View Full Version : Clearing out the lockers

Lord Juergen
10-09-2005, 04:18 AM
E-mail bids to: Fsunoleco2006@aol.com

This will most likely be my only post of these items:

a jet black spidersilk cloak edged with silver silk trim (scripting, can web you, attunes but not for good) 1 million flat.

a rune-trimmed spidersilk sack (belt worn, weighs less than 2, hold a small amount) 100k flat

a veniom-tooled spidersilk sack (belt worn, weighs less than 2, holds a small amount) 100k flat

a veniom threaded harness (shoulder worn, somewhere around four years old, holds a large amount) 100k flat

Some elven tracking boots (pocketed) 200k flat

Selling as a set:
a finely-inked lunar calendar
a creased and torn star chart
an etched brass astrolabe
a painted copper Elanthia globe
an inlaid obsidian Lornon globe
a polished ruby Tlilok globe
a pitted moonstone Liabo globe
a blue enamel celestial globe
All items have several scripts and is just a nice set for the stargazers. 1.75 million flat

a spooky skull 1.5 million flat