View Full Version : Overzealous GM!? GRRrrrRR...die guild!
09-27-2005, 03:53 PM
So I quit GS ~ a year or so ago for 2 reasons.
1. RL called.
2. A GM completely overreacted.
Heres the short-version of the story:
So we all know its impossible to get through the guild and its subsequent thousands upon thousands of reps without using scripts. Unless you want carpal tunnel.
Well, I had been scripting and doing okay for about 4 or 5 months. I would do guildwork when I could with my select few friends who were at my level in the area. I finally got to maelstrom or void, dont really remember, it was rank 7.
And then one dark and stormy night, I had my speed rep script running after a hunt and was multi-tasking as usual. Well something happened, the phone rang, or someone rang the doorbell. I left and, to my ultimate dismay, accidently left my character in game running my speed rep script. I had done this before for a semi-brief period and nothing had happened.
Well on this dreary and unlucky night, I came back to find that I had been removed to a GM room. Eventually I contacted the GM and he came back to tell me that "Scripting is a big deal, its real bad mmmkay, blah blah." I said, "I apologize officer, this is my first offense, it was a mistake and it wont happen again". Well, he must have been in a horrible mood because he stripped me 2 of my 7 guild ranks. Probably 6 plus hours of work.
I was so enraged and furious that I decided I was closing my accounts and wrote a big long post about it.
Anyways, long story short...I'm back now, a year later and dreading going near the guild again. Whats the point? Yes, I think the demon illusions are cool too, but I'm not going to do something this rediculous for some minor payoff in the end.
Whats up with the Sorcerer's guild, is it not the most insanely frustrating and ridiculous thing in the game for Sorcerers?
And PLEASE, please tell me this GM overreacted. I had never even been warned. Never had a problem with "AFK scripting" before, EVER! 2 RANKS, GRRRR! Dont design a guild that requires scripting if youre gonna be a beehotch!
Your thoughts?
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by nocturnix]
09-27-2005, 04:04 PM
It's possible that someone reported you for screen scroll (due to the speed reps) ... which lead to the GM looking in on you, and seeing that you were unresponsive.
As for the Sorceror guild, simple solution is to just not be one. :D
09-27-2005, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Probably 6 plus hours of work. It's not work if you're scripting, and 6 hours is nothing in guildwork terms.
It's really, really not hard to pause or stop a script, and I think you overreacted bigtime over what's basically a slap on the wrist.
I wouldn't play a sorc either. Warriors, empaths, and bards are much better, and they don't have that odor about them.
09-27-2005, 04:20 PM
Not be a sorcerer? Never!
Not be a guild member, maybe.
As for how the GM found out, I dont much care. Its more of the fact that he took away 20% of the progress I had made in the guild, which took me over 2 months to achieve.
09-27-2005, 04:21 PM
Slap on the wrist? Thats hardly a slap on the wrist for a casual player and a simple mistake.
Originally posted by nocturnix
Slap on the wrist? Thats hardly a slap on the wrist for a casual player and a simple mistake.
I'm going to assume your story is completely forthright. Even so, when you break the rules, you don't get to decide the punishment. I know it was just a mistake, but apparently it appeared to the GM that you were at it for a long time, and he didn't want you to be rewarded for it.
I agree the GM probably had it in his power to just say "Don't let it happen again", but you don't get to decide how you get punshed for it...
So it's unfortunate that you got pulled away and left your script running, but I'm sure the GM's that check for AFK scripting have heard that excuse a thousand times.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-27-2005, 04:38 PM
Sorc guild reps should be fucking outlawed in town.
That is all.
09-27-2005, 04:43 PM
Yes, they are nazis about scripting guild reps. More fun, less tedium, it's teh Simu motto. I am still working on rank 1 with my charactar. For the past 45 levels. Sort of.
Edit: Rashyla(sp?) must have done *every* goddamn rep required to master in the small park. Someone needs to pour boiling wax on her head.
[Edited on 9-27-2005 by Letum]
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
I wouldn't play a sorc either. I would and do. However, no longer do I devote the amount of time it takes to actually advance any Sorcerer guild skills. I believe I hold 2 ranks in whatever and was kicked out a while ago due to non-payment of fees and general laziness. I honestly didn't see the point.
I know there are some who play Sorcerer's on the boards that may have advanced their guild skills.
