View Full Version : Sounds in Wizard

10-01-2005, 10:29 AM
I am trying to add strings that will generate sounds and regardless of how I do it, the sounds don't go off. I know my sound is working fine, the clips also play when I do it manually, but as for trying to add my name to alert me for a referral, I am not having luck.

Anyone have any ideas?

10-01-2005, 10:40 AM
I think it's part of the highlight area. You can highlight something like [SEND] and attach the file sound there.

Sorry.. it's been a while.

10-01-2005, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I think it's part of the highlight area. You can highlight something like [SEND] and attach the file sound there.

Sorry.. it's been a while.

I know where, it's just not working.

But now is an excellent time for you to become reacquainted. :D

10-01-2005, 10:44 AM
Is your "mute" button on?


Sorry.. if I ever come back to GS.. it will be using Stormfront. I took the time to move everything over there.. going back would be silly.

10-01-2005, 10:51 AM
Sounds in Wizard

I am trying to add strings that will generate sounds and regardless of how I do it, the sounds don't go off. I know my sound is working fine, the clips also play when I do it manually, but as for trying to add my name to alert me for a referral, I am not having luck.

Anyone have any ideas? >>

I suggest assisting. GMs are perfectly willing to work on SF and Wizard problems. If they don't know the answer, and don't know anyone who might, they will tell you to ask on the official boards under the Front End Help folder.

Terminator X
10-02-2005, 12:32 AM
I have "is here to" "scintillating shaft of light" and some other crap set to play the homing-pigeon .wav file from Worms :D

Terminator X
10-02-2005, 12:33 AM
Every time I gain an artisan or guild rank, I have fanfare3 from Civilization play, as well... :thinking:

10-02-2005, 12:34 AM
I had a friend whos wizard played the time warp everytime they wore a gold ring...

10-02-2005, 12:35 AM
Hey there wife,

You have to have the .wav actually in your sounds folder.

10-02-2005, 07:48 AM
I used to have my wizard's spells attached to sounds. Every spell had it's on unique sound. Made the game come alive and have the feel of a real "game".

It was fun to set up and play for the first hour or so.. but eventually I turned them all off because they were annoying the shit out of me.

10-02-2005, 09:08 AM
<<It was fun to set up and play for the first hour or so.. but eventually I turned them all off because they were annoying the shit out of me.>>


10-02-2005, 11:22 AM
Well I decided to just go to SF. Primarily because I'm tired of typing go open, go gate, go tunnel, climb step, climb stair and all that. Seems most of my characters are in hunting areas designed by folks who didn't actually hunt.

I just tried to assign sound and it worked perfectly.

FWIW I have You Rang from Lurch for assists and referrals. I selected the line from The Breakfast Club where Bender asks the guy if Barry Manilow knows that he raids his wardrobe reserved for Emeradan, should I ever have the occasion to see him in game.

I have the little sound that they use for Samantha when she wiggles her nose on Bewitched for gold ring teleporting.

I must not have much to do.

11-25-2005, 12:50 AM
Hello, having trouble with a specific string in the wizard frontend. It doesn't play a sound.

actually anything that has quotation marks doesn't play a sound!
anyone know why?

john asks, "this won't play a sound!"
someone says, "this won't play a sound."
'if i was talking and i decided to highlight the word talking, then it wouldn't play a sound because i just put a " quotation in this sentence ".

any help please!

The Cat In The Hat
11-25-2005, 08:44 AM
I have sounds set. Some work and some don't for some reason.

Seems like anything in a highlight string WILL NOT make the sound you assign. I could and likely am wrong though. I used the word ASSIST for my GM sound. It works fine.

I also have the word Aivren highlighted but couldnt get a sound to work until I changed the sound string to "that is flying around". Sucks that it goes off for familiars too but I deal.

Try unhighlighting the word you're trying to use and see if that helps.

The Cat In The Hat
11-25-2005, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by VotedAfkScrippr
Hello, having trouble with a specific string in the wizard frontend. It doesn't play a sound.

actually anything that has quotation marks doesn't play a sound!
anyone know why?

john asks, "this won't play a sound!"
someone says, "this won't play a sound."
'if i was talking and i decided to highlight the word talking, then it wouldn't play a sound because i just put a " quotation in this sentence ".

any help please!

Because when you add a ", it kinda becomes part of the first and last words? Makes sense, try adding the " to the sound string and see if that works. If it does than there's your answer.


11-25-2005, 02:25 PM
Make sure you use the checkbox as well, I can't remember the exact text but one is "Case Insensative" and there is the other, check that one.

Also are your sounds actually in the sounds folder of the wizard? They won't work unless you move them there.

11-25-2005, 08:04 PM
Ya, i posted in the official also, and someone said that the "quotations" wouldn't work in the wizard, but it does in the stormfront. i've spent quite a bit a time with the wizard tweaking things, trying to get this figured out with any string with a quotation and it just won't work. If anyone figures out a way for this to work with a quotation " for any string. Please let us know.
Thanks for the help guys!

11-25-2005, 08:05 PM
TRL make sure that the wav that you're trying to use is in your gemstone sounds path.


needs to be in the sounds directory for the sounds to play.


11-25-2005, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady

Originally posted by Parkbandit
I think it's part of the highlight area. You can highlight something like [SEND] and attach the file sound there.

Sorry.. it's been a while.

I know where, it's just not working.

But now is an excellent time for you to become reacquainted. :D

Such a fucking flirt

11-26-2005, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by TheRoseLady

Originally posted by Parkbandit
I think it's part of the highlight area. You can highlight something like [SEND] and attach the file sound there.

Sorry.. it's been a while.

I know where, it's just not working.

But now is an excellent time for you to become reacquainted. :D

Such a fucking flirt

You know Snowie, it's time for you to return as well :D