View Full Version : New uncommon runes

10-24-2005, 01:22 AM
So at the sorcery event tonight, a bunch of us were taught some uncommon runes. I was taught the specific rune for Abyran'sa. Can only teach it once, though, so it might come at a premium if you want it.

Anyone jealous yet?

Nilven FTW!

10-24-2005, 03:06 AM
Heck, I might even sell Abyran'sa runes, if anyone wants to buy them. If anyone's interested, I'll be around the landing.

10-24-2005, 03:21 AM
Could someone please enlighten me about these runes please?


10-24-2005, 03:27 AM
Yea, they allow you to summon a specific demon, rather than summoning by valance. The one I picked up can break sanctuaries.... an interesting "skill" to have.

10-24-2005, 08:46 AM
Evarin would certainly be interested in purchasing a few of them, as likely many others would. Do you have a shop? In what city can you usually be found?

10-24-2005, 08:49 AM
So once a person learns the once teaching can they teach it?
I'm glad I'm a wizard and we can freely share stuff heh.

10-24-2005, 08:52 AM
Yeah, it is some BS system the GMs came up with. They are releasing runes that can only be taught a limited number of times. I would argue it, though they seem quite proud of the idea.

10-24-2005, 08:54 AM
but is it the rune that can only be taught a certain number or say there's 4 people a b c d, a teaches to b...a loses his teaching ability, but b teaches to c, then c teaches to d? or does it die after the first one.

The Ponzzz
10-24-2005, 08:55 AM
yea the whole rune thing has me blown away, I have no clue on how the system works, or why my rogue knows a rune...

10-24-2005, 08:59 AM
I was told ( maybe with no accuracy ) that their would be runes we all could learn and then some for professions then even fewer like the one here that can only be taught so much....

10-24-2005, 09:01 AM
So they've basicly made certain characters the masters of certain runes, with the ability to only teach them once.
I'm also assuming the person who's taught the rune cannot teach anyone else.

If runes, demons, infusing and the like interested me at all.. I'd be very upset.
But since causing death in wonderfully painful ways is why I chose sorcerer, I'm happy to watch the sorc community grow in frustration.

10-24-2005, 09:05 AM
If it were only demons, I wouldn't care. However, it will be for Scroll infusion too, which REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS.

10-24-2005, 09:08 AM
Don't use scrolls.
I thought the idea of having to rely on another professions spells would have especially sickened Evarin.
I know it sickens Shimm.

10-24-2005, 09:22 AM
I asked if he would be teaching the upper level rune for scroll infusion, and he said no.

Only have the Abyran'sa rune. That's the demon that can break existing sancuaries, so it's quite useful if you have illiusions, since you'll be able to summon an abyran'sa every time. I'll probably charge a decent markup on them, since i'm one of the few who possess this rune (only about 5 got a rune last night, and they mostly got Abyran'sa, but I was the first to go... boo them, i wanted anohter one!)

However, I can teach it once.

By the way, scroll infusion can be great. Find a rich rogue who comes to you with lockpick/disarm enhancement and haste scrolls. They'll love you, and youll love your bank account.

10-24-2005, 09:30 AM
Don't use scrolls.
I thought the idea of having to rely on another professions spells would have especially sickened Evarin.
I know it sickens Shimm. >>

The spells have been cast by himself, as well as charged by himself. He has over 100 charges of Thurfel's Ward. The spell has become his.

<<< However, I can teach it once. >>>

Put the lesson up for auction on the official boards in the 1-9.99 mill folder. Set the buyout at something stupid like 15 mill. It will likely sell.

10-24-2005, 10:03 AM
Probably a good idea. I'll probably set the MB at 5, since I am one of the 6 to learn it, and many have already taught it. It'll give me a couple bucks for EG in a couple weeks.

Thanks for the advice. I'll prolly sell packages of the runes. 5 or 10 at a time. 300% markup for DE's, 350% for non-DE, and 400% for those "other elves". Bastards can suck it. I can't decide what my character thinks of Dhe'nari... whether he is pissed or wary or what. Dhe'nari are a tough one to RP, and also to RP with, IMO.

You'll get the min, though, fallen, dont worry :-)

Heck, if I get a bunch for the lesson on the boards, i'll probably give you a free package or something, just for the good advice! Hand delivered to anywhere but 4 Winds (can't go there). As long as it isn't during EG, of course.

10-24-2005, 12:26 PM
So, because six people were in the right place at the right time, they get easier access to a professional ability?

That works for alterers and stuff, as it's just an item, a thing. But when it's for a core profession spell, it's just irritating and obnoxious.