09-27-2005, 04:46 PM
You quit EQ or GS?
If it's GS you are talking about.. here's a clue: AFK scripting is against policy. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Man up.
09-27-2005, 05:40 PM
It sucks, basically, but it is against policy. T&S is probably right about the GMs hearing that excuse thousands of times. It's probably true in most cases, but regardless, it's not that hard to pause a script ... I do it all the time. You can really just deal with this by either accepting you were caught (even if it was a mistake) and make an effort in the future not to do it again or you can deny any guilt and say it's the GMs fault for being unfair and post about it and quit the game. I'm not saying you're lying about what happened. The phone probably did ring or someone was at the door, either way you got caught doing something that was against policy. Sucks that you got those guild reps taken away, but I bet if and when you come back, you'll definitely be more mindful of the two button combo required to pause a script.
09-27-2005, 05:40 PM
You're a
Sylvan Dreams
09-27-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Slap on the wrist? Thats hardly a slap on the wrist for a casual player and a simple mistake.
Your punishment was not out of line, your reaction was.
- First offense: Character receives a formal warning, is moved to a consultation room, loses =all= field experience (unabsorbed experience) in =all= skills, and must reread and agree to policy before being released.
- Second offense: All characters on the account, plus potentially all other related accounts, can be locked out of the game for 30 days. In addition, substantial penalties of experience points may be subtracted from any or all characters on the account(s).
- Third offense: The account, plus all of the other related accounts, can be locked out permanently.
09-27-2005, 06:19 PM
Haha, you honestly think you did nothing wrong?
09-27-2005, 06:30 PM
Yeah, you got busted. It happens.
You always get demoted or EXP loss if you get caught. The only thing to do is suck it up or quit.
And lots of folks have just quit. At least you didnt get a 30 day mandatory lockout of your account.
09-27-2005, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Not be a sorcerer? Never!
Not be a guild member, maybe.
As for how the GM found out, I dont much care. Its more of the fact that he took away 20% of the progress I had made in the guild, which took me over 2 months to achieve.
I am willing to bet the GM does not care why you were scripting, or the fact that you lost 2 ranks.
I have been scripting the picking contest reps in the rogues guild but I stay at the computer, as tempting as it is to do something else I am not taking the chance.
09-27-2005, 10:29 PM
For fuck's sake.. I am sick of you (and anyone else) trying to justify using scripts for whatever reason. You got busted because your stupid ass was afk scripting. Suck it up and take your punishment. Quit crying and next time DON'T GO AFK WHILE SCRIPTING!!!!!.
09-27-2005, 10:36 PM
I think YOU are overreacting by coming here to bitch about it after a year. You know you're not supposed to AFK script. You did it anyway and you got boned. Boo-frickety-hoo.
09-27-2005, 10:39 PM
Ok, you're all right. It was me who was overreacting, I broke the rules and I deserved the prescribed punishment.
However if we're talking following the rules to the T, in the policy Sylvan Dreams quoted the punishment is...
"...=all= field experience (unabsorbed experience) in =all= skills..."
Then I was not given the proper punishment. Experience, or progress I had gained in my guild skills from days, even a week before was removed.
So if we are expected to follow the rules exactly, how are we to understand them when the GMs do not follow their own rules THEY set forth for themselves?
That being said, have any of you ever thought of questioning rules before? Not only in the game, but in your lives as well? Sure the man tells us one thing, but one human telling another human what he can or cant do is a relatively new concept on the evolutionary timescale.
Let the flammage begin...or should I say, continue.
Is there no one on my side!? :bouncy:
09-27-2005, 10:44 PM
Then I was not given the proper punishment. Experience, or progress I had gained in my guild skills from days, even a week before was removed.
That's the rule, not the punishment
That being said, have any of you ever thought of questioning rules before? Not only in the game, but in your lives as well?
You're a regular Gandhi.
09-27-2005, 10:45 PM
Why should anyone be on your side? You did something stupid and got punished, then not only did you whine about it like it was all the GM's fault, but now you are whining because they didn't punish you further? Dude.. put down the crack pipe and back slowly away.
09-27-2005, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
"...=all= field experience (unabsorbed experience) in =all= skills..."
Then I was not given the proper punishment. Experience, or progress I had gained in my guild skills from days, even a week before was removed.
