View Full Version : Why must Vaalor be Grand Central Retarded N00b Station?
09-09-2005, 01:55 PM
People love to whine about my antics. That's fantastic. But what the hell else is there to do? I don't want to leave Vaalor we never get invaded by anything except for n00bs asking "How do I kill stuff in this game?", "How do I level?", "Lol, this sux". Of course I'm goin to be a shit.
09-09-2005, 02:23 PM
Have you ever tried actually helping them learn the game and become valuable members of the Gemstone Community? Your strategy (given your post, grant it that I don't know your characters), seems to be to contribute to the very problem you're complaining about.
09-09-2005, 02:28 PM
There's a handy way of dealing with people acting OOC and being "noobs". It's called whisper, you can use it to explain what they're doing wrong. A lot of "noobs" actually understand the concept of roleplaying and don't realize they have to do it at all times or at all in the game until they are told they should. You can actually meet a few friends doing this and helping out "noobs". I've been keeping in good touch with a guy who was a "noob" and was asking me questions about ranged weapons. If I passed him off and was a douche to him like the 20 people he asked for help before, he probably wouldn't have played anymore. On top of all that, he's actually a fantastic roleplayer and immediately picked up on the history and genre of the game.
09-09-2005, 02:30 PM
Come on people, look who we're talking about - Penidiamond.
Profile Chaddy.
09-09-2005, 02:34 PM
Oh the guy from my sig. I imagine he's still upset because they won't let him eat the other boys' caca.
09-09-2005, 02:36 PM
You're a fucking moron.
09-09-2005, 02:39 PM
Welcome to the PC Peni!! :D
Terminator X
09-09-2005, 03:37 PM
I'd give Simutronics a very emphatic e-^5 if the bastids coded some kind of randomization factor that would spawn n00bs in Cysaegir like ~50% of the time :smilegrin:
09-09-2005, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
You're a fucking moron.
09-09-2005, 05:13 PM
He has a point.
Killing nubs in Vaalor is so much fun...
>You nock a wooden arrow in your sniper's bow.
You fire a wooden arrow at Penidiamond!
AS: +404 vs DS: +323 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +50 = +163
... and hit for 35 points of damage!
Attack punctures the eye and connects with something really vital!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet!
You nock a wooden arrow in your sniper's bow.
You fire a wooden arrow at Penidiamond!
AS: +314 vs DS: +11 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +36 = +371
... and hit for 106 points of damage!
Blow shatters knee and severs lower leg!
Penidiamond screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet!
You gesture at Penidiamond.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Penidiamond! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 31 points of damage!
... 43 points of damage!
Shot shatters hip and severs right leg!
Penidiamond screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
... hits for 18 points of damage!
... 34 points of damage!
Strike to left arm cleanly severs it at the shoulder!
... hits for 12 points of damage!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet!
>You gesture at Penidiamond.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Penidiamond! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 26 points of damage!
... 39 points of damage!
Strike punctures thigh and shatters femur!
Penidiamond screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled left leg!
... hits for 17 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Strike to wrist severs left hand quite neatly!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet
>You gesture at Penidiamond.
You hurl a powerful lightning bolt at Penidiamond!
AS: +234 vs DS: +116 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +89 = +246
... and hit for 141 points of damage!
Horrifying jolt of electricity fries chest to a crisp. Toasty!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet!
You hear someone summoning elemental energy to her command...
>Elennor suddenly fades into view.
Elennor gestures at Penidiamond.
The ground beneath Penidiamond begins to boil violently!
Fiery debris explodes from the ground!
... 15 points of damage!
Nice blow to abdomen!
He is stunned!
... 30 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes Penidiamond's left leg to expand and snap. That must hurt!
He is knocked to the ground!
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to abdomen, Penidiamond shrieks in pain!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet!
>You nock a sleek faewood arrow in your sylvan long bow.
You fire a sleek faewood arrow at Penidiamond!
AS: +273 vs DS: +94 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +19 = +228
... and hit for 67 points of damage!
Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet!
You nock an arrow in your sniper's bow.
You fire an arrow at Penidiamond!
AS: +340 vs DS: +258 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +47 = +161
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Attack punctures the eye and connects with something really vital!
* Penidiamond drops dead at your feet!
And just for fun...
>A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Penidiamond.
Penidiamond drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the warrior shade, Penidiamond's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Lyonis attempts to kick a warrior shade!
MB: 280 vs MB: 146 = 134 -- Gain advantage!
Quick move! Gained great position.
THT 67, d100 roll: 65, modified: 199
and hits for 44 points of damage!
... +2 extra hits. Well placed kick to foot forces foe to parry down!
>Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
> * Stormtov returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Alymar joins the adventure.
.fire shadeget 1 arrow from my thigh-quiverstance offensivefire bow at shadeLyonis gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
[Script]>You remove a single sleek faewood arrow from a bundle of sleek faewood arrows.
[Script]>You are now in an offensive stance.
[Script]>You nock a sleek faewood arrow in your sylvan long bow.
You fire a sleek faewood arrow at a warrior shade!
