09-26-2005, 11:37 AM
This is a script I made for Stormfront.
It has information for almost 1,000 merchants. It'll highlight the names in a bright orange color, if you want, otherwise it can give you information on the specific merchant.
Like this:
>.merchants b
[Script merchants is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
* Merchants that begin with the letter B:
* Baara, Bakart, Baker, Baile, Baliehai, Balouga, Balth, Banek, Barlardi, Bartagar, Baszhan
* Baxterax, Bealina, Bego, Begonia, Bekythorne, Belalora, Belarania, Belarino, Belleturin
* Bemm, Benison, Bentirose, Berabikind, Berand, Bernaud, Bilger, Bilious, Bindi, Bitlan
* Blaggenboul, Blamo, Blarth, Blastin, Blays, Blickish, Blindi, Boboh, Boggle, Bone
* Boogals, Boogles, Borgof, Boothby, Bourk, Breide, Breighton, Brienne, Brelli
* Brillyan, Brilyan, Brista, Broglar, Bukythorne
[script done]
>.merchants blays
[Script merchants is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
* Merchant Name: Blays
* Events: Revel of the Anfelt
* Workplace:
* Information: "I'se can make even ugly beards beauti-fur-us!"
Now, it isn't done because they haven't put up this year's Ebon Gate info yet, but I'm moving across the country and wanted to get it out there before I moved.
What I'm hoping you all will do with it is highlight the names I have, and sort your highlight names according to content and compare my names with your names.
I have a bunch of names that I found spelled two different ways, and I used both of them to be on the safe side.
If one of your PC's is highlighted, let me know so I can remove them.
I guess that's all for right now. This is my first time doing something like this, so I hope it works.
[Edited on 9-26-2005 by B2]
[Edited on 9-26-2005 by B2]
[Edited on 9-26-2005 by B2]
It has information for almost 1,000 merchants. It'll highlight the names in a bright orange color, if you want, otherwise it can give you information on the specific merchant.
Like this:
>.merchants b
[Script merchants is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
* Merchants that begin with the letter B:
* Baara, Bakart, Baker, Baile, Baliehai, Balouga, Balth, Banek, Barlardi, Bartagar, Baszhan
* Baxterax, Bealina, Bego, Begonia, Bekythorne, Belalora, Belarania, Belarino, Belleturin
* Bemm, Benison, Bentirose, Berabikind, Berand, Bernaud, Bilger, Bilious, Bindi, Bitlan
* Blaggenboul, Blamo, Blarth, Blastin, Blays, Blickish, Blindi, Boboh, Boggle, Bone
* Boogals, Boogles, Borgof, Boothby, Bourk, Breide, Breighton, Brienne, Brelli
* Brillyan, Brilyan, Brista, Broglar, Bukythorne
[script done]
>.merchants blays
[Script merchants is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
* Merchant Name: Blays
* Events: Revel of the Anfelt
* Workplace:
* Information: "I'se can make even ugly beards beauti-fur-us!"
Now, it isn't done because they haven't put up this year's Ebon Gate info yet, but I'm moving across the country and wanted to get it out there before I moved.
What I'm hoping you all will do with it is highlight the names I have, and sort your highlight names according to content and compare my names with your names.
I have a bunch of names that I found spelled two different ways, and I used both of them to be on the safe side.
If one of your PC's is highlighted, let me know so I can remove them.
I guess that's all for right now. This is my first time doing something like this, so I hope it works.
[Edited on 9-26-2005 by B2]
[Edited on 9-26-2005 by B2]
[Edited on 9-26-2005 by B2]