View Full Version : Mhairaid

09-15-2005, 04:27 PM
Hi folks...I'm new to the PC boards...I guess some of you may have seen me post over on the official boards. Been lurking unregistered for the past couple of months though...

Anyway, to the subject of my post...I logged in and walked into Victory Court when I encountered Mhairaid calling a new empath a vulture. (Side note: I had trained this new empath how to properly heal, so I knew he wasn't.) I asked her to explain how she was saying that, and she declined to, and then went on to say that most empaths in Vaalor are vultures. (one hell of an overgeneralization) I then asked if she was calling me a vulture, and she said yes. I told her she was confusing me with someone else, and she said no, she had upbraided me over six months ago about vulturing.

At that point, I went to OOC whispers, and pointed out to her that while I hadn't given Kembal photographic memory, I did have it, so she'd better explain herself. She claimed that when I was a new empath in Vaalor and not able to take all wounds, I was an absolute vulture. At this point, I was dumbfounded because:
1. I've only been back in GS for a year (I left five years ago to focus on college.)
2. When I came back, I was titled.
3. When I came back, I only then moved to Vaalor. Otherwise, I hadn't resided anywhere else besides the Landing ever. (When I left, the Elven Nations hadn't even opened yet.)

I pointed all this out to her, and she called me a liar. She even said her "playing partner" (Berdegnow, I believe, who I've never seen before) recalled me being a vulture. I was like, ok, provide me a log, and I'll believe you. She then called me full of myself for asking for one, and I pointed out she was being just as arrogant by calling me a liar about my own personal history in GS.

Anyway, I ended the argument amicably...but has anyone else run into her? Is she always this idiotic/arrogant/stupid?

- Kembal

P.S. I wish I had logged this, but I was playing from work, and I didn't have my logging function on. D'oh.

09-15-2005, 04:37 PM
The best thing to do is just ignore them if they harrass you warn interact them, if after that the persist, call down a GH or GM. You can't help that people are sometimes stupid.

Best of luck.

09-15-2005, 04:39 PM
Mhairaid wow.. I didn't know she was still around..

Sorry you had to encounter her.

She is the biggest RP/Etiquette nazi, evar.

[Edited on 9-15-2005 by Yswithe]

Some Rogue
09-15-2005, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Yswithe
Mhairaid wow.. I didn't know she was still around..

Sorry you had to encounter her.

She is the biggest RP/Etiquette nazi, evar.

[Edited on 9-15-2005 by Yswithe]

That's putting it too nicely. She's the biggest fucking cunt I ever met in the game. Almost all of her characters act exactly the same way and she even posts on the boards with the same shitty
attitude, so it's not just her RP. You're better off just ignoring her.

09-15-2005, 04:54 PM
Curious, who does she post as on the officials?

09-15-2005, 04:57 PM
Oh yeah I saw stupid bitch and stupid jackass acting like they were hot shit in Vaalor when really they arent any better than anyone else. Ignore them.. eventually those windbags will shut up. I seen you around Kembal you're a good guy.. just act like you dont hear em :)

And welcome to PC. :D

[Edited on 9-15-2005 by Kainen]

09-15-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Curious, who does she post as on the officials?

I'll tell you who...just not here on the boards I may violate some stupid simu TOS

[Edited on 9-15-2005 by Viridian]

09-15-2005, 04:59 PM
She is THE biggest bitch from hell to ever hit the game. And please don't say its her role play style. I had to get the GMs involved once and she was warned over something she said. There's role playing a bitch, and theres taking out your personal life in a game.

09-15-2005, 05:04 PM
Well I would think it was RP, but all of her characters act the same way, so you know, it isn't RP its the player herself emulated through her character, she loves to claim its RP, but it isn't.

09-15-2005, 05:05 PM
You can also tell its her because all she ever plays are Sylvankind.

09-15-2005, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Viridian

Originally posted by StrayRogue
Curious, who does she post as on the officials?

I'll tell you who...just not here on the boards I may violate some stupid simu TOS

[Edited on 9-15-2005 by Viridian]

It doesn't. Simutronics has no TOS here on these boards.

Let the name fly.

PS - If I ever come back to GS.. not only am I going to move my empath there.. but I'll also make him into a vulture JUST TO PISS PEOPLE LIKE THIS OFF.

09-15-2005, 05:06 PM
What level is this bitch?

09-15-2005, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Viridian

Originally posted by StrayRogue
Curious, who does she post as on the officials?

I'll tell you who...just not here on the boards I may violate some stupid simu TOS

[Edited on 9-15-2005 by Viridian]

I'd like to know this too.

And thanks everyone...I'm glad to know everyone else dislikes her (to put it mildly) as well. :grin:

09-15-2005, 05:15 PM
Reading these boards you can kinda find out who some of the bigger dumbasses are in game. Especially if we all agree on it hehe.

Some Rogue
09-15-2005, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Viridian
You can also tell its her because all she ever plays are Sylvankind.

I think she may have had a aelotoi (sp?) in plat but most of the others were sylvans.

09-15-2005, 05:21 PM
Curious, who does she post as on the officials?

