View Full Version : Healing courtesy of The Crimson Ravens

09-20-2005, 07:41 PM
I have been in VC for like 2 minutes and I see this... I'm not sure which is sillier, the announcement EVERY time she heals that she's doing it for some group that I would never ever join after this annoyance or the fact that she's playing an instrument in between healing. :lol:

Allow me to play some nice music to put us in the mood for healing.

Kallendria meditates over Hediard.
Kallendria takes Hediard's left leg damage.
Kallendria meditates over Hediard.
Kallendria takes Hediard's chest damage.
Kallendria meditates over Hediard.
Kallendria takes Hediard's neck damage.
Lady Caro's group just arrived.
Kallendria meditates over Hediard.
Kallendria takes Hediard's back damage.
Kallendria meditates over Hediard.
Kallendria takes all of Hediard's blood loss.
Kallendria recites:

"Healing courtesy of The Crimson Ravens"

Faitedeiona sweetly asks, "Is a cleric needed ?"
Kallendria meditates over Nenin.
Kallendria takes Nenin's chest damage.
Ashfer just licked Eyanna!
Kallendria meditates over Nenin.
Kallendria takes all of Nenin's blood loss.
Caitachal gives Eyanna a friendly hug.
Kallendria recites:

"Healing courtesy of The Crimson Ravens"

You see Journeywoman Kallendria the Healer.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Tyesteron D'ahranal.
She appears to be very young and taller than average. She has almond-shaped amber eyes and milky white skin. She has shoulder length, flowing amber hair. She has a heart-shaped face, a small nose and small pointed ears.
She has minor cuts and bruises on her back.
She has old battle scars on her right arm, old battle scars on her left arm, a mangled right leg, a mangled left leg, old battle scars on her right hand, an old battle scar across her chest, several painful-looking scars across her abdominal area, an old battle scar across her back, a blinded right eye, and a scar across her neck.
She is holding a carved rosewood piccolo in her right hand.
She is wearing a gold ring, a gold-rimmed buckler, a variegated ivory linen backpack, some enruned blood red gloves, an ivory white gown, a ribbon-edged sheer gold lace shawl, some exquisite pale blue boots, a silver and beryl stickpin, a gold and silver sunstone bracelet, a crystal amulet, and a gold-stitched first aid kit.

kly says, "Healing please."
Caitachal smiles happily.
Eyanna gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Kallendria's delicate fingering of her piccolo brings forth a sedate and soft melody.
Kallendria murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kallendria concentrates.
Kallendria looks a little better.
Eyanna gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Tylarien just left.
Kogra just strode in.
Eyanna sniffs at Ashfer.
Eyanna shows Ashfer her steel tower shield.
Kogra removes a crystal amulet from in her forest green backpack.
Eyanna grins slowly.
Ashfer chuckles.
Attio just arrived.
Speaking monotonously to Eyanna, Kuox asks, "Are you intoxicated?"
Kallendria nods to Ashfer.
Pariani just arrived.
Eyanna shows Ashfer her brigandine armor.
Ashfer nods to Nenin.
Pariani just went south.
Attio just went west.
Kogra rubs a crystal amulet.
Sylverose just arrived.
Eyanna shakes her head.
Kuox cocks his head.
Caitachal begins chuckling at Kuox!
Kallendria meditates over Ashfer.
Kallendria takes Ashfer's chest damage.
Eyanna looks over at Kuox and shakes her head.
Kallendria meditates over Ashfer.
Kallendria takes all of Ashfer's blood loss.
Kallendria's delicate fingering of her piccolo brings forth a sedate and soft melody.
Kuox nods to Eyanna.
Kallendria recites:

"Healing courtesy of The Crimson Ravens"

09-20-2005, 07:46 PM
I saw that. I was wondering what the hell was going on. Its like...an Elanthian product promotion or something. FREE HEALING JOIN THE RAVENS!!

Hey...if it works. :shrug:

09-20-2005, 07:51 PM
I might have to silence her.

09-20-2005, 08:48 PM
Kill her. Such is the fate of the Ravens.

09-21-2005, 08:37 AM
I thought the C.R. spoke only elven?


09-21-2005, 08:39 AM
Maybe that was the Golden Hawks, but Olcan lets any race and their mother in the PRO. No wonder the thing's going downhill.

