View Full Version : Video Ipods

10-24-2005, 04:15 AM
I got the 30gig black video ipod and in the words of Peter Griffin, it's freakin' sweet. I know the screen's too small to be a wondrous cinematic experience, but it's great to pass 5-15 minutes of time, especially when you have 10+ episodes of Family Guy. I also got in there a handful of music videos and movies.

I already took up 13 gigs of music/videos and I'm still on a torrent downloading spree.

Cons: the screen's too small to watch a full movie, your eyes tend to hurt a little bit and holding the Ipod the whole time kinda sucks, unless you got some way to mount it somewhere. And especially with the black Ipod, smudges and scratches show really easily, slowly taking away it's sexiness.

10-24-2005, 05:08 PM
Good review. I just got a 60 gb black one and i love it

10-24-2005, 05:12 PM
Little food for thought, longest time between introduction of a new model so far: 9 months. Shortest time: 1 month.

You'll all be wishing you had the model by December, hehe!

10-24-2005, 05:17 PM
Shame Ipods are tempremental fuckers.

10-24-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Drezzt
Little food for thought, longest time between introduction of a new model so far: 9 months. Shortest time: 1 month.

You'll all be wishing you had the model by December, hehe!

Yeah..I got my Ipod before this one 3-4 months ago. I lucked out and sold it for 250 before the new ones were announced and bought the new one for 280.

10-24-2005, 10:19 PM
How's the battery life? Both in playing movies and listening to music?

I jumped on the iPod bandwagon pretty early, and have a second-generation iPod (one of those huge honkers with a touch sensitive scrollwheel and the buttons placed around the outside of the wheel.) But the battery life has turned to crap. I know that Apple replaces the battery for a small fee, but... what the fuck? I paid a crap load of money for it, I don't wanna pay more for it.

And everytime I think that I want a new iPod, I can't help but thinking that there's going to be an even smaller and better one with much longer battery life in just a few months. And since Apple doesn't seem to be slowing down in introducing new iPods, it just means I'll never be able to settle on one and go out and buy it.

Ah hell. I'll just wait for the iPod that has a 7 megapixel digital camera and camcorder, a cell phone, and wireless Internet access with a fully operational Mac OS on it and a built in keyboard.

10-25-2005, 02:05 AM
battery life:

30 gig: 15 hours
60 gig: 20 hours

30 gig: 2 hours
60 gig: 3 hours

10-25-2005, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Drezzt
Little food for thought, longest time between introduction of a new model so far: 9 months. Shortest time: 1 month.

You'll all be wishing you had the model by December, hehe!

If I follow your reasoning, I should never buy an ipod because there will always be a better one coming out. Yeah right...

10-25-2005, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by lexbubba
If I follow your reasoning, I should never buy an ipod because there will always be a better one coming out. Yeah right...

Problem is, Apple's spitting out iPods like baby rabbits.

When I bought my iPod, the next generation was released three months later. Suddenly the value of the one I owned was cut in half.

My mother purchased one a while ago. A month later, there was a newer model out, and the iPod she paid $250 for she could now buy for a hundred less.

If Apple had any sense, they'd space these releases further apart. Let each generation run its course. Right now it seems that they're so busy waving their MP3-peen around the industry that they've forgotten that they're a business. Just look at the iPod shuffle. Good concept, sold well... hell, was still selling well; but then they released the Nano. Shuffle's pretty much dead in the water now.

And speaking of which, why would I buy a Nano when I could spend $100 more, get fifteen times more storage space, pictures, and video?

10-25-2005, 05:44 AM
Yeah, it kinda sucks, owning an up-to-date Ipod is friggin expensive.