View Full Version : I demand a pat on the back
10-06-2003, 08:30 PM
For I handled conflict with several people that were over double my trains today, without the use of WARN, REPORT, or ASSIST.
If you want details, I shall give some. I demand my pat first.
10-06-2003, 08:32 PM
10-06-2003, 08:36 PM
No shit Sherlock... you're SUPPOSED to handle things without the use of WARN.
10-06-2003, 09:01 PM
That's like hearing man say, "Hey I'm good to my kids and pay for child support." You're SUPPOSED to be good to your kids, what do you want, a cookie?
Okay so I stole that from Chris Rock, but it still applies.
10-06-2003, 09:07 PM
Abused how?
10-06-2003, 09:10 PM
Well getting Silenced, Bound and Webbed constantly by Silverslut and then dragged off by Zvardin and being the target of his spells..... relentlessly
10-06-2003, 09:11 PM
Oh okay. Yeah that sucks.
You want a pat on the back? Using warn when you shouldn't... then NOT using it when you SHOULD???
Really man, lay off the crack pipe.
10-06-2003, 11:46 PM
Well, it seems everyone has to grow up sometime *gazes proudly at Tayre* Well done, my son.
Reform is a good thing. I'm afraid this one has it backwards.
10-07-2003, 01:15 AM
Ah, in that case, shame on you.
10-07-2003, 02:51 AM
So I asked Zvardin about it on IM's, because I wasn't sure if you guys meant Svardin or him. Here's what he's got to say:
Z: target of my spells relentlessly?
Z: I stunned him once
Z: rofl
MaimBeth: yeah
MaimBeth: i dunno
Z: ah well I figure the idiots can think what they want, Not like I need to defend myself to a bunch of people I don't like
MaimBeth: if you want to post something, i'll post it for you, if you dont want to make an account for one post.
Z: lol I just think it's funny they assume what I'm going to do. I only hit him with one spell first off. Secondly, if I was going to cast anything harmful on him it would have been curse due to his finding it funny to do that to others.
10-07-2003, 08:20 AM
Silversoft was the one 'casting relentlessly'. Zvardin just tried to fog me away and cast whatever sorceric spell he wanted or whatever. Unfortunatly the bind wore off just as he fogged to a non sancted spot and I got up and walked off while he was gagging. I was laughing pretty hard right then. However he was being an asshole by trying to police my actions. I don't attack people unless provoked, and the -only- curse I use is the itches one in neutral stance. It doesn't cause any damage what so ever, it's just funny to watch.
Furthermore, I -usually- put the items I curse on the bench because i KNOW Garr will come by and pick it up. He has this fetish for taking anything and everything off the bench and stuffing it in his packs because he thinks the bench is the Garr Donation Area. True, others pick the things up sometimes, but like I said, it only makes them itch and clerics are a dime a dozen in Icemule usually. If anyone who gets cursed has a problem with it, I take my berating or whatever they give back. Usually they just laugh and get a cleric.
Zvardin must have been the alt of someone who had it done to them, because he mentioned the time I cursed a drake dagger and dragged it around the town until someone picked it up. They got all huffy and I didn't hear from them again. This must have been his idea as payback. Pretty lame.
What happened last night was this:
Sauthurdig yelled from the bank "Selling socks" or something like that. For those of you who dont' know Tayre, he has a fear of sorts of socks. More like a violent reaction to them (which i've toned down considerably lately) because he truly believes them to be evil. This usually plays out pretty nicely for most people, who either try and tease him or help him keep the world rid of them. However Silversoft and her gang decide to put them in Tayre's face or whatever, so he usually either retaliats or ignores them completely and they walk away picking their nose. So Sautherdig yelled that, then I yelled bacik "Selling punches in the face. Free gift of arse kick with purchase" and he yelled "I'd like to see you try" so I went one room over, unbalanced him, then came back. Then I went back, unstunned him, then left again.
