View Full Version : How is my training looking?

09-28-2005, 08:24 AM
Rolled up a dwarven runestaff using empath. I got the edged in there just so I can swing as a young character, and will drop it probbaly around level 10 and migrate it back. The armor use I'll probably take to doubles.

Once I start getting those skills back, what should I pump those points into? Additionally, do spells count as runestaff adders for DS?

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 5 1
Edged Weapons......................| 5 1
Physical Fitness...................| 10 2
Arcane Symbols.....................| 5 1
Magic Item Use.....................| 5 1
Spell Aiming.......................| 10 2
Harness Power......................| 10 2
Mental Mana Control................| 5 1
Spirit Mana Control................| 5 1
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 5 1
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 5 1
Survival...........................| 5 1
First Aid..........................| 15 3

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 1

Spell Lists
Empath.............................| 1

Stats: Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 60 (15) ... 60 (15)
Constitution (CON): 70 (25) ... 70 (25)
Dexterity (DEX): 50 (0) ... 50 (0)
Agility (AGL): 60 (0) ... 60 (0)
Discipline (DIS): 60 (15) ... 60 (15)
Aura (AUR): 80 (5) ... 80 (5)
Logic (LOG): 60 (10) ... 60 (10)
Intuition (INT): 50 (0) ... 50 (0)
Wisdom (WIS): 80 (15) ... 80 (15)
Influence (INF): 90 (10) ... 90 (10)

09-28-2005, 08:29 AM
Yes, spells count as magic ranks towards runestaff

The Ponzzz
09-28-2005, 08:49 AM
I got a little empath I'm trying to get up in my levels myself. Figured I'll grab 4 ranks of THW till 10 and slowly migrate them away(no point going sword and board when the claid does the quicker kill...).

Though, is there a need for spell aiming?

09-28-2005, 08:54 AM
I have spell aiming with my empath, for 1110 and 111. It comes in handy and is good for magic ranks if you're aiming to be a runestaff user.

09-28-2005, 08:59 AM
I would drop survival (since you'll be 3x in FA for Boneshatter) and mental mana control.

They'll sure as heck be giving empaths a fixskills when the mental spheres roll in. Until then, you might as well pick up more scroll reading, or MIU, or something.

09-28-2005, 10:03 AM
SA for 111 and 1110 for sure. Also, it's quite handy to be able to use any wand that comes your way.