You know it, you're probably just suppressing the horrific memory. She's Skatemom, or whatever, and a few other accounts too I'm sure.

She's...ugh. I don't want to even start. Sorry you had to encounter her, Kembal. Her and her partner are bloody annoying and in the community where they can do the worst damage.

09-15-2005, 05:26 PM
Haha, I was going to put money on either SKATEMOM or WELCHA.

09-15-2005, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Viridian
Well I would think it was RP, but all of her characters act the same way, so you know, it isn't RP its the player herself emulated through her character, she loves to claim its RP, but it isn't.

Exactly. I has the misfortune of running into her 'sister' once. Just as much of a monstrous bitch from hell.

09-15-2005, 05:26 PM
I was being polite.

She's an annoying bitch who's shit doesn't stink (in her opinion).

Some Rogue
09-15-2005, 05:28 PM
She owns the Megskate account too but that one is shared with Welcha so you never know who it is posting on that one.

09-15-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird

Not. Fucking. Suprised.

09-15-2005, 05:33 PM
Told yah. ;)

09-15-2005, 05:44 PM
Ah, that makes sense now....only people who'd call each other "playing partners". Though, I'm going WTF? as to the conversation now...I've run into her other characters before, and haven't had any major problems. WELCHA and I had an argument on the boards though...guy got all pissy about the Elven hearldic gems being handed out for the Troll's Blood release event, and I called him on acting OOC with his character in game about it. He didn't like it too much. ;)

09-15-2005, 06:02 PM
Yeah. They're attached at the hip. They're the only ones who back each other up.

09-15-2005, 07:28 PM
My bard had problems with them once too--she threw a little temper tantrum because my bard was singing to gems in a room that was empty until she and her "partner" walked in. My bard's a sweet girl, so she just told her that if she has a problem with the "noise", she should ask nicely for the singing to stop. She then threw an even bigger fit, and I just left the room and highlighted the pair in special snert colors so I can avoid them from now on.

09-15-2005, 07:29 PM
they need to get laid. repeatedly. Just no reproducing, I fear for the unhealthy dynamics in that bunch.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-15-2005, 07:32 PM
LOL, does everyone know WELCHA and SKATEMOM as the biggest morons on the officials?

09-15-2005, 08:00 PM
I'd imagine so.

09-15-2005, 08:06 PM
I swear I don't recall having interacred with them prior to this, but for any of you who have never had the "joy" of intereating with them...
Naela is an empath who sits in VC, this Cheesemuffin came in and kicked her. It bothered her to be kicked, and complained that it caused her to spill her pudding. She was quite upset, and said she had not had anything to do with Cheesemuffin prior and had no clue as to why she was kicked. It was a run-by kicking, and well... can't really expect to let people run around kicking people without questions. Talamor was calling for blood, to which Zen had said "For spilling pudding?" Talamor was begging for her to be bound *cheesemuffin* but I wouldn't. He did catch up to her eventually, and I came in after and I did see her get kicked fatally. Talamor hid and ran immediately. I'll admit I didn't coddle her...Cheesemuffin was not as NOOB as she looked I suspected-we'd had a rash of VERY strange names around then...Bras, Lingerie...etc and Cheesemuffin had JUST kicked our sitting-in-VC-puddin'-eatin Empath. Up to this point the two Snotties had not made an appearance throughout ANY of this situation....

>You hear the faint thoughts of Tandala echo in your mind:
"who killed the muffin?"
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
Patrons wander into and out of a local inn, some quietly moving on
while others congregate and chat amongst themselves. The thick red roof
tiles of the inn glint in the sunlight, brightening the countenance of the
inn's pale limestone-clad walls. Flowerbeds thick with fragrant
blossoms flank the inn's blue-painted front door. You also see the Zenaxa
Also here: Above, the body of Cheesemuffin who is lying down
Obvious paths: east, southeast, west

>Above squints at Cheesemuffin.

>You hear the faint thoughts of Talamor echo in your mind:
"wasnt meee *hums*"

>You hear the faint thoughts of Talamor echo in your mind:
"I just..kicked her back.Zena did it~"

>You hear the faint thoughts of Tandala echo in your mind:
"you gonna jail Talamor?"

>Above whispers, "What happened here?"

>Bypin just arrived.

>Speaking quietly to Cheesemuffin, you ask, "Now whyd ye go kickin our
healer like tha?"

>Above shakes his head at Cheesemuffin and clucks his tongue.

>The ghostly voice of Cheesemuffin says, "Because i have no idea who
she is."

>Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.

The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>Bypin glances at Cheesemuffin.

>Bypin asks, "What's going on here?"

You quietly say, "Not a good reason."

>Above asks, "Why kick someone that not know?"

>Loesloey's group just arrived.

>Mhairaid says, "How despicable, murdering people in the streets."

>Berdragow gazes up into the heavens.

>The ghostly voice of Cheesemuffin says, "I do it all the time."

>The grey wolf looks around suspiciously.

>Mhairaid rolls her eyes.

You quietly say, "Ye layin here half nekkid dead in th street cause ye
didna know her."
>Above works his fingers under his blue felt hat and scratches his

>Loesloey nods.