So about oh... 2 hours later... he comes into TC asking for healing from the abdomen bleeder I gave him. First of all, I can't heal him (abuse of mechanics), and there were no other empaths. Well apparently Sauthurdig has never heard of herbs because he was at Mirtag's and bled to death. So then his alt Finlar comes in asking why I killed Sauthurdig. I was like... no. Go away. So then about 20 minutes later Silversoft fogs to me right after I had rescued someone and preps a major spiritual offensive spell. I walk away before she can cast because she's slow. She fogs again, I walk away. I go to a table. Then she starts threatening me over the amulet. We argue there for a while, then I figure what the hell, and go sit down in TC. She binds, silences, and webs me (I sancted when I walked in) so I just "Beg for help" (sarcastically) over the amulet and basically just piss her off. Then Zvardin stalks me and fogs me away, trying to get me to a non-sancted spot, but it took him a few tries, and by then the bind wore off, etc. Eventually Zvardin did catch up and stun me once, but Khaitiff unstunned me and I just sancted. I argued with him for a while in whispers, then he shut up and went away.
All during this, Finlar was on the amulet trying to get Tayre to 'come out the gate' so he could do whatever to me. I just ignored him. Mostly because I don't think he's older than me, and if he is, not by much, so I could have delt with him anyway. But he wasn't important. And he was being OOC.
Speaking of OOC, Silversoft was doing that as well over the amulet. At one point I had logged on another, older empath to clean myself up, because I couldn't sit in TC, and she started going off about me "getting out so and so" and "What will her real soul think" and stuff. People told her to STFU.
Yeah so all in all she just pissed me off but I'm learning this new thing called maturity and restraint so I just delt with it and let her look like a bitch. Several people told me they reported her, however. I did an assist because she was spoted with a GH so I thought I might as well just put in my side before the shit hits the fan or whatever.
Ok I've talked enough so I'm going to go.
10-07-2003, 08:30 AM
You get props from me.
I think you should have warned em too.
Our Tayre growing up!
10-07-2003, 08:31 AM
Zvardin is generally an awesome guy. But I know what he can be like when he's mad.
I'm not defending him at all. But I still think Silversoft was high on the aggro-meter.
10-07-2003, 09:13 AM
I don't know either party really.. but I'll hold my judgement until we hear the full story.
One sided stories are rarely ever what really happened.
10-07-2003, 09:27 AM
Zvardin said he stunned Tayre because Tayre was dragging a cursed item around and scrolling the screen. It apparently had nothing to do with Silversoft.
10-07-2003, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
Zvardin said he stunned Tayre because Tayre was dragging a cursed item around and scrolling the screen. It apparently had nothing to do with Silversoft.
That was probably a month ago.
10-07-2003, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I don't know either party really.. but I'll hold my judgement until we hear the full story.
One sided stories are rarely ever what really happened.
Actually, if I did something wrong, I'm usually the first to admit it. I told the story in its entirety. Believe me or not.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-07-2003, 10:06 AM
Yeah so all in all she just pissed me off but I'm learning this new thing called maturity and restraint so I just delt with it and let her look like a bitch.
You should have used restraint when you went CVC on the person who died, then the whole thing wouldn't have happened. The entire story (your side of it) sounds pretty juvenile to begin with, and why I don't go to Icemule.
10-07-2003, 10:11 AM
If SAUTHURDIG would have come at me with anything, I wouldn't have complained a word. But he had to not only drag his alt into it, but his 80 whatever train wife into it too. I may have initiated "CvC", but I had no vicious intentions when I did it. It was more of a rather aggressive joke if anything else. If he took it offensively, fine. But he should have delt with it himself.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-07-2003, 10:24 AM
My point is, had YOU not cast at HIM, nothing would have happened. No need to save the drama for yo mama, no need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.
If I came into town, heard you on the net or saw you thumping someone multiple times and scrolling the screen, and decided "let me make an aggressive joke" and cast say 409 at you, would you think it was funny?
You were playing at playground bully, and a bigger bully came in. If you hadn't been bullying the little guy, nothing would have happened.
I think it's great you didn't warn anyone, good job.
10-07-2003, 10:37 AM
I don't know, something about cursing items and dragging them around just bothers me. I don't see the point of that, and if people there thinks its funny, then that's one less town I'll be visiting.
I'm not sure what to think of the story though. Seems almost provoked in some small way. I think it was handled badly by all sides. ::shrugs::
10-07-2003, 10:41 AM
Tayre, I've only been here a few weeks, but in the posts I've ready, you're rather warn happy.
Was it wrong for you to unbalance the guy? Probably
Was it wrong for the people to cast at you and fog you? Probably
Do you deserve a pat on the back for not being a complete wuss? Doubtful
I get bound, webbed, silenced, stunned all the time when I piss off someone older then me. A few days ago I had a cleric suck my mana dry for over 10 minutes and then stun me. You weren't killed. Your OOG life wasn't threatened in any way (when the "attacks" happened). You have a history with at least one of your attackers.
