View Full Version : Reiver final event

09-24-2005, 12:20 PM
Here's a log of last night's events for those of you that followed the Reiver storyline and missed it. It's rather long but I included the RP scenarios within it to give everyone a feel of the mood, setting, etc last night. I had an awesome time and loved every minute of it.

Started out in a Temple originally, but ended up going to Missoni's table because she started gushing blood from her marking on her neck. That is where the log picks up.

[Giant Thrak Table]
In an effort to accomodate larger clientele, this section of the table has been raised on wooden blocks, which does nothing to increase the stability of its surface. Two of the chairs gathered here are oversized, padded chairs with high winged sides. Squarely in the center of this section is a block-style thrak figure painted dark grey. You also see a restive luck spirit that is flying around.
Also here: Akari, Perigourd, Great Lord Radeek, Valicar, Conlin, Missoni, Lyrienne, Balinworn, Galilea, Dhask
Obvious exits: out
Dhask blinks.
Dhask blinks.
Lyrienne quietly exclaims, "Jolena!"
You quietly exclaim, "What is happening!"
Dhask says, "Whew."
Lyrienne gives you a friendly hug.
Drakam peers quizzically at Missoni.
You frown.
You reach over and gently rest your hand on Missoni's shoulder.
Dhask says, "My vision is back."
Mythala glances at Missoni.
Missoni says, "Blood..."
Drakam peers quizzically at Dhask.
Missoni frets.
Perigourd says, "Miss started bleeding."
You frown at Missoni.
Perigourd says, "Dhask seemed to lose his sight."
You say, "Oh dear.."
Dhask looks closely at your red eye tattoo.
You place your hand on your red eye tattoo.
Perigourd says, "He wasn't certain, and neither was I."
You glance at Dhask.
Rontuu nods to you.
You say, "Nothing has happened."
You say, "She's not even thought of me yet I don't think."
You reach over and gently rest your hand on Missoni's shoulder.
Speaking to Dhask, Missoni asks, "How do you feel?"
You gaze at Missoni with a look of utter sorrow in your eyes.
Perigourd says, "Hagga will not have any of you."
Dhask says, "Something, moves....my whole neck."
(Galilea tears a strip from her pantaloons.)
Dhask says, "I can not swallow."
Dhask gags.
Speaking to Missoni, you ask, "What happened?"
Rontuu glances at Dhask.
Spaewife peers quizzically at Dhask.
Speaking to you, Missoni says, "We will be alright. These silly game...."
Lyrienne frowns at Dhask.
(Galilea wraps Missoni's neck carefully.)
A tiny kitten comes out from underneath the chair and entwines itself around Jolena's feet. With a tiny snarl at Stunseed it bounces away from the table and is lost in the shadows.
Your jaw drops.
You take a few steps back.
Dhask takes a drink from his Human beer.
You exclaim, "Get away!"
Dhask asks, "A final drink?"
Missoni shakes her head, totally at a loss.
Balinworn exclaims, "Jolena!"
Stunseed frowns.
Jaysehn frowns.
Stunseed says, "That cat..."
(Jolena leaps up onto a chair, stomping her feet.)
Balinworn says, "Stand firm."
Stunseed says, "Just hissed at me..."
Balinworn reaches over and gently rests his hand on your shoulder.
Karibeth nods to Stunseed.
You stamp your feet.
Balinworn says, "Jolena! Focus Lass."
Stunseed says, "My connection to felines...never have I seen that.."
Mythala glances at you.
You shift your weight, trembling slightly.
Galilea reaches over and gently rests her hand on your shoulder.
You shiver in fear.
Speaking to Dhask, Missoni says, "It will be alright."
Balinworn says, "Tis only tricks. She tries tae bring us fear."
Missoni gives you a friendly hug.
Dhask says, "We can hope."
Missoni says, "She isn't hurting us."
Missoni folds her arms over her chest.
Speaking to you, Galilea says, "Lady Jolena looks a Perigourd, get strength froms 'ims faith in ye courage."
Drakam rubs you gently.
You tilt your head down.
(Jolena continues to perch on the chair, keeping her feet far from the ground as she looks around for the kitten.)
Stunseed folds his arms over his chest.
Stunseed squints.
Speaking to Missoni, Galilea says, "Ye just trusts us ans ye job is just be strongs."
Dhask glances around the room.
Speaking to Keemac, Missoni says, "She seems to be toying with us."
Keemac confidently says, "Oh my."
(Jolena clamps her hand down on her neck, tightly covering the marking.)
You say, "Cats running around my ankles, hissing at Stun, blood spurting from necks, Dhask's got demons on em.."
You say, "This is just really not my night."
You grunt.
Drakam rubs you gently.
Zabarieth reaches over and gently rests his hand on your shoulder.
Valicar says, "Well, it is atleast not without entertainment."
Speaking nervously to you, Missoni says, "On the bright side, we're still together."
Speaking to you, Zabarieth says, "Be brave lass, you can do this."
Speaking to Missoni, you say, "For now.."
You frown.
Rontuu says, "Let us calm ourselves, we can but wait and see where fate takes us."
You say, "I'm not leaving here."
You shake your head.
Akari says, "I personally don't enjoy sitting and waiting for someone to attack, I'm going after her."
Akari just went out.
You say, "I'll fight her."
Mythala rubs you gently.
Dhask removes a veniom-hilted slender vultite knife from in his leather harness.
Perigourd says, "We can't attack her till we know where she is."
Galilea says, "Mights be wots 'ers wonts."
Dhask says, "Time to go Hagga."
Dhask begins carving relentlessly into his own flesh to remove his red eye tattoo!