Nilven's a great GM, don't get me wrong, but he's made the Sorcerer profession way too frustrating and complicated, at least in comparison to the other professions.

10-24-2005, 12:35 PM
I disagree. Demons are basically roleplay only. And existing runes can summon these demons. I just happen to have the rune that does it specifically. Doesn't limit anyone, just makes life a hell of a lot easier. Much like any other item. I mean, i'd love a 10x db cloak, it would also make my life easier. I don't NEED it, though. I think Nilven is justified.

10-24-2005, 12:47 PM
And as for that sorcerer's gathering last night, That was pretty good fun, though Ranad got pummeled by an abyran'ra hand. Thanks for letting him sit in, the roleplay was decent, and the learning experience terrific.

[Edited on 10-24-2005 by Parker]

10-24-2005, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
If it were only demons, I wouldn't care. However, it will be for Scroll infusion too, which REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS.

I had to stop reading the thread and log in just so I could do this: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-24-2005, 01:09 PM
I sometimes forget how complicated sorcery can be to newcomers. Since starting GS, I have only played sorcerers. Evarin doesn't much like Querthose, nor I his player, so I didn't attend...Not a place to pick fights. However, It sounds like he has done alot of good in these passing teaching sessions.

As for the selling of uncommon runes, it was a given. Before they were even handed out we had surmised they would be sold to the highest bidder. Hopefully, most will go the route of Q-dog and demand that the event be RPed as well as just a cheap exchange of silver.

One thing to understand is that the stones that these players can produce can be obtained by anyone. Being able to create them is a very convenient bonus, though a smart character will just stockpile 80 Abyran'sa runes and be set for years.

I will likely be looking to doing just this. I suggest everyone else do the same.

[Edited on 10-24-2005 by Fallen]

10-24-2005, 01:22 PM
I'm not a newcomer in the slightest sense, so I've been able to watch the evolution of Sorcerers back to when they were the hardest profession to level and there were only a handful above level 20. I'll be the first to admit that we were probably fairly overpowered back then, what with Dark Catalyst and MD being the beasts that they were. But we were true one-trick-ponies. If MD and DC didn't work, if you couldn't beat the TD, too bad.

Once those spells were nerfed, we lost most of our bite. Focused implosion is powerful, sure, but still one-trick-pony. DC is a shadow of what it once was, as is MD. Disintegrate is nice, but when I stopped playing, it was way too random. Not sure if that's been fixed, I know it was on Nilven's plate.

So, as Sorcerers are a lot weaker than what they used to be, they were given a bunch of extremely complicated spells to give the illusion of them being more powerful than they are. Scroll infusion is a powerful spell, to be sure. It's too bad you need to read essays to know how to use it and have umpteen stones and a lot of luck to use it well. Minor summoning is a waste of coding. I haven't had much experience with animate dead, but from what I've heard it's too unwieldy to use frequently.

In fact, come to think of it, this seems to be a general trend of the game as a whole, and is probably one of the reasons I left. Ever since Warden took over, he's been way too focused on making the game more realistic. Problem is, when it becomes too realistic, it stops being a game, and more of a tedious simulation.

10-24-2005, 01:22 PM
Once I have time to start making them en masse, i'll start selling them. Price will depend on cost to me and other factors.

10-24-2005, 01:41 PM
Minor Summoning is quite useful compared to other non-combat pet spells (Call Familiar and Spirit Servant). It just needs the RP update that Familiars just got. When it gets that, it'll be a fantastic spell.

In terms of the nerfing...there's really no point in the game where sorcerers have any problem hunting. And there are only a handfull of creatures we can't realistically hunt, and that's just because they're immune to our spells. I don't think there's anything wrong with our offensive power right now. DC is only a shadow of what it once was, but a lot of that also has to do with the fact that creature health is only a shadow of what it once was. Creatures used to have a good 600-1000 health points. Now, 400 is considered to be huge. And we have so many offensive options these days, you can always find a way to do that damage quickly. FYI, 705 was updated, and it's amazing if you know how to use it.

Animate Dead needs some tweaks, but it's not a bad spell. There's a guide on using it well and getting past some of the aspects of it that make it cumbersome to use. It'll also tell you how high you can animate. I suggest reading it and giving the spell a shot before judging it. If anything, I think most people dismissed the spell immediately or just never got around to trying it. It definitely has its uses (4 hours of strength anyone?) The guide is on Spendel's site: http://spendel.hn.org/Sorcery/Necromancy/AnimateDead/animatedead.htm

I think things are solid right now. We need some changes to 725 and 730, but otherwise we're doing well.

