View Full Version : My name is Keraa, and I am fucking stupid.

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10-23-2005, 05:17 PM
Scyrin just arrived.
>PUT: appraise Scyrin
>You take a quick appraisal of Scyrin and find that he has minor bruises on his neck, a fractured and bleeding right leg, some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg, and some minor cuts and bruises on his left hand.He is bleeding from the right leg.
>Scyrin appears to be checking his pockets for something, but finds them empty.
>Yhan just arrived, dragging the body of Salforande with him.
>Stela hugs Keraa.
>Yhan says, "Have a body."
>Keraa says, "Me either."
>Scyrin asks, "Can I get some healing please?"
>Stela waves.
>nod scyrin
You nod to Scyrin.
>[healbot]^appraise Scyrin
Keraa nods to Yhan.
You take a quick appraisal of Scyrin and find that he has minor bruises on his neck, a fractured and bleeding right leg, some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg, and some minor cuts and bruises on his left hand.He is bleeding from the right leg.
>[healbot]^transfer Scyrin right leg
>You meditate over Scyrin.
Scyrin's right leg damage is transferred to you.
>[healbot]^transfer Scyrin neck
You meditate over Scyrin.
Scyrin's neck damage is transferred to you.
>[healbot]^transfer Scyrin left leg
You meditate over Scyrin.
Scyrin's left leg damage is transferred to you.
>[healbot]^transfer Scyrin left hand
You meditate over Scyrin.
Scyrin's left hand damage is transferred to you.
>[healbot]^transfer Scyrin
You meditate over Scyrin.******************************************* ************You take some of Scyrin's blood loss.
Scyrin needs more blood. Currently 70 HP.*********************************************** ********
>Yhan just went northwest.
>[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
>You concentrate.
You feel better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
>PUT: trans Scyrin
>You meditate over Scyrin.
You take all of Scyrin's blood loss.
> l salf
>Speaking cheerfully in broken common, Stela says, "Well I'm off."
>You see Salforande.He appears to be a Human.He appears to be very young and average height. He has milky blue eyes and alabaster skin. He has chin length, shaggy blue-black hair. He has high cheekbones.He appears to be DEAD!He has some minor cuts and bruises on his right arm, some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm, a fractured and bleeding left leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, deep lacerations across his abdominal area, and minor bruises about the head.He is bleeding from the left leg, and from the abdomen.He is holding a drake falchion in his right hand and a reinforced shield in his left hand.He is wearing a grey fleece shirt, some grey high boots, some grey silver-threaded trousers, a grey fleece cloak, a dark leather locksmith's toolkit, a polished black leather pack, a crystal amulet, and a leather sheath.
>Stela giggles.
>[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
>You concentrate.
You feel better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.>
Keraa traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
> Stela just skipped merrily west.
>[healbot: Healing rank 3.]
[healbot: Healing rank 2.]
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right leg feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>[healbot: Healing rank 1.]
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your right leg feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your left leg feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Scyrin says, "Thanks Mayzra."
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your left hand feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>You feel less drained.
>[healbot]^incant 1104
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Head Repair...
Your spell is ready.You gesture.Your neck feels better.Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Scyrin just arrived.
>PUT: appraise Scyrin
You take a quick appraisal of Scyrin and find that he has no apparent injuries.
>[healbot: Healing is complete.]
whis salforande Want healing?
You quietly whisper to Salforande, "Want healing?"
>Keraa whispers, "I nodded to him and you healed him, you do that once more and I will bind you."
>Scyrin just gave you 800 coins which you quickly pocket.
>PUT: smile Scyrin
You smile at Scyrin.
>PUT: SAY :quick Wonderful! Thank you.
You quickly say, "Wonderful! Thank you."
>whis keraa Wah
You quietly whisper to Keraa, "Wah."
Scyrin just went northwest.
>The ghost of Salforande whispers, ""yes please."
salforande--- Sent: You nod to salforande.
[healbot]^appraise salforande
You take a quick appraisal of Roxxi and find that she has some minor cuts and bruises on her left arm and minor cuts and bruises on her abdominal area.
>[healbot]^transfer salforande abdomen
You take a quick appraisal of Salforande and find that he has minor bruises about the head, some minor cuts and bruises on his right arm, some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm, a fractured and bleeding left leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, and deep lacerations across his abdominal area.
He is bleeding from the left leg and from the abdomen.
He is also quite dead.
>You meditate over Salforande.
Salforande's abdomen damage is transferred to you.
>[healbot]^transfer salforande left arm
You meditate over Salforande.
Salforande's left arm damage is transferred to you.
>[healbot]^transfer salforandeYou meditate over Salforande.
************************************************** *****
You take some of Salforande's blood loss.
Salforande needs more blood. Currently 145 HP.
************************************************** *****
[Note: no experience gain when patient is still bleeding]
>[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
>You concentrate.
You feel better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
>PUT: trans Salforande
You meditate over Salforande.
You take some of Salforande's blood loss.
[Note: no experience gain when patient is still bleeding]
[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
>You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...Your spell is ready.
Keraa traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
You already have a spell readied! You must RELEASE it if you wish to prepare another!
>You concentrate.
You feel better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
>PUT: trans Salforande
You meditate over Salforande.
You take all of Salforande's blood loss.
[Note: no experience gain when patient is still bleeding]
>Keraa gestures at you.
CS: +306 - TD: +163 + CvA: +12 + d100: +97 - -5 == +257
Warding failed!
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
>You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
>Keraa murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Keraa concentrates.Keraa's abdomen looks better.
>Keraa murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Keraa concentrates.
Keraa's abdomen looks better.
>'By the way, Keraa
You say, "By the way, Keraa."
>'I did not heal your patient
You say, "I did not heal your patient."
>Keraa whispers, "I am not going to say this outloud, we are all here to heal."
>Keraa whispers, "You are using your script to heal everyone, not taking turns."
>Keraa hugs Demagor, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
>'Keraa, you are an idiot
You say, "Keraa, you are an idiot."
>Demagor hugs Keraa.
>Allalia hugs Keraa.
>Keraa hugs Allalia, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
>Keraa smiles.
>Demagor tickles Keraa.
>Keraa giggles.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "We are sharing here, we do not nod to everyone Mayzra."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Take turns Mayzra."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, ""we nod and take turns."
*** TypoHelp: Guild -> Speak empath

You are now speaking Guildspeak.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "All you do is nod to eveyrone ."
>'I take turns
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "I take turns."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "False."
>'There are *many* people I have not healed
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "There are *many* people I have not healed."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Not since I have been sitting here."
>[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
>You concentrate.
You feel better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "You took the last 5 patients almost, except when you were healing down."
>[healbot: Healing rank 3.]
[healbot: Healing rank 2.]
[healbot: Healing rank 1.]
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
>Lady Sarrynna just arrived.
>PUT: appraise Sarrynna
>Lady Sarrynna just went west.
>Appraise what?
>[healbot: Healing is complete.]
Liannonuel just arrived.
>PUT: appraise Liannonuel
You take a quick appraisal of Liannonuel and find that he has no apparent injuries.
>'How is that a problem?
>Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "How is that a problem?"
>'I heal when I'm ready to heal
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "I heal when I'm ready to heal."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I nodded to the person who asked for healing for the dead person."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "You healed them." (PERSONAL NOTE: She initially whispered to me for healing Scyrin, the body in question was not healed at the time. She never nodded to Scyrin and failed to heal the body, so I whispered and the dead person asked me to heal them.)
>'Salforande whispered to me for healing
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "Salforande whispered to me for healing."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Hey I have had people whisper to me too for healing and have another empath heal them."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I am getting tired of it."
>Keraa nods to Fulmen.
>You feel less drained.
>Keraa nods to Veshan.
>Keraa meditates over Veshan.
Keraa takes Veshan's chest damage.
>'Wait, you're getting tired of something that you just did yourself?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Wait, you're getting tired of something that you just did yourself?"
>Keraa meditates over Veshan.
Keraa takes Veshan's right eye damage.
>Allalia meditates over Veshan.
Nothing happens.
>Keraa meditates over Veshan.
Keraa takes Veshan's back damage.
>Keraa meditates over Veshan.
Keraa takes some of Veshan's blood loss.
Allalia meditates over Veshan.
Nothing happens.
>Keraa murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Keraa concentrates.
Keraa looks a little better.
>'You complain that someone healed the person who whispered to you, yet complain that I healed the person who whispered to me?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "You complain that someone healed the person who whispered to you, yet complain that I healed the person who whispered to me?"
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I am complaining because you are using a healing script and nodding to everyone."
>'Excuse me?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Excuse me?"
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Nod or do not nod."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "But share."
>report Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I am complaining because you are using a healing script and nodding to everyone."

REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Use a script of not, but share."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "We are not here to watch one empath take them all."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "No one likes to waste their time."
>Keraa murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Keraa concentrates.
Keraa's right eye looks better.
Keraa murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Keraa concentrates.
Keraa's right eye looks better.
'am I healing people right now, Keraa?
>Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Am I healing people right now, Keraa?"
>Keraa murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Keraa concentrates.
Keraa's chest looks better.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Just telling you."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Share."
>'Am I healing people RIGHT NOW?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Am I healing people RIGHT NOW?"
'Or am I talking?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "Or am I talking?"
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Allalia says, "It should not be a problem if everyone shares."
>Keraa nods to Allalia.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "That is all I am saying."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Share."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Nothing else."
>'No, that's not what you're saying
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "No, that's not what you're saying."
>'You bound me for healing someone
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "You bound me for healing someone."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "You healed 4 people in a row."
>'You cry too much
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "You cry too much."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Like you are the only empath sitting here."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "I'm not discussing this further."
'It's not my fault you are a complete idiot
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "It's not my fault you are a complete idiot."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Neither am I."
>'Goodbye, Keraa!
Speaking in Guildspeak, you exclaim, "Goodbye, Keraa!"
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I am not putting up with empaths that do not share."
'That's fine
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "That's fine."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I also do not tolerate empaths who do not respect nods."
With no warning, a very large squirrel runs out along a branch overhead. It stumbles on the branch and drops a large acorn right on Keraa's head! Had it been aimed, it could not have hit more accurately. It bounces off her head and lands on the ground while the squirrel dances and chitters in frustration.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "You want to get on my bad side."
>Keraa glances at you.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Suit yourself."
>'I want you to shut up, is all
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "I want you to shut up, is all."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "But I will outlast you here, you will win a few battles and lose the war."
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "The ignorant usually do."
>'I'm just healing. I can't lose
Speaking in Guildspeak, you say, "I'm just healing. I can't lose."
You chuckle.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I can beat out your script."
Executing script: debugwin.cmd with parameters ""
Script ended.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "You will not get one wound."
>'What are you talking about?
You ask, "What are you talking about?"
*** TypoHelp: Guild -> Speak empath

You are now speaking Guildspeak.
>Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "So do not start a war with me."

Miss X
10-23-2005, 05:21 PM
Clearly she's a top notch roleplayer. :rolleyes:

[Edited on 10-23-2005 by Miss X]

10-23-2005, 05:21 PM
Wah wah wah; must have my wounds or I will cry!! People like this are why my empath is a hunter.


10-23-2005, 05:25 PM
How does someone manage to get a CS that high and have no understanding of roleplaying?

10-23-2005, 05:26 PM
And to clarify her statement that I'm nodding to "everyone" and healing them:

target_line = waitfor(" punches you in the head.", "You nod to ")
if(target_line =~ / punches you in the head/)
target = $`.chomp
elsif(target_line =~ /You nod to /)
target = $'.chomp
target[-1] = ""
put "appraise " + target

There are two conditions that allow my script to start. Either it picks up the line, "You nod to someone." and heals them, or it picks up the line, "Someone punches you in the head." and heals them. The only way "Someone punches you in the head." will show up is in a free-RP verb (say, act, smile, etc.). It will never nod to someone, and it will never heal someone on its own. I start it manually 100% of the time.

This is the reason I'm able to recognize that someone is injured and heal them so quickly after they ask for healing:
matchbool ok $person$ just arrived.
matchbool ok $person$'s group just arrived.
set person getlastword(%person%)
ifset healdown_running goto loop
put appraise %person%
goto loop

I am on an equal playing field with Keraa, because she uses a script in the same manner that I do: we both start it with a variable and it heals the person. I just use a better one.

[Edited on 10-23-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

10-23-2005, 05:36 PM
What a whiny little bitch. I would have reported for PvP when she bound you; she did it for OOC reasons and it was fucking retarded.