Dhask cries out in pain and slumps to the ground!
Perigourd blinks at Dhask.
You frown.
Lyrienne stares at Dhask.

You see Dhask Zelgideon the Filcher.
He appears to be a Human from Chastonia.
He appears to be young and robust and average height. He has piercing stormy grey eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, flowing blue-black hair. He has an unshaven face and a small goatee.
He has a blackened obsidian half-ring in his left eyebrow, and a tattoo of a horde of blackish red demons crawling up the length of his left arm and wrapping around his neck.
He has moderate bleeding from his neck.
He is bleeding badly from the neck.
He is holding a veniom-hilted slender vultite knife in his right hand.
He is wearing a dark crimson imflass shield, a thin silver crystal pendant, a gold-edged bloodjewel amulet, an obsidian broken skull symbol, a hooded leather cloak, a silver-bladed dagger medallion, some fingerless sinew-laced ebon suede gloves, a silver arced split-moon charm, a low-slung leather harness, some sculpted black brigandine set with mithril studs, some shadowy black steel arm greaves inlaid with tiny obsidian spheres, a well-oiled braided leather belt with a fraying rhimar-weighted bola hanging from it, a Turamzzyrian styled leather bag, a tattered black leather lootsack, a muted leather dagger sheath with a skull-branded black gornar dagger and a deeply curved mist-whorled dagger hanging from it, a pair of sleek ebon pants with finished wide cuffs, a slender brown suede ankle-sheath, and some extremely wide-cuffed boots.

Stunseed gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Stunseed gestures at Dhask.
The glazed look leaves Dhask.
Perigourd says, "You can't remove them like that."
Missoni winces.
Daeveran glances over at Dhask and winces.
Camri blinks.
You exclaim, "It doesn't..it's going to come back Dhask!"
Stunseed shakes his head.
A pained expression crosses Karibeth's face.
You say, "I did that before."
You say, "The night she gave it to me."
A pained expression crosses Rontuu's face.
Zabarieth says, "Hey, worth another try."
Dhask exclaims, "I hate the thing!"
Dhask exclaims, "It's gone!"

You see Dhask Zelgideon the Filcher.
He appears to be a Human from Chastonia.
He appears to be young and robust and average height. He has piercing stormy grey eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, flowing blue-black hair. He has an unshaven face and a small goatee.
He has an oval blood red eye tattoo on his neck, a blackened obsidian half-ring in his left eyebrow, and a tattoo of a horde of blackish red demons crawling up the length of his left arm and wrapping around his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a dark crimson imflass shield, a thin silver crystal pendant, a gold-edged bloodjewel amulet, an obsidian broken skull symbol, a hooded leather cloak, a silver-bladed dagger medallion, some fingerless sinew-laced ebon suede gloves, a silver arced split-moon charm, a low-slung leather harness, some sculpted black brigandine set with mithril studs, some shadowy black steel arm greaves inlaid with tiny obsidian spheres, a well-oiled braided leather belt with a fraying rhimar-weighted bola hanging from it, a Turamzzyrian styled leather bag, a tattered black leather lootsack, a muted leather dagger sheath with a skull-branded black gornar dagger and a deeply curved mist-whorled dagger hanging from it, a pair of sleek ebon pants with finished wide cuffs, a slender brown suede ankle-sheath, and some extremely wide-cuffed boots.
Perigourd examines Missoni closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.

Dhask exclaims, "No!"
You say, "Um..no."
You say, "It's not."
You say, "I tried to tell you.."
You shake your head.
Dhask exclaims, "Damn you Hagga!"
You sigh softly.
Dhask pinches his red eye tattoo! That looked painful.
You glance around the room.
Dhask asks, "Perhaps we can call dinner over and head somewhere a bit more...safe?"
Speaking to you, Perigourd says, "This is becoming very.. difficult."
(Jolena sits on the back of the chair, trying to settle down and relax.)

<<somewhere in here Dhask managed to leave and we were frantically trying to see where he was. We were using our Ulstram amulets to talk and knew that Dhask was at the altar.

Hagga whispers, "Come outside or I will destroy all who you love."

