View Full Version : Hatchling Globes

Lady Daina
10-06-2003, 02:10 AM
[Edited on 1-1-2004 by Lady Daina]

Red Devil
10-06-2003, 04:05 AM
but what the hell is it? HAHA STUPID GM CAUGHT A VOICE IN A SPHERE

10-06-2003, 03:35 PM
Kinda like a baby Alien/shapeshifter trapped in a sphere. The vreen quest had some funny moments, mighta amused you to see people get their tails kicked by themselves, Red.

10-06-2003, 03:59 PM
Morphs were easy. Just a quick whack to the noggin, it's done.

10-06-2003, 05:55 PM
Cept for all the people who let them get spells off. Seeing old Empath morphs bind said Empaths then blast them was especially funny.

Red Devil
10-06-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Cept for all the people who let them get spells off. Seeing old Empath morphs bind said Empaths then blast them was especially funny.

rofl, did the morphs go into towns?

10-06-2003, 08:40 PM
Yep, they were all over the place.

10-08-2003, 07:01 PM
I just got my globe from Pheyrmerrin... took a bit of work though. :lol:

[Sorcerer Guild, Entrance]
Heavy fog swirls in this entrance area but does not seem to pass through the silver gate. Sharp ivory mammoth tusks protrude outward from the top of a tall, rough-hewn ironwood fence enclosing the compound. You also see a silver gate and a hooded guard.
Obvious paths: south
You squint.
You approach the gate and identify yourself to the guard. The guard checks over a long scroll of names and says, "I'm sorry, the Guild is open to invitees only. Please do return at a later date when we will be open to the public."
How can they be so mean to you?!
You exclaim, "But but but, I know he's in there!"
You beg.
You pace back and forth.
You fold your arms over your chest.
You gaze with interest at a silver gate.
You pace back and forth.
You squint at a hooded guard.
You ask, "Pleeeaaase?"
You pace back and forth.
You exclaim, "I'm not gonna leave until I find him!"
You stare at a hooded guard.
You frown.
You pace back and forth.
You pace back and forth.
You say, "I'm gonna stay here and wait until you let me in to see him, or until he shows up and comes out to me."
You stare at a hooded guard.
You grumble.
You march back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
You place your arms akimbo and look about as if waiting for something.
You grumble.
You pace back and forth.
You tap your foot impatiently.
You pace back and forth.
You whine at a silver gate!
You pace back and forth.
You exclaim, "Let me in!"
You beg.
You pace back and forth.
You sigh.
You squint at a hooded guard.
>l at guard
The guard stands perfectly still, its hood pulled down low over its face.
You say, "Grrrrr."
You pace back and forth.
You exclaim, "Open up!"
You stare at a hooded guard.
You say, "I've been trying to get in contact with him for two days, you can't just... not let me in."
You squint at a hooded guard.
You wrinkle your nose.
You pace back and forth.
You stare at a hooded guard.
You exclaim, "Argh!"
You exclaim, "All I want to do is see Pheyrmerrin, is that too much to ask? I can just... wait for him in there!"
You stare at a hooded guard.
You say, "You know you want to let me in."
You frown.
You pace back and forth.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
You say, "It would be pretty cool to take a tour of the guild, too."
You ponder.
You realize there are some important matters you should tend to . . . later.
You exclaim, "Let me in!!"
You squint at a hooded guard.
You say, "I promise I won't touch anything, I'll just... sit there and be good."
You hum distractedly as your mind wanders.
You pace back and forth.
You whine at a silver gate!
You say, "It's not like there are any super-secret sorcerer secrets in there."
You scoff.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
You say, "Or maybe there are."
You blink.
You ask, "Is that why you won't let me in?"
You squint at a hooded guard.
You grumble.
You place your arms akimbo and look about as if waiting for something.
You say, "It's too bad you doorkeepers aren't conversationalists."
You shake your head, clucking your tongue.
Pheyrmerrin came through a silver gate.
Pheyrmerrin nods to you.
You gasp.
You beam!
Pheyrmerrin raises an eyebrow in your direction.
You exclaim, "I knew if I waited long enough you'd come!"
Pheyrmerrin says, "Surely, sylvan, you've never seen a sorcerer before. Don't look so surprised."
Pheyrmerrin snorts.
You duck your head.
You say, "Your doorkeeper doesn't talk much."
You glance at a hooded guard.
Pheyrmerrin says, "I imagine Natsuki told you of my interest in speaking with you."
You wrinkle your nose.
Pheyrmerrin glances at a hooded guard.
You nod.
Pheyrmerrin says, "It does its job."
Pheyrmerrin smiles briefly.
Pheyrmerrin tersely says, "This is for you."
Pheyrmerrin removes a faenor-banded smoky glaesine globe from in his leopard fur cloak.
You cock your head at Pheyrmerrin.
Pheyrmerrin says, "In repayment of your assistance to me in a time of great... inconvenience, let us say."
You nod.
You say, "I'm only sorry that I couldn't have helped more."
Pheyrmerrin offers you a faenor-banded smoky glaesine globe. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Pheyrmerrin's offer and are now holding a faenor-banded smoky glaesine globe.
You smile.
You curtsy to Pheyrmerrin.
A faint smile touches Pheyrmerrin's lips.
Pheyrmerrin says, "Well spoken."
Pheyrmerrin nods to you.
You gaze in awe at the smoky glaesine globe in your hand.
Pheyrmerrin says, "Clench your hand around it to feed it."
Pheyrmerrin says, "Don't open the globe unless you want it to die."
You say, "I found another emerald, but by the time I came here, the job had already been accomplished."
Pheyrmerrin says, "Otherwise, do with it whatever you wish. It is yours now."
You nod.
>l my globe
Thin bands of black faenor wrap around the small globe, reinforcing the seams between the thin panels of glaesine. Each pale glaesine panel bears a twisting, darker-hued pattern within its surface, which resembles several interwoven tendrils of smoke. The globe is suspended on a fine copper neckchain, which threads through a small loop at the top of one faenor band.

