View Full Version : Minor Summoning Lecture by Querthose

10-03-2005, 12:45 PM
This was taken from the official boards. It is a lecture explaining the workings of the spell of Minor Summoning (725)


Querthose softly says, "Alright, I will briefly go over Minor Summoning."

Querthose softly says, "Most of our information comes from the Enchiridion

Querthose softly says, "A complete copy can only be found in New Ta'Faendryl."

Querthose softly says, "Out of respect for the laws of the city, I will stick
only to material released in the shortened version made available to the lesser

Querthose softly says, "Those of you who are Faendryl can visit the city at any
time and gain access to more information."

Querthose softly says, "Including a much more complete list of entities that can
be summoned."

Querthose softly says, "Essentially, Minor Summoning is a mild magic that
creates a very small tear in the Veil."

Querthose softly says, "It must be directed at one of three valences."

Querthose softly says, "Lorae'tyr, Grik'tyr, and Shien'tyr."

Querthose softly says, "You will only pull minor entities from these places."

Querthose softly says, "Nothing like the abyran'ra that tormented many of our

Querthose softly says, "I will briefly go over the summoning process and then
briefly go over the demon types."

Querthose softly says, "Most of the information is available in the volumes of
the Valentia that are found in each of our guilds."

Querthose softly says, "They are sold for 75,000 silvers."

Querthose softly says, "To summon, you must first have a runestone."

Querthose softly says, "You can purchase these from our guild stores."

Querthose softly says, "Black ones have the shien'tyr rune on them."

Querthose softly says, "Green ones have lorae'tyr ."

Querthose softly says, "Brown one shave grik'tyr."

Querthose softly says, "These stones will pull a random creature from the
appropriate valence."

Querthose softly says, "You cannot specify the creature type, so selecting a
valence is a game of chance."

Querthose softly says, "You hope to get the demon you'd most like, and you deal

Querthose softly says, "Alternately, you can draw your own runestones with these

Querthose softly says, "Mekthros went over this process."

Querthose softly says, "It is as you were drawing an infusion rune."

Querthose softly says, "Once you have your runestone, cast the minor summoning
spell at that runestone."

Querthose softly says, "Every sorcerer who can cast the spell has about a 50%
chance of summoning something."

Querthose softly says, "And a 50% chance of ending up flat on their back in an
embarrassing heap."

Querthose smirks.

Querthose softly says, "We've all been there."

Querthose shrugs.

Querthose softly says, "Every lesson you've had in Demonology will increase your
odds of a successful summoning by about 1%, if I were to try to quantify
unquantifiable knowledge."

Querthose softly says, "Additionally, our guilds all have summoning chambers."

Querthose softly says, "These are hidden."

Querthose softly says, "Ask around for information on finding them."

Querthose softly says, "I will not reveal guild secrets here."

Querthose softly says, "I know some of you are not members of the guild."

Querthose frowns.

Querthose softly says, "And you should be ashamed."

Querthose softly says, "Now then."

Querthose softly says, "These rooms are constructed in a way that brings them
closer to the Veil."

Querthose softly says, "The Veil is weaker to your magic."

Querthose softly says, "More easily broken."

Querthose softly says, "It is the equivalent of having had 25 Demonology

Querthose softly says, "In terms of ease of summoning."

Querthose softly says, "So even the most untrained of you can stand in a
summoning chamber and summon successfully three out of four times."

Hakwea quietly says, "So that is more then a rumor."

Querthose nods to Hakwea.

Querthose softly says, "Indeed."

Querthose softly says, "Much more."

Querthose softly says, "Now, 25 lessons in demonology should be about what you
need to summon from a valence successfully every time in one of these chambers."

Querthose softly says, "From time to time, this store opens up and sells demon-
specific runestones."

Querthose softly says, "Those of you with kits will find Igaesha runestones in
your satchels."

Querthose softly says, "These are much more difficult to use."

Querthose softly says, "Without training, you've no chance at successfully using

Querthose softly says, "It would take about 100 lessons to succeed every time."