>Loesloey's group just went southeast.

>Bypin pulls his hat lower on his forehead.

>You ponder.

>Lady Naela just arrived.

>app chee
You glance at Cheesemuffin and immediately realize she has 0
spirit levels out of a maximum of 5, and is currently preserved for 888
You also notice that she has no apparent injuries.
She is also quite dead.

>Speaking to Cheesemuffin, Berdragow asks, "Have you been kept?"

You quietly say, "Yes."

>Speaking to you, Mhairaid says, "And you have, through your actions,
shown yourself to be much worse than her."

>Naela curtsies to Mhairaid.

You quietly say, "I didna kill her."

You stare at Mhairaid.

>The grey wolf sniffs at Berdragow.

>The ghostly voice of Cheesemuffin exclaims, "I'm a ghost!"

You quietly say, "You and yer assumptions."

You quietly say, "I never touched her."
>The grey wolf sits down.

>Above works his fingers under his blue felt hat and scratches his

>Berdragow says, "She made no assumption, that is what all were told
on the amunet."

>Berdragow nods to you.

You quietly say, "I didna kill her."

You quietly ask, "You see a mark on her?"

>Bypin removes an orb-capped grey mossbark runestaff from in his
leather staff sling.

>Bypin closes his eyes and leans softly against his grey mossbark

The ghostly voice of Cheesemuffin says,
"But I'm a ghost.."
>You quietly say, "I have no combat ability."

>Berdragow says, "It does not take leaving a mark to kill someone."

You quietly say, "I expect an apology."

>Berdragow says, "Then go ask for one from the person who said you did

You fold your arms over your chest.
>Berdragow shrugs at you.

*** Moved East ***

Suddenly, a pair of lawmen come striding in with Talamor in tow.

A waiting city official nods as a duo of burly assistants comes in.
One assistant is dragging in a set of solid wooden stocks, while the
other brings in a basket of rotting fruit. The assistants take some time to
make sure everything is in order before trotting off.

Suddenly, the lawmen holding Talamor throw him roughly towards the
stocks. They quickly put his hands and head into the stocks and secure the
top half of the stocks, locking Talamor into place!

The city official walks to the stocks and checks Talamor's bonds.
Satisfied that they are tight, he stares at Talamor before saying, "There
you will stay until your time is done. Be lively now...I'll be asking
you some simple questions every once in a while to make sure that you're
alert and aware. Can't have people throwing rotten fruit at someone
asleep. That just doesn't have the same fun in it. If you do fall asleep on
me and not answer my questions, I'll add more time, so you better stay
sharp! Wouldn't want to die of old age in that thing, eh?" The
official then quietly snickers to himself..

>Rezziah blinks.

>Talamor says, "Hehet."

>Rezziah softly says, "Uh oh."

>Androg calmly says, "But the flares are awesome."

You quietly say, "I expect an apology."

>Talamor says, "Been framed."

>Talamor asks, "Huh?"

>Rezziah grins at Talamor.

>Talamor asks, "Who dos?"

>Rezziah softly says, "Dat's what they all say. ."

[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
An immense white marble fountain occupies the center of the court.
Perched in its center, a towering statue of Kai stands, holding his sword
aloft. His features have been painted onto the marble surface with
pigments and artistry so lifelike, he appears ready to step from the
fountain. You also see a basket of rotting fruit, a city official, the Zenaxa
disk and the fiery red Bypin disk.
Also here: Talamor who is set in stocks, Bypin, Wherin, Androg, Lady
Rezziah who is sitting
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

>Above just arrived.

Talamor says, "You? I didnt do nuttin to you."

>Talamor says, "I gotta tell Muffin im sorry though."

>Androg smiles at Talamor.

>Talamor snickers.

*** Moved Back and Forth Between Rooms Again ***

>You hear the faint thoughts of Above touch your mind:
"Zenaxa, can hear Above?"

>Talamor says, "No fruit."

>Androg calmly says, "Awww."

>Wherin just went north.

>Talamor says, "I swear I'll tackle you so much harder next time."

>Rezziah waves to Androg.

>Lady Rezziah just went north.

*** tried to edit out unrelated....moved back to the body ***

[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
Patrons wander into and out of a local inn, some quietly moving on
while others congregate and chat amongst themselves. The thick red roof
tiles of the inn glint in the sunlight, brightening the countenance of the
inn's pale limestone-clad walls. Flowerbeds thick with fragrant
blossoms flank the inn's blue-painted front door.
Also here: Lady Naela, Mhairaid, Berdragow, the body of Cheesemuffin
who is lying down
Obvious paths: east, southeast, west

>Naela hangs her head.

>Mhairaid slowly empties her lungs.

quietly to Mhairaid, you say, "I expect an apology for your comment about
>Naela softly says, "Cheesemuffin, I'm truly sorry this came about."

>Above just arrived.

>Speaking to Cheesemuffin, Berdragow asks, "Would you like me to ask
for a cleric for you?"

>The ghostly voice of Cheesemuffin asks, "Naela, was it you I kicked?"