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
You blink.
You say, "Oh my gods."
(Jolena clenches her jaw, holding her eyes shut tightly as she shakes her head furiously.)
Ariond quietly exclaims, "Missoni!"
Sheelanagig says, "Dat woman...she so fast..I couldn't even grab her."
Stunseed says, "Missoni left..."
You say, "NO!"
Ariond quietly says, "Blast. BLAST."
Stunseed frowns.
You exclaim, "I won't let you Hagga!"
You grab your head and moan softly.
You tear at your hair with a frantic expression.
Stunseed fusses over you, a look of concern on his face as he gently rubs your back.
Sheelanagig rubs you gently.
Michiko looks at you with concern.
Ariond quietly says, "Bloody hell."
Jolena screams in her mind, No No No! over and over!
You scream!
Ariond quietly says, "I can't see Missoni anymore."
Ariond quietly says, "Hagga has Missoni."
You burst into tears, your eyes glazed with fear.
Kasia frowns.
Camri sighs.
Stunseed frowns.
You tear at your hair with a frantic expression.
Axhinde glances about with concern on his face.
Sheelanagig says, "Shh..no no..dun...ya gotta be strong..keep calm."
Speaking to you, Stunseed says, "Love...stay with me.."
Sheelanagig rubs you gently.
Stunseed absently runs his fingers through your deep scarlet hair.
Kasia whispers, "Bend. Do not break. Do not let her break you."
Ariond tightens his grip on his infantry-style katana.
Drakam glances at you.
Drakam says, "You're staying there."
(Jolena shudders all over, her eyes filled with pain as she clutches her hair.)
You burst out in tears of frustrated anger.
Stunseed pulls you closer.
Sheelanagig says, "Is gonna be awright, Doom Kitty tole me so an she aint never been wrong yet."
Spaewife says, "Someone BLESS jolena."
Sheelanagig nods.
(Stunseed wraps his arms around Jolena and holds her tight.)
(Ariond moves to stand beside Stunseed, taking one of Jolena's hands.)

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Sister Jolena?"

Speaking quietly to you, Ariond says, "It's okay.."
Speaking to you, Stunseed says, "It's okay, love...It's okay.."

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"it works!"
You project your thoughts out to all of your allies...
You hear your own bright thoughts echoing in your head:
"Missoni! Oh gods where are you!"
You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:
"Love! are you alright?"

You start to cry all over the place.

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"I'm...I'm tied to a stake but I'm alright"
You project your thoughts out to all of your allies...
You hear your own bright thoughts echoing in your head:
"What works?!"
You project your thoughts out to all of your allies...
You hear your own bright thoughts echoing in your head:
"Why did you leave!"

Kasia whispers, "Focus on us. She cannot break you unless you allow her to do so."

You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:
"We're coming my love!"

You weep softly, quiet tears falling from your eyes.
Speaking to you, Stunseed says, "Love, stay with me.."
You say, "She..she's okay.."
Ariond rubs you tenderly.
Stunseed fusses over you, a look of concern on his face as he gently rubs your back.
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Drakam says, "She will be."

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Dhask is here too. She had already killed Ahana. I saw her body"

Spaewife says, "Peri will protect her."
Drakam says, "Peri isn't letting Hagga hurt her."
You say, "She's..she's tied to a stake..but she's okay.."
You say, "Hagga is trying to make me leave.."
You moan.
Ariond quietly says, "Don't leave."
Spaewife says, "No."
Ariond quietly says, "Make her come to us."
Spaewife says, "Jo sit."
You shudder.
Mythala pulls on you, trying to get you closer.
Galilea says, "Me gots pertects ye nows."
Kasia says, "She cannot MAKE you do anything. It is your choice. Choose to stay."
Spaewife says, "Jolena sit down."
Camri says, "You can't leave without taking me with you."
Ariond quietly says, "Sit down, Jo."
You say, "She's threatening to kill all that I love..everything..everyone.."
You grab your head and moan softly.
Mythala softly asks, "Anyway we can hold jo,so she cant leave?"

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Miss Galilea. I'm sorry I left. It's just that Peri said..."

Kasia says, "Just a threat."
Drakam rubs you gently.
Stunseed says, "No."
Stunseed says, "It is a test of will.."
You weep softly, quiet tears falling from your eyes.
Stunseed absently runs his fingers through your deep scarlet hair.
(Jolena shakes her head slowly, her eyes shut tightly as she trembles.)
Axhinde reaches over and gently rests his hand on your shoulder.
Kasia whispers, "You dont have to be strong. We will do that for you. Just sit down and allow us to be your strength."
Galilea whispers, "Me feels Missoni, 'ers beggins ye be strongs."
Camri rubs you gently.
Speaking to you, Axhinde says, "Stay strong."
Sheelanagig says, "Deep breath."
Sheelanagig nods to you.
(Jolena takes a shuddering breath, trying to calm herself but continuing to shake violently.)
Galilea says, "Jolena, Deeps breaths...."