Querthose softly says, "Of course, standing in a summoning chamber still makes
it easier. It would give even the most unskilled a one in four chance of

Querthose softly says, "A few of us have the ability to draw these runes."

Querthose softly says, "I know I can draw lorae'tyr-abyran runes."

Querthose softly says, "If asked, some of us sell or give away these stones."

Querthose softly says, "I know a few others here have that skill, but it is for
them to reveal and not myself."

Querthose softly says, "Once you have summoned, you may command your demon to do
many things."

Querthose softly says, "Most can store mana for you and send it back to you."

Querthose softly says, "Most can hold coins for you."

Querthose softly says, "Most can hold items for you."

Querthose softly says, "All can guard your pockets from thieves."

Querthose softly says, "Most can deliver messages."

Querthose softly says, "Most can relay messages back to you."

Querthose softly says, "All can seek people out."

Querthose softly says, "Some are better at it than others."

Querthose softly says, "All can carry your eye, from the Eye Spy spell."

Querthose softly says, "To allow you to see what your demon sees."

Querthose softly says, "Quite useful."

Querthose softly says, "All can interfere with the casting of spiritual minor

Querthose softly says, "Though they do not interrupt the bardic song of peace."

Querthose softly says, "One, the abyran'sa, can break an existing sanctuary."

Querthose softly says, "Now, all demons have different strengths and

Querthose softly says, "I will go over them individually in a moment."

Querthose softly says, "But Senja brings me to my next point."

Querthose softly says, "We are all well aware that Demonic Summoning is not
viewed well."

Querthose frowns.

Querthose tersely says, "Even though it saved the miserable inhabitants of this

Querthose softly says, "The laws of mortals prohibit demonic summoning and
control in every city except Icemule and Zul Logoth."

Querthose softly says, "Zul Logoth will sell you permits."

Querthose sneers.

Querthose softly says, "To practice your magic "legally"."

Querthose softly says, "If that is your interest."

Querthose softly says, "Icemule has opted to reward the sorcerer who helped
stave off the V'reen Morphs by allowing us all to use demons in their town."

Querthose amusedly says, "Of course, our guilds aren't particularly concerned
with their laws."

Venrath says, "Icemule is a good place to practice using them, without the added
complexity of illusions."

Querthose softly says, "Though, to prevent an all-out war, we have developed a
means to hide our demons from the prying eyes of the lesser professions."

Querthose softly says, "The skill of Illusions will mask your demons as
something else entirely."

Querthose softly says, "Without it, justice officials will invariably notice
your demon and use detection magicks to determine who summoned it."

Querthose softly says, "Make no mistake, your mark is on these demons while they
are here."

Querthose softly says, "In towns like Ta'Illistim and Ta'Vaalor, you can end up

Querthose softly says, "The fines are steep."

Querthose softly says, "The same with the dwarves of Teras."

Querthose softly says, "Solhaven is concerned, although less so."

Hakwea quietly says, "250,000 silvers for first offense as a faendryl in

Querthose softly says, "Landing and River's Rest aren't particularly worried."

Querthose softly says, "It's akin to casting e-wave."

Querthose shrugs.

Querthose softly says, "Regardless, the fines can add up."

Querthose softly says, "I don't suggest summoning demons into a town before
mastering illusions."

Querthose softly says, "Having said that, demons can simply be left outside of
city gates."

Querthose softly says, "They can be kept in your hunting areas."

Querthose softly says, "It is easy enough to do."

Querthose softly says, "Now, I will describe each demon type, organized by
valence, and talk about the limitations, if any, of their illusions."

Querthose softly says, "Grik'tyr is one of my favorite valences."

Querthose softly says, "It has two major inhabitents: Griks and Imps."

Venrath glances at a bi-taloned dark grey grik'tval.

Querthose softly says, "Griks are strong, warlike, and largely unintelligent."

Querthose softly says, "They hold a small amount of mana, but mostly they can
hold more coins than any other demon."

Querthose softly says, "And can hold a few items."

Querthose softly says, "They guard well enough, as well."

Querthose softly says, "And they're relatively quick."

Querthose softly says, "Their illusion, a robed figure, will not fall when
delivering messages, guarding pockets, or anything else you would ask of it."

