View Full Version : Running auction on mains, in brief below

09-28-2005, 03:38 PM
Rustling up some silver so selling bunch of consumables in bulk and a few other bits on the main boards, auction folder.

pouch of 174 orb gems, collection of 280 magic/embed treasure drops (see attached .xls file only), mage rechargeble quake, unprsence, guards items, 5x comp bow (Wave dancer scripts), altered Eonak themed eonake Falchion 4x, other falchions, 2 siegery sets, Anfelt message worms, lockpick case with 5 picks, bulk 50 item sale each of statues, white crystals, gold rings, quartz orbs, 30 ruby amulets.

Full details on main, thanks for peeking!

Vimp :smilegrin:

edited to change attachment to excel format, forgot I had acquired that program.

[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Vimp]

[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Vimp]

[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Vimp]

09-28-2005, 04:13 PM
download doesn't work for me.

Sylvan Dreams
09-28-2005, 04:27 PM
When I get the file, it's blank.

Burnt out Priestess
09-28-2005, 08:18 PM
Same here,any other way to see it?

09-29-2005, 05:48 AM
Some folk seem to be having trouble with the download which is now an .xls file (excel), yet many more are not so I am not sure what than can be other than you've not the software compatible . If you do have Excel but it isn't working, send me a u2u with your email and I'll send it attached to it. I can also send as .wks file, so let me know which you need.

Updated the auction on the officals in the auction folder, message 3244.

I reattach here both microsoft works spreedsheet and Excel versions of the magic item/Embed list for download.

Thanks for the interest!

09-30-2005, 03:29 AM

siegery set2, statues, longsword, altered falchion all on GOING TWICE status on the officals marketplace/auction folder.

current bids also on 5x scripted bow, siegery set1.


09-30-2005, 03:47 AM
I emailed you, but I guess you didn't get it the first time, so I went ahead and emailed your play.net addy too.

10-01-2005, 02:46 PM
bump... yes got the email, your bids have been added to update3, altered falchion, longsword and one siegery set sold. 5x scripted bow (WD scripts) going twice! :smilegrin:

10-02-2005, 10:04 AM
I will be updating my auction on officals when I get home from work in 2-3 hours, so your last chance to get a bid in on the 5x composite bow (WD scripts)! If you've won any of the items thus far, u2u me to arrange trade of goods, weekends are best for me to do this.
I may dust out my lockers further for the redundant THW I now have since acquiring that wonderful Stormhammer, heh!
Thxs again for your interest!
p.s. oh, don't suppose anyone knows who holds any of the other edged voln cyclers? I have the chereb (shortsword) and will be looking for another in the future sometime.