10-23-2005, 05:38 PM
This is not my first Keraa encounter, either. About a week ago she called me Tayre, out loud, in TSC.

10-23-2005, 05:39 PM

Keraa is a TOOL (http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/Breannaa/page4.html) from way back. The friend who introduced me to Gemstone was run off by her obsessive behavior when she played Breannaa a majority of the time. She thinks she's the end all be all of empaths as well, and is not afraid to impose her will on younger empaths who do not conform to her wishes.

A few things I learned while playing the 'nod' game at TSC.

1. It is not a Gemstone rule, nor a guild practice to nod. It is a courtesy but one that is not always witnessed depending on the nature or personality of the one healing.

2. Imposing your will via magical or physical means on others who do not follow your personal preferences is considered PvP and in most cases will see intervention from any GM's on duty. Continuance, as it was described to me, will merit warnings and other sanctions as deemed appropriate by the GM staff.

3. It takes all kinds to sit and heal in a room full of others who wish to do the same. In the end it usually just pisses off the person who comes in for healing, or as the case where multiple people 'pounce' on the wounded who walk in, it gives the wounded an even greater excuse to not offer tips.

4. I'm am ever so thankful they gave empaths spells with which to hunt so those not seeking that kind of drama can avoid it.

10-23-2005, 05:41 PM
Keraa made an ass of herself. Empathy, as I remember it, was always a sort of battle of the speedhealers. Even if nods are used, those who nod first are going to get the action. Additionally, if someone asks a given empath to heal them, that empath should heal them. You don't turn them over to someone else just because you've decided to "share". They didn't ask someone else. They asked a specific empath and that's them empath who should heal them.

If you're going to use a script to heal, make it a good script and don't put others down for using a script. It's hypocritical as hell.

By the way, did poor Yahn ever get his body healed? Keraa nodded to Yahn, but I don't see any action from her at all.

10-23-2005, 05:44 PM
My empath uses acts a lot if and when she heals. I'm not much for the speedyheal mentality. That's for merchanting.


10-23-2005, 05:46 PM
<<By the way, did poor Yahn ever get his body healed? Keraa nodded to Yahn, but I don't see any action from her at all.>>

He wanted Salforande to be healed. Keraa nodded to Yahn, I healed Scyrin, then Keraa complained to me and threatened to bind me. I asked Salforande if he wanted healing since Keraa ignored him after nodding and he asked for it, so I started to heal him but Keraa bound me in the middle of it.

[Edited on 10-23-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

10-23-2005, 05:47 PM
Heh. She needed to shut her mouth and give the healing she indicated with her nod. If I'd been Salforande, she'd have been chewing a few thorns once I was able to feed them to her. ;)

10-23-2005, 05:49 PM
Yea, she did say "we nod to those we heal" or whatever. So yea, heal the guy you nodded to.

edit to add: wah wah wah! I want my wounds or I will bind you!

[Edited on Sun, October rd, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

10-23-2005, 06:00 PM
Times like this (and only times like this) I wish Tayre would sit in TSC and heal shit speedy gonzalez style with that script of his just to piss the stupid people off.

[Edited on 10-23-2005 by JihnasSpirit]

10-23-2005, 06:01 PM
.. Tayre and I use the same script.

10-23-2005, 06:03 PM
That's why I made my empath a bard instead. What a headache ;/

10-23-2005, 06:04 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I just wanted to inform eveyrone here."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "That Mayzra there, creates incidents to run back to the Peoples corner to report on all of us here."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Of course Bobumuthol who is Mayzra, always makes himself look good."

10-23-2005, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
.. Tayre and I use the same script.


hahaha. Ahem.


10-23-2005, 06:04 PM
>report Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "That Mayzra there, creates incidents to run back to the Peoples corner to report on all of us here." Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Of course Bobumuthol who is Mayzra, always makes himself look good."
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.


10-23-2005, 06:05 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "I asked Mayzra to stop healing all the empaths."
Aliria meditates over Faitedeiona.
Aliria takes Faitedeiona's left leg damage.
Symbion just arrived.
PUT: appraise Symbion

Aliria meditates over Faitedeiona.
Aliria takes Faitedeiona's chest damage.
You take a quick appraisal of Symbion and find that he has no apparent injuries.
*** TypoHelp: Guild -> Speak empath

You are now speaking Guildspeak.
Aliria meditates over Faitedeiona.
Aliria takes Faitedeiona's right leg damage.
>'You asked what?
Speaking in Guildspeak, you ask, "You asked what?"
Symbion just went southwest.
Aliria meditates over Faitedeiona.
Aliria takes Faitedeiona's left hand damage.
Silverion just arrived.
PUT: appraise Silverion

You take a quick appraisal of Silverion and find that he has no apparent injuries.
Silverion just went west.
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "And of course he runs back to report it on the people corner."

10-23-2005, 06:05 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "He purposefully creates situations in which he can create an event."

10-23-2005, 06:05 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "So he gets a little attention on the people corner site."

10-23-2005, 06:05 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "But you should know how Mayzra talks behind our backs."

10-23-2005, 06:07 PM
Hey, nothing like purposely starting shit in game to post on PC. Isn't that why we're all here?

10-23-2005, 06:07 PM

10-23-2005, 06:09 PM
omfg Keraa is too stupid for me to come in contact with anymore.

10-23-2005, 06:12 PM
Wow, she has NO concept of RP does she. Jeeez, I hope the GM's pull her ass for that shit. Nothing makes me more peeved in game than when an empath binds another empath because they are 'healing too fast' or 'don't share'. I don't particularly care for those that just speed heal everyone who walks in, but from the log you posted here, it seems you were very much in the right and she's just stupid.

10-23-2005, 06:12 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "No one has to believe me, just go read it yourself."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "This kid has issues."

10-23-2005, 06:13 PM
are you still reporting her every time she comments on this like that? Surely the GM's will pull her soon.

10-23-2005, 06:13 PM
I've reported her twice, both have been posted here.

Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "You are such a whiner Mayzra, you can not even take care of your own problems, have to run back and cry like a baby."

10-23-2005, 06:14 PM
:lol: :clap:

10-23-2005, 06:15 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Why don't you tell them Mayzra that most of the empaths thanked me for telling you that."

Why don't you tell yourself that you're so fucking stupid, Keraa? Nobody here agrees with you :'(

10-23-2005, 06:16 PM
Why doesn't she just post here herself? I'd love to see that one. :punch:

10-23-2005, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I've reported her twice, both have been posted here.

Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "You are such a whiner Mayzra, you can not even take care of your own problems, have to run back and cry like a baby."

And now that she's lost the battle of wits, she feels the need to resort to a physical confrontation since she knows that she has more levels on you.

Thats almost enough for me to bring down my capped empath and start mass vulturing just so she would attempt to cast at me.

10-23-2005, 06:17 PM
Keraa, you're an idiot.

10-23-2005, 06:18 PM
Keraa whispers, "Whiner."

This is just too much. Thanks for the support, guys!

10-23-2005, 06:19 PM
She's fucking ignorant. She's calling YOU a whiner for simply posting her dumbass comments which are completely OOC, which she is *gasp* WHINING about herself over and over!

10-23-2005, 06:23 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Whining on psinet now Mayzra."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa asks, "Doesn't you whinning no any bounds?"
Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa says, "Grow up."


[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "Can someone tell me what this is?"
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "I appraise people and see stuff like He has t and terrible, permanent mutilation of his back muscles."
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "It's always S/he has t and"
[OOC]-Vivianna: "bug? i think "
[OOC]-Tayvin: "yay Psinet is back up"
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "It's a terrible bug because it disrupts my healing scripts :("
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "One of them, anyway."
[OOC]-Radamanthys: "you're an empath?"
[OOC]-Tayvin: "HE"S AN MAer, HANG HIM"
[OOC]-Tayvin: "I cybered with him and he didn't tell me he had a dong until after :("
[OOC]-Klaser: "Maybe your scripts shouldn't suck so much"
[OOC]-Ariond: "psinet is fucked this weekend."
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "hahaha. Yeah I have an empath but I am not an empath as Bobmuhthol."
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "Dear Klaser,"
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "I have the best healing script in GS."
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "The end."
[OOC]-Ganalon: "its FE based right bob?"
[OOC]-Ariond: "i dunno, man.."
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "It's Lich."
[OOC]-Ariond: "bobmuhthol fights like an empath"
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "Er, wait, the error?"
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "I use.. an FE.."
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "Wizard."
[OOC]-Ganalon: "I seem to recall seeing that a few times when using my healing script lately. Sorry, I abbreviate Wizard as FE and SF for stormfront."

10-23-2005, 06:33 PM
If I were you, Bob, I'd just ignore Keraa when she goes off like this. She's being an idiot. If she brings OOC in-game with stupid comments, use Report until the GMs' ears are ringing. There's no excuse for her behavior. Hell, she nodded to a guy and proceeded to bitch at you instead of healing the corpse he was escorting. That's enough for me. If it's more important to bitch than to do YOUR job (the one you're bitching that SOMEONE ELSE won't let you do!), YOU have the problem, Keraa!

10-23-2005, 06:33 PM
Berylla has been sucking Keraa's dick the entire time, being equally OOC and agreeing with her every word, etc.

Caboth asks, "Any healers that can take care of my left leg and back?"
>nod cab
Berylla nods to Caboth.
You nod to Caboth.
[healbot]^appraise Caboth
You take a quick appraisal of Caboth and find that he has some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg and minor cuts and bruises on his back.
[healbot]^transfer Caboth back
You meditate over Caboth.
Caboth's back damage is transferred to you.
[healbot]^transfer Caboth left leg
Berylla softly says, "Sure."
You meditate over Caboth.
Caboth's left leg damage is transferred to you.
[healbot]^transfer Caboth
You meditate over Caboth.
You take all of Caboth's blood loss.
[healbot: Healing blood.]
[healbot]^prep 1101
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Heal...
Your spell is ready.
You concentrate.
You feel better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
[healbot: Healing rank 3.]
[healbot: Healing rank 2.]
[healbot: Healing rank 1.]
[healbot]^incant 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your left leg feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Sporatis tumbles on the ground smoothly but stumbles as he stands up.
Berylla leans softly against you.
Gemleshil rummages around in his pockets.
Caboth smiles at you.
Taveron chuckles.
[healbot]^incant 1105
lean beryl
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Organ Repair...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your back feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Quickrage just left.
You lean on Berylla, giving her a companionable grin.
Caboth just gave you 200 coins which you quickly pocket.
PUT: smile Caboth

You smile at Caboth.
PUT: SAY :jubilant Ooh, thanks!

You jubilantly exclaim, "Ooh, thanks!"
Maribell just arrived.
PUT: appraise Maribell

You take a quick appraisal of Maribell and find that she has no apparent wounds.
She has a scar across her face, a scar across her neck, old battle scars on her right arm, old battle scars on her left arm, old battle scars on her right leg, old battle scars on her left leg, old battle scars on her right hand, old battle scars on her left hand, an old battle scar across her chest, an old battle scar across her abdominal area, and an old battle scar across her back.
[healbot: Healing is complete.]
Gemleshil's group just went southwest.
Berylla softly says, "I warned you about that."
Berylla nods to you.
Rythn just arrived.
PUT: appraise Rythn

You take a quick appraisal of Rythn and find that he has no apparent injuries.
Rythn just went northeast.
>whis beryll I'm not too concerned about it, since you're so close to Keraa
You quietly whisper to Berylla, "I'm not too concerned about it, since you're so close to Keraa."
Caboth says, "Thank you...be a dead rogue without you healers."
Aliria just arrived.
PUT: appraise Aliria

You take a quick appraisal of Aliria and find that she has some minor cuts and bruises on her right leg, some minor cuts and bruises on her left leg, some minor cuts and bruises on her left hand, minor cuts and bruises on her chest, and deep lacerations across her back.
She has a mangled right arm.
Caboth winks.
Taveron grins at Aliria.
Sporatis tucks his chin towards his chest and falls to the ground in an elegant roll. He tumbles smoothly and springs to his feet, ready for action!
Taveron offers Aliria a deadly serrated-edged broadsword.
You feel more refreshed.
Berylla softly says, "Ok, then you deal with the consequences."
Berylla nods to you.
Glatt just arrived.
PUT: appraise Glatt

You take a quick appraisal of Glatt and find that he has some minor cuts and bruises on his left arm and some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg.
Caboth just went southwest.
Aliria accepts Taveron's serrated-edged broadsword.
Glatt leans on Geminischild, giving her a companionable grin.
Rythn just arrived.
PUT: appraise Rythn

You take a quick appraisal of Rythn and find that he has no apparent injuries.
Rythn just went southwest.
Lucio just arrived.
PUT: appraise Lucio

You take a quick appraisal of Lucio and find that he has minor cuts and bruises on his chest and minor cuts and bruises on his back.
He has an old battle scar across his chest and an old battle scar across his back.
Reltov just arrived.
PUT: appraise Reltov

You take a quick appraisal of Reltov and find that he has deep lacerations across his abdominal area.
He is bleeding from the abdomen.
>whis berylla If you feel like participating in PvP, sure.
You quietly whisper to Berylla, "If you feel like participating in PvP, sure."