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Hagga is gone."
You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Be careful Sister. She said she was going to get more"

Drakam says, "Well Missoni and Dhask are still alive."
Sheelanagig says, "Let it all flow outta yas..right through ya toes an fingertips."
Speaking to you, Stunseed says, "Beautiful...Stay here..."
Sheelanagig nods to you.
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
(Kasia moves behind Jolena, gently rubbing her shoulders.)
You say, "She..she's coming.."
Galilea says, "Missoni wonts ye be strong, me a seer....cans feels 'ers....'ers beggins ye witstands."
Sheelanagig slowly empties her lungs.
You feel the blood drain from your face.
Kasia says, "Let her come."
Sheelanagig stands in front of you.
Galilea gives you a friendly hug.
Sheelanagig growls ferociously!
You say, "Missoni said she's coming.."

You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:
"Jolena, be on your guard!"

You burst into tears, your eyes glazed with fear.
You grip your moon etched khopesh a little tighter.
Camri rubs you gently.
Camri says, "You'll be safe."
(Jolena moves into Stunseed's arms, burrowing inside of his cloak, clutching him to her tightly.)
Speaking to you, Galilea says, "Ye can no lets 'ers downs...."
Speaking to Stunseed, you say, "Please..don't let her.."
Speaking to you, Stunseed says, "Calm yourself...No one is taking you from me..."
Axhinde says, "Not while any of us are here."
Speaking to you, Galilea says, "ER is beggins ye a be da anchor a dems strengths."
You shudder.

You project your thoughts out to all of your allies...
You hear your own bright thoughts echoing in your head:
"Where is she! I'm so nervous! I can hear her but I cna't see her!"
You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"She left us tied here...She could be anywhere."

Speaking to you, Galilea says, "Gots be strongs."
Speaking softly to you, Kasia says, "No matter what happens, do not give your power away to her."
Sheelanagig agrees with Kasia.
Galilea gives you a friendly hug.
Drakam says, "Missoni and Dhask are still ok."
Spaewife says, "Fight her Jolena with all the love yas has for yer husband and all yer friends."
You say, "She's waiting..until we are all there.."
Sheelanagig says, "Aya, dis be what she wants..dun give her dat satisfaction..ya be strong."
Sheelanagig nods.
Stunseed says, "People, be wary..."
Speaking to you, Galilea says, "If ye no gives in....dems lives."
Stunseed says, "It's too damn quiet..."
Ariond hugs you, and you wrap him in a warm embrace.
Sheelanagig agrees with Stunseed.
Axhinde adopts an agreeable expression.
Drakam agrees with Galilea.
Galilea says, "Ye luvs dems."
Spaewife says, "Then stay here where she can't have yas all there."
You shiver in fear.
Kasia softly says, "She will have to wait. ."
Speaking to you, Galilea says, "Fights ....."
Stunseed wraps his arms around you, hugging you warmly.
Speaking serenely to you, Odysyus says, "Strength."
Speaking quietly to you, Kasia says, "Willows bend, they do NOT break."
Speaking to you, Galilea says, "Er no cans 'as dems or ye...Dhask ans Missoni is coutins on ye nows."
(Jolena nods, trying to focus on the words, her eyes still clouded.)
Spaewife stands in front of you.
Sheelanagig says, "May all benevolent arkati shine on ya dis night, Jolena. Is gonna be awright."
Spaewife says, "Fight Jolena think of Stun and yer life with him."
Speaking to you, Galilea says, "If luvs dems ...ye will spits a 'ers ans stays 'eres."
Spaewife says, "Concentrate on that."
You shiver.
You pull your titanium shield close to your body, attempting to protect yourself from an upcoming blow.
Spaewife says, "Focus on Stunseed."
Speaking to you, Stunseed says, "Nothing is going to take you from me..."
(Jolena nods slowly, her eyes locked on Stunseed's fiercely as she trembles and tears streak her flushed face slowly.)

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Bash faster, darling?"
You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:
"We're bashing as fast as possible my dear."
You project your thoughts out to all of your allies...
You hear your own bright thoughts echoing in your head:
"Oh PLEASE bash faster!"

A huge mountain lion jumps through a nearby window. Glass and wood shards fly through the air. Leaping over everyone it grabs Jolena in its mouth and then turns and leaps out of the window.

You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:
"Jolena? are you alright?"

The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[A Windblown Ledge]
Perched high above the surrounding mountains the flattened ledge would have an impressive view if not for the darkened clouds circling the peak. Griffin nests are scattered around the area and crevices are marked with tuffs of fur. Gusts of icy wind blow through the area, making it hard to move forward. A roughly carved arch leads to a darkened tunnel. You also see a tall wooden stake with the body of Ahana on it.
Obvious paths: down
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
Jolena screams silently in her mind, staring around her with wide frightened eyes.