>Above whispers, "Zennie.. am going to Illi."

>Speaking to you, Mhairaid says, "Then you can expect for several of
your lifetimes, for you won't get aught from me."

*** I am not sure WHO raised Cheesemuffin -- looks Godly, but she lives ***

>A shining white light from above around Cheesmuffin. When it fades,
she lives again.

>Naela softly says, "Yes it was."

Mhairaid gets an odd look on her face.

>Speaking to you, Berdragow says, "As I said, you should ask the
person telling everyone you did it for one then."

>Berdragow rubs a crystal amulet.

>Above whispers, "Um.. breakfast just kicked the healers.. hehehe."

Speaking quietly to Mhairaid, you ask, "You mispeak
about my character and offer no apology and you call me terrible?"

*** In case anyone misunderstood this... "Character" is in Zexana's code of morals and ethics, not an OOC reference ***

>Cheesemuffin says, "Oh, well I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be a
hude deal."

*** Suddenly, Naela died for no apparant reason, just "Naela drops dead at your feet. " It happened so quietly, I didn't even see it at first as there was a lot of screen scroll for me... She left the game. No lightning or anyhting, just.. Dead. ***

>Mhairaid rubs a crystal amulet.

>Cheesemuffin dances around the room to music only she can hear.

Speaking quietly to Mhairaid, you say, "Your tongue is as loose as your ethics."
>Speaking to Cheesemuffin, Berdragow says, "You should more careful
where you put your feet in the future, just to be safe."

>Speaking to you, Mhairaid says, "I haven't misspoken anything about
your character. Your reputation and your actions make that clear enough."

You quietly say, "I did not kill her."

>Cheesemuffin pets Bypin's grey wolf.

>Mhairaid says, "If nothing else, you were part of the lynch mob
abusing a poor person."

>You quietly say, "I did not touch her in any way."

>Cheesemuffin flexes her fingers and extends them toward a grey wolf
as if to tickle it, but then quickly pales and pulls her hand back.

>You quietly say, "I did ask her why."

You quietly say, "Ask her ."
>Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.

The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
>Cheesemuffin sits down.

>Cheesemuffin lies down.

>Cheesemuffin folds her arms behind her head and takes a deep breath,

>Speaking to Mhairaid, Above says, "Zenaxa not bad, would not kill."

Speaking quietly to Cheesemuffin, you
ask, "Did i accost you?"

>Speaking to Cheesemuffin, Berdragow says, "Someone's going to trip
over you like that."

>Berdragow nods to Cheesemuffin.

>Cheesemuffin says, "..what's that."

>Mhairaid says, "Not touching does not mean not harassing, bullying,
and not m eaning harm."

Speaking quietly to
Cheesemuffin, you say, "Did i lay a finger on you."

>Cheesemuffin says, "What's "accosting"."

*** People coming in and out ***

>Bypin asks, "I assume that this habit of gathering the dead in the
streets will be rectified soon?"

>The grey wolf scratches itself.

>Mhairaid says, "Not if the vigilantes continue having their way."

>Mhairaid rubs a crystal amulet.

>Berdragow nods to Mhairaid.

>Berdragow rubs a crystal amulet.

You quietly say, "And my reputation is far from sullied."

>Berdragow chuckles.

>Berdragow says, "That I'd have to disagree with."

>Berdragow shrugs.

>Fuzzywuzzy just arrived.

>Fuzzywuzzy just went west.

Speaking quietly to Mhairaid, you say, "You are a hate monger."

>Fuzzywuzzy just arrived.

>Fuzzywuzzy just went west.

>The grey wolf scratches itself.

>Fuzzywuzzy just arrived.

>Cheesemuffin exclaims, "Fuzzy!"

>Fuzzywuzzy just went west.

>Fuzzywuzzy just arrived.

>Fuzzywuzzy says, "Hey."

>Fuzzywuzzy takes a bite of his acantha leaf.

Fuzzywuzzy looks a little better.

You quietly say, "And one who cannot accept she was wrong."
>[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]

Patrons wander into and out of a local inn, some quietly moving on
while others congregate and chat amongst themselves. The thick red roof
tiles of the inn glint in the sunlight, brightening the countenance of the
inn's pale limestone-clad walls. Flowerbeds thick with fragrant
blossoms flank the inn's blue-painted front door. You also see the fiery red
Bypin disk, a grey wolf that is sitting and the Zenaxa disk.
Also here: Fuzzywuzzy, Bypin, Above, Mhairaid, Berdragow, Cheesemuffin
who is lying down
Obvious paths: east, southeast, west

>Fuzzywuzzy just went west.

>look mh
You see Mhairaid Megarrah.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Kytawa D'ahranal.
She appears to be very young and average height. She has sparkling
jade green eyes and ivory skin. She has waist length, honey blonde hair.
She has a delicate face and a generous mouth.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a gold ring, a vine-worked sage green silk haversack, a
four-stranded polished ora bangle, some sage green golvern-studded
leather, a sage green linen pelerine, a wispy lilac wristlet, an
acorn-shaped gold locket, a sage-green linen skirt, a dark moss and pale lilac
circlet, a sage green linen bodice tightly bound by gold laces and
accentuated with delicate embroidered leaves, some leaf embossed boots, a
vine-etched krodera shield, a jade-inset gold chain anklet, a gold satin
drawstring gem pouch, an antique vaalin wedding band, and a crystal amulet.
>Bypin just went southeast.