Berylla is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.

10-23-2005, 06:36 PM
heh, don't see how that is going to solve anything. Now she has to leave so she doesn't get to heal either. IDIOT.

10-23-2005, 06:37 PM
She left for about 6.5 seconds and is still here.

10-23-2005, 06:46 PM
Please welcome our newest member Berylla.

I just can't wait (to be king).

lol@my awesome Disney referencing.

10-23-2005, 06:53 PM
This is very funny.

For the record, some people I just can't deal with.....so they're warned and ignored. I don't have to leave any room or do anything because I flat out can't see them.

Oh...and in my opinion, Bob lies. The whole story has more holes than umm....something with a lot of holes in it.

10-23-2005, 06:53 PM

10-23-2005, 06:54 PM
All I have to say is: they're both retarded, and I'm glad I don't play an empath.

10-23-2005, 06:54 PM
You do realize that when you warn interact someone, you are required to leave the area just like they are yes? I mean, that is, if you actually want some weight to be held with your warn. If you are just using warn interact to say "Nyah Nyah I waaaarned you" then I understand why you wouldn't think you should leave the room.

10-23-2005, 06:55 PM
<<Oh...and in my opinion, Bob lies. The whole story has more holes than umm....something with a lot of holes in it.>>

Your opinion fucking sucks because you weren't involved and you inherently believe Keraa anyway. Keraa talks about how good I make myself look, but the only things left out of my log are arrivals, irrelevant speech from uninvolved people, and my script trying desperately to heal my blood loss while bound. Please shut the fuck up.

10-23-2005, 06:56 PM
<<All I have to say is: they're both retarded>>

Me + Keraa or Keraa + Berylla?

10-23-2005, 06:56 PM
What holes? I remember when Tayre was having problems with Keraa. She said I was Tayre and that she was going to kill me too, when I NEVER SPOKE TO OR INTERACTED WITH HER.

10-23-2005, 06:58 PM
Keraa + Berylla, Bob.

10-23-2005, 06:58 PM

Miss X
10-23-2005, 07:00 PM
Bob's story looks pretty straight up to me, from an objective point of view I'm not seeing any holes in it.

Also, if you are using WARN and actually taking it seriously (as is intended) then leaving the room when you warn someone is probably a good idea, even if its just for 10 minutes to calm down.

There is simply no excusing Keraa for blatant OOC behaviour and I'm sure plenty of people heard her.

10-23-2005, 07:00 PM


10-23-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
I don't have to leave any room or do anything because I flat out can't see them.

Two things here, first, you warned him of consequences if he healed someone you nodded to, then you ignore (squelch) all of his actions??? How are you going to met out consequences when you cant see what he's doing?

Second, there's absolutely nothing you can do since he's not AFK scripting, he's engaging in RP, and he's not violating any rules. You can try to bait him into PvP with words, but since he's notably more versed in PvP and baiting than you or Keraa, I think you guys will be the ones warming the seat cushions in the consultation lounge should you try that game.

And to what Jolena added.... same some popcorn for me!

[Edited on 10-23-2005 by Ganalon]

10-23-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
This is very funny.

I can't argue with you there.

10-23-2005, 07:11 PM
Believe me, I've been baited by enough 15 year old kids playing on Mommy's computer to know what I can and can't get away with.

If Bob wants to script heal his way through the game - more power to him. Not something I've ever cared for or would ever do so I have no comment on that front.

I don't blame Keraa for losing her cool. Hey, the scripting issue is a really hot topic for some and the holes are all of the conversations and goading by Mayzra that led up to the incident.

And who says "consequences" in Berylla's mind can't be that Mayzra never gets to speak to Berylla again? I must say, she IS rather full of herself and always has been. I say this as her player, of course. Always makes me laugh how many people can't stand her for being so stuck up. Imagine that....a stuck up dark elf! Amazing!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-23-2005, 07:12 PM
I ran my empath in and nodded at Bob like 5 times.

I'm calling it healing credit. I get 5 healings without a nod now.

10-23-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

I don't blame Keraa for losing her cool. Hey, the scripting issue is a really hot topic for some and the holes are all of the conversations and goading by Mayzra that led up to the incident.

How can you not blame her? She did nothing in character, talked about scripts outloud. She even scripts herself.

10-23-2005, 07:16 PM
<<Believe me, I've been baited by enough 15 year old kids playing on Mommy's computer to know what I can and can't get away with.>>

My computer, thx.

<<If Bob wants to script heal his way through the game - more power to him. Not something I've ever cared for or would ever do so I have no comment on that front.>>

You can name 100 random empaths and more than 90 of them will have a healing script in some form.

<<I don't blame Keraa for losing her cool.>>

You should.

<<Hey, the scripting issue is a really hot topic for some and the holes are all of the conversations and goading by Mayzra that led up to the incident.>>

hahahahahaha. You weren't even there. It began when I healed Scyrin and Keraa whined about it for no reason, and I didn't leave out anything that I said.

10-23-2005, 07:17 PM
<<Always makes me laugh how many people can't stand her for being so stuck up. Imagine that....a stuck up dark elf! Amazing!>>

This would be valid if you roleplayed, but you participated in Keraa's OOC funtime.

10-23-2005, 07:17 PM
The key is that Keraa did, indeed, lose her cool. Her behavior was ridiculously OOC. In that respect, Bob is right.

While I would not choose to script my way through the game, Simu does allow scripting as long as the scripter is not AFK. So, whether one likes it or not, one must abide it or play another game. It IS allowed in GS; therefore, making an ass of oneself over someone else's scripting is pretty useless, not to mention stupid.

10-23-2005, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
Hey, the scripting issue is a really hot topic for some and the holes are all of the conversations and goading by Mayzra that led up to the incident.

I presume you, or Keraa, have a log of all these purported "holes"? Accusations without backup mean absolutely nothing. Bob has a log. Prove it's been altered.

10-23-2005, 07:22 PM
I agree all of her OOC talk was laughable at best. Jesus sometimes you have to wonder about people.

10-23-2005, 07:22 PM
What the hell is the difference between scripting something, and looking at someone, typing transfer idiot left hand for every single body part? In fact, NOT scripting healing is plain stupid.

10-23-2005, 07:24 PM
<<I presume you, or Keraa, have a log of all these purported "holes"? Accusations without backup mean absolutely nothing. Bob has a log. Prove it's been altered.>>

Don't say anything you'll regret, HarmNone. After all, I only posted this (the edited-for-PC version, of course) to make myself look good. Keraa is infallible!

I find it terribly ironic that I watched The Running Man this morning. It was just a movie, Keraa.

10-23-2005, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<I presume you, or Keraa, have a log of all these purported "holes"? Accusations without backup mean absolutely nothing. Bob has a log. Prove it's been altered.>>

Don't say anything you'll regret, HarmNone. After all, I only posted this (the edited-for-PC version, of course) to make myself look good. Keraa is infallible!

I find it terribly ironic that I watched The Running Man this morning. It was just a movie, Keraa.

Heh. I'm not about to regret it, Bob. If people are going to accuse others of what amounts to lying, they'd best have something with which to back up their allegations. Otherwise, they're just spitting in the wind, as far as I'm concerned.

10-23-2005, 07:49 PM
Hi, Berylla. You are being fucking stupid.

If you knew anything it would be that we on the PLAYER's Corner (not People's Corner, thx Keraa the fucktard!) would be the first ones to tell Bob if he was being stupid.

He's not. You are, and Keraa is sadly worse.


10-23-2005, 07:50 PM
I have to say I'm quite surprised. I've healed with Keraa quite a few times. I've not seen her go OOC til now and I've not ever seen her lose her cool with any other empath. I don't script when I heal, but I'm pretty quick to nod because of my highlight strings and whatnot. I've had others accuse me of script healing, but never Keraa. Nor has she said anything to me about not sharing or taking turns or whatever.

I've never worried much about "sharing" in TSC. There's generally plenty to go around. I've had some people stare or giggle at me for healing too fast. Sorry. I worked hard to get my empath to where she can heal quickly..and I did it...:gasp: so she can heal quickly!!

On the flip side, if people start complaining and saying they're too new at healing to get a heal in fast enough, I slow down and let them have a chance or, if they're really low level, just tell them to jump in and heal what they can off my patients.

However, Keraa and Berylla are far from low level. I'm really quite shocked.

10-23-2005, 07:54 PM
Yeah, unfortunately Keraa and Berylla are both above level 70. It's truly disheartening.

10-23-2005, 07:57 PM
Out of curiosity, Bob...how old is your empath?

10-23-2005, 08:00 PM

10-23-2005, 08:12 PM
And how many times a day do you nod at a wounded person after another healer has already done so and stripped every wound before anyone can even blink?

That's great that your script is SO much better than everyone else's....but there are a room full of empaths who are also trying to help.

If this was a race, we could all have our handy dandy mega scripts out and strip everyone of their wounds as quickly as they walk into the room. Hey, in fact...forget nodding! Let's all just race!

The fact remains - this is not the first time this has happened. Or the second...or the third....or not even the hundredth that I have personally witnessed. He sits there, nods to everyone that asks and script heals them all whether he is the first one to nod or not.

Me, I walk away when it happens too much. There's other things to do in the lands than sit and watch that shit.

But yes, I DO understand when other healers get pissed off and call him on his behavior. Not only do I understand it, I applaud it.

To sit and let someone walk all over you is unthinkable.

10-23-2005, 08:13 PM
and by the way, Berylla is level 89 and has never scripted a single heal. Not once.

Yes, I'm proud of that.

No, I don't care if you're not.

10-23-2005, 08:15 PM
I can see a case here if Keraa had been somewhat IC and attempted to roleplay her CHARACTER'S frustration (not her own personal frustration) with this "behavior," as you call it.

Sadly, she was not. While she ignored people that SHE had nodded to and took the time to bind an empath that was helping, she continued to speak in an OOC fashion. In fact, binding him for "script healing" was OOC in the first place, and she plainly admitted that's why she had done it.

PvP is... OOC. Keraa is OOC, and in a really retarded way, too. BUT OMG HE WAS HEALING REALLY FAST OH NOES!!! Are you seriously saying there's some shortage of wounded people in the Landing? Please.


10-23-2005, 08:17 PM
<<And how many times a day do you nod at a wounded person after another healer has already done so and stripped every wound before anyone can even blink?>>

On average? 0.

<<That's great that your script is SO much better than everyone else's....but there are a room full of empaths who are also trying to help.>>

I don't rob anyone of the chance to heal.

<<If this was a race, we could all have our handy dandy mega scripts out and strip everyone of their wounds as quickly as they walk into the room. Hey, in fact...forget nodding! Let's all just race!>>

Sounds like someone is upset that people script.

<<The fact remains - this is not the first time this has happened. Or the second...or the third....or not even the hundredth that I have personally witnessed. He sits there, nods to everyone that asks and script heals them all whether he is the first one to nod or not.>>

This is untrue. I intentionally did it to Caelwog, Keraa, and you for being dumbasses. Not to anyone else. You have not seen me heal 100 people. You have not seen me nod to everyone.

<<Me, I walk away when it happens too much. There's other things to do in the lands than sit and watch that shit.>>

Then why talk about it if it upsets you so much?

<<But yes, I DO understand when other healers get pissed off and call him on his behavior. Not only do I understand it, I applaud it.>>

A select few empaths dislike me. All of my customers love me.

<<To sit and let someone walk all over you is unthinkable.>>

I agree! That's why I posted this; to show people how fucking dumb Keraa is.

10-23-2005, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
And how many times a day do you nod at a wounded person after another healer has already done so and stripped every wound before anyone can even blink? Bob and Tayre usually stop their script when I beat their nod. Obviously it doesn't help if the guy had an arm minor and blood loss, but you catch more flies with honey than piss.

Nice spin btw, but going bluntly OOC and letting Bob "walk all over you" are not the only two options.