The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Bone Altar]
Several wooden stakes have been driven in to the rock around the natural, wind-carved basin in the center of the ledge. Series of carved grooves run from the base of each stake down to a bone altar. You also see a blood-stained bone altar and a group of tall wooden stakes.
Also here: Hagga, Missoni, Dhask
Obvious paths: up

Missoni says, "Sister Jolena."
Hagga lifts your limp body up and ties you securely to a wooden stake.
Dhask uneasily exclaims, "Run!"
Hagga says, "There we go."
Dhask uneasily says, "Too late."
Jolena struggles with her muscles, trying to focus her thoughts, desperately crying out to her husband.
Hagga says, "Hello Pet."
You ask, "Whe..where am I?"
Hagga exclaims, "One more!"
Hagga dances around the room to music only she can hear.
Speaking to Hagga, Missoni says, "It's a poor master that has to tie her pets to a stake."
Hagga just went up.
Hagga just arrived.
Hagga gives Missoni a good lick across the cheek, and there's nothing she can do about it!
Hagga cackles!
Missoni exclaims, "Ugh!"
Hagga just went up.
Dhask says, "Man."

You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Ugh! She licked me!"

Dhask says, "That was foul."

You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:

Missoni says, "How revolting."
Dhask asks, "Who is she getting as the last?"
Speaking slowly to you, Missoni says, "I suspect this is where we are to be...ugh..."
Missoni asks, "Lentack?"
Missoni asks, "Or...Cotuil?"
You say, "Um.."
You say, "I..oh damn..this is not good."
You say, "I cant.." as she tries to struggle with her binds" I can't move."
Missoni emphatically says, "We are going to be alright. They are almost through the boulder."
You exclaim, "Don't say that so loud!"
You quietly say, "She will hear and send something to get them."
Dhask says, "Cotuil wasn't marked..."
Dhask says, "Lentack was the only one."
Missoni says, "Hagga said she'd sacrifice her, but maybe she decided not to."
Dhask says, "Other than the 2 others that are in exile."
You quietly say, "Gods..I really *really* hate being bound."
Missoni slowly says, "It is...a little taxing."
You quietly exclaim, "Grr...I want out!"
Jolena whimpers softly in her mind, trying to send her thoughts to Stunseed.
Missoni firmly says, "We are getting out of here."
Dhask asks, "Were there enough clerics?"
You quietly say, "No.."
You quietly say, "Not even close."
Missoni asks, "Are there ever?"
You quietly say, "It's going to be a long process, unfortunately."
You quietly ask, "Did..what..damn, did you all notice the grooves carved into the base of each stake?"
You quietly ask, "You know what that's for?"
Dhask says, "Yes."
Missoni hopefully says, "Maybe they can free us before they have to start the long process."
Jolena struggles weakly against her bindings, cursing Hagga silently.
Missoni quickly says, "Let's not think about what those are for."
Cotuil just slid into the area.
You gravely say, "I know what they are for.."
You hear someone cackle.
You exclaim, "Cotuil!"
You exclaim, "Oh no..you should'nt have to be here!"
Hagga ties Cotuil to a wooden stake.
Hagga throws her head back and howls!
Missoni thoughtfully says, "Miss Cotuil? Pleased to meet you."
Hagga just went up.

You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:
"We're coming!"
You project your thoughts out to all of your allies...
You hear your own bright thoughts echoing in your head:
"Oh please hurry!"
You hear the bright thoughts of Missoni echo in your mind:
"Would you REALLY hurry this time for Aeia's sake"
You hear the bright thoughts of Perigourd echo in your mind:
"We're going as fast as we CAN!"

Speaking to Cotuil, Missoni asks, "Are you alright?"
Speaking to Cotuil, you ask, "Are..are you okay?"
Hagga says, "I think I hit her too hard."
Hagga snickers.
Hagga says, "As long as she bleeds that is what counts."
You exclaim, "Ooo, if I could move..!"
Dhask asks, "So...this it for the party?"
Hagga grins at Dhask.
Dhask asks, "Or did you need Perigourd's sword in yer face?"
Hagga says, "I cannot find Lentack the slippery devil."
Jolena violently focuses her mind, trying to bust out of the bindings.
Hagga says, "He would have made a wonderful fifth."
Speaking to Hagga, Missoni says, "He told me he was going to ide."
You exclaim, "He didn't believe me..I told him you were evil!"
Missoni says, "He's really not a very good pet."
Hagga put a blood covered bowl on a blood-stained bone altar.
Hagga says, "Let me check on your rescuers."
Hagga snickers.
Missoni says, "Maybe you didn't provide enough," she glances quickly at the bowl, "positive reinforcement."
Hagga asks, "Shall we begin?"
Missoni asks, "Already?"
The voice of Calean says, "Evening Hagga."
You say, "I really..really don't think.."
Missoni asks, "Don't you need to--Calean?"
You exclaim, "Calean?!"
Hagga says, "Good evening Calean."