>Speaking to you, Berdragow says, "You really should complain to the
one who says you did it, not those of us who were told you did."

>Berdragow shrugs at you.

>Speaking to you, Mhairaid says, "You are a hate purveyor. Your
reputation, even if y ou do not know it, is very much in the mud. You're
known as a bullying, drivel-speaking vulture and poacher."

The grey wolf sniffs at the Zenaxa disk.
>You quietly say, "She didnt say i did this."

>Berdragow says, "Based off what everyone was told on the amunet."

>Cheesemuffin stands up.

>Cheesemuffin just went west.

>Above says, "No.. not true."

You quietly say, "I find that difficult to believe."

>Above says, "Zenaxa is good person."

>The grey wolf looks upward negligently.

>Speaking to you, Mhairaid says, "And your reputation for doing such
deeds is well known."

>Mhairaid glances at Above.

You squint at Mhairaid.
>Incognitro just arrived.

>Speaking to you, Berdragow says, "Then you should go speak to
Talamor. He plainly stated that you did it."

>Speaking to Mhairaid, Above asks, "Why saying bad? Not even here to
know what truth?"

>Berdragow says, "Beyond personal experience, we talk to many people
who have had runins with you."

>Mhairaid says, "If you say that and believe it, I have to rank you in
the category of fawning sycophant cowed by her overbearing ways."

>Speaking in Sylvankind to Berdragow, Mhairaid says something you
don't understand.

>Berdragow nods to Mhairaid.

You quietly say, "I know of no personal experience with you."

>Above says, "Zenaxa haves been only nice to Aboves.. never mean."

>Speaking to Mhairaid, Berdragow says, "We're wasting our time here,
let them live in their illusions."

>The grey wolf looks around suspiciously.

>Berdragow waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

>Speaking to you, Mhairaid says, "Forgetful, too."

>Berdragow nods to Mhairaid.

>Mhairaid nods to Berdragow.

>Berdragow's group just went southeast.

You quietly say, "Remind me."

>Above frowns at you.

You shake your head.

You quietly say, "Im leaving."

They are not nice people. They are Rogues I think as I later saw them picking at the docks. This happened towards the end of June... I really need to clear out those old logs.

09-15-2005, 08:23 PM
Dresbarfa and Argwankstaine strike again.

It always amazes me that those two pay the amount of money that they do in order to play a game where all they do is slag people off.

They should come here and do it for free.


Sylvan Dreams
09-15-2005, 08:28 PM
Berdragow & Mhairaid are turds. They are not very good roleplayers and they can't even defend their own points in a conversation.

They're very brave when sitting inside a sanctuary.

On the upside, I did get an RPA from my argument with them.


Berdragow says, "Threats, the dung of a weak mind."
>l berd
You see Berdragow Dsendrow the Locksmith.
He appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
He appears to be very young. He has piercing blue-green eyes and tanned skin. He has short, thick golden brown hair with lighter streaks. He has a clean-shaven face, a thin nose and thin lips.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing some plain black leather boots, a rune-etched small silver case, some black silk pants with a thin gleam of silver along the waist and cuffs, a black chamois gem pouch, an antique vaalin wedding band, a gold ring, some bronzed black leather brigandine, a silver scarab-clasped backpack, a vaalorn-edged eahnor tower shield, a silver-traced deep black satchel, a blue black glaesine orb, some silvery vultite cufflinks, a onyx-inlaid black leather thigh-sheath, a silver-traced black linen shirt, a silver crescent moon locket, and a crystal amulet.
Berrasi begins chuckling at Ranad!
>'Hello. I'm a warrior.
You say, "Hello. I'm a warrior."
Caro laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
>'Expect me to cover you in hugs and rainbows?
You ask, "Expect me to cover you in hugs and rainbows?"
>roll eyes
You roll your eyes.
You hear someone cackle.
Cirlin laughs!
Silverbolt stands up.
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see some pure-white incense, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Faitedeiona, Berrasi (sitting), Valthalian, High Lady Sweetsugars (sitting), Ranad, Lady Caro, Apprentice Anvain (sitting), Lady Rwynne, Vorphin (sitting), Karagoth (sitting), Silverbolt, Laku (sitting), Cirlin (prone), Jebbedo, Mhairaid, Berdragow, Angore (prone)
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment. With a flash of insight, you realize you understand yourself a bit better than you did a moment ago. The sudden feeling of self-knowledge is a pleasant one.

09-15-2005, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
LOL, does everyone know WELCHA and SKATEMOM as the biggest morons on the officials?