10-23-2005, 08:21 PM
I help the other empaths as much as possible, to further my own defense. If there's a dead empath in TSC, I'll heal them completely, and even send them mana when they're alive again. I send 150+ mana (I have 191 max) in the middle of frying myself if someone needs it. The mana I'm sending is going towards them healing, if you couldn't figure that out yourself. Many empaths are getting experience while I'm around.

10-23-2005, 08:22 PM
I love that I have found an area in which I can agree wholeheartedly with Latrinsorm. Thanks Keraa and Berylla! Yay!


10-23-2005, 08:23 PM

I don't think you know how much that means to me right now. :)

10-23-2005, 08:24 PM
Sadly, there is only one real healing spot left in the Landing. It's not like it used to be where you could heal in one of four or five good spots (North gate, Abandoned Inn, the Ledge, TSC...what have I forgotten?)

More healers need to learn to hunt. It makes things easier if you have options. There are still quite a few out there that only heal and have no other way of gaining exp. Sad.

10-23-2005, 08:25 PM
Honestly Bob, at this point, you don't even need to defend yourself. Regardless of whether or not you script heal and 'steal other empath's customers', the fact remains that Keraa was blatantly OOC in a setting that was open for multiple empaths to see, which in turn is incredibly disruptive to not only Bob but to every other person within earshot who speaks guild. SHE WAS WRONG. Story over.

10-23-2005, 08:25 PM
<<Bob and Tayre usually stop their script when I beat their nod.>>

It's programmed into our script that if the script is running and someone nods before it starts tranferring, it will end itself.

When I run the script after someone has already nodded, I make an attempt to kill it, but it really is too fast to deal with. As has been previously posted:

>nod cab
Berylla nods to Caboth.
You nod to Caboth.
[healbot]^appraise Caboth

Sometimes it's a simple matter of lag. I also didn't care in that instance, or with Keraa and Caelwog. They can fuck off. Any other time it's happened (which is not a common occurrence), people will accept my apology and move on. I also give them any tips I received from it, and occasionally mana.

10-23-2005, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Chastittee
Sorry. I worked hard to get my empath to where she can heal quickly..and I did it...:gasp: so she can heal quickly!!

Chastittee wins.

10-23-2005, 08:33 PM
well there's the problem...if you purposefully did something because "It was Keraa, I don't care" then how can you stand there and single her out that she reacted to what you did ON PURPOSE?

It's like poking someone with a stick and then wondering why they get mad at you.

You pushed her buttons, she reacted, you stand back and laugh.

Only you don't just stand back and laugh...you come and post it here for all to see.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-23-2005, 08:35 PM
Actually, I'm going to bet he didn't do it to her or you, or anyone else, on purpose, until after what will now be called "the incident".

10-23-2005, 08:36 PM
I wonder why Berylla even gives a shit. I wonder why Keraa dosnt come and talky talky.

Miss X
10-23-2005, 08:36 PM
Its fine for Keraa to roleplay being angry or mad. However, Keraa did not do this. She was grossly ooc, there is absolutely no excuse for that and unfortunately for her, it destroyed any credibility she may have had.

10-23-2005, 08:36 PM
<<well there's the problem...if you purposefully did something because "It was Keraa, I don't care" then how can you stand there and single her out that she reacted to what you did ON PURPOSE?>>

She reacted to me being a courteous healer. She did it with PvP.

After-the-fact, I intentionally healed someone she nodded to one time, and it was just blood loss. This is not documented here and is truly irrelevant, as her reaction to that event is also not documented here and is not being judged.

<<It's like poking someone with a stick and then wondering why they get mad at you.>>

If you have no idea what you're talking about, yes, it's just like that.

<<You pushed her buttons, she reacted, you stand back and laugh.>>

You're saying the same thing over and over, and it's still wrong.

<<Only you don't just stand back and laugh...you come and post it here for all to see.>>

Excuse me? Read the first log I posted. I healed Scyrin and she said she nodded to him, BUT SHE DIDN'T AND BOUND ME ANYWAY.

<<Absolutely ridiculous.>>

It's absolutely ridiculous that you're such a fucking moron.

[Edited on 10-24-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

10-23-2005, 08:40 PM
<<Actually, I'm going to bet he didn't do it to her or you, or anyone else, on purpose, until after what will now be called "the incident".>>

That's right. I did it once intentionally to Keraa after "the incident," and I did it unintentionally but unremorsefully to Berylla and Caelwog after I did it to Keraa. It only happened because I stopped caring about nods since Berylla was actively healing. I asked Caelwog if he was healing, so I could try to give him a chance to heal before I assumed I was the only onduty empath, and he ignored me. Obviously, he randomly nods to some guy and I healed the person he nodded to. I explained why it happened and he goes into guildspeak like, "Mayzra what the fuck?!?!" Luckily for him, Keraa and Berylla were there to show how awesome they are. "Mayzra has no common sense," exlcaims Keraa! "And I'm a douche bag," adds Berylla.

The whole thing is for the birds.

10-23-2005, 08:42 PM
As I read the log, Bob's right. Keraa didn't nod to the person Bob's empath healed. Keraa nodded to someone else. She then completely ignored the person she'd agreed to heal in order to go OOC and argue with Bob, including incapacitating him for healing someone she hadn't even nodded to (nor had anyone else nodded to the person Bob's empath healed).

Sorry, Berylla. Keraa was totally in the wrong on this one. She made a complete ass of herself.

10-23-2005, 08:50 PM
Since I do automatically appraise everyone that walks into TSC with the "person has just arrived." message, I have 'nod person' waiting in my command line most of the time and wait for them to say something. I do it in a fraction of a second to insure that I do not take anyone else's heal. If I'm behind a little (ie. if it takes me even a full second), I'll wait at least 20 seconds for someone else to nod before I do to prevent problems. It's possible someone nods at the same time as me after 20 seconds and I heal the person, but that's not my fault, and has yet to happen. I pride myself on being a very aware healer, both to myself and my surroundings. I won't heal if I'm fried. I'll go to a table, run a scars script, and go back to TSC to fry again. I won't heal everyone unless I am positive that I am the only healer. I never dominate the healing traffic. I'm just fast, and I can heal a lot of people in a short time.

What's truly sad, Berylla, is that you try to portray me as anything less than I am.

Burnt out Priestess
10-23-2005, 08:52 PM
My question is and its probably a dumb one anyhow,but why are empaths that old over 70 keraa and berylla that is,even worried about healing in tsc when they are well beyond old enough to go somewhere in higher hunting grounds where younger empaths cant go and people need healing? and also i am sure those two are old enough to hunt farely well.

but again thats my dumb,odd question

10-23-2005, 08:53 PM
Bottom line, being an empath is stupid. Game, set, match.

10-23-2005, 08:55 PM
I like being an empath (specifically, I like being a healer -- being an empath in any other way is not very appealing), but I rarely find an empath I like. That's another reason I seldom heal when there's a crowd.

And I've been avoiding Keraa for a very long time anyway. I could never stand her as a healer but never directly interacted with her. Lately, though, she's just been there when I've allotted time for myself so I can heal for a while, and she is not going to ruin that for me.

10-23-2005, 08:56 PM
Or, why do they not (as in days of olde) remain in TSC, taking the wounds of the younger healers and ensuring that the young ones have enough mana and herbs to make their early experiences enjoyable and productive? What I see here is: "I want my share, even though I've already had my share!" It appears to me that what's being taught today is selfishness.

10-23-2005, 09:15 PM
Speaking in Guildspeak, Allalia says, "We can tell you are using a script Mayzra."

Does it fucking stop?

10-23-2005, 09:21 PM
I love being an empath that can heal down hunting wounds in the field and move on to getting some real experience. I don't want to take a million people's level 1 arm bruises all day. That all said:

I can understand sticking up for your friends when they're wrong. I have done it, and it's a tough position to be in. However, if Bob posted something erroneously, the only way to discredit him is to post the "accurate" version.

It becomes pretty obvious, since Berylla was not involved in the first encounter (and therefor you can't personally rebuke the log Bob posted), that the completely non dark elven player does not know what happened there and is blindly sticking up for a friend. -Points for loyalty. -Demerits for not backing down when it became painfully obvious your friend fed you a line of shit.


ps Scripting at the keyboard is not against policy.

pps You may display your war wounds of carpel tunnel syndrome to the rest of the world for an online game in 10 years, but I'll keep my healthy wrists, thanks.

ppps insulting people for their age in GS went out around the time of flat rate pricing on AOL.

pppps If anyone acted very immature in that situation, it was not Bob.

The end.

[Edited on Mon, October th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

10-23-2005, 09:49 PM
I'd like to thank Bob for bringing these massively retarded empaths to my attention.

Normally I avoid empaths anyway but now I'll make double sure that none of these losers touch any of my characters.

10-23-2005, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Honestly Bob, at this point, you don't even need to defend yourself. Regardless of whether or not you script heal and 'steal other empath's customers', the fact remains that Keraa was blatantly OOC in a setting that was open for multiple empaths to see, which in turn is incredibly disruptive to not only Bob but to every other person within earshot who speaks guild. SHE WAS WRONG. Story over.

Yeah. THAT.

What a fucking idiot. I for one only script to hunt rats. I DO have an empath that heals in TSC. I find I have no problem frying her, even though I loose out to script healers fairly often. Boothefuckhoo. Its the blatant (and very childish) OOC comments that make her look like a complete god-damned idiot. Way to go..loosing against a 15 year old kid. (Who I might add uses a more descriptive vocabulary in which to insult you with too!)

10-23-2005, 11:13 PM
I hope you keep reporting her for her being totally out of character. What a moron.

10-23-2005, 11:25 PM
WTF is with the invasion of the script nazis, anyway? Because you can "tell" someone is using a script to heal (like I have to imagine most of them do) doesn't excuse you saying so in an OOC fashion, even if it is in guild speak.

Add Allial or whoever to the list of losers for tonight.


10-23-2005, 11:39 PM
I had a bad experience with Keraa one time.. She's the stupidest bitch in the entire game, and that's all I have to say about that.

10-24-2005, 02:30 AM
I use the appraise command myself in SF, but I could care less if someone is scripting as long as they're smart about it. Just looking at how Bob handles the script, I'd say he's being pretty smart about it.

10-24-2005, 03:23 AM
"Look at her. This is a lonely woman looking for companionship.. Spinster. ..Maybe a virgin.. Maybe she got hurt a long time ago. She was a schoolgirl. There was a boy - It didn't work out. Now she needs a little tenderness. She needs a little understanding. She needs a little Kramer."

Terminator X
10-24-2005, 03:29 AM
Empath catfights, mmmm :drool:

10-24-2005, 05:16 AM
The worst parts is that it appears the GMs did nothing about that. That kind of behavior belongs in World of Warcraft, not a roleplaying game like Gemstone. :barf:

If someone sees Keraa; please suggest WoW.

10-24-2005, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Caboth asks, "Any healers that can take care of my left leg and back?"
>nod cab
Berylla nods to Caboth.
You nod to Caboth.

(then you proceed to heal the person ignoring the other empath's nod.)

That would have pissed me off. It happens a lot and sometimes people just don't notice someone nods before them, and perhaps some don't give a shit. I highlight it and pay attention I don’t see why everyone else can’t do the same.

I don't heal with a script but I'm still capable of healing quite fast. However there is almost always a little pause between nodding and when I start healing unless I get the sense the character my girl is going to heal is about to drop I like to do a little RP.

Though RP wise my girl just gets annoyed and leaves. She HATES Tayre straight up for doing that rude shit.

10-24-2005, 06:25 AM
<<(then you proceed to heal the person ignoring the other empath's nod.)>>

Because it was Berylla, the person who was in TSC talking openly with Keraa about scripts, the PC, and me.

10-24-2005, 06:42 AM
[i]Originally posted by Bobmuhthol

Because it was Berylla, the person who was in TSC talking openly with Keraa about scripts, the PC, and me.

Well they are lame as hell. But it still isn’t an excuse to ignore empath etiquette. At least not in my way of thinking. Unless you are in fact RPing a character who is just an ass and doesn’t care (which is an option :)). I get pissy about the etiquette because people have several times accused my girl of being rude and not nodding when in truth they are just lame and not paying attention, she is way polite.
I like everything about playing an empath with the exception of dealing with other empaths.

10-24-2005, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
This is not my first Keraa encounter, either. About a week ago she called me Tayre, out loud, in TSC.