Querthose softly says, "Unless you ask it to interfere with a sanctuary."

Querthose softly says, "The magicks involved in that disrupt the illusion every

Querthose softly says, "This is the case for every demon type."

Querthose softly says, "Be aware."

Querthose softly says, "If you need it to interfere with sanctuaries, ask it to
do so before you put up the illusion."

Querthose softly says, "It is only the activation, or deactivation, of this
ability that is disruptive."

Querthose softly says, "Imps are the other creature on the valence."

Querthose softly says, "They are easily frightened, very afraid of Griks, and
can shape shift limitedly."

Querthose softly says, "Some Faendryl scholars believe that they are originally
from Shien'tyr."

Querthose softly says, "They can hold quite a bit of mana, more than just about
any demon."

Querthose softly says, "They are very slow."

Querthose softly says, "They aren't particularly good at guarding pockets."

Querthose softly says, "They deliver messages just fine."

Querthose softly says, "They don't really hold much in the way of coins and
items, but they hold a moderate amount of each."

Querthose softly says, "Their illusion, the stopped and wizened gnoll, is hardy
and does not fade from anything you would ask of it."

Querthose softly says, "Aside from the aforementioned interference."

Querthose softly says, "This valence is particularly good for those of you who
have not yet mastered illusions."

Querthose softly says, "The mana imps hold and the coins griks hold make them
well suited for the hunting field."

Querthose softly says, "Which is where you can use them, if you cannot mask

Querthose softly says, "Now, on to Shien'tyr."

Querthose softly says, "Shien'tyr is a misty realm with particularly odd

Querthose softly says, "The creatures are also very different from each other,
making it an unpredictable summoning."

Querthose softly says, "Shien, commonly known as Darklings or Shadowlings, are
largely formless."

Querthose softly says, "Try looking at one, its "face" will often resemble your
own or someone else in the area."

Querthose softly says, "Quite..unnerving."

Querthose softly says, "They are highly magical, and they can hold more mana
than any other demon type."

Querthose softly says, "They are incredibly slow and poor guarders."

Querthose softly says, "They do have the ability to deliver messages."

Querthose softly says, "And, if asked to do so in a dark room."

Querthose softly says, "And asked to deliver to another dark room that isn't
too far away..."

Querthose softly says, "They will send tendrils of shadow that allow you and
that person to speak in constant communication."

Querthose softly says, "Speaking into the shadow will send your words back to
your recipient."

Querthose softly says, "And they can do the same."

Querthose softly says, "But both areas must be dark."

Venrath asks, "How far away is not too far away, typically?"

Querthose softly says, "Not outside of the town you're in, or the hunting ground

Querthose softly says, "But others have spent more time researching this than

Querthose softly says, "They don't hold many coins, and they can't hold many

Querthose softly says, "But the mana storage alone makes them quite valuable."

Querthose softly says, "Aishan are the other creature from the realm we can

Querthose softly says, "Aishan are shien dogs basically."

Querthose softly says, "Very loyal."

Querthose softly says, "They will guard your pockets without you asking, and
they are VERY good at it."

Querthose softly says, "They will also disease anyone bitten by them."

Querthose softly says, "They are quick."

Querthose softly says, "Able to find invisible and hidden people easily."

Querthose softly says, "Incidently, Shien are quite good at this too."

Querthose softly says, "All demons can do it, but most aren't particularly

Querthose softly says, "They cannot store mana, and they don't deliver

Querthose softly says, "You're more likely to get licked in the face if you
stand around whispering into their ears."

Querthose shudders.

Querthose darkly says, "And I do not suggest that."

Querthose softly says, "Their illusion, a wolf, does not break easily."

Querthose softly says, "Sending mana to the wolf will break the illusion."

Querthose softly says, "Nothing else will, however."

Querthose softly says, "Aside from the interference."

Querthose softly says, "Oh, Shien illusions are identical to that of Imps, and
they have the same restrictions."

Querthose softly says, "Shien'tyr is best suited to towns."

Querthose softly says, "If you can't use illusions yet, it's a gamble to try to
summon from it."