09-15-2005, 09:35 PM
<<<You see Mhairaid Megarrah.
She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Kytawa D'ahranal.
She appears to be very young and average height. She has sparkling
jade green eyes and ivory skin. She has waist length, honey blonde hair.
She has a delicate face and a generous mouth.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a gold ring, a vine-worked sage green silk haversack, a
four-stranded polished ora bangle, some sage green golvern-studded
leather, a sage green linen pelerine, a wispy lilac wristlet, an
acorn-shaped gold locket, a sage-green linen skirt, a dark moss and pale lilac
circlet, a sage green linen bodice tightly bound by gold laces and
accentuated with delicate embroidered leaves, some leaf embossed boots, a
vine-etched krodera shield, a jade-inset gold chain anklet, a gold satin
drawstring gem pouch, an antique vaalin wedding band, and a crystal amulet.

You see Berdragow Dsendrow the Locksmith.
He appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
He appears to be very young. He has piercing blue-green eyes and tanned skin. He has short, thick golden brown hair with lighter streaks. He has a clean-shaven face, a thin nose and thin lips.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing some plain black leather boots, a rune-etched small silver case, some black silk pants with a thin gleam of silver along the waist and cuffs, a black chamois gem pouch, an antique vaalin wedding band, a gold ring, some bronzed black leather brigandine, a silver scarab-clasped backpack, a vaalorn-edged eahnor tower shield, a silver-traced deep black satchel, a blue black glaesine orb, some silvery vultite cufflinks, a onyx-inlaid black leather thigh-sheath, a silver-traced black linen shirt, a silver crescent moon locket, and a crystal amulet. >>>

Let me save you ladies the trouble...
<clears her throat>
SORT AUTO HEAD!!!! SORT AUTO HEAD!!! :smilegrin:

They are BOTH still used douche bags

09-15-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird

Curious, who does she post as on the officials?

You know it, you're probably just suppressing the horrific memory. She's Skatemom, or whatever, and a few other accounts too I'm sure.

She's...ugh. I don't want to even start. Sorry you had to encounter her, Kembal. Her and her partner are bloody annoying and in the community where they can do the worst damage.

dofl I was like....I wonder if this is Skatemom aka Meg. She and Argaine's player tag team on the boards all the time.

Does she play Dresdena too?

09-15-2005, 09:42 PM
So...what other characters do these asses play? If you don't want to post you can U2U me, I need to hilight them so as to not waste any time dealing with them.

09-15-2005, 11:30 PM
Whenever SKATEMOM posts, I get the impression that she suffers from perpetual PMS, and you can always count on WELCHA to chime in with a "Me too, I agree!" post within two or three minutes.

Or vice-versa.

09-16-2005, 12:00 AM
Characters I've seen played:

SKATEMOM: Dresdena, Corrdelia, Mhairaid
WELCHA: Argaine, Arimantius, Berdragow

They're in order of couples too...in other words, you won't see one in a list without the corresponding character in the other list there generally.

Some Rogue
09-16-2005, 12:06 AM
It's been a long time since I was in Vaalor but didn't it used to be Prudence and Argaine?

09-16-2005, 12:33 AM
I'm fairly certain Berdragow isn't played by WELCHA, but the players would have to be similar in some way to be able to put up with her bullshit.

09-16-2005, 01:40 AM
Prudence is also played by her, if not she's been taking lessons from Skatemom.

09-16-2005, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by Kembal
SKATEMOM: Dresdena, Corrdelia, Mhairaid

I have had negative intereaction with every one of these characters. Dresdena is the one who claims to have an entire house on warn? *dreadnaught I think*...Corrdelia the only empath i ever wanted to kill, and she had me arrested for silencing her in VC right after that law changed... I said later I'd have killed her if i was hoin to be arrested anyway...and the last.. well. Saw that here.

As for Prudence, if she is with this group, the only real interaction I've had is from an auction she and her in game bard husband hosted for the mechants of Vaalor... she is currently enchanting my leathers from 4-5...(Slot was auctioned off)
Prudences partner.. K-something I think.

09-16-2005, 02:07 AM
hmm.. Argaine and Dresdena have always been nice when I've encountered them in GS.. just goes to show how subtle their characters are played.

09-16-2005, 02:09 AM
Heh. We need to send a raid of Landing folks over there to RP with those two, when they begin to climb on their high horse most of them would just tell them to kiss their fat hairy ass.

09-16-2005, 04:23 AM
I think people like that should be banned because they just ruin communities with their poison.

09-16-2005, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Heh. We need to send a raid of Landing folks over there to RP with those two, when they begin to climb on their high horse most of them would just tell them to kiss their fat hairy ass.

From the sounds of it, this chick would not hesitate to tie up the assist queues with complaints in some manner.

I remember awhile ago I was on Teras, like 2 or 3 years ago and someone needed a cleric. I came over there and because I didn't spend 15 minutes engaging in some RP to build up to a raise, I got all kinds of nasty shit and whispers. I have avoided that guttersnipe ever since.

09-16-2005, 07:21 AM
I just don't understand why you yelled your head off at them and let Talamor go free without hardly a glance. He was the one that started the rumor.

And what the hell are these names...fuzzywuzzy...cheesemuffin...:wtf:

09-16-2005, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by GSLady17
I just don't understand why you yelled your head off at them and let Talamor go free without hardly a glance. He was the one that started the rumor.