Who knows how long they've been watching you. Only they know. You were AFK scripting. If I was a GM and saw you were AFK scripting your guild ranks I'd probably take half of you ranks away.
And your "Oh I was multi-tasking, phone rang, doorbell rang, etc." is bullshit. You set your script up to run, minimized your screen, and went about your business.
Here's some news for you. Everyone who's in a guild and wants ranks has to do reps. Sure, some/most use scripts - but they put forth the time to watch the scripts so as not to get put in the position you were.
Also I think Skeeter's post could either mean "Cheeta" or "Pussy". Both seem to fit.
Terminator X
09-27-2005, 11:09 PM
I mastered warcries, wtricks, tackle and battering twice without ever having to utilize a script...
...Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go inject my daily dose of procaine into the five-foot carpal tunnel hole in my hand. Thanks for understanding :shibby:
Sylvan Dreams
09-27-2005, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Ok, you're all right. It was me who was overreacting, I broke the rules and I deserved the prescribed punishment.
However if we're talking following the rules to the T, in the policy Sylvan Dreams quoted the punishment is...
"...=all= field experience (unabsorbed experience) in =all= skills..."
Then I was not given the proper punishment. Experience, or progress I had gained in my guild skills from days, even a week before was removed.
So if we are expected to follow the rules exactly, how are we to understand them when the GMs do not follow their own rules THEY set forth for themselves?
That being said, have any of you ever thought of questioning rules before? Not only in the game, but in your lives as well? Sure the man tells us one thing, but one human telling another human what he can or cant do is a relatively new concept on the evolutionary timescale.
Let the flammage begin...or should I say, continue.
Is there no one on my side!? :bouncy:
Guild skills are not on a absorbed/unabsorbed system. No one's on your side because you're wrong. You were scripting, you went AFK, you got busted.
09-27-2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
Why should anyone be on your side? You did something stupid and got punished, then not only did you whine about it like it was all the GM's fault, but now you are whining because they didn't punish you further? Dude.. put down the crack pipe and back slowly away.
Easy cheif, there were no personal attacks on you..just a civil discussion lets keep it that way.
And your "Oh I was multi-tasking, phone rang, doorbell rang, etc." is bullshit. You set your script up to run, minimized your screen, and went about your business.
Oh, so you were there in my house watching my every move?
For those of you who seem to be deeply offended by this discussion, I am sorry but maybe you should lighten up.
I guess I can say at least I sparked some discussion, although its pretty onesided so far.
And for everyone saying I am whinning and claiming its the GMs faults I was scripting, perhaps you should reread my post. I never denied fault for the offense, I was simply asking you friendly people what your opinion was on the strictness of the punishment I recieved.
09-27-2005, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Terminator X
...Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go inject my daily dose of procaine into the five-foot carpal tunnel hole in my hand. Thanks for understanding :shibby:
Ahem, I mean sorry to hear that man. :saint:
09-27-2005, 11:20 PM
Lighten up.. I will when jackasses like you stop whining about getting punished when you break the rules.. rules that I abide by.. and if I can.. you can.
09-27-2005, 11:20 PM
I'm not deeply offended myself. I think he was a little harsh. But hey, what are ya gonna do? You still got two choices:
Keep payin yer bill and playin, or quit.
If it makes you feel any better, know this: if you make enough of a screen scroll or piss enough people off so they report you often enough, you can get ACCUSED of afk scripting and punished, even sitting at your screen.
How's that for fair?
That's just Simu-life. Accept it or stop breathing my virtual air.
09-27-2005, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Drezzt
I'm not deeply offended myself. I think he was a little harsh. But hey, what are ya gonna do? You still got two choices:
Keep payin yer bill and playin, or quit.
If it makes you feel any better, know this: if you make enough of a screen scroll or piss enough people off so they report you often enough, you can get ACCUSED of afk scripting and punished, even sitting at your screen.
How's that for fair?
That's just Simu-life. Accept it or stop breathing my virtual air.
Well put, Drezzt at least someone here is articulate enough to express themselves without slinging insults.
I still think this is a valid topic of conversation...moving beyond the "You were wrong, you broke the rules, you are a fucking jackass"
I know there are people out there who feel the guild system of advancement encourages spamming/scripting. And I KNOW people have opinions on this, anyone willing to share those? There must be a better system, maybe something similar to Voln. A combination of quests/tasks and something else?