AS: +299 vs DS: +168 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +81 = +254
... and hit for 63 points of damage!
Quick strike sinks deep into the right eye socket.
The warrior shade is stunned!
The sleek faewood arrow sticks in a warrior shade's right eye!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
[Script]>Lyonis gestures at a warrior shade.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a warrior shade! Several of the thorns jab into the shade!
... hits for 15 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf.
New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
... hits for 30 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Strong assault amputates the leg at the knee.
It floats in the air a moment before drifting back into place!
It is knocked to the ground!
[Script]>A warrior shade's ghostly face contorts angrily as it regains its balance!
[Script]>laughYou laugh out loud!
[Script]>Lyonis gazes up into the heavens.
[Script]>Penidiamond struggles against the fear!
FS: 144 - FD: 81 + FvP: 19 + d100(L): 60 = 142
Warding failed!
Penidiamond is racked by convulsive shivers!
>.fire shadeget 1 arrow from my thigh-quiverstance offensivefire bow at shadeYou remove a single sleek faewood arrow from a bundle of sleek faewood arrows.
[Script]>You are now in an offensive stance.
[Script]>You nock a sleek faewood arrow in your sylvan long bow.
Just as you move to attack, the warrior shade vanishes into nothingness with a hollow laugh!
The sleek faewood arrow disappears into the local environs.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
[Script]>Ethereal wisps coalesce into a warrior shade!
A warrior shade slowly floats back into a standing position.
[Script]>Lyonis gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
[Script]>Lyonis gestures at a warrior shade.
Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a warrior shade! Several of the thorns jab into the shade!
... hits for 32 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Strong assault amputates the leg at the knee.
It floats in the air a moment before drifting back into place!
It is knocked to the ground!
The warrior shade is stunned!
... hits for 24 points of damage!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the warrior shade's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The warrior shade shudders in spectral agony, then begins to rapidly dissipate.
[Script]> * Daarkwind joins the adventure.
>lootYou search the warrior shade.
It had a sleek faewood arrow.
You discard the shade's remaining useless equipment.
It didn't carry any silver.
It had nothing else of value.
A warrior shade fades into a fine, cool mist.
>laughlookYou laugh out loud!
>[Fethayl Bog, Muddy Slough]
The nearby saw grass has overgrown the trail in some places and rustles softly in the breeze. Where the trail is still clear, some recent disturbances in the mud indicate that it may be deeper than it looks. A lake of thick mud, littered with several unidentifiable objects discarded by previous travelers, blocks passage to the southeast. You also see a sleek faewood arrow and the Snowdrop disk.
Also here: a stunned Lord Penidiamond who is kneeling, Lyonis
Obvious paths: west, northwest
>Lyonis gazes up into the heavens.
>Lyonis says, "Grab your arrow."
>Penidiamond struggles against the fear!
FS: 144 - FD: 81 + FvP: 19 + d100(L): 49 = 131
Warding failed!
Penidiamond cries out in sheer terror!
>gather arrowYou pick up the sleek faewood arrow, but can find no others like it.
>put arrow in arrow in my thighLyonis grabs Penidiamond's hand.
>You add a sleek faewood arrow to your bundle.
> * Myaria joins the adventure.
* Grizworn joins the adventure.
* Asurock returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Penidiamond struggles against the fear!
FS: 144 - FD: 81 + FvP: 19 + d100(L): 89 = 171
Warding failed!
Penidiamond gibbers fitfully!
>join lyYou are already a member of Lyonis's group.
> * Idris returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
symbol of return * Moristha returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .
[Hall of the Arkati, Altar]
Silvery moonlight filters into the chamber from a diamond-paned glaesine skylight high above. Raw silk carpets cover the floor and the pale undecorated walls have the smooth ivory gleam of aged lime plaster. A carved haon altar sits upon a small dais. Atop the altar, a lone white candle burns steadily.
Also here: Lyonis, a stunned Lord Penidiamond who is kneeling
Obvious exits: east
>laughYour disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>You laugh out loud!
> * Xeldrec joins the adventure.
Lyonis starts chortling.
09-09-2005, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
People love to whine about my antics. That's fantastic. But what the hell else is there to do? I don't want to leave Vaalor we never get invaded by anything except for n00bs asking "How do I kill stuff in this game?", "How do I level?", "Lol, this sux". Of course I'm goin to be a shit.
I've tried real hard playing there but its so hard to ignore that last time I played one of my characters in Vaalor, I must have reported about 10 times, and whispered to so many Newbies that you aren't supposed to discuss OG things outside of whispers and that you don't have to type lol, and np, and thnx., and yeah oy, I feel for you.
09-09-2005, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Viridian
Originally posted by Chaddy
People love to whine about my antics. That's fantastic. But what the hell else is there to do? I don't want to leave Vaalor we never get invaded by anything except for n00bs asking "How do I kill stuff in this game?", "How do I level?", "Lol, this sux". Of course I'm goin to be a shit.
