View Full Version : Student Blows Himself Up on University of Oklahoma Campus

10-05-2005, 04:16 PM

This is only being covered by local news and a couple places on the internet (and some blogs), but some student blew himself up 100 yards outside the University of Oklahoma stadium last weekend during a game against Kansas State and a couple other devices were disarmed by bomb squads. His death was ruled just a suicide.

Why hasn't this made national news?

Anyways, here's a link that links to other places too:


[Edited on 10/5/05 by Neildo]

10-05-2005, 04:18 PM
I actually read it on MSN news and on Comcast news. I'm from Norman, which is where OU is so I was interested. Apparently it was not a suicide bomber in the manner that they were trying to hurt others. They consider it isolated and that's that. I would imagine that is the reason it's not made national news.

10-05-2005, 04:24 PM
I actually read it on MSN news and on Comcast news. I'm from Norman, which is where OU is so I was interested. Apparently it was not a suicide bomber in the manner that they were trying to hurt others. They consider it isolated and that's that. I would imagine that is the reason it's not made national news.

If the guy wasn't trying to hurt others, then why did the bomb squad detnoate other devices found nearby? And why was this kid looking into ammonium nitrate and other chemicals and agents used to cause bigger explosions?

I wonder if this kid's bomb went off prematurely as has happened in numerous other cases around the world with suicide bombers before reaching their intended destination.

- N

The Korean
10-05-2005, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Neildo

I actually read it on MSN news and on Comcast news. I'm from Norman, which is where OU is so I was interested. Apparently it was not a suicide bomber in the manner that they were trying to hurt others. They consider it isolated and that's that. I would imagine that is the reason it's not made national news.

If the guy wasn't trying to hurt others, then why did the bomb squad detnoate other devices found nearby? And why was this kid looking into ammonium nitrate and other chemicals and agents used to cause bigger explosions?

I wonder if this kid's bomb went off prematurely as has happened in numerous other cases around the world with suicide bombers before reaching their intended destination.

- N

He was saying it was deemed not a suicide, because he was trying to hurt others.

10-05-2005, 04:54 PM
I had read this on MSN news, as well. It's a strange case, to be sure. I doubt we'll ever know the details, though. :(

10-05-2005, 04:54 PM
I think this is crazy..... He had to be planning something more.. I really doubt he made other bombs and put them in places that would not hurt anyone... How could he even know in an area that crowded... I think this might be the first in a really bad trend...... Damn MTV !!!!!

10-05-2005, 05:03 PM
Before everyone goes all Bush and starts invoking Al Qaida's name. The name of the poor kid who killed himself was Joel Henry Hinrichs, he was 21 and an engineering student at the University. Obviously a mixed up kid. I feel for his family.

There was no second device, those reports were incorrect. The bomb squad did a sweep for any other devices and found nothing.

"OU President David L. Boren released a second statement Sunday confirming that there was no second device. Early reports that there was a second device were incorrect. The second detonation was the bomb squad making sure there was no second device in the area."

This story is about a sad kid who killed himself. My sympathies go out to his family.

10-05-2005, 05:15 PM
Also, late Sunday night Norman was (literally) shaken by another blast. The police were detonating all of the explosives they found in his car and apartment.

If he was trying to put the bombs on Kansas's buses, would'nt the fraternity be under investigation?

10-05-2005, 05:20 PM
I'm glad he blew just himself up and no one else was hurt.

Darwinism at it's finest.

10-05-2005, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I'm glad he blew just himself up and no one else was hurt.

Darwinism at it's finest.

You're all heart.

10-05-2005, 05:26 PM
It all sounds very confusing to me. If he wasn't trying to hurt others then why did he specifically go to the OU Football Stadium. Actually he was right outside the stadium. On the news it said the explosives he had on him were highly sensitive and sometimes people can blow themselves up while putting it together. I think he meant for it to go off in the Stadium itself, yet he didn't make it there. I feel badly for his family. The young man's father says he thinks it was just an accident and he wouldn't hurt anyone. Honestly, though why go to a highly crowded place with explosives on your person if you weren't intending on hurting other people? I don't get it. If he wasn't trying to make a statement and just wanted to hurt only himself why not just get a gun and do it that way? The news also said the FBI is being very "tight lipped" about it.

10-05-2005, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Chelle
It all sounds very confusing to me. If he wasn't trying to hurt others then why did he specifically go to the OU Football Stadium. Actually he was right outside the stadium. On the news it said the explosives he had on him were highly sensitive and sometimes people can blow themselves up while putting it together. I think he meant for it to go off in the Stadium itself, yet he didn't make it there. I feel badly for his family. The young man's father says he thinks it was just an accident and he wouldn't hurt anyone. Honestly, though why go to a highly crowded place with explosives on your person if you weren't intending on hurting other people? I don't get it. If he wasn't trying to make a statement and just wanted to hurt only himself why not just get a gun and do it that way? The news also said the FBI is being very "tight lipped" about it.