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by nocturnix]
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by nocturnix]
09-28-2005, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Oh, so you were there in my house watching my every move?
For those of you who seem to be deeply offended by this discussion, I am sorry but maybe you should lighten up.
Apparently you were not even in your own house, you can't remember if the phone rang or the doorbell.
I was nice in my first post. People are offended because this is probably one of hundreds of threads were "GM #1 was mean to me! I wasn't AFK scripting, I just a.) got up for a second b.) was paying attention to something else on the screen c.) was AFK scripting but this is my excuse why I shouldn't get in trouble."
It's just more of the same. Then when people got mad or didn't support you, you did the same thing everyone does. "If you follow the rules to a T" ... "Why isn't anyone on my side?" ... "Let the flaming begin, or should I say continue."
AFK = away from the keyboard. You were away from the keyboard. A script was running. The GM didn't have to punish you, even if it's in the policy, but they usually will. The GM doesn't know how many ranks you gained that day, so they just did something pretty standard. So you lost two ranks that you didn't work to earn. You expect me to give you sympathy? You expect anyone to give a shit that you were punished for something you knew was a violation?
I agree with Wezas. You set your script to run, minimized the window, and went along on your business. You sound like a little kid making up excuses. "I'll never do it again, I promise!!"
I'm glad you got punished. I'm glad you took it like the immature idiot you are and quit. It helped to filter out some of the bullshit in GS. I scripted for a week and was like, "Why am I scripting if I pay for this game?". You don't need to script if you play the game as a "role" player instead of a "roll" player.
Rainy Day
09-28-2005, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Drezzt
If it makes you feel any better, know this: if you make enough of a screen scroll or piss enough people off so they report you often enough, you can get ACCUSED of afk scripting and punished, even sitting at your screen.
How's that for fair?
How do you figure that? We've seen several logs posted here of people being tested for AFK scripting. All you have to do is let the GM know you're there.
09-28-2005, 09:32 AM
I think he just meant accused, not punished for. The GMs will generally check if you're accused.
09-28-2005, 10:04 AM
Actually, I did mean punished. Enough screen scrolling and enough REPORTS about you causing a nuisance in a certain area, and yes, you'll get accused AND punished for AFK. Reply to the GM or not (if tested for AFK. It's not required!)
Don't believe it? Try it in a place people will care, like the Well in Icemule or the bank in the Landing. Maybe the Dais too, but I don't know how busy it is there since I rarely visit EN.
After about 30 days of people reporting and you'll probably be railroaded and get the infamous "policy read".
Railroaded: Whisked away to the scripting limbo or consul. lounge. Regardless of any REPORTS you may have sent if you were "tested".
Remember, Gemstone isn't a democracy, it's more like School. Follow the rules and don't stir up too much stuff that's going to involve the teachers and you'll do just fine.
Get "told on" too many times and they'll happily send you to the principal's office.
Edited to add: For Rainy Day - It's a rare occurance, because it involves so many reports. Most people won't sit in one place so long and cause havoc, but if you've a throw-away account and wanna try it out, have at it and post the results. :)
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Drezzt]
09-28-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Drezzt
Actually, I did mean punished. Enough screen scrolling and enough REPORTS about you causing a nuisance in a certain area, and yes, you'll get accused AND punished for AFK. Reply to the GM or not (if tested for AFK. It's not required!)
Don't believe it? Try it in a place people will care, like the Well in Icemule or the bank in the Landing. Maybe the Dais too, but I don't know how busy it is there since I rarely visit EN.
After about 30 days of people reporting and you'll probably be railroaded and get the infamous "policy read".
Railroaded: Whisked away to the scripting limbo or consul. lounge. Regardless of any REPORTS you may have sent if you were "tested".
Remember, Gemstone isn't a democracy, it's more like School. Follow the rules and don't stir up too much stuff that's going to involve the teachers and you'll do just fine.
Get "told on" too many times and they'll happily send you to the principal's office.
Edited to add: For Rainy Day - It's a rare occurance, because it involves so many reports. Most people won't sit in one place so long and cause havoc, but if you've a throw-away account and wanna try it out, have at it and post the results. :)
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Drezzt]
You have to wonder why they would punish you for AFK when they have a rule for disruptive screen scrolling to begin with.