A shapeless blob of pale blue gelatin lies within the sphere, oozing restlessly back and forth within the confines of its prison.
>clench my globe
As you tighten your hand around the smoky glaesine globe, you feel a sudden, sharp ache in your palm. A fine mist of scarlet diffuses through the inside of the globe, settling on the pale blue blob of gelatin inside, which reaches greedily up to consume the nourishment.

In only moments, the fluid within the globe is clear once more.
Pheyrmerrin amusedly says, "I can always find a use for another, but I do not wish there to be any potential question of debt."
You bite your lip.
You say, "If you want it, you can have it"
You say, "I personally have no use for it"
Pheyrmerrin raises an eyebrow in your direction.
You smile at Pheyrmerrin.
You hang a faenor-banded smoky glaesine globe around your neck.
You carefully untie the drawstrings of your suede gem pouch.
You remove an Eye-of-Koar emerald from in your suede gem pouch.
You offer your Eye-of-Koar emerald to Pheyrmerrin, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Pheyrmerrin nods.
Pheyrmerrin has accepted your offer and is now holding an Eye-of-Koar emerald.
You say, "At least you can use it"
You smile at Pheyrmerrin.
Pheyrmerrin says, "Upon occasion, yes."
You nod.
Pheyrmerrin folds his hand around the Eye-of-Koar emerald, concealing it from sight.
Pheyrmerrin says, "I will leave you now. Enjoy your... pet, prize, whatever terms you think of it."
You nod.
Pheyrmerrin turns around.
The guard gives him a nod of recognition and waves him in.
Pheyrmerrin went through a silver gate.
You say, "Thank you very much"
You grin.
You belt out, "I hope to see you at the fest!"
[Sorcerer Guild, Entrance]
Heavy fog swirls in this entrance area but does not seem to pass through the silver gate. Sharp ivory mammoth tusks protrude outward from the top of a tall, rough-hewn ironwood fence enclosing the compound. You also see a silver gate and a hooded guard. Obvious paths: south
You glance at a hooded guard.
You mutter useless.
You snicker.

[Edited on 10-8-2003 by GS3 Michiko]

10-08-2003, 07:25 PM
Oh, if you open it, a little blue gob comes out and dries up and poofs, and effectively ruins your globe.

Figured that out with Natsuki in beta.

10-08-2003, 09:01 PM
Yep. The little morph (that you become in the loresong) dies.

10-09-2003, 11:06 AM
I sure hope not... I hope it just counts the time that you're logged in.

How many times a day have you been feeding yours? I fed mine once, then gave it to a friend to look at and she did it by accident. He seems to be fine, though.

10-09-2003, 11:38 AM
How do you think of yours? As a pet? As another piece of fluff? I'm kinda of curious as to what other people think of theirs as...

I've never had anything remotely like this before, so... I'm varying between thinking of it as a pet, and as a separate "being" all together... I thought about naming it, but once I saw the loresong, I thought that it would be almost disrespectful to the little guy.

Maybe I'm just crazy. :?:

11-08-2003, 07:11 AM
Wow, what are they? What quest was this?

I have never been on a quest, never had the opportunity. I hope one comes along, I think it would be so much fun. Are they player run? GM? Both?

Those 'Morphs'? are amazing. But why did you try to wipe them out and what are they?

11-08-2003, 06:51 PM
Just so I'm clear:

You have a baby morph that you're going to torture well over the edge of madness on into eternity, right?

11-08-2003, 08:10 PM
Those 'Morphs'? are amazing. But why did you try to wipe them out and what are they?

Basically, they were a side effect of a spell. They'd morph into people, then kill them and anyone around them. They were hostile, and there were queens who were laying eggs, so they had to be whiped out.

11-09-2003, 01:18 PM
So now they are pets?? I'm not going to ask. Oiy veh.

11-09-2003, 01:48 PM
Pheyrmerrin handed the globes out to those who were essential to the overall defeat of the morphs. The songs says what they are... they're incomplete morphs.. unable to fully develop or whatever. I just think they're neat.

I kinda wish the pendants that were handed out had a song too. That would have been awesome.

11-09-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
I kinda wish the pendants that were handed out had a song too. That would have been awesome.

Yeah, I wish they do too. They're pretty nice though, none-the-less. It doesn't exactly match anything Michi wears though... so she just keeps it in her longcoat. ^^;;