM
That's a neat weapon. Can you tell me how much it weighs?

I'm assuming a lot but, I'm curious.


Shabar Shabaz
10-26-2005, 03:39 PM
Bard sung at 16lbs

No fines when tapped in town, either :D

[Edited on 10-26-2005 by Shabar Shabaz]

Shabar Shabaz
10-27-2005, 12:25 AM
i have an offer of 20 mil. If I don't get a higher offer by sunday, it'll be sold for that amount.

Shabar Shabaz
10-29-2005, 12:38 PM
last bump

Shabar Shabaz
10-30-2005, 10:06 PM

10-30-2005, 11:48 PM
damn nice weapon