Querthose softly says, "As an aishan isn't very useful on the field."

Querthose softly says, "The final valence is lorae'tyr."

Querthose softly says, "It has the most diverse creatures."

Querthose softly says, "The first are the Verlok, large metallic birds."

Querthose softly says, "They can eat just about anything."

Querthose softly says, "Carry few items but quite a bit of coins."

Querthose softly says, "Those made from naturally flaring minerals will flare
energy when they catch a thief in your pockets."

Querthose softly says, "Always entertaining."

Querthose softly says, "They're fast, which is a benefit."

Querthose softly says, "But they hold almost no mana."

Querthose softly says, "Asking them to deliver a message is possible, as they
can imitate your voice easily."

Querthose softly says, "But it will break their illusion."

Querthose softly says, "As will sending mana."

Querthose softly says, "Be wary ."

Querthose softly says, "Grantris are an interesting bunch."

Querthose softly says, "They are very timid."

Querthose softly says, "Generally hiding where they can."

Querthose softly says, "They don't guard particularly well as a result."

Querthose softly says, "But they're fast."

Querthose softly says, "They can hold more items than any other demon, balancing
them on their millions of legs."

Querthose softly says, "They hold almost no mana, so don't bother."

Querthose softly says, "Their disguise is that of a ferret, innocuous enough."

Querthose softly says, "The illusion is very stable."

Querthose softly says, "Too stable."

Querthose softly says, "I wouldn't count on it always being that way."

Querthose softly says, "But for now, you can do just about anything with the
ferret illusion."

Querthose softly says, "Igaesha are the third type."

Querthose softly says, "They appear to be colorful clouds."

Querthose softly says, "They are exceedingly slow."

Querthose softly says, "They can hold a decent amount of mana, more than a
grantis, but less than say an abyran."

Querthose softly says, "Sending mana will destroy their illusion, which is that
of a vulture."

Querthose softly says, "They guard pockets well, surprisingly enough."

Querthose softly says, "And the unlucky thief caught by them will have to deal
with corrossive acid."

Querthose amusedly says, "Don't worry, it tends to ware off after about twenty

Querthose softly says, "But it will damage them repeatedly until that point."

Querthose softly says, "They don't find people particularly well, so keep that
out of your mind."

Querthose softly says, "They don't hold items."

Querthose softly says, "They won't hold your coins, if I recall correctly,
though I could be wrong on that."

Querthose softly says, "And they're not going to be delivering any messages for

Querthose softly says, "Finally, Abyran."

Querthose softly says, "The most intelligent of the creatures we can summon from
this valence."

Querthose softly says, "Abyran'a hold a decent amount of mana, less than imps
but more than Igaesha."

Querthose softly says, "They poison any thieves unlucky enough to be bitten by
them, and they've keen of eye."

Querthose softly says, "They find people well enough."

Querthose softly says, "They're fairly fast."

Querthose softly says, "Abyran'sa are the priests and priestesses of this

Querthose softly says, "They are almost identical to abyran'a."

Querthose softly says, "But they can break existing sanctuaries."

Querthose softly says, "Which can be VERY useful."

Querthose softly says, "And is VERY hard to counteract."

Querthose softly says, "These demons share the same illusion as that of a grik,
a robed figure."

Querthose softly says, "Almost nothing will cause it to fall."

Querthose softly says, "Including breaking a sanctuary."

Querthose softly says, "But interfering will."

Querthose softly says, "This is a grab bag valence."

Querthose softly says, "It's good if you don't have any particular needs."

Querthose softly says, "Or if you really, really need to break a sanctuary and
are willing to take a risk."

Querthose softly says, "If you don't yet have mastery of illusions, I wouldn't
suggest it."

Querthose softly says, "Most of these demons aren't worth much on the field."

Querthose softly says, "Though Abyran and Grantris have their moments."

Querthose nods.

Querthose softly says, "Any questions? ."

Senja asks, "Are there any plans that you know of to allow demon permits in
other towns?"

Querthose softly says, "Not that I am aware of."

Querthose softly says, "In fact, we have been told specifically that there are
none from our spies."