Man.. I would have kicked her ass for that insult.:D

10-24-2005, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Berylla
That's great that your script is SO much better than everyone else's....but there are a room full of empaths who are also trying to help.

Let's not delude ourselves into thinking that the empaths are all huddled around TSC because they only want to help. They are there for experience and coin. That would be like me saying the only reason Falgrin ever hunted was that he was out there to help control the critter population. That might be an IC justification for it, but since this is an OOC forum.. makes little sense.

[Edited on 10-24-05 by Parkbandit]

10-24-2005, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Berylla
well there's the problem...if you purposefully did something because "It was Keraa, I don't care" then how can you stand there and single her out that she reacted to what you did ON PURPOSE?

It's like poking someone with a stick and then wondering why they get mad at you.

You pushed her buttons, she reacted, you stand back and laugh.

Only you don't just stand back and laugh...you come and post it here for all to see.

Absolutely ridiculous.

What's "Absolutely ridiculous" is Keraa's inability to handle the situation in character. It's supposed to be a roleplaying game.. and she has failed miserably time and time again.

She should quit now and find a nice 1 player game to win at.

10-24-2005, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Let's not delude ourselves into thinking that the empaths are all huddled around TSC because they only want to help. They are there for experience and coin. That would be like me saying the only reason Falgrin ever hunted was that he was out there to help control the critter population. That might be an IC justification for it, but since this is an OOC forum.. makes little sense.

[Edited on 10-24-05 by Parkbandit]

Actually though, that was the reason I created my empath; to help other people. Sadly, empaths, aren't as friendly as I'd perceived them before creating mine. I still heal in TSC if nobody else is around, but I avoid it if it's busy. I've never ran into Mayzra, Keraa, or Berylla there but did bring my empath into TSC last night to see if this were still going on.

10-24-2005, 08:24 AM
In my opinion the empath profession is the most frustrating one to play if you're a pure healer.

My empath only heals when no others are around to avoid drama. Perfect for Teras but she's too young to hunt there solo =/.
She'll only stick around if another friend is around who she knows won't start the dramatic crap that usually happens with healing.

10-24-2005, 08:43 AM
Yeah that log made her look like a mor1-e...bob why don't you focus on bob instead of some healy empath.

10-24-2005, 10:01 AM
I'd rather deal with Bob or Tayre scripting any day than have to deal with Berylla or Keraa's OOC nonsense. They're Empaths actually being helpful along with the exp/coin grab.

Don't even get me started on Berylla's corny ass Vaalor powertripping.

Reasons not to come back...

10-24-2005, 11:58 AM
Oddly enough, while playing my healer the only empaths I've ever had an issue with are Silversoft, Skyfawn and Ismurri. The rest have all pretty much been decent, even Keraa. I'm rather amused and somewhat disgusted at her behavior last night with Bob's empath but previously I'd had no issues with her. Guess she gets added to my very short list (of 3) of empaths to ignore/avoid.

10-24-2005, 12:03 PM
Both Keraa and Berylla sound familiar to me. I think I used to hang out with Keraa on Teras, not sure now. If that's true, then the OOC is really weird as she never did that with me around. OOC stuff she would say in whispers. Maybe times have changed, or her patience for people. Sad to see.

10-24-2005, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
I don't want to take a million people's level 1 arm bruises all day.Limb minors are the best. 50 experience for 2 mana? I'll take that any day.
Originally posted by Amber
Sadly, empaths, aren't as friendly as I'd perceived them before creating mine.Most empaths (just like most people) are friendly. Then Ismurii or Urgoyle shows up and make us all look like jerkwads.
Originally posted by Aaysia
In my opinion the empath profession is the most frustrating one to play if you're a pure healer.I think the most frustrating path around would be Voln Gnome Empath Hurler. I love pure healing.

10-24-2005, 12:15 PM
OMG Urgoyle. Now there's an empath I'd rather never hear about. Some people after a while would say that someone screwing up empath-wise (hell maybe other things as well) was pulling an Urgoyle. Heh, good times.

Empaths are fine as long as it's not pure healing as the main objective. Too much competition in a little space and less places to work at. Although empaths seems to have less patience for each other than they used to. Trying so hard to have rules and such. When I was an empath, it was every man for themselves. You learned to heal fast if you wanted to get in there and learn. Ah well.

10-24-2005, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Both Keraa and Berylla sound familiar to me. Same. They've both healed my characters before at one point in time or another. Keraa has to know she fucked up MAJOR this time with the very blatant OOC. However, she hasn't lost any credibility with me as a healer. I can't judge her entire ability to roleplay from that one event and I don't know her character well enough to do so. She just needs to chill out, take a break from the game and reevaulate the entire log to see that she was definitely in the wrong. Simple.

p.s. Mayzra has a undeniably damn good script at her disposal. Impressive. And Scyrin, ftw!

10-24-2005, 01:08 PM
Agreed on the script comment. I'd love to get my hands on just a simple script that I can activate that will appraise and only heal the wounds appropriate, rather then trying to transfer wounds from places that don't have them. I don't even want or need all the extra stuff that is on Bob's. Too bad I'm script illiterate when it comes to this stuff. Give me a simple script like traveling, and i can do it all day long. Heh.

10-24-2005, 01:17 PM
It's harder in Wizard or SF because you have to look/appraise once for each wound, but it's certainly doable. You just need a list of the text of every wound. Then all you have to do is keep track of mana and blood, which is also more cumbersome but still doable.

10-24-2005, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
It's harder in Wizard or SF because you have to look/appraise once for each wound, but it's certainly doable. You just need a list of the text of every wound.

That, I can do. No issues.

Then all you have to do is keep track of mana and blood, which is also more cumbersome but still doable.

Hah! See, here is where it gets hard for me. I've no idea where to start or how to impliment that into a script. Scripts and their languages are rather hard for me to deal with, I admit. Its a sore spot for me.

10-24-2005, 02:15 PM
Mana is pretty easy, all you have to do is:

put send adsfasdf X
// X is the amount of mana you need to cast that particular spell. You can also just put 20 here and you'll be covered for all the wound spells. I think it's 20 anyway.
match Manabad You don't have that many
match Managood I could not find

Health is a bit trickier to do prettily. X in the following is your maximum health.

put health
match Healthgood Remaining Health Points: X
match Healthbad Maximum Spirit

You could also type out every possible number from 1 to your max or screw around with the text health cues. I'd go with this though.

10-24-2005, 03:35 PM
My healers are never around long enough for other empaths to really irritate me, but what I will say about Keraa is that she keeps hugging my characters. What is it about my stuck up elven snob that looks like she needs a hug? Or my half-naked barbarian? Or my reserved, ultra-polite Erithian? Way to take advantage of my characters' temporarily neutral demeanor.

10-24-2005, 03:35 PM
Both Keraa and Berylla sound familiar to me. I think I used to hang out with Keraa on Teras, not sure now. If that's true, then the OOC is really weird as she never did that with me around. OOC stuff she would say in whispers. Maybe times have changed, or her patience for people. Sad to see.

There's a third option...very common with Empaths...that you're not suggesting.

10-24-2005, 03:48 PM
<<bob why don't you focus on bob instead of some healy empath.

Because healing is just so easy.

As for my scripting:

Executing script: autostaunch.cmd with parameters ""
Executing script: autothank.cmd with parameters ""
Executing script: getblood.cmd with parameters ""
Executing script: appr.cmd with parameters ""
>--- Lich: 'healbot' active.

<3 F12.

[Edited on 10-24-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

10-24-2005, 03:57 PM
...how can you stand there and single her {Keraa} out that she reacted to what you did ON PURPOSE?

Because Keraa didn't react in an IC manner, her player was the one who reacted and in a very OOC manner. That's just so obvious from the log. Why does Berylla keep glossing over that fact in attempting to defend Keraa?

99% of Player's Corner's readers support him. Again, if you have proof otherwise or proof that there are holes in Bob's log, feel free to post what you have. I've never found Bob to misrepresent a situation he's seen or been involved in.

10-24-2005, 04:07 PM
Bob is no angel, but he doesn't lie. If he says that's the way things went down, I believe him. :shrug:

10-24-2005, 04:28 PM
Yes, I agree HarmNone.

Though he ticks me off when he makes names of thread with curses needlessly added in such as this one, I still can't remember him just lieing about things even when it makes him look bad to not do so.

Keraa, you goofed up is all, really it's something we all do and it's much easier to say "I'm sorry, my mistake." and move on rather than get in some big to do where you can only come out looking much worse than if you apologized in the first place.

And the other weird thing about Bob is that if you had approached him in a calm non confrontational manner you might be surprised at how accomodating he can be. He may well have tried to go a little slower for you or others who so requested, he may not have it's true, but now you will never know as that was a step in the negotiations you skipped entirely in your rush to bind.

Just take it a step slower is all next time.


[Edited on 10-24-2005 by Skirmisher]

10-24-2005, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Agreed on the script comment. I'd love to get my hands on just a simple script that I can activate that will appraise and only heal the wounds appropriate, rather then trying to transfer wounds from places that don't have them.

I use this one and it's fairly simple, for the Wizard. I got it somewhere here on PC, and it looks and transfers appropriate wounds (plus blood) and then heals the blood.

To start it you type:
.heal <your maximum health points> <target's name>

The maximum health points part is important because that's how the script knows how much to heal you up too.

10-24-2005, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird

Both Keraa and Berylla sound familiar to me. I think I used to hang out with Keraa on Teras, not sure now. If that's true, then the OOC is really weird as she never did that with me around. OOC stuff she would say in whispers. Maybe times have changed, or her patience for people. Sad to see.

There's a third option...very common with Empaths...that you're not suggesting.

Enlighten me. What's the third option?

10-24-2005, 05:48 PM
That someone bought her and is being a retard because it's their first higher level character.

10-24-2005, 06:05 PM
<<I use this one and it's fairly simple, for the Wizard.>>

I get a headache just thinking about what it would be like to use a healing script that appraises for every wound check. There's some sort of bug that's causing healdown.cmd for JSE to be broken, though, so I guess it's necessary for people to use that. If anyone feels like making an uber better JSE script that doesn't break, though, that'd be great.

10-24-2005, 06:07 PM
She's not bought. I've seen her with her previously known associates and she has all the associated inventory as well.

Thats the thing about inventory, even when you sell your character with the intention of evolving into a new identity, the hard won and favorite inventory that you tend to keep usually gives it away. The black katana she uses has been with her for a very long time...

10-24-2005, 06:20 PM
Then she is completely inexcusable and needs to be kicked in the mouth. Hard.

10-24-2005, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
I don't want to take a million people's level 1 arm bruises all day.Limb minors are the best. 50 experience for 2 mana? I'll take that any day.

To each their own. My empath doesn't consider scratches "real" wounds, so she won't take them. It kind of helps to know how I RP her, I guess.

-Broken limb, she breaks it straight.
-Bleeding chest, she pokes her fingers in and digs around until she finds the problem.
-Broken back, she'll insert her fingers under the patient's skin and start playing with the vertabrae.

Now, it's not totally right because of armor and clothing and such, and I'll usually RP reaching under all that junk, but I've found level 1 wounds to be the hardest to RP taking with any good amount of reaction from the patient. That is the funnest part of playing my empath for me.

Long live the empathic psychos of the world :D


edited to ditch the damn italics that were making my post real hard to read.

[Edited on Mon, October th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

10-24-2005, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Kriterian

Originally posted by Jolena
Agreed on the script comment. I'd love to get my hands on just a simple script that I can activate that will appraise and only heal the wounds appropriate, rather then trying to transfer wounds from places that don't have them.

I use this one and it's fairly simple, for the Wizard. I got it somewhere here on PC, and it looks and transfers appropriate wounds (plus blood) and then heals the blood.

To start it you type:
.heal <your maximum health points> <target's name>

The maximum health points part is important because that's how the script knows how much to heal you up too.

Appreciate the offer, but I use SF. I will probably not resort to using Wizard for the script because yes, I am hooked on SF and it's nice features. Anyone have something similar for SF by chance?

10-24-2005, 07:20 PM
Quick hack of the just-posted one for SF. Note: no mana check in this one.

10-24-2005, 07:58 PM
w00t you rock thanks!

10-24-2005, 07:59 PM
:S You're welcome!! <3

10-24-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Bottom line, being an empath is stupid. Game, set, match.


PS. Keraa is a retard.

10-24-2005, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren

Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
I don't want to take a million people's level 1 arm bruises all day.Limb minors are the best. 50 experience for 2 mana? I'll take that any day.