Seemed pretty obvious at the time that he was being sarcastic and not truly meaning to insinuate Zen killed the Cheese thing.

However, Mhairaid was pretty specific and intentional about her insult.

When did Zen "yell her head off" at any time during that? She even took her time to speak more clearly...

Nor am I "yelling" now- just to make sure there's no misunderstanding...

09-16-2005, 08:09 AM
Prudence and Kwaldor are another set. Buyer beware.

09-16-2005, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
LOL, does everyone know WELCHA and SKATEMOM as the biggest morons on the officials?

You know it's weird, WELCHA is definately on my mental "skip" list, but I can't say I've ever even seen SKATEMOM. Everyone makes it seem like they always post together, so I'm sure now that I'm on the lookout I'll catch it.

09-16-2005, 08:33 AM
Check Vaalor related stuff... or the whining about stuff categories.

09-16-2005, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by cajunlady

Originally posted by GSLady17
I just don't understand why you yelled your head off at them and let Talamor go free without hardly a glance. He was the one that started the rumor.

Seemed pretty obvious at the time that he was being sarcastic and not truly meaning to insinuate Zen killed the Cheese thing.

However, Mhairaid was pretty specific and intentional about her insult.

When did Zen "yell her head off" at any time during that? She even took her time to speak more clearly...

Nor am I "yelling" now- just to make sure there's no misunderstanding...

Nagging, drawing it out. I don't know. The way I have seen them played, you would have pissed them off more by saying you didn't want to waste your time and walked away.

09-16-2005, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Check Vaalor related stuff... or the whining about stuff categories.

Yeah I stay away from those, I generally try to stick to the information catergories on the officials.

09-16-2005, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17

Originally posted by cajunlady

Originally posted by GSLady17
I just don't understand why you yelled your head off at them and let Talamor go free without hardly a glance. He was the one that started the rumor.

Seemed pretty obvious at the time that he was being sarcastic and not truly meaning to insinuate Zen killed the Cheese thing.

However, Mhairaid was pretty specific and intentional about her insult.

When did Zen "yell her head off" at any time during that? She even took her time to speak more clearly...

Nor am I "yelling" now- just to make sure there's no misunderstanding...

Nagging, drawing it out. I don't know. The way I have seen them played, you would have pissed them off more by saying you didn't want to waste your time and walked away.

Look GSLady, these two will find any excuse to demean a character in Vaalor, it isn't Zenaxa's fault, trust me I've dealt with these retards before, all they can seem to do on any character is be complete and total assholes. Personally I am glad they stay in Vaalor for the most part. They are horrible RPers and if they stayed in any other part of the game for a long period of time, people would run them out of town.

09-16-2005, 12:12 PM
We need to convince Tayre to run up to Ta'Vaalor and pull his healing techniques. Now that would be fun to watch.

09-16-2005, 12:16 PM
That would actually be awesome.

09-16-2005, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Tsunami
We need to convince Tayre to run up to Ta'Vaalor and pull his healing techniques. Now that would be fun to watch.

Not it wouldn't.. because that bitch isnt around that much.. and I for one dont want to have to deal with Tayre from my empaths point of view.. which is why I keep her in Vaalor.

09-16-2005, 02:55 PM
Yep, it's rare when they are around. Heck, most of the time I run into any of their characters, they're running an event for the one of the innummerable PROs that they've started...

09-16-2005, 03:02 PM
:shudders: I think she's got another character too that's been unmentioned but I don't remember it. Probably one of those mental blocks.

09-16-2005, 03:07 PM

09-16-2005, 03:18 PM
Those two are yet another reason I don't bother with the officials.


09-16-2005, 05:48 PM
Connancach and Chastittee as well. And whoever Chastittee's husband is.

Basically the same character reproduced over AND OVER. Just different races and professions, usually all Sylvans with a couple pairs of Vaalorians.

Words do not begin to express how much I wish they would go away, forever. I can understand RP integrity. I can understand trying to keep RP pure, but what they do is just nonsense. They don't even try to help younger characters who might not know better and when someone does something minorly offensive to them they just flip out and create an endless thread on the officals which is mainly them whining.

It's really sad and just makes Vaalor more of a whole. I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with them consistantly. You are much stronger and more patient than I.

09-16-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Check Vaalor related stuff... or the whining about stuff categories.

They had a hatefest in the WD folder awhile back.

09-16-2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Tsunami
We need to convince Tayre to run up to Ta'Vaalor and pull his healing techniques. Now that would be fun to watch.

That would be hilarious.

09-16-2005, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
:shudders: I think she's got another character too that's been unmentioned but I don't remember it. Probably one of those mental blocks.

She has one that was on the WD starts with an A maybe. They were there as a couple, but I don't remember the name.

09-16-2005, 10:45 PM

a ranger

09-17-2005, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by GSLady17

Originally posted by cajunlady

Originally posted by GSLady17
I just don't understand why you yelled your head off at them and let Talamor go free without hardly a glance. He was the one that started the rumor.

Seemed pretty obvious at the time that he was being sarcastic and not truly meaning to insinuate Zen killed the Cheese thing.