Kastrel softly asks, "First, you stated that the grantis illusion is took stable
. . . why do you say this? Is there something about it that is more stable than

Querthose softly says, "Generally speaking, any illusion will fall if you make
it do something that doesn't make sense."

Querthose softly says, "A ferret receiving mana or delivering messages would
fall under this category."

Querthose softly says, "Just don't be surprised if you wake up one day and the
illusion no longer holds as it used to."

Querthose softly says, "The belief of your audience may wane."

Kastrel softly asks, "Secondly, you spoke of demons and their varying speed.
Does this apply to how quickly they will respond to you, or follow you?"

Querthose softly says, "How quickly they follow you, find others, deliver
messages, etc."

Querthose softly says, "But not how quickly they'll acknowledge your orders,

Querthose softly says, "The runestone, incidently, binds you and your demon with
a strong connection."

Querthose softly says, "You can order them from quite a bit farther than a
wizard and their familiar."

Hakwea quietly says, "Also, I can't remember if it was mentioned my age and
all, but shien will not message with there enhanced ability while illusioned."

Querthose softly says, "Yes, two things I Forgot to mention, thank you Hakwea
and Venrath."

Hakwea quietly asks, "Oh and was the vak'ra rune mentioned?"

Querthose softly says, "Now, grantris will only imitate elven languages."

Querthose softly says, "Dark Elven, Sylvan, and Elven."

Querthose softly says, "So delivery of messages must be in these languages."

Querthose softly says, "If you find yourself with a demon you'd like to keep
around, you can purchase or create a vakra runestone."

Querthose softly says, "Rubbing this runestone will refresh your connection with
your demon."

Venrath says, "In fact, the grantris will not inform you if someone tries to
whisper to it an a language other than elven."

Querthose softly says, "All of our guilds sell them, even those guilds that
don't sell the other runestones."

Querthose softly says, "They cannot reproduce the sound."

Querthose softly says, "So they will not bother."

Querthose softly says, "Verlok will also drop feathers that can be rubbed to
cast light."

Querthose softly says, "Anyone with a kit should have one."

Speaking to Querthose, Kisanthra asks, "To be clear, demons can cary things for
me, but I have phase for that, they can transfer mana to me and guard my
pockets. They can not fight and I run the risk if running up massive fines if
I'm not careful?"

Querthose softly says, "Yes."

Querthose softly says, "Demons hold items longer than your phase will last,

Querthose softly says, "They will hold your mana for you, and they will protect
your pockets."

Querthose softly says, "And they are not here to do battle for you."

Kastrel softly asks, "What possible consequences could occur when failing to
summon a demon?"

Querthose softly says, "You will be struck with the backlashed magic."

Hakwea begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation
in hushed tones...

Hakwea gestures at a small golden Paupers pin.
Hakwea incants arcanely but something goes horribly wrong. A trickle of violent
energy is released around him.
... 20 points of damage!
Strike to foot! Hakwea hops around dizzily on other foot and falls.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!

Querthose softly says, "It won't kill you unless you're quite weak."

Querthose gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Querthose gestures at Hakwea.
The glazed look leaves Hakwea.

Querthose starts chortling.

Querthose softly says, "Don't fear it overly. The wounds to your pride are
generally worse than the wounds to your body."

Venrath asks, "An abyran specific runestone... can it summon both the abyran'a
and the abyran'sa, or just the former?"

Querthose softly says, "It summons both."

Querthose softly says, "And you can never be sure of which one."

Wakahashi quietly asks, "Will the illusion be broke if the vulture spits acid
on a thief?"

Querthose softly says, "No."

Querthose softly says, "Interestingly enough."

Querthose softly says, "The bite leaves acid."

Querthose softly says, "It is not projected from the vulture's mouth."

Wakahashi quietly asks, "Nor any of the others?"

Querthose softly says, "None of them."

Speaking darkly in Guildspeak, Lethri says, "Ok probably missed this but do ye
need a permit in the landing and if so where do ye get one."

Querthose softly says, "You need a permit in Zul Logoth."

Querthose softly says, "It is illegal in the Landing."