Kaovarq's group just arrived.
Hagga throws her head back and howls!
Hagga says, "Look we have an audience."
You exclaim, "Stunseed!"
Hrvac confidently says, "Sanctd."
Hagga cackles!
Stunseed growls ferociously!
You exclaim, "Get me love!"
Drakam grabs Missoni's hand.
Menetra grips her orase runestaff a little tighter.
Ariond quietly exclaims, "Hagga!"
You exclaim, "Untie me!"
Stunseed walks towards you.
Missoni exclaims, "Baby!"
Hagga says, "Sit this will be a wonderful show."
Drakam grabs your hand.
You exclaim, "Get me out of this!"
Dhask exclaims, "Break these binds!"
Tebon says, "I'll cover...sumone start untiein these folks."
Mythala softly asks, "Anyone got a knife or dagger to undo miss and jolena's ties?"
You exclaim, "Oh please..please hurry!"
The voice of Hagga says, "Now now children if you cannot behave I will kill you all for this."
The voice of Calean says, "I am here, tell me how I can aide you."
(Stunseed begins to saw at the ropes of Jolena's binds at her right arm.)
Lotti says, "Not if we kin get you first."
(Eugenides idly begins to pull coils of rope free from his belt.)
(Mythala moves over trying to untie Missoni's ropes.)
The voice of Hagga says, "I will finish this ceremony with or without you."
Kaovarq tersely exclaims, "Mages!! Use your power of Earth on the altar!"
Eugenides removes a length of coiled hemp rope knotted to a barbed grappling hook from his belt.
Perigourd says, "You will not succede."
Hagga asks, "Now where was I?"
Dhask asks, "Not with me?"

<<teehee! <3 Dhask!

Kritz glances at a blood-stained bone altar.
Lotti says, "About tae meet yer end."
Hagga says, "I have set my feet now."
Speaking to Kaovarq, you exclaim, "Please.." her eyes pleading and streaked with tears "help them get me out of this!"
Menetra quietly says, "Hagga, you will not succeed. Not so long as we have anything to say about it."
(Stunseed growls and turns the edge of his dirk, trying to saw through the thick rope binding Jolena.)
Svardin says, "I have a trick too, but you would not like it."
Sheelanagig says, "Let her go."
Perigourd exclaims, "Let go of my wife!"
(Mythala moves over helping Stunseed undo Jolena's ties.)

Hagga slices Missoni on the neck and lets the blood drip into a small bowl.

Stunseed growls ferociously!
Perigourd blinks.
Stormyrain gasps.
Calean asks, "They squeal for you yet Hagga?"
Mythala growls at Hagga.
Perigourd exclaims, "MISSONI!"
A pained expression crosses Menetra's face.
You exclaim, "No!"
(Eugenides slowly begins to spin his grappling hook and rope.)
Sheelanagig places her hand on a blood covered bowl.
(Niaouli continues sawing at the ropes binding Missoni.)
Karibeth hisses.
Missoni weakly says, "Oh."
Tebon glares at Hagga.
Lotti shivers.
Keloin snarls menacingly!
Speaking softly to Hagga, Mythala says, "You stupid wench."
Lotti moves to stand in front of Missoni.
You exclaim, "MISSONI NO!"
Sheelanagig exclaims, "Stoppit!"
Lotti glares at Hagga.

Hagga slices Dhask on the neck and lets the blood drip into a small bowl.

Tebon exclaims, "Cowardly fiend!"
Stormyrain closes her eyes for a moment.
Lyrienne hunches up her shoulders and snarls menacingly at Hagga!
Balinworn exclaims, "Coutil!!"
You exclaim, "PLEASE!"
Tebon says, "Voln curse yer soul."
You exclaim, "GET ME OUT!"

Hagga slices Cotuil on the neck and lets the blood drip into a small bowl.

Galilea exclaims, "Cotuil!"
Missoni weakly says, "Please," she struggles for a moment, "someone untie me please."
Sheelanagig tries to pull you towards her.
Svardin nods.
Perigourd exclaims, "Leave them!"
Odysyus roars at Hagga!
Ariond hunches up his shoulders and snarls menacingly at Hagga!
You exclaim, "OH GODS PLEASE!"
Mythala softly says, "Dammit."
Valicar exclaims, "Koar, bring your justice to this bone woman!"

Hagga says, "She is not feeling so well."
Hagga snickers.

Ariond quietly exclaims, "HAGGA!"
Stormyrain gazes at Missoni with a look of utter sorrow in her eyes.
Calean chuckles.
Svardin says, "Bah."
Perigourd says, "Bless her altar."
Perigourd points at a blood-stained bone altar.

Hagga says, "You missy are not where you should be."

Ariond quietly exclaims, "I promise you, you will die at my hands!"
Ariond hunches up his shoulders and snarls menacingly at Hagga!
Mythala softly says, "Arachne may you come forth and kill this Wench Hagga."
(Stunseed turns and wields his dirk towards Hagga, keeping her away from Jolena's body.)
Sherysse reaches out and touches a blood-stained bone altar.
Svardin just poured a white flask on Hagga!
Niaouli pours her potion on a blood-stained bone altar, but nothing seems to happen.
Galilea says, "Missoni."

Jolena writhes and twists, crying loudly.