Not that Im doubting you or anything. It wouldnt be the first ruling Ive ever heard of that was inconsistent with policy.
09-28-2005, 10:50 AM
That's a good point, but I'd bet disruptive SS would be more along the lines of
put say Suck it!
goto start
My recommendation was more geared to this scenario:
put twitch
put pr 401
waitfor You gesture
put cast
waitfor You
pause 15
goto start
My thinking is that it's just annoying actions and not necessarily TRUELY screen scroll so they have to pigeon-hole you with AFK.
09-28-2005, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Drezzt
Remember, Gemstone isn't a democracy, it's more like School. Follow the rules and don't stir up too much stuff that's going to involve the teachers and you'll do just fine.
Get "told on" too many times and they'll happily send you to the principal's office.
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Drezzt]
I like the analogy! And of course it would be a reform school.
Hey, I would get sent to the principal's office in RL too...I suppose I tend to test the rules and push them to their limits even in stupid cases like this.
Why does everyone keep telling me how the situation went down?
"You ran the script, minimized it, and went about your business."
Who the fuck are you to tell me what exactly I did, jesus fucking christ? I think not!
Its fun watching who here seems to be intelligent, and who here are nothing more than lemmings, repeating the same, almost word for word, insults and rips. Get creative at least!
Yes I know I was scripting, yes I know thats against the rules, no I'm not a complete are teh won!
09-28-2005, 11:47 AM
such a rebel.
09-28-2005, 11:49 AM
And your argument of:
Its fun watching who here seems to be intelligent, and who here are nothing more than lemmings, repeating the same, almost word for word, insults and rips. Get creative at least!
Keep in mind, this is the same argument, verbatim, we have heard time and time again from other people who've gotten caught.
09-28-2005, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Showal
such a rebel.
They call me...jimmy dean! Or whoever that rebel without a cause fellow was.
09-28-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Showal
Keep in mind, this is the same argument, verbatim, we have heard time and time again from other people who've gotten caught.
09-28-2005, 12:05 PM
No, I don't think it was too harsh. I actually wish they would be consistent and do this more often. Even if it is a first offense.
Now, before you get all upset that someone else opposes your opinions, let me explain.
If the GM's would be more harsh on the first offense of AFK scripting, then perhaps more people would NOT do it. And this isn't something I feel about just AFK scripting violations, I wish they would do it across the boards on all violations of TOS. It discourages the people from doing it much more effectively then just a general warning to their account. Perhaps they would even NOT do it again (gasp! I know this is a new thought but hey, run with it) and learn from the mistake.
AFK is AFK. It doesn't matter if you are simply taking a phone call, using the restroom, talking to someone, answering your door, whatever. If you get up from your keyboard and move away, then you are indeed AFK and the punishment should be handed down. (while running a script that is)
Do I feel bad for you? The more compassionate side of me says "Yah, that sucks that you lost guild ranks that you earned earlier in the week, scripting while at the keyboard, or not." The other more practical and fed up side of me says "No, you get no sympathy because hopefully you learned your lesson and will not AFK script any longer, even if it is for a mere 30 seconds. There is a way to pause scripts and you should know how to use it if you are running one to begin with."
As to whether or not Guild encourages scripts? I think that's a pretty subjective theory. I've run scripts in guild and will probably continue to run them in guild until I'm done with guild completely. BUT (and here's the key word) I don't AFK script and won't ever AFK script. I stay there and watch the screen, sitting at my computer, with my hands on my keyboard. That is how I feel I am not breaking TOS and you were breaking it by not doing the same. :shrug: Take it as you will.
09-28-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Why does everyone keep telling me how the situation went down? Because you don't seem to have a very good grasp on it.
1. AFK scripting is not allowed. Punishment for AFK scripting involves revocation of ill-gotten gains.
2. You were AFK scripting.
3. A GM said "bad nocturnix, I pwn j00 guild ranks".
That's the way rules work. You break them, you get punished.
09-28-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
1. AFK scripting is not allowed. Punishment for AFK scripting involves revocation of ill-gotten gains.
2. You were AFK scripting.
3. A GM said "bad nocturnix, I pwn j00 guild ranks".
That's the way rules work. You break them, you get punished.
