View Full Version : Doin time..

10-09-2005, 05:28 PM
You are wearing a bright orange shirt, a pair of bright orange trousers and a pipe clenched between his teeth.
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>puff my pip
You breathe in deeply then exhale slowly, some amorphous clouds of puffy smoke floating up from your mouth.
>rem pip
You remove the pipe from your mouth and brush it off slightly.
>tap my pip
You tap your glaes pipe gently, causing the burning embers to glow briefly before you bring it to your lips and take a deep puff of its blueberry-scented smoke.
>wear my pip
You clench the pipe between your teeth and move it to the side of your mouth a bit.
>puff my pip
You breathe in deeply then exhale slowly, some amorphous clouds of puffy smoke floating up from your mouth.
You whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
>justice warrant

You are wanted for 1 crimes in Kharam Dzu. They are:
1 count of assault with a deadly weapon