Mythala glares at Hagga.
Missoni exclaims, "Miss Galilea!"
Mythala tries to pull you towards her.
You exclaim, "GET ME OUT!"
(Niaouli dumps the entire contents of her blessed potion onto the altar.)
(Eugenides continues to spin his grappling hook and rope.)
Stunseed growls ferociously!
Menetra narrows her eyes.
(Galilea moves beside Missoni.)
Odysyus touches Cotuil.
(Mythala continues to summon blessing of Arachne at the altar.)
Hagga roars!
Missoni hopefully exclaims, "I think it will be alright. Just...try to break the stakes? Do something!"
Eugenides moves to stand behind Hagga.
Speaking to Hagga, Stunseed exclaims, "You will not sacrifice my wife!"

Hagga lifts Jolena up and gently lays her on the altar.

You exclaim, "Stun please!" her eyes streaming tears now as she gazes at him with complete terror "Please..!"
Stunseed exclaims, "No!"
Hagga says, "Now Pet."
(Eugenides' eye narrows as he takes Hagga into his sights.)
Sheelanagig tries to pull you towards her.
Ariond quietly says, "NO."
Stunseed walks towards Hagga.
Speaking to Hagga, Calean says, "They seem to think Cleical magic will hurt you."
Calean chuckles.
Ariond moves to stand in front of Hagga.
Missoni angrily exclaims, "Don't you dare!"
Sheelanagig says, "Stoppit ya."

<<LOL made me seriously giggle for a few minutes at Sheela there.

Drakam swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven at Hagga.
Rontuu scowls at Calean.
Lotti says, "We must get the sacrifices away from her."
Odysyus points his vultite katana at Hagga.
Ariond quietly exclaims, "Go through me first, witch!"
Speaking angrily to Hagga, Missoni exclaims, "Let her go!"
Galilea touches Missoni.
Ariond stands in front of you.
Mythala gives Hagga a slap across the face with the back of her hand!
From behind Hagga, Eugenides's voice says, "Go ahead and lift that arm."
You exclaim, "YOU CAN'T HAVE ME DAMNIT!"

Hagga pours some of the collected blood up and down your body.

Spaewife grabs your hand.
(Eugenides lets his grappling hook loose towards Hagga.)
Ariond hunches up his shoulders and snarls menacingly at Hagga!
Mythala softly exclaims, "Dont be touching these people!"
Lyrienne begins to twitch.
Odysyus pounds Hagga with his fist.
Missoni angrily exclaims, "Let her go!"

Hagga cuts open your chest, letting the blood spill onto the altar.

Keloin gasps.
Svardin laughs!
Lyrienne moans.
Stormyrain stares off into space.
Karibeth's face turns slightly pale.
Perigourd exclaims, "NO!"
Svardin says, "Tainted now."
Stunseed exclaims, "No, damnit, no!"
Lotti shudders.
Lotti says, "Gods."
Missoni angrily exclaims, "No no no!"
Camri shifts her eyes to Calean.
Sheelanagig removes a glass of dwarven holy water from in her emergency ale kit.

Hagga raises the bowl in a salute to the moon and finishes by pouring the rest of the blood over her head. She screams into the winds "I bring you gifts dark lord. Come feast on these pets whose only want is to serve you.

(Eugenides swears as the hook flies wide!)
Speaking weakly to Stunseed, you say, "Stun.." her eyes clouding over as she starts to gurgle on her own blood.." please..I..I love you.."
Speaking quietly to Hagga, Ariond says, "I warn you now witch, I care not who you are, you will NOT expect the wrath of my lord Phoen."
Eugenides just tried to pull a length of coiled hemp rope knotted to a barbed grappling hook.
Hagga throws her head back and howls!
The whites of Calean's eyes go dark as he chants forcefully in an archaic tongue.
Akari glares at Hagga with a murderous glint in his eyes, his lips tightening into a cool sneer.

Hagga takes a heart from her cloak and raises it above her head. Smiling she howls; "I bring you the beating heart of Milbagua, great champion and heart of our people, as I have pledged to do. Fill me with your glorious dark power as you promised me!".

Ariond glances at Calean.
Menetra grips her orase runestaff a little tighter.
(Sheelanagig sprays dwarven holy water at Hagga while chanting in an odd tone.)
Kaovarq scowls at Hagga.
You weakly say, "Stun.."
Speaking quietly to Calean, Ariond asks, "What, do you support this witch?"
(Stunseed turns his grip with his dirk, running behind Hagga to stab downwards.)
Drakam scowls at Hagga.
Mythala growls at Hagga.
Spaewife appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.

The breeze stops and the air becomes heavy almost unbearable, a dark presence raises up from the altar. Hagga screams in ecstasy her head thrown back and arms spread wide. Blood slowly drips from her hair and down her arms and the heart in her hands seems to pulsate.