And I second what Suppa Hobbit Mage said. If you hadn't have been the bully, you wouldn't have been bullied.
If I had your history of warning people I wouldn't be pasting that I didn't warn in ONE situation where the deck was stacked against me.
Edit here now that I read the title of this thread again. It pisses me off that you *demand* a pat on the back.
[Edited on 10-7-2003 by Wezas]
10-07-2003, 11:13 AM
Ha.. me.. warn happy.. right.
I've posted every instance which I've warned someone, I think. Which equates to about 2. Maybe 3. If that's warn happy, then I guess I am.
Bullying implies that I was doing something against someone else simply because i could. EVERY resident of Icemule knows what happens when the sock button is pushed. Depending on who they are, I ignore them, or give it back to them, either verbally or physically. Sauthurdig was well aware of what playing the sock card would do. Not only that, but he LITERALLY asked me to come over there and "try". So no, you're wrong, I wasn't bullying. Kthx.
Secondly, Silversoft doesn't like me because of something that happened with her alt, Raervin. Tayre and Silversoft have no IG reason to dislike eachother. She just can't RP to save her life. So I just ignore both of her characters now. Beside that, Raervin warned me. So again, you're wrong.
Thirdly, ask Garr about RL threats. I've been there, done that, got the T-shrit.
And the "demand" was a joke. Get a sense of humor. I'm not dumb enough to "demand" anything from anyone.
10-07-2003, 11:16 AM
Also, I forgot to mention...
After all this had happened, I was in the Cellar rescuing Trilley and Scruffybeard... and Silversoft fogs down there and takes Trilley's hand. Luckily Silversoft had her group open so I grabbed her hand, disbanded, grabbed trilley and scruffy then fogged off.
While I was vomiting, Silversoft fogs in, heals Trilley, laughs, and walks away.
If that's not bitch, I don't know what is.
Miss X
10-07-2003, 11:28 AM
Gah....that is the ultimate empath crime!!!! Silver has been around long enough to know thats not the right thing to do!
10-07-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
Bullying implies that I was doing something against someone else simply because i could. EVERY resident of Icemule knows what happens when the sock button is pushed.
How arrogant you are to think that people should tiptoe around you.
Even if he was egging you on, you chould have lived up to your promise and "punched" or "kicked" him. Also, you have an arsenal of spells that could have cast at him that wouldn't have physically injured him. Instead you use the one spell (lets not count fire spirit) that made him bleed and could have killed him (and eventually did).
10-07-2003, 11:34 AM
......I give up.
Ok, Wezas, you're right. :)
Miss X
10-07-2003, 11:35 AM
I dont have much sympathy for people that bleed to death in town. There is a herb shop, a bench full of herbs, a town healer and the TEND command if you cant find an empath.
Also assuming you are in either CoL or Voln theres sign of healing, staunching or clotting and symbol of restoration.
[edited because I meant restoration not regen....]:P
[Edited on 7-10-03 by Miss X]
10-07-2003, 11:35 AM
Thank you.
10-07-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Miss X
I dont have much sympathy for people that bleed to death in town. There is a herb shop, a bench full of herbs, a town healer and the TEND command if you cant find an empath.
Also assuming you are in either CoL or Voln theres sign of healing, staunching or clotting and symbol of regen.
I'm almost positive Sauthurdig is in Voln and could have easily used Restoration. He should also know where the herbalist is by now and know what Iceberry Tarts do.
10-07-2003, 12:15 PM
This be why empaths suck.
You guys need a link spell or verb.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-07-2003, 12:27 PM
With a 15 second rt!
10-07-2003, 12:28 PM
I'm not sure about the RT. If you gotta wait for an RT for an empath to heal you, then like... you could bleed to death and stuff. Unless they have to do it like the herbalist folks do it, where the first thing they do is apply a tincture to make you stop bleeding. That might work.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-07-2003, 12:30 PM
If you don't have the rt, then a 'vulture' could link, heal and be off before you knew it.
10-07-2003, 12:32 PM
Nah, what I'm saying is, if there is an RT, t here should be something that stops you from bleeding when they link to you. That way when you wait it out, you won't bleed to death.
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