To each their own. My empath doesn't consider scratches "real" wounds, so she won't take them. It kind of helps to know how I RP her, I guess.

-Broken limb, she breaks it straight.
-Bleeding chest, she pokes her fingers in and digs around until she finds the problem.
-Broken back, she'll insert her fingers under the patient's skin and start playing with the vertabrae.

Now, it's not totally right because of armor and clothing and such, and I'll usually RP reaching under all that junk, but I've found level 1 wounds to be the hardest to RP taking with any good amount of reaction from the patient. That is the funnest part of playing my empath for me.

Long live the empathic psychos of the world :D


edited to ditch the damn italics that were making my post real hard to read.

[Edited on Mon, October th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

That's.. so very disgusting. I like it!

My empath feels the better she gets, the less she has to touch people. She really hates touching people she doesn't know.

10-24-2005, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
What's truly sad, Berylla, is that you try to portray me as anything less than I am.

What even sadder is that you lie through your teeth and even sadder still is if anyone believes you.

Here's the Berylla challenge!

Roll up an empath or bring out your empath character and spend one full hour healing in TSC with Mayzra there.

It will take much less than an hour for things to become crystal clear....but finish out the hour anyway!

Do that - and then we'll talk.

Personally I've spent time around Mayzra while he heals in many different forms.

I'll start posting logs if that is what it takes, but I dare any of you to go see first-hand what he does and I guarantee you will change your story.

10-24-2005, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Burnt out Priestess
My question is and its probably a dumb one anyhow,but why are empaths that old over 70 keraa and berylla that is,even worried about healing in tsc when they are well beyond old enough to go somewhere in higher hunting grounds where younger empaths cant go and people need healing? and also i am sure those two are old enough to hunt farely well.

but again thats my dumb,odd question

It's not a dumb question.

I can't speak for Keraa but I do know she lives in the Landing and heals in TSC quite often.

As for myself, I have been in the Landing investigating the new Stronghold hunting area. There IS hunting for level 90 characters, now.

Is there a rule against older characters coming to the Landing? And if so, why wasn't I notified? Are there other towns I should be avoiding? Please let me know because I certainly want to make sure I can give a good reason to be in whatever town I find myself!

Blah.....people suck

10-24-2005, 08:52 PM
[Edited on 10-25-2005 by Hulkein]

10-24-2005, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
I'll start posting logs if that is what it takes. That's the first thing you needed to do if you wanted ANYONE to take what you are saying at face value. I believe his side of things as it relates to this incident and so do the large majority of those who've posted in this thread so far. His log speaks for itself. It makes sense. Where's yours?

10-24-2005, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Or, why do they not (as in days of olde) remain in TSC, taking the wounds of the younger healers and ensuring that the young ones have enough mana and herbs to make their early experiences enjoyable and productive? What I see here is: "I want my share, even though I've already had my share!" It appears to me that what's being taught today is selfishness.

What days of old are YOU talking about?

When I started out (8 years back - yes Bob, you were 7!!) empaths were stunned, bound, webbed, taken out the gates and murdered and generally screamed at if they did anything considered "wrong" by the older healers. Personally, I was level 10 before I started healing full time. I spent that time watching carefully, learning how to heal, asking questions and then hunting when I needed some experience.

This whole concept of letting baby empaths who can't even heal a bleeding wound "have their turn" is something I've never subscribed to.

You need exp? Go hunt.

You don't know how to heal? Shut up and watch.

You want to heal but you can only heal minors? Go back and hunt some more.

The "olden days" were NOT all happy and friendly and foo-foo frilly. There were some mean-ass empaths out there and you did it their way or not at all.

10-24-2005, 08:59 PM
Big props to Hulkein on the STFUPPERCUT pic. That's classic.

10-24-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by SayGoodbye
I'd like to thank Bob for bringing these massively retarded empaths to my attention.

Normally I avoid empaths anyway but now I'll make double sure that none of these losers touch any of my characters.

Way to stay in character. Where's that Golden Kobold award when ya need it?

10-24-2005, 09:00 PM
<<Personally I've spent time around Mayzra while he heals in many different forms.>>

I don't know what the fuck my forms are, but Mayzra is the only healer I have ever played.

<<What even sadder is that you lie through your teeth and even sadder still is if anyone believes you.>>

This is a false accusation.

<<I'll start posting logs if that is what it takes, but I dare any of you to go see first-hand what he does and I guarantee you will change your story.>>

A few people here (Jolena, a few others who came to TSC last night and sat with me, someone even healed with me) did exactly that. None of them said anything bad about me. Most of them made fun of you and Keraa. This happened multiple times within an hour.

10-24-2005, 09:02 PM
<<Way to stay in character. Where's that Golden Kobold award when ya need it?>>

The Players' Corner has no bearing on the game. That applies to what you've said and what SayGoodbye said. Practicing aversion is a smart tactic, and can not be judged as an OOC action in any manner. It's a concept: stay away from the person with whom you don't want to be forced into a slugfest.

10-24-2005, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

Originally posted by SayGoodbye
I'd like to thank Bob for bringing these massively retarded empaths to my attention.

Normally I avoid empaths anyway but now I'll make double sure that none of these losers touch any of my characters.

Way to stay in character. Where's that Golden Kobold award when ya need it?

And the hypocrisy award goes to...

10-24-2005, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
That someone bought her and is being a retard because it's their first higher level character.

I wish I had a count on the number of times some idiot has come up to me and asked me who I was and how much I paid for Berylla.

Morons abound.

Keraa was never sold, it's the same girl.

I would never sell Berylla or any of my others. When I'm gone, then she will be as well.

Not everyone is interested in money.

10-24-2005, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
You need exp? Go hunt.

You should tell Keraa that.

10-24-2005, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

What days of old are YOU talking about?

The same days of old I had when I first started 8 or 9 years ago (god, Ive been playing this game too long). My first character was an empath and I had a few older empaths take me under their wing and teach me the ways of healing. They did exactly as she said... sent mana, let me heal the easier wounds, gave me herbs, etc. I don't think I woulda stuck to GS if I didnt have them helping me (mad props to Jypsie, who's the only name I can remember).

10-24-2005, 09:12 PM
After being away for a few months, I was really hoping a thread like this would be around.
I love it.

Stay, your sig still makes me laugh. <3

10-24-2005, 09:13 PM
<<(8 years back - yes Bob, you were 7!!)>>

I knew about GS and saw it in action before I was 7. I started actively playing at 10. :)

You lose.

10-24-2005, 09:15 PM
When I started out (8 years back - yes Bob, you were 7!!)

Wow, you can count. Great job! :clap:

10-24-2005, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Or, why do they not (as in days of olde) remain in TSC, taking the wounds of the younger healers and ensuring that the young ones have enough mana and herbs to make their early experiences enjoyable and productive? What I see here is: "I want my share, even though I've already had my share!" It appears to me that what's being taught today is selfishness.

Originally posted by Berylla

This whole concept of letting baby empaths who can't even heal a bleeding wound "have their turn" is something I've never subscribed to.

You need exp? Go hunt.

You don't know how to heal? Shut up and watch.

You want to heal but you can only heal minors? Go back and hunt some more.

The "olden days" were NOT all happy and friendly and foo-foo frilly. There were some mean-ass empaths out there and you did it their way or not at all.

My empath when she first came to Ta'illistim did this for Chica, and she'll do it for a few other empaths, regardless of their age. My empath will help those in her good graces, getting there is just difficult.

Chivalry (or the blind psychosis of helping people) is not dead, HN. Come back to the darkside.

I'm confused here also... The gripe seems to be that bob's character hogs all the healing, yet then in the next breath, the gripe is that younger empaths should go hunt.

"This whole concept of letting baby empaths who can't even heal a bleeding wound "have their turn" is something I've never subscribed to. "

So if healing should be every man/woman for him/herself, what's the problem?


10-24-2005, 09:50 PM
The problem is, it's only ok if it involves her

10-24-2005, 09:53 PM
<<I'm confused here also... The gripe seems to be that bob's character hogs all the healing, yet then in the next breath, the gripe is that younger empaths should go hunt.>>

That's been going on in the entire thread. There's no consistent reason why I'm such a bad person, and none of the given reasons are elaborated upon whatsoever. It's all, "He's lying about me!" or, "He is a bad person go watch him heal in TSC for proof!"

The few hundred thousand silver I've made in 4 days of healing tips really shows how much people hate me, I guess. I've also built up a few regular customers, Scyrin being one of them. I couldn't care less if the empaths dislike that my script is "too fast." I'm being totally fair to everyone. Healing quickly the people whom I heal is far from healing everyone in sight.

I can't wait to hear from Berylla again.

10-24-2005, 10:06 PM
Me neither.
I am actually eating popcorn atm.

10-24-2005, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

Here's the Berylla challenge!

Roll up an empath or bring out your empath character and spend one full hour healing in TSC with Mayzra there.

Well, I didn't quite live up to your challenge, only staying there about 45 minutes, but....

While there, I managed to learn quite a bit. There was a young empath there who also got well and truly fried, and I believe every other empath there got a fair chance to heal. Mayzra healed maybe 10 people during the 45 minutes, at the very most, and by no means prevented anyone else from having an opportunity to heal.

Yes, the script is fast, but if it works for Bob, good for him. He's being more considerate using it than many empaths who don't script (as far as I know).

10-24-2005, 10:20 PM
hahaha that challenge just got headshot hard.

Thanks, Amber.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-24-2005, 10:27 PM
Headshot! Boom!

PS - I've healed with my halfling in TSC and some of the other flatbottoms (including Mayzra), I got fried just fine. I didn't count how many she got versus other though.

10-24-2005, 10:36 PM
Oh, I didn't count either, just guesstimated when I posted. I'd say I actually healed more than Mayzra, but I didn't count how many I healed either. All I can say with certainty is that nobody prevented anyone else from learning and everyone had ample opportunity to heal.

10-24-2005, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
Here's the Berylla challenge!

Roll up an empath or bring out your empath character and spend one full hour healing in TSC with Mayzra there.

It will take much less than an hour for things to become crystal clear....but finish out the hour anyway!

Do that - and then we'll talk.

What a fruitcake. my empath(lower level without scripts) just sat in TSC with Mayzra for 45 minutes. She healed ONE person to my 20...bring on the logs you claim to have.

10-24-2005, 10:46 PM
This is hilarious.

10-24-2005, 11:03 PM
Just to add two more of my cents, I'd rather have an empath who just heals me as quickly as possible as opposed to anything else.

I used to personally tip empaths that stole other empaths patients if they were taking too long. As the injured guy, all I care about is being healed and since I feel that way everyone else should... I don't care about the healers aristocracy.


[Edited on 10-25-2005 by Hulkein]

10-24-2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Big props to Hulkein on the STFUPPERCUT pic. That's classic.

Haha, I know, but only certain age ranges will laugh at it. Too old, won't get it, too young, maybe you've played it but it won't be the same.



Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-24-2005, 11:11 PM
This man needs an empath fast, and I hope they are script healing.

10-24-2005, 11:12 PM
rofl that has to be fake.

10-24-2005, 11:32 PM
I'm amused as hell at the complete and utter irony in Berylla's idiotic post regarding how baby empaths don't need to be coddled or 'given their turn' and should 'just go hunt'. It's been said but bears repeating as that is quite possibly the stupidest response I've seen yet from her. Why the fuck are you bitching about Bob's empath taking patients too fast when you 'don't subscribe' to the notion that healers should share equally? :lol: Talk about a moron. Oh yeah, and that's also a real bitch attitude to have however its also your right.

As to Mayzra, now that I know who plays that empath, I can safely say that I've been in the same room with him healing patients when I play my empath AND when I play Jolena and she needs healing, and he's not ever vultured intentionally that I saw. Your "Berylla challenge" is lame and just got pwn3d yet again. Thanks for playing. Come back when you have something besides moronic comments that don't make sense and contradict yourself.

[Edited on 10-25-2005 by Jolena]

10-25-2005, 12:11 AM
When I started out (8 years back - yes Bob, you were 7!!) empaths were stunned, bound, webbed, taken out the gates and murdered and generally screamed at if they did anything considered "wrong" by the older healers.

I go back longer than that and the empaths and clerics around after the great de-icing didn't degrade to such tactics until the power-hunting and knee-jerk reacting AOL crowd zoomed up the ranks, Berylla.

The GEnie crowd were very good about mentoring the noobs and teaching them the generally accepted ways of healing and raising, as well as guild etiquette, instead of acting like out-and-out bullies.