1. I have enough grasp on it to remember that it was NOT intentional. That I was interupted and had to leave, forgetting to stop the script.
2. Yah, GM pwnzed my guild ranxorz. L4m3!
09-28-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
I was simply asking you friendly people what your opinion was on the strictness of the punishment I recieved.
To be honest. I think they were lenient. You know the game policy, you know it's cheating, You know you will get in trouble for it.. yet you chose to proceed with your afk guild scripting. Just because you were only caught once doesn't make it right. You've been dong it for weeks, I'm sure you have afked more than once and be glad that they only took 6 hours of guild work instead of banning you all together.
Your intent was to cheat. You chose that decision. There are rules and regulations you are required to follow, the same way you are required to follow anywhere. A cheat is a cheat. There are no such thing as I've only been caught once. The fact is that you knew what you were doing, and that you were guilty. It is up to the GM if they choose to give you the worst punishment in policy. You were lucky and they were lenient but you still refuse to accept the consequences. Many people here have script hunted/guild etc. but the difference between those people and yourself? They take responsibility for their actions and don't complain about it.
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Shalla]
09-28-2005, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
I have enough grasp on it to remember that it was NOT intentional. Intent is irrelevant. AFK does not stand for "intentionally away from keyboard".
09-28-2005, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Originally posted by Showal
such a rebel.
They call me...jimmy dean! Or whoever that rebel without a cause fellow was.
That's JAMES Dean, Jimmy Dean is a brand of sausage products.. moron.
09-28-2005, 12:58 PM
Just to clarify, scripting itself isn't against policy, only doing so AFK is.
09-28-2005, 01:00 PM
I got caught afk scripting and got punished for it! Let me quit GS!
I just had to go answer the door or the phone! I was not afk scripting earlier! Now my hardearned typing of .guildx was taken away!
I like to push the limits but this time got caught and punished for it! I'm so progressive that I shouldn't have gotten punished.
All remind me of these threads:
I could find more, but I'm not bored enough. The Chadj one is priceless though.
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Showal]
He's probably a red sox fan.
09-28-2005, 01:38 PM
out of line, tijay. out of line.
09-28-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Your thoughts?
you are pathetic for holding onto a grudge for over a year. and over a fucking GAME
09-28-2005, 01:47 PM
<<So I quit GS ~ a year or so ago for 2 reasons. >>
The main reason was to get some sand out of my vagina.
09-28-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Showal
<<So I quit GS ~ a year or so ago for 2 reasons. >>
The main reason was to get some sand out of my vagina.
Thanks for the quote :D
Thanks for solving that mystery Nancy Drew.
09-28-2005, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Shalla
Originally posted by nocturnix
I was simply asking you friendly people what your opinion was on the strictness of the punishment I recieved.
To be honest. I think they were lenient. You know the game policy, you know it's cheating, You know you will get in trouble for it.. yet you chose to proceed with your afk guild scripting. Just because you were only caught once doesn't make it right. You've been dong it for weeks, I'm sure you have afked more than once and be glad that they only took 6 hours of guild work instead of banning you all together.
Your intent was to cheat. You chose that decision. There are rules and regulations you are required to follow, the same way you are required to follow anywhere. A cheat is a cheat. There are no such thing as I've only been caught once. The fact is that you knew what you were doing, and that you were guilty. It is up to the GM if they choose to give you the worst punishment in policy. You were lucky and they were lenient but you still refuse to accept the consequences. Many people here have script hunted/guild etc. but the difference between those people and yourself? They take responsibility for their actions and don't complain about it.
[Edited on 9-28-2005 by Shalla]
As another said...scripting is NOT cheating. By using scripts to aid in guild work, I am not considered a cheater so dont call me one.
If I had written a script to do guild reps, when finished go to guild, recieve new task, do more guild reps with a dummy account, rinse and repeat. Hence reaching max guild ranks while I take a nap, that would be considered cheating.
Using a script to type illusion rose 8 million fucking times while I sit there and watch the roses appear in my hand is merely preventing myself from going mad, or carpal tunnel from kicking my ass.