Missoni softly says, "Oh..."
Stunseed exclaims, "No!"
Eugenides slowly empties his lungs.
Spaewife snarls menacingly!
Lotti shudders.
Odysyus growls ferociously, sounding somewhat like a bear!
Rontuu shifts his eyes to Hagga.
Sheelanagig just tried to pour a dwarven holy water on you! Fortunately, you were able to dodge out of the way.
Lyrienne trembles like a leaf.
Missoni softly says, "No no no no."
Drakam swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven at Hagga.
Rontuu says, "Let them go..."
You weakly say, "Stun..Stun..I love.." her voice stops for a moment, her eyes fluttering shut.. "oh gods..I'm so so sorry.."
Eugenides squints at Hagga.

Hagga exclaims, "You cannot stop me now!"
Lotti says, "Gods, there must be something we kin do."
Lotti kneels down.
Lotti continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Hagga cackles!
Ariond quietly exclaims, "Hagga!"
Mythala softly says, "Dammit."
Camri sighs.
Ariond quietly exclaims, "You will die!"
Speaking softly to Hagga, Missoni says, "Stop, please stop."
Menetra quietly exclaims, "You will not find what you seek, Hagga!"
Hagga exclaims, "Bleed everyone bleed!"
Mythala gives Hagga a slap across the face with the back of her hand!
Calean smiles at Hagga.
Ariond quietly exclaims, "I warn you now!"
Kasia vividly accuses the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create Hagga.

The ground around you seems to shake violently, making it hard to stand.

Valicar exclaims, "Koar, guide your star!"
Rontuu roars at Hagga!
Hagga glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Ariond moves to stand in front of Hagga.
You weakly say, "I..I.."
(Eugenides begins to spin his grappling hook and rope once again.)
(Stunseed grabs Hagga's arm and pulls it back, trying to push her away from the altar.)

Suddenly rising from behind the altar is what appears to be a furious ghostly form. The apparition reaches above Hagga's head and grabs the still beating heart. Screaming as if in pain the wraith tears the heart into pieces and then fades into the night. Suddenly Hagga's eyes fly open and she screams. "No it this can't happen!".

Calean frowns.
(Galilea links her fingers with Missoni's)
Hagga flails her arms about.
Speaking quietly to you, Ariond exclaims, "Hold on, Jolena!"
Speaking quietly to you, Ariond exclaims, "Do not give in!"
Tayvin exclaims, "Sumtins wong!"
Sheelanagig lets out a cheer!
Lotti gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Hagga exclaims, "No!"
(Mythala grabs hagga,holding her head as she begins to chant a blessing for Hagga's soul.)

The darkness that surrounds ledge seems to sink back into the altar and the heaviness in the air dissipates.

Rontuu kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Speaking weakly to Ariond, you say, "I..I I ..."
Galenok says, "Looks like Milbagua had better ideas."

Kerl swings his double-bit axe at Hagga's witchwood runestaff and connects!
Hagga's witchwood runestaff is knocked to the ground!
A wave of power flows out of Zosopage and toward Hagga who is surrounded by a soft white light.

Calean traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Calean gestures at Hagga.
CS: +521 - TD: +416 + CvA: +20 + d100: +77 == +202
Warding failed!
Hagga is suddenly engulfed in an explosion of pure essence and brilliant white fire!
... and hits for 22 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Fire completely surrounds Hagga. Blood boils and heart stops.

* Hagga drops dead at your feet!

The ghostly voice of Hagga exclaims, "No no!"
The spirit of Hagga begins to wail eerily.
Perigourd exclaims, "No!"
Calean begins chuckling at Hagga!
Lotti throws her head back and howls!
Lotti stands up.
Karibeth exclaims, "Yes!"
Drakam forces Hagga's mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his white flask.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Hagga, then fades into the body.
Ariond throws his head back and howls!
Archales kicks some dirt on the corpse of Hagga.
(Galilea holds tighter to Missoni's hand)
Ariond turns to Calean and cheers!
Valicar traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...
The ghostly voice of Hagga exclaims, "Calean Save me!"
Drakam exclaims, "Got her!"
Ariond turns to Calean and cheers!
Sheelanagig says, "No..the staff.."

Akari gestures at a witchwood runestaff.
A dull grey beam snakes out toward a witchwood runestaff and engulfs it! Instantly, the witchwood runestaff is reduced to dust.

09-24-2005, 02:45 PM
Glad to see that it's over, but I cant help but be a little annoyed that I waited all that damned time for nothing.

09-30-2005, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by Kainen
Glad to see that it's over, but I cant help but be a little annoyed that I waited all that damned time for nothing.

I'm in complete agreement. Granted, due to my schedule I was only able to participate a handful of times, but I felt like the end was a complete waste of the little time I was able to put into it.

I'm not certain how much time my character's fiance invested, but the end left her feeling a bit deflated, as well.

Not to take away from the main characters' involvement and roleplaying, which I felt were top-notch. The end just had that old, familiar "Oops, we're done" feel to it.

The Ponzzz
09-30-2005, 08:41 AM
Well, there was talk of titles that will be given to the main group of people in the quest, that's always a bonus.

As for me, I invested alot of time being one of the marked, but it was fun for me.

What I was disappointed about was the lack of the quest...