Hakwea quietly says, "Also one last thing, the summoning chamber will increase
the power of the vak'ra rune, adding ten or so minutes to the spell above your
normal refresh."

Querthose softly says, "Only illusions can protect you from the law there."

Azalas softly asks, "Can you have both a demon and an animate in your control

Querthose softly says, "Yes."

Querthose softly says, "I often do."

Querthose softly says, "I do like my zoo."

Azalas softly asks, "They do nay interfere with the other than?"

Querthose softly says, "Not at all."

Querthose softly says, "Good question."

Speaking to Querthose, Kisanthra asks, "I assume not, but do the demons give
warning before they leave you?"

Querthose softly says, "Yes."

Querthose softly says, "You will feel the connection fade."

Querthose softly says, "When the connection fades, they will be ripped away
from here."

Querthose softly says, "Much to their relief."

Drauz firmly says, "Can be checked with elemental detection."

Querthose nods to Drauz.

Alysee softly asks, "Am I correct, should you die, your demon dies with you
leaving whatever it might be carrying?"

Querthose softly says, "Yes."

Querthose softly says, "It is not concerned with giving you back anything."

Querthose softly says, "It will drop items and steal silvers."

Querthose softly says, "And it isn't interested in making funeral arrangements

Querthose softly says, "So don't expect it to stick around and help."

Teekka asks, "Do animates hang about if you die?"

Querthose softly says, "No."

Querthose softly says, "The connection between you and your animate requires
constant attention to maintain."

Querthose softly asks, "Now, any last questions?"

Kastrel softly asks, "What determines the length of the demon's time here?"

Querthose softly says, "Your knowledge of sorcery and demonology."

Querthose softly says, "Training in demonology will also help you to convince
your demons to hold more mana and more coins."

10-03-2005, 02:15 PM
As much of a twit Quert is, that's some good information. Thanks for posting Fallen.

10-03-2005, 05:41 PM
That was a very interesting post, thank you. Very informative. My sorcerer is all of 15 trains (I think), so I am still a ways from needing to know this, but I enjoyed it just the same.


10-03-2005, 10:15 PM
The crowd was a nice division between the brain dead and those who really really wanted to correct Querthose.

10-03-2005, 10:22 PM
He's abit of a cunt.

10-03-2005, 11:02 PM
Yeah, Querthose is a huge dick, but he knows his Sorcery.

10-04-2005, 12:37 AM
"Querthose" the character can be a dick... this is what most people call rp... for anyone who hasn't actually talked to him out of game. And he knows his shit. I try to keep up on all my wizard info, but that's a steep bit of knowledge to retain, much less give a lecture on, props to him for taking the time to teach the retards who didn't bother to read up on it themselves.
~Just Jayvn

10-04-2005, 12:39 AM
What Javyn said. It's his RP. He's really not a dick OOC.

10-04-2005, 12:46 AM
The player is not similar to the character. Er, mostly. Heh heh...heh. :smilegrin:

10-04-2005, 01:17 AM
Querthose can be an ass IC.. but even my Aeletoi (who he hates) is spared if she just shuts up and leaves him alone. I enjoyed the lectures and learned some stuff I didnt know. Not major stuff, but I learned none the less.

10-04-2005, 02:51 AM
Quert's player doesn't seem to be a dick, but he is very thick headed. I still love the fact that he's been banned from the Luukosian order and I don't think he can get into the temple under icemule anymore either. I don't have all the recent facts, but it's been that way for a while.

10-04-2005, 07:44 AM
My problems with the man lie with his demeanor when he posts. He will become quite irritating on the official boards, demeaning others and responding glibly whenever he has the chance.

I would understand if it was only towards myself, as alot of people hate me, though I have seen him engage in such behavior too often for him to claim such a defense.

Bottom line is he is a smart, talented guy...and it has long since started to go to his head.

See also:

Jim (Celtar/Realmwanderer)

Not to be confused with:


Edited to add: In all fairness, this side discussion of Querthose's player should probably be edited out of this thread, and placed in its own little spot on the complaints section.

[Edited on 10-4-2005 by Fallen]