View Full Version : So...

09-11-2005, 04:50 AM
... how does one go about attaining a true family?

I've, in my many years of GS, never had any true family, although I've had one that I considered my brother.

So, I was wondering how it works here? I never paid attention enough to it to know what the inner-workings were.

After 6 years, it's finally piqued my interest enough. I'm a low train right now (very low, just rolled my first character in a year or so), so it'd be a good time to get adopted eh?

I'm guessing the whole thing is rather informal?


[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Detri]

09-11-2005, 05:42 AM
True family isn't hard to find Look ah Showal,Axhinde and I. It's all how you present yourself to the people around you.I know it's cliche` treat them with respect and trust and they'll be around you for years

Miss X
09-11-2005, 06:19 AM
Roll up a Halfling and I'll adopt ya! ;)

09-11-2005, 06:23 AM
Don't DO IT!!
Halfling families insist they have sex with eachother!
I've seen it and it's not pretty.

09-11-2005, 12:10 PM
Heh.. Halfling sex..

Anyway, it's really just a matter of finding people that you work well with and enjoy who are willing to adopt you. I make it sound so easy.. Mechanically, if you want a 'true' family it's a little bit harder, especially since everyone has to assume that your character existed all along... and the whole 'appropriate race to have given birth to you' thing...

I'm willing to adopt from the half-elven and sylvan races, since all Whisty's kids have long since flown the coop except Rinika. Even if you aren't, go ahead and send me a u2u, never hurts to be an -adopted- child. She loves halflings. :)

...that is if you can deal with her somewhat odd marital status. :P

09-11-2005, 12:13 PM
Shimmer needs to adopt Senja *ducks*

09-11-2005, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Don't DO IT!!
Halfling families insist they have sex with eachother!
I've seen it and it's not pretty.

<rolls up a halfling>

<glances at Chica>

<waits for the fur to fly>

09-11-2005, 12:42 PM
If that's true Drayal, I'm going to be making a halfling and I'm coming after chica.

haha me and the kaz became family ... i don't remember how. Me and Zadya became family because she was yelling at showal and some girl for making a mess with fletching in the treehouse and showal started saying she sounded like his mother. Then he decided that she should become his mother because they're both "cute" so it'd be perfect. Then he just started calling her mom and she eventually just agreed.

My other character was cousins with Berwin because they hit it off right away and some other reason, they looked similar or something, so we made up an rp story for it.

I think it depends on who you try to become family with. Just have a decent in game reason and play it out.

09-11-2005, 12:49 PM
My character got her family by adopting one person who then adopted Rtune and Solarian and Talimvar and.... yea, you see how it works in Elanthia. I maintain, it's all Ree's fault.

Her mom came about because they had such similar names: Kiora + Kiera and were both warriors. Everyone kept asking Kiora if we were the same person, so Kiora was just like... she's my daughter.

My character got her "kids" by helping a warrior who rerolled into a cleric and not abandoning her when she was back at level 0. A lot of my character's family are gone or have new owners though.

Her new family mostly came about by the acceptance of her husband's family, as most of her family has left the game.


09-11-2005, 01:20 PM
My first char, a giant warrior female, got a family because one day she met a male giant warrior that pretty much looked just like her (tattoo and all). They decided to rp family that had been seperated. Of course this was over 10 yrs ago. Currently, Senja has family only through her mate.. Akari.

Doyle Hargraves
09-11-2005, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Detri
... how does one go about attaining a true family?

I've, in my many years of GS, never had any true family, although I've had one that I considered my brother.

So, I was wondering how it works here? I never paid attention enough to it to know what the inner-workings were.

After 6 years, it's finally piqued my interest enough. I'm a low train right now (very low, just rolled my first character in a year or so), so it'd be a good time to get adopted eh?

I'm guessing the whole thing is rather informal?


[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Detri]

The easiest way comes in 3 steps:

1. Find a character named Haashek.
2. Tell him "I have no family."
3. Give him a HUGE hug.

Haashek will adopt you after step 3. Sometimes you will only make it to step 2 before he adopts you, but following all 3 steps guarantees you a family and the prestigious status of super kid, super grandkid, or super great grandkid. Upon logging into the game from now on, you will receive a barrage of HUGE hugs by dozens upon dozens of your new family members, and a amunet thought from Haashek himself which says "Hugs to super Balthier!"

Just ask Anticor. :lol:

[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]

09-11-2005, 02:33 PM
I had a little halfling that ran around looking for her lost parents. Every halfling she came across she would sit in the room studying them. Depending how old their age showed, she'd then approach them and either would ask them if they were her mother, father, or sibling.