Just a guess but maybe he wanted to make some melodramatic statement to the "cruel world" which is why he wanted to kill himself with an audience. Again pure speculation.

Sean of the Thread
10-05-2005, 06:06 PM
So according to XTC it was just a sad case of EMO extremism..I don't buy it.

10-05-2005, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by xtc
Just a guess but maybe he wanted to make some melodramatic statement to the "cruel world" which is why he wanted to kill himself with an audience. Again pure speculation.

It's also speculation that maybe he WAS trying to take out other people.

Either way, I stand by my original statement. I'm glad he didn't take anyone else out with him and it's a fine example of how Darwin said that the weak don't survive.

I have zero respect for anyone who takes their own life like that.


10-05-2005, 06:18 PM

What a waste of a good psycho. :nutty:

10-05-2005, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Chelle
If he wasn't trying to make a statement and just wanted to hurt only himself why not just get a gun and do it that way?A bomb is much more thorough is my guess. I would certainly use a bomb if I was punching my ticket.

10-05-2005, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

What a waste of a good psycho. :nutty: lol

Tragic, but almost impossible for me to feel sorry for people that choose to go out in such a deplorable manner. His family is a different story. I, too, am glad he didn't take anyone out besides himself.

10-06-2005, 07:03 PM
Here's more info that someone on another forum said he's seen on the local news:

- Hindrich's (bomber) spent alot of time at the Mosque by his apartment.
- Plane Ticket to Algeria "at future date" in Pakistani roommates name was found in his apartment.
- 5 others involved but not arrested.
- Hindrichs tried to get into game 3 times at two different gates.
- Hindrichs had a ticket to the game.
- Hinrichs tried to purchase fertilizer earlier in the week.

It sounds more and more like a premature explosion to me. Or did this kid all of a sudden have a change of heart and blew himself up over what he realized he almost was about to do?

- N

10-06-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Neildo
Here's more info that someone on another forum said he's seen on the local news:

- Hindrich's (bomber) spent alot of time at the Mosque by his apartment.
- Plane Ticket to Algeria "at future date" in Pakistani roommates name was found in his apartment.
- 5 others involved but not arrested.
- Hindrichs tried to get into game 3 times at two different gates.
- Hindrichs had a ticket to the game.
- Hinrichs tried to purchase fertilizer earlier in the week.

It sounds more and more like a premature explosion to me. Or did this kid all of a sudden have a change of heart and blew himself up over what he realized he almost was about to do?

- N

My guess was that it was pre-mature.

Glad the fucker is dead. Too bad it didn't take out his 5 friends as well.


10-06-2005, 09:36 PM

10-06-2005, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Neildo
Here's more info that someone on another forum said he's seen on the local news:

- Hindrich's (bomber) spent alot of time at the Mosque by his apartment.
- Plane Ticket to Algeria "at future date" in Pakistani roommates name was found in his apartment.
- 5 others involved but not arrested.
- Hindrichs tried to get into game 3 times at two different gates.
- Hindrichs had a ticket to the game.
- Hinrichs tried to purchase fertilizer earlier in the week.

It sounds more and more like a premature explosion to me. Or did this kid all of a sudden have a change of heart and blew himself up over what he realized he almost was about to do?

- N

Oh no the blogs are coming alive. Rumours......

From a local news station. The President of the University Muslim assocation says that Joel Henry Hinrichs is neither a Muslim nor did he visit local Mosques.

God forbid this guy was a Muslim. McCarthy would loved you guys, now I see how Bush won a second term.


[Edited on 10-7-2005 by xtc]

10-06-2005, 11:04 PM

Consider source of information
Our View: 10/05
October 06, 2005

The limited information regarding Joel Henry Hinrichs III’s death has caused a surge of unfounded claims on the Internet and even by certain “legitimate” news agencies.

In the cyber-age, citizens (especially younger ones, like students) post their thoughts and opinions on blogs and Web pages that are read across the country.

It is usually easy to discern blogs and other extremely personal and unchecked sites from legitimate news sources like newspaper or news station Web pages.

But certain sites (that have obvious socio-political agendas) have been referenced as fact by individuals who have written us, posted on our Web site and spread this “information” throughout the World Wide Web.

And that is an example of how, sometimes, the Internet can act as a carcinogen of truth; especially if readers don’t consume this media critically.

If a “news story” does not name its sources, raise an eyebrow. If that story sites “very credible sources” as sources, raise the other one.

“Experienced law enforcement officials say,” should be considered just as unreliable online as “A believable OU student said, ‘I think there’s probably some sort of conspiracy,’” should be if it were the lead source for a controversial story in The Daily.

When FBI investigations come to a close, we will all know a lot more about what happened last weekend. Once again, however, The Daily feels it is not only struggling each day to find truth in this situation, but also beginning to battle the proliferation of information from media that have surrendered the search for truth in an effort to be inflammatory or to draw better ratings.

In short, consider the medium, and if it raises an eyebrow, turn somewhere else for your information.