10-24-2005, 02:26 PM
Minor summoning is only worth the trouble to cast if you have mastered illusions. When I mean worth the trouble, I mean that after careful consideration, your sorcerer will be slightly better off minus the silver, stone, and mana to have an illusioned demon.

It takes dozens..if not a hundred hours of mind numbing guild work to make the spell worth casting. Not a great spell, but simply worth the trouble to cast. This is not the case with Familiars. They are prep/cast useful.

There may be a couple sorcerers that will argue this fact, but they are few and far between.

As for Animate dead, half the spell is inherently useless with the advent of scroll infusion. Magic casting animates are simply not worth the bother to make, as the defensive spells they can provide are more easily found on a scroll. Their use in combat is next to negligable.

I will admit to saying that a square animate with a claidhmore is worth casting the spell, though even with all the time I spend in game, I STILL have trouble justifying the time it takes to hunt down all of the components. On top of that, the spell is extremely buggy, with many creatures rendered all but useless due to flaws in design, or lack of BCS enhancement.

In the end, Q, your efforts will likely propel changes to the spells, as more people will know how to use them, and realize their shortcommings.

10-24-2005, 02:38 PM
Ok as for learning runes for the summoning and upper level infusing.. I could care less. I am not paying ANYONE to learn a damned rune. And it certainly wont be worth it. I keep a demon just outside of town and make it stay when I go in town.. so screw guild work too. I don't mind working for something but come on.. it's NOT worth it for me to put forth the effort I would have to for the result. Sell your runestones while people think it's worth buying.. they will soon realize that they wont be.

10-24-2005, 02:44 PM
I don't really think the runes are worth the millions upon millions that I'm sure some people would pay. I think the point is well made that you can just buy the runestones much more cheaply.

Having said that, as an RP tool or just for the neat factor, I think I'd be willing to pay a few million for the ability. I mean, if you're going to go around RP'ing a great and talented demonologist, it won't do to have other characters who know more about demonology than you do.


10-25-2005, 09:50 AM
would anyone on here be willing to pay a bunch for the knowledge of the abyran'sa rune?

I'd rather sell it on here first than the mains.

10-25-2005, 11:44 AM
Holy shit... I got a ton of bids on that. I'm up to 1.5m, i think, over email, but it won't be for another week or two that I decide to sell it officially. Depends on the bids I get, i suppose, and who bids.

10-25-2005, 11:48 AM
You mean people are actually dumb enough to PAY for that? :lol: it takes all kinds I guess.

10-25-2005, 11:53 AM
dumb enough? What do you mean? I was pretty psyched when I got mine...

10-25-2005, 12:16 PM
Check your main E-mail Rad, I got a proposition for ya.


10-25-2005, 12:25 PM
I didn't get anything.

10-25-2005, 12:30 PM
Check your Gmail account!


10-25-2005, 01:21 PM

10-25-2005, 01:30 PM
I wish I could pay to give myself an interesting RP tool. Oh well.

10-25-2005, 01:42 PM
It's like paying for an alter... RP toll ya pay a premium for, i guess.

The rune is going on the main boards, but probably with the same terms as Querthose. Nilven wanted whoever we taught it to to be "Worthy" so i'm gonna post current high bidder, but no price. If someone's is lower with a better reason for wanting it, and buying it, etc. Whatever- it'll be up either later today or tomorrow, i'm guessing.

Abyran'sa, by the way.

If you want, you can throw me an email now- . I'll start taking offers from you guys now. Right now it's to someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

[edit: email addy, prevent spam ;-)]

[Edited on 10-25-2005 by radamanthys]

10-25-2005, 03:42 PM

10-25-2005, 04:03 PM
Well, the thing is, as Fallen mentioned earlier in this thread, the abyran runes are available to all Sorcerers. Whenever the Heart of the Art store opens up, you can just buy'em off a table, generally for cheaper or equal to what it takes to make'em. So, the next time that store opens up, wherever it is, people can just stockpile. The only difference is that they've got a 50/50 chance of pulling an 'a or a 'sa.

My only concern about this uncommon rune stuff is when/if Nilven decides to implement new demons and new valences. Will he only give six people access to those, as well?

10-25-2005, 05:37 PM
I think he's closing HotA permanantly.

"It defeats the purpose of having towns"

10-25-2005, 05:55 PM
Only the interconnected version used for the sorcery workshop.

10-25-2005, 06:01 PM
pwned... thanks for the clarification.

is the shop back open, then? It hasnt been for a while...