View Full Version : Death Traps

09-17-2005, 08:07 PM
Some of the other MUD's I've played had Death Traps (or DT's), which were killer rooms that caused an instant death. They could be fogged/teleported into without killing the rescuer so you didn't have to necessarily depart. I remember us mentioning it in the past, pre-GS III, but nothing ever came of it.

The main problem back then was that there was no way to "see" into the next room and avoid such things. However, we now have the peer verb which let's you look into the next room. Another problem was the fact we dropped our equipment on death in GS, and that would severely piss someone off, hehe.

Of course the main problem in our modern society is some one would create a script to avoid them and they would hardly ever kill any one, hehe.

I think the other problem is most of them were the equivalent of the room causing your death, which didn't allow for any skills such as dodging to avoid them. This is just a simple example.

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Tiger Trap]
As you move deeper in the forest you notice a loud *SNAP*. The ground gives way in a swirl of leaves and flying dirt as you plummet into the darkness. The last thing you see are several carved sticks protuding from various parts of your body.

*It seems you have died my friend...blahblahblah*

Just throwing it out there <shrug> With death not being as harsh as it used to be I think this could be an occasional fun "surprise" or problem. You could even make it a quest for your remaining group to get you out of the trap: Search vine, get vine, put vine in trap, climb down etc etc.

09-17-2005, 08:11 PM
It would be great the first time.
It would be a pain in the ass after that, if you were stupid enough to wander in.

09-17-2005, 08:13 PM
<<With death not being as harsh as it used to be>>

Excuse me? I remember not caring about dying because all I had to wait for was spirit regen. Death is way worse than it used to be.

09-17-2005, 08:15 PM
Decaying is far, far worse than it ever used to be. I fucking hated decaying and losing xxx amount of experience. That fucking sucked. At least with DR points half went to Exp. til Next. Now, with no DR points, no experience loss, we get stat loss and a shitload of hunting time as ala Death's Sting. Whatever your poison, it sucks all around.

09-18-2005, 01:44 AM
There are rooms that CAN kill you when you fall in. Like falling off a that tree into the spike pit or whatever.

You can't say decaying is worse now though. In the past you could demonic.

Also, losing EXP sucked. You might have to wait for stats to regen now, but losing 10k exp is like losing almost a full day of hunting.. (Back then anyways)

09-18-2005, 10:58 AM
In the past you could demonic.
If you were an absolute retard.

09-18-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Artha

In the past you could demonic.
If you were an absolute retard.

<<Also, losing EXP sucked. You might have to wait for stats to regen now, but losing 10k exp is like losing almost a full day of hunting.. (Back then anyways)>>

You can't hunt properly when you have shitty stats, HP regen, mana regen, spirit regen, and stamina regen. It just gets worse and worse until you hit the cap on how fucked you are by death.

09-18-2005, 01:01 PM
True. Think though.. If you were 180k from level at 12, wouldn't you just lose all motivation to continue?

09-18-2005, 01:19 PM
I'd reroll and get the <180,000 experience it takes to get back to 12..

09-18-2005, 01:25 PM
Yes, and in old GS, how long did that take? Compare that to waiting for state regen now.

09-18-2005, 01:35 PM
It's not JUST waiting for stat regen.

I'm working on 50,000 exp to return to normality on more than one character.

And who the fuck decays? I'm getting these penalties just from dying.

09-18-2005, 01:44 PM
How the fuck is randomly dying fun or exciting? Give me a break.

- Arkans