Show me one person who has mastered the Sorcerer guild by typing illusion rose, enter, illusion rose enter for 2 months straight at a minimum and I'll give you a fucking cookie, because he doesnt exist. No matter how many of you claim youre so fucking cool and made it through the whole guild without using a single script, I will never believe it, because I honestly dont believe it can be done. And if it has been done, show me the scars from their carpal tunnel surgery. And I'll say "Hey, its a good thing I used scripts to type illusion rose, I dont have carpal tunnel!"
James dean, jimmy dean, jackoff dean whatever, does it look like I care? You got what i meant.
I'm not fucking whinning, I'm arguing. Its fun. You all find it entertaining, otherwise you wouldnt be here posting in this thread.
Get a new burn other than "stop whinning, whiney mcwhiner pants". Sorry its played.
I didnt plan on picking fights with everyone at this board my first post, but oh well, too late now right?
09-28-2005, 02:14 PM
I don't think anyone is saying that they haven't used a script. Most people are at least smart enough to have the script running in the background when they're doing other shit so they can see if they get pulled.
You weren't. You got caught. You left for a year.
You came back. You whined.
No one gives a shit.
09-28-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Alfster
I don't think anyone is saying that they haven't used a script. Most people are at least smart enough to have the script running in the background when they're doing other shit so they can see if they get pulled.
You weren't. You got caught. You left for a year.
You came back. You whined.
No one gives a shit.
Is that an echo I hear, or possibly a broken record?
If no one gives a shit, why is everyone posting obscenities about how much of a cheating whiner I am? Are you all that bored, or are you all script police who feel they need to prove the same point 50 times?
09-28-2005, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by nocturnix
Show me one person who has mastered the Sorcerer guild by typing illusion rose, enter, illusion rose enter for 2 months straight at a minimum and I'll give you a fucking cookie, because he doesnt exist. No matter how many of you claim youre so fucking cool and made it through the whole guild without using a single script, I will never believe it, because I honestly dont believe it can be done. And if it has been done, show me the scars from their carpal tunnel surgery. And I'll say "Hey, its a good thing I used scripts to type illusion rose, I dont have carpal tunnel!"
We keep saying it because you seem to think we're talking about running scripts being illegal, but in's the fact that you weren't at the keyboard and came back whining about that fact.
09-28-2005, 04:35 PM
Why is it the retards always use the same arguments?
<<If no one gives a shit, why is everyone posting obscenities about how much of a cheating whiner I am?>>
<<I'm not fucking whinning, I'm arguing. Its fun. You all find it entertaining, otherwise you wouldnt be here posting in this thread. >>
Pretty soon we'll hear the usual, "Whatever, I'm done with this post. You can all post more about this but I'm done with this thread." Then you can scroll down 2 posts later to see their reply.
Rainy Day
09-29-2005, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Drezzt
Edited to add: For Rainy Day - It's a rare occurance, because it involves so many reports. Most people won't sit in one place so long and cause havoc, but if you've a throw-away account and wanna try it out, have at it and post the results. :)
No thanks. If lots of people are reporting you, you're doing something wrong and should get punished, IMO.
09-29-2005, 11:11 AM
From proginal poster:
"Well on this dreary and unlucky night, I came back to find that I had been removed to a GM room. Eventually I contacted the GM and he came back to tell me that "Scripting is a big deal, its real bad mmmkay, blah blah." I said, "I apologize officer, this is my first offense, it was a mistake and it wont happen again". Well, he must have been in a horrible mood because he stripped me 2 of my 7 guild ranks. Probably 6 plus hours of work."
Maybe if you hadn't been a smartass and just said "I understand" in response the GM might not have stripped you. And since when is guild work supposed to be easy to obtain? Use your script at the keyboard while you rest from a hunt, or whenever while you are at the keyboard and you won't be busted?
As Kainen said, "I can't do it, why should you?" and Spungirl "Boo-frickity-hoo."
Move to Zul Logoth and have your demon in town without needing to disguise it. Mmmkay? Good luck.
OOH! I should add, make a cleric or empath and join their guild, No scripting required! Just silver to be in good standing... for uhm.... hmm.
[Edited on 9-29-2005 by cajunlady]
09-29-2005, 11:20 AM
Is this thread still active?
[Edited on 9-29-2005 by Drezzt]
It is cheating however to script when your afk, just because your trying to rationalize it that you were too busy to hit esc when you got up from your keyboard doesn't make you any less of a cheater.
09-29-2005, 01:08 PM
you mean cheeta, tijay.
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