It was hilarious to go up to some older looking male halfling (when she found one that looked a lot like her, eye color, hair color etc.) and yell Daddy!

09-11-2005, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

Originally posted by Detri
... how does one go about attaining a true family?

I've, in my many years of GS, never had any true family, although I've had one that I considered my brother.

So, I was wondering how it works here? I never paid attention enough to it to know what the inner-workings were.

After 6 years, it's finally piqued my interest enough. I'm a low train right now (very low, just rolled my first character in a year or so), so it'd be a good time to get adopted eh?

I'm guessing the whole thing is rather informal?


[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Detri]

The easiest way comes in 3 steps:

1. Find a character named Haashek.
2. Tell him "I have no family."
3. Give him a HUGE hug.

Haashek will adopt you after step 3. Sometimes you will only make it to step 2 before he adopts you, but following all 3 steps guarantees you a family and the prestigious status of super kid, super grandkid, or super great grandkid. Upon logging into the game from now on, you will receive a barrage of HUGE hugs by dozens upon dozens of your new family members, and a amunet thought from Haashek himself which says "Hugs to super Balthier!"

Just ask Anticor. :lol:

[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]

lol! That cracked me up.

And what's with all the halfling love in this thread?! :wow:

09-11-2005, 03:04 PM
Just ask Anticor


I think the best way to find family who aren't messed up is to find people who you enjoy doing your favorite things in Gemstone with, be that roleplaying, hunting, merchant chasing, or vigorous Halfling sex.

09-11-2005, 03:18 PM
I do enjoy halfling sex...

Burnt out Priestess
09-11-2005, 03:30 PM
Well one of my characters has a bad problem with adopting youngsters and my other character ,i have a SL with my brother who plays the game also,his character is my characters father they look alike and all that and we wrote up a nice SL for them,but i agree with alot here that its who you feel comfortable around and enjoy hanging with in game.

09-11-2005, 05:00 PM
I know that any time I have had a character have a family or some kind of connection with someone in the game before knowing them I've spoken with that player OOG. My advice to you would be post on the official boards or here about what kind of character you have or wish to create. Where they are from and what kind of family type you are looking for. Do you want someone to go hunting with? To RP with? Just to have to fall back on?

Stay away from the random adoptions and try to keep culturally and racial similar to those in your family, if you want it to be by blood.

09-11-2005, 05:01 PM
My advice would be don't fucking bother. It's ridiculous anyway.

09-11-2005, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Axhinde
My advice would be don't fucking bother. It's ridiculous anyway.

You know, there was a time when I'd agree with that, but for some reason, I've had a change of heart.

09-11-2005, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Showal
If that's true Drayal, I'm going to be making a halfling and I'm coming after chica.

haha me and the kaz became family ... i don't remember how. Me and Zadya became family because she was yelling at showal and some girl for making a mess with fletching in the treehouse and showal started saying she sounded like his mother. Then he decided that she should become his mother because they're both "cute" so it'd be perfect. Then he just started calling her mom and she eventually just agreed.

My other character was cousins with Berwin because they hit it off right away and some other reason, they looked similar or something, so we made up an rp story for it.

I think it depends on who you try to become family with. Just have a decent in game reason and play it out.

We became family because I broke all your limbs and drag your ass all over town. After that you said I'm your brother because I was mean enough to be family.

09-12-2005, 09:35 AM
My empath has parents she is extremely loyal to. She has no blood siblings, but her mother's adoption crazed. There are only 2 of the lot that she'll accept as "true" family, the rest she considerd "mother's adoptees". Took months for her to accept the ones she did. And one of them left the lands.
Damn you Stacyrain.

09-12-2005, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

Originally posted by Detri
... how does one go about attaining a true family?

I've, in my many years of GS, never had any true family, although I've had one that I considered my brother.

So, I was wondering how it works here? I never paid attention enough to it to know what the inner-workings were.

After 6 years, it's finally piqued my interest enough. I'm a low train right now (very low, just rolled my first character in a year or so), so it'd be a good time to get adopted eh?

I'm guessing the whole thing is rather informal?


[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Detri]

The easiest way comes in 3 steps:

1. Find a character named Haashek.
2. Tell him "I have no family."
3. Give him a HUGE hug.

Haashek will adopt you after step 3. Sometimes you will only make it to step 2 before he adopts you, but following all 3 steps guarantees you a family and the prestigious status of super kid, super grandkid, or super great grandkid. Upon logging into the game from now on, you will receive a barrage of HUGE hugs by dozens upon dozens of your new family members, and a amunet thought from Haashek himself which says "Hugs to super Balthier!"