You're just like everyone else who fondly recalls the "good old days" but likely failed to live during the times where roleplayers contributed to the environment instead of letting the ire of the player behind the character take root and devolve into OOC actions.

You're still ignoring the fact that Keraa (and you) were being OOC as well.

[Edited on 10/25/2005 by Caramia]

10-25-2005, 03:59 AM
People like Keraa are the reason my empath is a secondary character now... I bet she doesn't bitch if rogues use scripts to pick her boxes heh... Too much drama and she gets the Empath Nazi award for October 2005...

10-25-2005, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Berylla

Originally posted by Himmy
That someone bought her and is being a retard because it's their first higher level character.

I wish I had a count on the number of times some idiot has come up to me and asked me who I was and how much I paid for Berylla.

Morons abound.

Keraa was never sold, it's the same girl.

I would never sell Berylla or any of my others. When I'm gone, then she will be as well.

Not everyone is interested in money.

Christ that's even more sad... someone who's played this game for that long still doesn't know how to stay in character.

It's a rather simple concept... especially for a fucking roleplaying game.

10-25-2005, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by Berylla

When I started out (8 years back - yes Bob, you were 7!!)

I'm not sure which part you should be more embarrassed about.. the fact that you've been playing longer than Bob and should know better.. or the fact that you are getting wtfpwned by a 15 year old (no offense Bob) :)

10-25-2005, 07:55 AM
Curiously enough, my wife's first character was an Empath. She told me all about the experience, good times and bad times. It clearly didn't suck as badly as now in a lot of ways.

10-25-2005, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Berylla
What days of old are YOU talking about?

When I started out (8 years back - yes Bob, you were 7!!) empaths were stunned, bound, webbed, taken out the gates and murdered and generally screamed at if they did anything considered "wrong" by the older healers. Personally, I was level 10 before I started healing full time. I spent that time watching carefully, learning how to heal, asking questions and then hunting when I needed some experience.

Then perhaps you weren't really playing an empath during those times, or you are singling out certain events that weren't the general rule.

I played during that time and empaths were not stunned or hurt because they went against the empath rules. The only place that was like that was Teras, and even then it wasn't as you described. Everywhere else, it was live and let live. You healed with other empaths, the faster you were, the more of a chance you had at healing. Older empaths helped younger ones heal and would take their wounds and give them herbs to help them.

This whole concept of letting baby empaths who can't even heal a bleeding wound "have their turn" is something I've never subscribed to.

So screw baby empaths, let them be the hunting people and leave the healing for the older, selfish ones. Yep. You sure you weren't one of the empaths beating the younger ones for healing out of turn?

You need exp? Go hunt.

Take your own advice. You have a better chance of survival than the younger empaths in the field.

You don't know how to heal? Shut up and watch.

Way to be a mentor or a model for other empaths to follow. At this rate, what you say doesn't mean squat since this debate this whole time has been about you and Keraa being bored, lazy and wanting all the experience for yourself. Share? Why share when you don't want to? Do as I say not as I do? Whatever.

You want to heal but you can only heal minors? Go back and hunt some more.

Now I'm hoping that the familiarity is just in my head because no one I healed with was this much of a jerk.

The "olden days" were NOT all happy and friendly and foo-foo frilly. There were some mean-ass empaths out there and you did it their way or not at all.

And you were one of them, apparently. Good job.

There were mean ass-empaths, just as there there mean-ass rogues, warriors and any other class out there. However there was more of a sense of community and if you were a selfish prick, THAT was the one that was shunned.

Younger empaths were always helped and empaths became a family. People like Ryshan, Moonraine (I think was her name) and a dozen others who helped each other and laughed at how we fumbled over each other to get that beat up warrior, stole each other wounds as an effort to help, and making a collection fo herbs for people to pass by and take. Now? It's all about me me me, nod, touch, make lots of actions to say you were the healing one and if someone got in the way they got their arms blown off. That didn't happen when I was an empath. It happens now.

10-25-2005, 08:53 AM
I've got to agree with CT on this one. My mother played an empath and always enjoyed the camaraderie that she enjoyed with the other empaths of the time. Those of us who came to be healed knew we'd be treated with respect, that there would be roleplay along with the healing (in most cases), and that a good time would be had by all. I'll never forget watching Pherlytt (I think that's how she spelled it) faint dead away every time she fogged! :lol:

Sure there were some empaths that should have been taken out and shot, but they didn't hang around long because they weren't tolerated very well by those who cared about the profession. "Baby empaths" were encouraged to heal, and were helped by the older empaths to be successful in their efforts. That's how mom remembers it, and it's how I remember it, as well. I can recall sitting and watching them work, marvelling at the fun they had together. It's too bad that attitude seems to have disappeared with the ME! ME! ME! bunch. :(

10-25-2005, 09:08 AM
I think the irritation at realizing you have been outmanuevered by Bob may be what is keeping them from just owning up and admitting they made a mistake.

Bob has the ability to get under someone's skin and bug the heck out of them. He can behave in extremely an immature manner at times and fall back on fifth grade insults and that may make people underestimate him.

Though I am not a fan of using healing scripts for the very reasons that Keraa and co may have mentioned, the manner in which they went about handling the situation ended up forcing me to side with Bob.

Going ooc so openly is an automatic loss every time in my book.

10-25-2005, 11:13 AM
[quote]Originally posted by CrystalTears
There were mean ass-empaths, just as there there mean-ass rogues, warriors and any other class out there. quote]

What the fuck did I ever do to you? Christ, why don't you just post that you hate Falgrin.


10-25-2005, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I think the irritation at realizing you have been outmanuevered by Bob may be what is keeping them from just owning up and admitting they made a mistake.

Bob has the ability to get under someone's skin and bug the heck out of them. He can behave in extremely an immature manner at times and fall back on fifth grade insults and that may make people underestimate him.

Though I am not a fan of using healing scripts for the very reasons that Keraa and co may have mentioned, the manner in which they went about handling the situation ended up forcing me to side with Bob.

Going ooc so openly is an automatic loss every time in my book.

Bob... FTW.

And his little girlie empuffie wuffie.


10-25-2005, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by CrystalTears
There were mean ass-empaths, just as there there mean-ass rogues, warriors and any other class out there.

What the fuck did I ever do to you? Christ, why don't you just post that you hate Falgrin.


I didn't want to be obvious about it. :kiss:

10-25-2005, 11:23 AM
No doubt, Bob had game/set/match with this event.

By having an older empath, I've always been one to locate/fog to the ones that died, fogged back, and saved the walk-in's for the younger ones with less mana/exp. I also liked pulling up the younger ones into a major sanct and cleaning them up since its not a mana or rt isssue with me. But thats when I'm healing instead of hunting, which the latter is more of my preference.

10-25-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Berylla

When I started out (8 years back - yes Bob, you were 7!!)

I'm not sure which part you should be more embarrassed about.. the fact that you've been playing longer than Bob and should know better.. or the fact that you are getting wtfpwned by a 15 year old (no offense Bob) :)


10-25-2005, 02:07 PM
Or the fact that a 7 year old could undoubtedly be a better empath, and roleplayer than she is.

10-25-2005, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

Originally posted by SayGoodbye
I'd like to thank Bob for bringing these massively retarded empaths to my attention.

Normally I avoid empaths anyway but now I'll make double sure that none of these losers touch any of my characters.

Way to stay in character. Where's that Golden Kobold award when ya need it?

Let's see... you and Keraa can be totally OOC in game and you say that by not letting you heal me because I want to avoid OOC retards like you, I'M the one who should be nominated for a Golden Kobold award?

Fucking hypocrit.

You know how animals can sense when something isn't quite right in another animal of their species? Whether the animal be weak, disfigured whatever they'll attack and usually kill said animal? Well my ranger can sense the "damaged" people around. Instead of maiming, killing you and thus helping out natural selection, I've decided to avoid you. Be thankful.

There's my In character reason.

10-25-2005, 02:32 PM
:lol2: Say Goodbye FTW!!

10-25-2005, 02:34 PM
So.. Keraa, does it hurt? Getting PWNED!!111oneone that much, I mean?

10-25-2005, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

Originally posted by SayGoodbye
I'd like to thank Bob for bringing these massively retarded empaths to my attention.

Normally I avoid empaths anyway but now I'll make double sure that none of these losers touch any of my characters.

Way to stay in character. Where's that Golden Kobold award when ya need it?

Since when is avoiding retards who ruin roleplay, out-of-character?

10-25-2005, 02:50 PM
Since Berylla said so cause she's an 3|173 r0|3p|4y3r.

10-25-2005, 03:16 PM
Oh boy. Don't get me started on Berylla's thrilling "family" roleplay. I'd have to stab myself repeatedly. Maybe some of you would like that but I wouldn't.

10-25-2005, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Oh boy. Don't get me started on Berylla's thrilling "family" roleplay. I'd have to stab myself repeatedly. Maybe some of you would like that but I wouldn't.


10-25-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
Roll up an empath or bring out your empath character and spend one full hour healing in TSC with Mayzra there.When I could still play, I was in TSC more than you were and regularly healed while Mayzra was active.

And seriously, the current healing environment isn't as bad as it's made out to be. I would put down good money that in another 10 years (if GS is still around) people will be saying exactly what Harmnone is saying now.

10-25-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
Getting PWNED!!111oneone that much, I mean? Seriously, she's been pwned more times than Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson combined in this thread. Oh, it hurts. She's walking funny.

10-25-2005, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by DeV
Oh, it hurts. She's walking funny. Seriously, this makes Lihai's crush on PB look like nothing.

10-25-2005, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by DeV
Oh, it hurts. She's walking funny. Seriously, this makes Lihai's crush on PB look like nothing.

I knew I wasn't the only one that noticed her having the hots for me.:cool:

10-25-2005, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by DeV
Oh, it hurts. She's walking funny. Seriously, this makes Lihai's crush on PB look like nothing.

I knew I wasn't the only one that noticed her having the hots for me.:cool:

You two must be sharing the same dream. I don't do impotent old men.

10-25-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Chastittee
You two must be sharing the same dream. I don't do impotent old men.

That doesn't rule me out baby... and even if it did.. they make a pill for that now.


Sean of the Thread
10-25-2005, 06:16 PM
LdyVampre (4:52:21 PM): someone slipped him viagra
Lady Lihai (4:52:28 PM): pb did it!
Lady Lihai (4:52:38 PM): we all know he's got an endless supply

10-25-2005, 06:19 PM
Parkbandit... AKA Smiling Bob.


10-25-2005, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Chastittee
You two must be sharing the same dream. I don't do impotent old men.

That doesn't rule me out baby... and even if it did.. they make a pill for that now.


1) I'm not your baby, never have been, nor will I ever be.
2) Even if the "impotent" part didn't apply to you, the "old" part still does.

10-25-2005, 07:08 PM
I have some kleenex if you need it, PB!

10-26-2005, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Oh boy. Don't get me started on Berylla's thrilling "family" roleplay. I'd have to stab myself repeatedly. Maybe some of you would like that but I wouldn't.

This whole thread has me giggling. Someone I know attacked one of Berylla's 'family' members and she came after my character a year later. She was being OOC out loud, threatening me.. etc and she didn't even know what went on. :rolleyes: I've been avoiding her ever since that day when I realized she was a complete idiot.. and this thread just adds to the realization. Thank you Bob for the lovely Soap Opera.

10-26-2005, 03:51 AM
I havent played GS since January...but this Keraa person has been this way for YEARS (like 8 to be exact). I'm pretty sure she was the source of my first ever online roleplaying drama cycle.

liars and stalkers and psychos...oh my!

10-26-2005, 04:02 AM
Chyrain... you've so been quoted.


10-26-2005, 04:13 AM
Good gads ... this crap is still going on?


10-26-2005, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by DeV
I have some kleenex if you need it, PB!

She would make Baby Jesus cry.


10-26-2005, 10:01 AM
I like how Berylla kinda just stfu after she realized that she really wasn't making any sense and was just getting pwned. Talking to Keraa nad her is like :banghead: until you finally get them to realize how fucking retarded they sound.

10-26-2005, 12:31 PM
My only comment in this situation is that having to deal with someone who is scripting can get annoying or frustrating, depending on how the script is used. I can understand Keraa lashing out somewhat, though the OOC nature of the conflict leaves much to be desired.

I've healed with Keraa before when she attempted to bring empaths back to North Gate (couple years ago) and I don't recall her being OOC at all, so the log here comes as quite a shock to me. Logs can be forged, of course, so I don't accept it blindly, but it will give me something to watch out for.