09-21-2005, 10:03 AM
Speaking as a Raven (and a human at that!), I've got an objection to the idea that the Ravens are going downhill because we let any race in. We're growing like crazy. (Considering pretty much every other active PRO in Vaalor is run by SKATEMOM and/or WELCHA, I'd say the Ravens do a hell of a lot more to contribute to RP in Vaalor than any other PRO there)

Now as far as Kallendria reciting that out loud every time she heals, um, I'll talk to her about it. It obviously gets our name out, but I can see where it'd get really annoying. Question: If she just said it, instead of reciting it, would that be better?

09-21-2005, 10:07 AM
Maybe have her announce it every 30 minutes or so.

09-21-2005, 10:21 AM
Maybe whispering it to the person getting the healing would be best. Otherwise this sort of speaking/reciting is akin to "LOOK AT THE GOOD DEED IM DOING GIVE ME PRAISE!!!" crap.

Sean of the Thread
09-21-2005, 10:27 AM
Xyelin recites:

"Implosion courtesy of The mighty ZARTAN!!!"

09-21-2005, 10:34 AM
Also speaking as a player of a Raven...they're not going downhill because we let any race in, it's because of WHO they're letting in.

When you have officers openly talking about drinking Southern Comfort and White Russians on the amulet, and harassing empaths about becoming Dhe'nar slaves in VC, you have a problem.

It's becoming more of a club to join just because, and not because of what it SHOULD stand for.

We're losing people to House Dreadnaught, for God's sake.

09-21-2005, 10:34 AM
As someone with a Vaalor elf healer (and a golden Hawk) who was harassed when she refused to go to the temple during an invasion (the VC has only had the sanct dropped once) by a Raven: The Ravens are going down hill.

And this incident was after one where a Raven had already cast at a healer and tried to drag them away for refusing to move.

My character has been bullied by members of the group.

Olcan knows my character as we did some work as Ravens and Hawks together. And we always say hi to each other. I generally like the character but my elf will not tolerate the bullying neither will I the player.

I admit the Ravens do a lot of good but harassing novice players bothers me.


09-21-2005, 10:59 AM
The harrassing of novice players I'm pretty sure isn't encouraged by the Ravens. I think this becomes a problem because of Olcan's willingness to grow overpowering is ability to filter out who he should and shouldn't allow in his PRO. When you know next to nothing about the people you have joining and they're just gung ho to get in any orginization then you run into the problems of both bullies getting in and other novice players (who now have bragging rights in their minds) rubbing it in to the faces of those novice players not in their "group".

09-21-2005, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Amaron
As someone with a Vaalor elf healer (and a golden Hawk) who was harassed when she refused to go to the temple during an invasion (the VC has only had the sanct dropped once) by a Raven: The Ravens are going down hill.

And this incident was after one where a Raven had already cast at a healer and tried to drag them away for refusing to move.

My character has been bullied by members of the group.

Olcan knows my character as we did some work as Ravens and Hawks together. And we always say hi to each other. I generally like the character but my elf will not tolerate the bullying neither will I the player.

I admit the Ravens do a lot of good but harassing novice players bothers me.


On this, I'm considering telling Olcan that we should keep the triage point in VC if the southern gates are in need of being defended. It's too far to walk anywhere else.

However, would healers object to setting up a second triage point in Amaranth Court for the northern gates? No point in making everyone walk all the way to VC for healing or dragging dead bodies from the two northern gates in an invasion situation.

09-21-2005, 11:04 AM
The empaths that were harassed were NOT novices.. and the players had Great in front of their names...

Just because a character has less trains doesn't make them a novice.

Well if the group lets these folks in then the group suffers the reputation they are building for the group.


09-21-2005, 11:08 AM
On this, I'm considering telling Olcan that we should keep the triage point in VC if the southern gates are in need of being defended. It's too far to walk anywhere else.

However, would healers object to setting up a second triage point in Amaranth Court for the northern gates? No point in making everyone walk all the way to VC for healing or dragging dead bodies from the two northern gates in an invasion situation.

My empath will be diffucult because she also does not respect the Ravens as they mixed races ( she is a snooty Vaalor elf who only speaks elven). She only heals elves usually and she won't go mingle sorry. Maybe other empaths would..

If an empath doesn't want to move no one has the right to make them.

I would not move and I would not encourage novices to move because the VC has always been safe from critters except once. And until it proves unsafe in an invasion I would not recommend anyone who cannot defend themselves while healing to move.

Unless you are going to have someone there sancting and ready to defend the healers.


09-21-2005, 11:11 AM
The Ravens are kind of a joke to the people my sorceress are friends with.. especially after the crap her and her mate went through. (though it was fun to walk around in that crimson steel raven crested helm that she bought at an auction and taunt them with it) Some are good.. but most of em are a joke.