View Full Version : Unfocused Maelstrom...

09-10-2005, 10:18 PM
When did it become a non-combat spell?!


09-10-2005, 10:19 PM

Sean of the Thread
09-10-2005, 10:26 PM
Huh huh?

09-10-2005, 10:40 PM
Ahh, nothing...just a small gripe I have with some RP that's going on currently in River's Rest....don't mind me...

09-10-2005, 10:41 PM
Is it not coded as an attack spell?

09-10-2005, 10:42 PM
Oh, it's coded as an attack spell alright. It just seems to me that someone or people in River's Rest don't see it that way.. *shrug*

09-10-2005, 10:44 PM

Sean of the Thread
09-10-2005, 10:45 PM
Huh? wtf?

09-10-2005, 11:39 PM
Hehe, alright then...story time.

My partner and I, in game, play a pair of Aelotoi's who are hunting in the Hidden Vale (Hill and Mountain Trolls, 16/17th level) in River's Rest. He's a sorcerer, so he depends on CS-based spells. The mountain trolls wear augmented breastplate, which have a -11 CvA....not very good for CS-based spells. So, when we have big groups of trolls, we've been using open/unfocused maelstrom to take care of them, with a warning on the amulet about it. (We learned about the amulet warning because we tried this about two or so months ago without the warning and got into a bit of a tizzy with someone about it.)

Anyways, so tonight, we go out and hunt in the Vale again with a warning on the amulet when we get a maelstrom going.....and this dude that we were in a tizzy with last time around comes on and starts bitching at us (once again.....after we cleared up the tizzy last time around and he dismissed it...). So, then he actually comes out to the Vale AND calls wind on my partner's open maelstrom WHILE WE WERE HUNTING!!

Now, I could see this all being a problem if we were in a very busy hunting ground, with other people there......BUT, we were the only people out there, we gave warning....

Ugh...to much annoyance, fairly good RP, and even more annoyance to post much about it. To summarize, we're careful about the open maelstrom, we warn people about it, and yet he thinks we're careless so he comes out and calls wind on each and all of our open maelstroms. Just a tad annoying, to say the least...

And now that I'm done rambling about it, I'm moving on. Don't mind me, feel free to close this topic, if you like.

09-10-2005, 11:55 PM
So what does your question have anything to do with.. .Oh nevermind.. I don't care.

09-11-2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Andreal
So what does your question have anything to do with.. .Oh nevermind.. I don't care.

Heh, it was more of a rhetorical question...this guy who kept interrupting our hunt seemed to believe that open maelstrom wasn't to be used for hunting.....I was/am like, "Well, what else do you use it for? Killing asshats like yourself?"

Anyways, as I said...I'm done and over my little fit of anger about it, and moved on.

Sean of the Thread
09-11-2005, 01:48 AM

09-11-2005, 06:53 AM
Like I told those characters the first time, it is the sorcerer's responsibility to account for the ignorance and stupidity of others when using their mass damage spells.

You can roleplay that you don't really care if someone is struck by your spell, and accept the retribution without resorting to warn/assist. From what I have heard, however, the person you kill with your spell can simply report you, and you will be yelled at for using a hunting spell to hunt.

Them's the breaks.

09-11-2005, 07:53 AM
Firestorm used to be like this, and was pretty much uncastable for exactly the same reason. Firestorm no longer exists. Them's the breaks as well.

09-11-2005, 08:09 AM
When this guy calls wind on your Maelstrom, does it knock you over, lower your stance and put you in RT?
If so, you're the ones using your spells as safely as possible, and it's this guy who's using mass area affect spells offensively (within PVP).
He's wrong, you're right.
Although I do suggest you wait until you can cast 417 Elemental Dispel, before you start using open 710 or 720.

[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Drayal]

09-11-2005, 08:35 AM
Firestorm is still around, as is death and stunclouds. I just wish they would put them into randomly found magical items.

09-11-2005, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
Firestorm is still around, as is death and stunclouds. I just wish they would put them into randomly found magical items.

Firestorm is not in the major elemental spell circle.. meaning it was taken from the Wizards.

Any spell that affects the entire area should be used with extreme caution. I used to love poking the eyes out of sorcerers that didn't understand this.

09-11-2005, 09:19 AM
He said it doesn't exist, that isn't quite true. With living spell, you could actually cast it.

09-11-2005, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Fallen
Firestorm is still around, as is death and stunclouds. I just wish they would put them into randomly found magical items.

Firestorm is not in the major elemental spell circle.. meaning it was taken from the Wizards.

Any spell that affects the entire area should be used with extreme caution. I used to love poking the eyes out of sorcerers that didn't understand this.

How much more caution could they use? They even announced it and made sure that it's being used in a non-busy hunting area. Akari and I used open maelstorm and open voids in the wasp area on Teras.. never had a problem, but if we had I would have said "opps my bad" and kept using it :shrug:
Using a spell like that, open implode or meteor swarm in a busy area is bad.. but I think they were more than good about the whole issue.

09-11-2005, 01:00 PM
If someone is struck, there is an immediate problem. Someone getting hit by another's mass spell is immediate consent to CvC.

09-11-2005, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
How much more caution could they use? They even announced it and made sure that it's being used in a non-busy hunting area. Akari and I used open maelstorm and open voids in the wasp area on Teras.. never had a problem, but if we had I would have said "opps my bad" and kept using it :shrug:
Using a spell like that, open implode or meteor swarm in a busy area is bad.. but I think they were more than good about the whole issue.

The answer for me as a sorcerer is that there is never enough caution that can be used.

That is not to say that I have not used the spell or that anyone else cannot, but that you must be prepared to be killed for it and be willing to accept it.

It is an open attack spell. The attack is no less than you leaping from hiding and trying to take off someones head when they walk in the room.

True, when used with the most caution you will most likely not have a problem but you must be aware that every time you cast it you are in effect attacking everyone in the area and not complain if others attack you back.

In this particular case, i might suggest using an assist and report if as you say this person is coming to the area you are in for the sole purpose to harass you, but I don't know if anything will be done as it can be argued that you just by casting open maelstrom initiated a conflict.

09-11-2005, 07:42 PM
A sorcerers open cast attack spells were designed to hurt players too.
Depending on how you RP the fact you care or do not should resolve the whole situation.
Either you become an enemy to the local, or you're seriously trying to not get anyone killed.
This guy who's calling wind should be reminded that he's using his spell in the same way. I think he's trying to create PVP to be honest since he's the only one complaining AND using his mass area affect spell to take you and your spell out.
Cast 710 focused at him.
Watch him panic and try to run from room to room before he realises he can use 417 to get rid of it.
When he does, say to him he should've used 417 in the first place instead of using call wind.

09-11-2005, 09:31 PM
(Coming back to this topic, 'cause I remembered the fact that he did indeed use 417 instead of 912. Still annoying, none-the-less, to have someone come out of invisibilty and dispel a maelstrom in the middle of a pack of trolls that we're hunting..)

Anyways, as Fallen and others have said...we use spells that could possibly hurt players, we RP certain ways, we deal with what happens. Them's the breaks....we deal and move on.

Thanks everyone for the input. :)

09-12-2005, 10:01 AM
I definitely use open 720 a bunch. I use it only for the first suck though, I immediatly dispel. If I get a swarm, I don't hesitate to do the 74 mana kill. The WORST thing that could happen is I stun someone, or possible suck something up if they come into the room and immediatly drop something. Just be prepared to deal with the consequences, and tell the offending wizard to shut the hell up.