I have no problem with Berylla at all. She was kind enough to let me use her merchant records for my site, and I don't recall her going OOC in game, either.


10-26-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Nilandia
Logs can be forged, of course, so I don't accept it blindly, but it will give me something to watch out for.

Whatever Bob's flaws, I've never known him to be a liar.

10-26-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Whatever Bob's flaws, I've never known him to be a liar.

Abrasive, arrogant, Horsie-blanket having asshole.

But I don't think I've seen him lie.

Haven't even seen any decent spin from him.

10-26-2005, 01:01 PM
Leave it to Wezi to come up with that description!:respect:

10-26-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
I like how Berylla kinda just stfu after she realized that she really wasn't making any sense and was just getting pwned. Talking to Keraa nad her is like :banghead: until you finally get them to realize how fucking retarded they sound.

And I like how I have a job and a very busy life and don't have time (or care enough) to live on the boards like some do.

When I have time to myself, I'll check in...until then you'll all just have to bide your time!

For the record, I never said Keraa wasn't being OOC. I said I could understand her frustration.

Also for the record, Bob's posts have quite a few embellishments. No, I can't prove it, I don't have logs. Logs prove nothing as it is obvious they can be faked.

This reminds me of the IM logs that used to fly around years ago. Any log can be faked, forged and tampered with. I don't waste space on my hard drive.

10-26-2005, 04:31 PM
Nine pages of responses and she still doesn't get it....

10-26-2005, 04:33 PM
OOC retards never do.

10-26-2005, 04:36 PM
<<This reminds me of the IM logs that used to fly around years ago. Any log can be faked, forged and tampered with. I don't waste space on my hard drive.>>

Any document in the history of man *can* be forged. What a stupid defense. "I have nothing to back myself up, but I bet you're lying anyway!"

As has been stated, I'm far from a master forger, or even an occasional liar.

10-26-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Berylla
Also for the record, Bob's posts have quite a few embellishments. No, I can't prove it, I don't have logs. Logs prove nothing as it is obvious they can be faked.

If you can't prove it, then his log has more power than your word, as his information is the only thing we have to go on and you're not offering anything to counter it. Saying "nu uh!" doesn't work.

10-26-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

Also for the record, Bob's posts have quite a few embellishments. No, I can't prove it, I don't have logs. Logs prove nothing as it is obvious they can be faked.

It's a weak argument that you bring if you say that he embellished his logs, but can't provide any proof. I've yet to find a situation I was in ingame where I couldn't provide proof of what happened.. either by my own logs, logs of someone who was with me or at the very least an explanation of what was embellished. Your only argument of this situation is that logs can be altered, so you don't have to provide any proof of Bob's doctoring of his logs.

You've provided nothing except proof that you are full of shit.

10-26-2005, 05:25 PM
This whole thread has me giggling. Someone I know attacked one of Berylla's 'family' members and she came after my character a year later. She was being OOC out loud, threatening me.. etc and she didn't even know what went on. I've been avoiding her ever since that day when I realized she was a complete idiot.. and this thread just adds to the realization. Thank you Bob for the lovely Soap Opera.

Shockingly similar to SOME of my experience. That doesn't even scratch the surface of the whole Berylla/Vaalor thing though.

And with that said, Bob may wantonly start stuff, but unless you're Chadj...you can usually tell when he's telling the truth or not. I believe him here.

10-26-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
but unless you're Chadjrofl. Classic reference.
[i]Originally posted by CrystalTears[i]
Saying "nu uh!" doesn't work.Yeah huh!!

10-26-2005, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<This reminds me of the IM logs that used to fly around years ago. Any log can be faked, forged and tampered with. I don't waste space on my hard drive.>>

Any document in the history of man *can* be forged. What a stupid defense. "I have nothing to back myself up, but I bet you're lying anyway!"

As has been stated, I'm far from a master forger, or even an occasional liar.

Not to mention the fact that I was talking with Bob on AIM while the whole thing was happening. I doubt he was making it up on the fly, especially due to the speed of his copy/pasting and the events happening.

10-26-2005, 06:19 PM
Look, I can do it too.

Berylla doesn't have a job because people can type shit that's not true! OMG I R TEH WIN. :rolleyes:

10-26-2005, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Berylla

And I like how I have a job and a very busy life and don't have time (or care enough) to live on the boards like some do.

When I have time to myself, I'll check in...until then you'll all just have to bide your time!

For the record, I never said Keraa wasn't being OOC. I said I could understand her frustration.

Also for the record, Bob's posts have quite a few embellishments. No, I can't prove it, I don't have logs. Logs prove nothing as it is obvious they can be faked.

This reminds me of the IM logs that used to fly around years ago. Any log can be faked, forged and tampered with. I don't waste space on my hard drive.

Okay, to hell with the proof just simply state what the embellishments are. Where in HIS logs are the embellishments? Just point to one. I am quite curious.

10-26-2005, 07:18 PM
Of course logs can be faked. That's a given. However, in the years Bob has been posting here, I've never seen him out-and-out fake a log. Those logs he's posted have been backed up by others who were there at the time.

Like I said, he may not be an angel but he doesn't lie. On these boards, he's proven himself. To be frank, you have not, Berylla. We have seen nothing from you that might serve to make us question Bob's log, other than you saying there are "embellishments" in it. That would intimate that the log has, in fact, been changed. You've been asked to point out what has been posted erroneously, and you have yet to do so.

Allegations with no backup are, to put it succinctly, horse crap.

10-26-2005, 07:29 PM
POST COUNT: 230 (in this thread)

... on a dumb fucking subject! Good gads... someone needs to drop it ... LOL




[Edited on 10-26-2005 by FinisWolf]

10-26-2005, 07:45 PM
But, Finis.. It's clearly a win for Bob.

10-26-2005, 07:54 PM
Personally, I take issue with someone who bounces onto the forums intimating that one of our posters is a liar without offering any sort of confirmation of the allegation. If the person being accused is a known liar here, you won't find me defending them. However, if the person being accused is not known for lying, and is being accused of lying, you can bet your bippy I'll be saying my piece.

10-26-2005, 08:16 PM
Heh, HarmNone said bippy. :D

10-26-2005, 08:54 PM
What's a bippy?

10-26-2005, 09:13 PM
I thought Berylla said she arrived after the incident with Keraa and Bob, that there was a second incident between Keraa, Bob, and Berylla.

If she arrived afterward, and the original log is before she was there, how could she know that Bob doctored it? ...unless she has another log, which would be strange not to post, as it would lend merit to her accusations.

...so confused.

(cut me a break, I'm blonde)

10-26-2005, 09:18 PM
Berylla wasn't around during the first encounter. Afterward, she came into TSC and Keraa openly started telling Berylla about how I posted on the "People's Corner," which I documented on probably the second page of this thread.

10-26-2005, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
What's a bippy?

Your vaunted toosh, dahlink! :D

10-26-2005, 09:43 PM
Okay, I went back to pg 2 to see what I had missed. My findings:

Speaking in Guildspeak, Keraa asks, "Doesn't you whinning no any bounds?"

I think it's a testiment to Bob's maturity that he didn't descend into tearing up her shitty use of homophones, inability to use improper nouns, and spelling problems.

My previous opinion still stands though (regarding what started this whole mess). I don't understand how someone can take a real stance on an issue without at least a contrasting primary source (ie log). Show me a log, and I'll consider it objectively.


10-26-2005, 09:43 PM
Get em Harm :blndwhip:


10-26-2005, 09:51 PM
I will say that Bob might be known for many things here on the PC, but his credibility for relating the happenings of game events as they occur is unblemeshed.

At times his motives might be questionable, and his actions might not appear as mature as one would like or expect; yet the fact remains that he's not known to be deceptive.

Face it Berylla, you came running when Keraa whined to you about getting in over her head. Instead of detracting from the situation, you decided to bully and attempt to use innuendo and vague threats in order to intimidate Bob into conforming to Keraa's wishes. In doing so, all you did was encourage Keraa to be even more OOC and in turn displayed how much of an idiot you are capable of.

Bottom line, if you dont like what is happening in a certain area or room of the game, and your requests to have it altered or conform to your desires fail, get off your fat ass and move along. Find another place to heal, or go hunt. Your presence only exponentially added to the retardedness of the situation instead of dispelling it. :clap:

If you just feel the need to bully someone around then head over to Illistim where we welcome those who think their shit doesnt stink... and where we hand folks like you their ass when you try to impose your will upon general populace. At least make your wish to be a bully a challenge instead of picking on the youngsters.


10-26-2005, 09:55 PM
That's quite possibly the hottest post I've ever read from you, Gan. :clap:

(I guess subtlety is out the window at this point?)

Terminator X
10-27-2005, 02:37 AM
Copied and pasted from one of my good friends, she does a nice job at elaborating on some of the finer points of a certain scripting empath...

Mayzra smiles at Nicolite.
Nicolite just handed Mayzra some coins.
Mayzra emphatically exclaims, "Thanks a bunch!"
Mayzra smiles at Nicolite.
Nicolite just handed Mayzra some coins.
Nicolite just handed Mayzra some coins.
Mayzra warmly exclaims, "Thanks!"
Mayzra smiles at Nicolite.
Mayzra tenderly exclaims, "Thank you!"
Nicolite just handed Mayzra some coins.
Mayzra smiles at Nicolite.
Nicolite just handed Mayzra some coins.
Mayzra merrily says, "Wonderful! Thank you."
Nicolite just handed Mayzra some coins.
Mayzra smiles at Nicolite.
Nicolite just handed Mayzra some coins.
Mayzra hesitantly says, "Wonderful! Thank you."
Mayzra smiles at Nicolite.
Khlethom nods to Mayzra.
You smile at Jenix.
Mayzra softly exclaims, "Thanks a bunch!"
Mayzra murmurs a simple, mystical chant...

10-27-2005, 02:45 AM
Love the script.

10-27-2005, 07:09 AM
There is no substitution for politeness in the public eye :D


10-27-2005, 07:29 AM
The best part of this thread has been the somewhat subtle comments that Warriorbird has been tossing out about Berylla et al. Now that is a topic perhaps worthy of it's own thread.

10-27-2005, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
The best part of this thread has been the somewhat subtle comments that Warriorbird has been tossing out about Berylla et al. Now that is a topic perhaps worthy of it's own thread.

Yea.. I've been wondering what that was all about.

Divulge dammit.

10-27-2005, 02:36 PM
<<Copied and pasted from one of my good friends, she does a nice job at elaborating on some of the finer points of a certain scripting empath...>>

Autothank.cmd does wonders :)

10-27-2005, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by TheRoseLady
The best part of this thread has been the somewhat subtle comments that Warriorbird has been tossing out about Berylla et al. Now that is a topic perhaps worthy of it's own thread.

Yea.. I've been wondering what that was all about.

Divulge dammit.

I just remember her being annoying and they did the big "family" stuff, which I think amounted to a bunch of MA vulture type stuff. I wanna say that she was married to Yagnuts - but it's been awhile. I just know that I never cared for her.

[Edited on 10-27-2005 by TheRoseLady]

10-27-2005, 03:25 PM
I'm pretty sure she was involved with Yagnuts/Yaggie. While I have no problem with the guy I didn't like the fact that where he rests he'd pull the same retarded trick whereby he'd log in Yagnuts, forage a load of sticks, imbue them, then drop them. He'd then drop them log out and relogin in as Yaggie (they'd both be in the same room for login/out) and pick them up brazen as brass, then imbed them with wizard spells, drop them, exit, then relogin as Yagnuts and take em. He'd get angry if someone touched them. The same would happen for minor magical items, boxes etc. Berylla would totally tolerate this and effectively acted the same towards both characters.

[Edited on 27-10-05 by StrayRogue]

10-27-2005, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'm pretty sure she was involved with Yagnuts/Yaggie. While I have no problem with the guy I didn't like the fact that where he rests he'd pull the same retarded trick whereby he'd log in Yagnuts, forage a load of sticks, imbue them, then drop them. He'd then drop them log out and relogin in as Yagnuts (they'd both be in the same room for login/out) and pick them up brazen as brass. He'd get angry if someone touched them. The same would happen for minor magical items, boxes etc. Berylla would totally tolerate this and effectively acted the same towards both characters.

I would have SO taken those sticks/wands.

"Yer loony as a damn elf. Da fella dat dropped dem 'ere up an lef'... an it don' look like 'e's 'ere righ' now ta claim dem. So I did. Now ifn ya were thinkin' 'bou' buyin dem from me.. I'd be eager ta lis'en ta yer offers."