Just ask Anticor. :lol:

[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]

I knew this thread wouldn't last without my name popping up.

I hope you're hit by a tanker truck full of some nasty chemical that spills and eats off your weiner, non fatally.

09-12-2005, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Axhinde
My advice would be don't fucking bother. It's ridiculous anyway.

Michiko would cry and then stop seeing Axhinde if she knew he didn't want to start a family eventually. :(

[Edited on 9-12-2005 by GS3 Michiko]

09-12-2005, 10:56 AM
I used to have family :( then they all stopped playing gs3... Me an Iom have a son, but due to lack of a job rl we don't have a son right now.... Granted it is all through 'adoption' it still seems kinda stupid at times to see two gnomes with a giant son... that's why we went Faendryl all the way.

09-12-2005, 11:11 AM
Aside from my "son" with Jayvn, I'm was adopted...but I'll be dammed if I know more then who my adopted Mom is, and my sister. I can't keep up. So, I don't.


09-12-2005, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko

Originally posted by Axhinde
My advice would be don't fucking bother. It's ridiculous anyway.

Michiko would cry and then stop seeing Axhinde if she knew he didn't want to start a family eventually. :(

[Edited on 9-12-2005 by GS3 Michiko]

I thought Michiko was with Jayshen. Color me confused.

09-12-2005, 11:53 AM
I thought she was with Ulial?

Don't color me anything at all.

09-12-2005, 02:12 PM
Daaaamn, Michiko gets AROUND.


Anyway, none of my characters have ever had "family" in game. I mean I have their histories of them having families, but no one that rp'ed them. Jesae will never adopt anyone. Jesae is also convinced that she will never fall in love, as it is more fun to simply flirt. So the thought of her having children has never once crossed her mind.

09-12-2005, 02:14 PM
Crosses Jesae off his list. .

09-12-2005, 02:21 PM
LOL. You'd have a LOT of fun...for a little while.

I think part of the problem is she hasn't been in love, so opinions could always change. :shrug:

09-12-2005, 02:26 PM
Shimm's gone off rogues for the forseeable future.

09-12-2005, 03:51 PM
Czeska adopted 2 daughters, but she's never around to see them. She's more nurturing than my main is.

I have a friend who keeps having her baby empath call my empath "momma" just to freak her out. You'd think after being bound and silenced a dozen or so times, she'd give up.

09-12-2005, 05:21 PM
She's succeeded in getting a few snuggles and your main looking after her now hasn't she? :aww:

09-12-2005, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves

Originally posted by GS3 Michiko

Originally posted by Axhinde
My advice would be don't fucking bother. It's ridiculous anyway.

Michiko would cry and then stop seeing Axhinde if she knew he didn't want to start a family eventually. :(

[Edited on 9-12-2005 by GS3 Michiko]

I thought Michiko was with Jayshen. Color me confused.

Michiko would pretty much sell her soul to be with Jaysehn.... he shot her down and now she's settled unhappily for being just a friend.

09-12-2005, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Axhinde
I thought she was with Ulial?

Don't color me anything at all.

She is. For now. :D

09-12-2005, 06:15 PM
Hey hey hey now...don't go insinuating about Michiko. She's just very very friendly. :ducks and flees for cover:

Ahem. I'll just hide Jolena out in the shadows for a good 2 weeks now thx. :heart: Michiko!

09-12-2005, 06:15 PM
Aww I didn't know Michi got dropped by Jaysehn... /KillJaysehn
I guess he wasn't good enough for elanthias fashion goddess

09-12-2005, 06:17 PM
He didn't drop her, they were never together.


09-12-2005, 06:23 PM
:violin: plays sad song for Michi, now you just gotta log in and find yourself a fashionishta worthy of ya. Stop letting WOW and all those other distractions like r/l keep you away!

09-12-2005, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Jayvn
:violin: plays sad song for Michi, now you just gotta log in and find yourself a fashionishta worthy of ya. Stop letting WOW and all those other distractions like r/l keep you away!

I don't play WoW anymore, and college > Gemstone. But enough about me, and more about teh families.

09-12-2005, 06:27 PM
Oh right, we are in that thread... btw any baby faendryls running around?

09-12-2005, 06:53 PM
Puhlease, there is only room for ONE fashion goddess around here. ::puffs herself up::

09-12-2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Puhlease, there is only room for ONE fashion goddess around here. ::puffs herself up::

You're right. Me. :cool:

09-12-2005, 07:41 PM
Whatever! ::shoves Dextra out of the way::

09-12-2005, 08:55 PM
Well I suppose Tayre does make 2.

09-13-2005, 12:09 AM
I'll be happy being a fashion princess.