View Full Version : looking for bard building help
09-27-2005, 03:53 PM
Greetings most knowledgeable and honorable bards, i was hoping to get some insight from the old and new players. im looking to start playing a bard but i dont know the first thing about them. i play rogues say spell casting is new to me as are a great many things. for instance does race play a roll in making a bard? and im sure stat placement is a factor as well. and what about bard builds? what are the pros and cons to the polearm user, sword and board or pure caster. so im looking for tips, advice and maybe even a mentor or two. just one more thing. i would prefer we not turn this post into a shouting match. rather than say that somones stupid with something they might post just why your train of thought is better. thanks everyone. i look foward to the responses and a lengthy discorse on bards.:D
09-29-2005, 12:42 AM
Well, I think the three most popular bard builds are the pure, the pole user and the quick shortsword user. Race is sorta a big deal for pole users, cause you want to have good agility and dexterity to swing those big poles in 5 or so seconds. So...what kind to you see yourself? Using 1030 and 1002 to kill at stuff casting, one or two big hits with a lance, or the MOC/tonis using shortsword bard (either TWC/or edged/shield)?
10-01-2005, 02:13 PM
well heres the thing. i dont know the first thing about bards. im trying to get opinions about the pros and cons of each build so i can decide which build i want to try. not sure which race i want to use either. im guessing that if i decide to do poles then im going to have to use a race with a dex modifier. are casting bards a good build choice? i would like to see some players maybe give me a word or two on casters. again, im completely ignorant in my knowledge of bards but ive deffinately decided that this will be my next class and rather than purchase one id like to build this one from scratch. thanks all
10-01-2005, 02:40 PM
Just as a suggestion, I know there has been advice posted before in the bard folder. Go digging though there and see if you can find out something and maybe come back here with questions? Might give you a starting point.
10-07-2005, 08:56 PM
ok so i read up on polearm bards and such. but that seems to be too mainstream for me. as far as melee bards go i think ive seen a good amount of info on them. id like to hear some responses and advice from pure caster bards. how viable are they when hunting? is an instrument necessary to hunt? also can some of you offer perhaps a traingin plan and stat placement advice? im really at a lost with regards to stat placement. my computers broken so i dont get a chance to check the boards as often but ill be on this weekend. thanks again.
10-10-2005, 10:15 AM
Pure bards are tough, I don't think you'll be able to hunt purely on spells for a while; in the beginning you'll probably have to 1005 and then beat with yer brawling weapon. Training plan? I'd 2x brawling, 1x shield, get somewhere between doubles and studded leather as armor training, 24 ranks EMC, 1x HP, PT for full health, 1x manip lore and the rest in spells. You need to 1.6xish spells to have a high enough CS. The manip lore is important for adding 'weighting' to 1030. In the beginning, you'll have to use yer wussy brawling weapon a good amount. To be honest, I think most 'pure bards' fixskilled into that role at higher trains (30-40 trains) and its probably the hardest build to start out with. Getting enough spells to get your CS high enough to ward like-level reliably is hard.
I have a bard, but not a pure bard. I talked to a coupla bards, forger their names about it and ran all my numbers, just found it was too much dedication too early. Gnimble and...Sidrik? helped me out I think. Maybe they can give you better advice.
If I were you, I'd train as a OHE/shield bard using a short sword, and then fixskills over. It will take you a year to get to mid 30s I'd think, and thats when pure bards shine.
Oh, and start practicing yer instrument ( a two handed one), that will help ya with 1030 as well.
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