View Full Version : Citizenship

09-30-2005, 07:54 PM
I dunno how I did it, but I'm finally a citizen of Icemule! Yay!

I truly don't know how I did it. About a month or two ago, I ran around to some of the stores, maybe 4 of them, and got backroom access. Then I hopped to different towns, going back to Mule for maybe a day or so.

I happened to check with the giantess today, expecting to cart around 20k in silver to get backroom access to more stores, but she gave me the great news!

Name: Great Lady Entress
Profession: Fingersmith
Race: Half-Elf Gender: Female
Clan: Half-Sylvan
She currently has full citizenship in Icemule Trace.
Follower of Leya
Strongest foe vanquished: a massive ice giant warchief
Most difficult lock picked: -695
Most difficult trap disarmed: -267

09-30-2005, 08:05 PM
Um...save your 20k...it has nothing to do with backroom access ;)