However, Mhairaid was pretty specific and intentional about her insult.

When did Zen "yell her head off" at any time during that? She even took her time to speak more clearly...

Nor am I "yelling" now- just to make sure there's no misunderstanding...

Nagging, drawing it out. I don't know. The way I have seen them played, you would have pissed them off more by saying you didn't want to waste your time and walked away.

It's interesting you switch from saying Zen was "yelling her head off" which implies a loss of control to "nagging" which I guess implies irritating? Zen hopes she did irritate her- she deserves it. It would have been a bonus to have done so.

Seems to me her caharcter's point was to piss my character off... Zen's point was to feel satisfied that Mhairaid (kinda ignored him) was forced down from her original statement about Zen, which she did somewhat later in saying "at the very least..." blah blah blah. When it came push to shove to back up the other slew of insults, they left. Zen asked around to make sure shit wasn't being said about her behind her back after and went on.

Zen got stuck on a boat with one of hers (I think it was anyway...) alone and simply said, "I remember you." "Let's not chat." and left it at that.

09-17-2005, 06:29 PM
Hey now, they are good to have around. Hurting them IG makes me feel all warm and squishy on the inside. They sanct/run away if you locate, which adds an element of chance to the game. It is sort of like real hunting, except, I am invisible, and can implode.

On an unrelated note, hooray for the buggy justice system.

09-18-2005, 09:37 AM
Yeah. My problem is it was usually my newbies in Vaalor that they were near.

Thanks everybody for the public service of getting those other names out. Beware them all.

09-18-2005, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque

eesh Valaeda? I remember Aaysia had an altercation with her a real real lonnnng time ago -- something to do with raising. Now, that was a bitch >.>

09-18-2005, 11:57 AM
Yep...Same M.O. different topic.

I remember a really old Empath whose name I forget (played by Celesh's player I think) fogged out to the crabby old witch while she was hunting in wights, bound her and left her for the wights to play with.

Ah...fun times.

Terminator X
09-18-2005, 01:35 PM
Cheesemuffin... :thinking:

09-20-2005, 05:10 AM
Kembal, welcome! I just joined here myself on the 14th. I have been playing GS fo a long time though. But latest characters have only been around since the end of GS3. But thanks for the tip on all there characters. All my characters are in Vaalor and Illistem at the moment so I would hate to run into any of them. Luckly I haven't so far. And she called empaths vultures yet she plays one ? How stupid is that. Empaths were of course made to heal people, if not we wouldn't have spells to do so. I say screw people like her and her 'partner'.

Rainy Day
09-21-2005, 05:51 AM
I missed this thread when it was being discussed, but can't resist adding about Skatemom on the officials. She had a hissy fit to beat all in the Wavedancer folder because a merchant treated her so badly. I laughed so hard when a bit later another player posted that Skatemom's character had slapped the merchant in question. Yeah...that'll get ya good treatment.


09-21-2005, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by Rainy Day
I missed this thread when it was being discussed, but can't resist adding about Skatemom on the officials. She had a hissy fit to beat all in the Wavedancer folder because a merchant treated her so badly. I laughed so hard when a bit later another player posted that Skatemom's character had slapped the merchant in question. Yeah...that'll get ya good treatment.


Yeah, she was pissed off really bad at whoever does the companion grooming. A friend of mine was in there just chatting away and RPing and that didn't sit well with SM's character.

We all had a dinner with that merchant, completely RP, no merchanting and all. (I had my husband demanding I help him - so I was slackface at times and utterly embarassed over it...) but anyway that GM is an incredible RPer and one of my characters has a gorgeous vaalin bracelet to commemorate that time. (At huge surprise for sure.)

I'm not sure SM ever got her companion done on the WD. :smilegrin:

PS I think she got unreasonable over one of Khaladon's on one of the cruises as well.

[Edited on 9-21-2005 by TheRoseLady]

09-29-2005, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
Connancach and Chastittee as well. And whoever Chastittee's husband is.

Basically the same character reproduced over AND OVER. Just different races and professions, usually all Sylvans with a couple pairs of Vaalorians.

Words do not begin to express how much I wish they would go away, forever. I can understand RP integrity. I can understand trying to keep RP pure, but what they do is just nonsense. They don't even try to help younger characters who might not know better and when someone does something minorly offensive to them they just flip out and create an endless thread on the officals which is mainly them whining.

It's really sad and just makes Vaalor more of a whole. I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with them consistantly. You are much stronger and more patient than I.

Whooaaa.....Wrong Chastittee bro...This Chastittee hasn't ever set foot in Vaalor and is married to a woman and I'm most certainly not a bitch.

09-29-2005, 03:13 PM
Yeah there is another spelling of it that Queen B is

09-29-2005, 06:22 PM
Sorry! >_< It must be Chastity then.

09-29-2005, 06:45 PM
You say, "Hello. I'm a warrior."
Caro laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
>'Expect me to cover you in hugs and rainbows?
You ask, "Expect me to cover you in hugs and rainbows?"
>roll eyes
You roll your eyes.

I cracked up when I read that.