I've tried real hard playing there but its so hard to ignore that last time I played one of my characters in Vaalor, I must have reported about 10 times, and whispered to so many Newbies that you aren't supposed to discuss OG things outside of whispers and that you don't have to type lol, and np, and thnx., and yeah oy, I feel for you.
Dont feel for him
He is a prick and the cause of most of the OOC behaviour in Vaalor, in spite of the nubs.
He is attention whoring.
09-10-2005, 03:39 PM
Stop using my name.
You suck.
If I had the internet and still played GS..
I'd kill you some more.
09-10-2005, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Viridian
I've tried real hard playing there but its so hard to ignore that last time I played one of my characters in Vaalor, I must have reported about 10 times, and whispered to so many Newbies that you aren't supposed to discuss OG things outside of whispers and that you don't have to type lol, and np, and thnx., and yeah oy, I feel for you.
It is hard to try to guide the ones who don't want to listen... and you can't help but feel like Vaalor is just a dumping ground sometimes when it seems things don't improve. But then, I'm thinking about the post Kainen made, and how well that Noob played along and I think "Yay! That's what we want!" Maybe I'll try to set up a group hunt for them and have some kinda Q and A if they'll sit still long enough after to hear it at a table while they absorb. Offer 5k a head to those that stay and asks a new question or something... any suggestions to help make this successful?
Or would it be better to offer 1k to anyone who can ANSWER the questions I ask, or anyone else who wants to help? Maybe make the requirement for the q and a be that you have to be thumpable.
*ponders* Need a list of questions. I could offer a little time each Sunday afternoon I think.
[Edited on 9-10-2005 by cajunlady]
09-10-2005, 06:03 PM
I don't like Penidiamond because he tried to ruin my date with the god of all Vaalor Elves!
You see Letheras Aile'Thyvaele the Elven Guard Captain.
He appears to be young and robust. He has brooding crystal green eyes and flawless ivory skin. He has cropped, white hair swept with streaks of glossy silver at each temple.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a gold-bound sheath, a ceremonial crimson vaalorn breastplate flecked with tiny slivers of gold veniom, a pair of dark red vaalorn gauntlets tipped with drops of pure gold at the knuckles, a gold-trimmed dark eahnor shield, a billowing red cloak, some ruddy scarlet leather pants looped with a golden-buckled belt, and a pair of dark leather boots plated with crimson-swirled gold.
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Lord Aile'Thyvaele...what a surprise.."
Jacina smiles a little crookedly.
Letheras says, "The midnight watch is rarely an exciting one."
You tilt your head down.
Lord Penidiamond just arrived.
You curtsy to Letheras.
Penidiamond thumps Kellmon!
Letheras glances at you.
Letheras says, "Good evening."
Kellmon says, "Hey."
Penidiamond bows to Kellmon.
Penidiamond clasps Kellmon's hand tenderly.
Jacina recalls him being just as breathtaking...oh Oleani if not more so now.
Letheras says, "I don't see why it would be a surprise, but, say what you will."
Kellmon says, "Greetings penidiamond, how goes the battle."
Penidiamond warmly says, "The battle goes."
Speaking in Elven, you say, "I often pass by here before I retire and have not had the pleasure of seeing you."
(Penidiamond's stomach rumbles)
Penidiamond warmly says, "Oh my."
(Penidiamond's stomach rumbles)
Penidiamond warmly says, "Oh no."
(Penidiamond winces shifts his wait stiffins up crosses his leg and smiles)
(Penidiamond lofts a string of several different octaves of flatulence your way you try hard not to grin but are compelled to snicker)
Penidiamond ducks his head.
Letheras gets a blank look on his face.
Penidiamond blushes a nice shade of off-pink.
Penidiamond gags.
Penidiamond coughs.
Letheras says, "You."
Penidiamond warmly says, "...scuse me."
Penidiamond ducks his head.
A sharp voice from the crowd echoes, "Disturbing the peace! Disturbing the peace! Someone call for the Guard Captain!"
You blink.
Letheras yells, "Kindly round this ruffian up."
Penidiamond warmly says, "Oh come on."
Lord Penidiamond's group just went south.
(Jacina glances south with a frown.)
Le Crie!
09-10-2005, 06:14 PM
I started to say something, and you know, I decided I don't care if idiot A wants to be hypocritical, as long as he remains in Vaalor.
[Edited on Sat, September th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]
09-10-2005, 06:23 PM
(Penidiamond lofts a string of several different octaves of flatulence your way you try hard not to grin but are compelled to snicker)
Oh. My. Gods.
If I had been there for that, he woulda gotten a major bitchslap from me. Not only is that just gross, but VERY BAD roleplaying. *mutter* Thank the gods he was booted out of River's Rest...
09-10-2005, 06:50 PM
That was some classic Peni flaming
09-10-2005, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Dont feel for him
He is a prick and the cause of most of the OOC behaviour in Vaalor, in spite of the nubs.
He is attention whoring.
:yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat:
09-10-2005, 07:04 PM
All who were present at the game of Terasian Craps Xandalf held today (Ranad, Rantha, and Percolin) had a blast.
We had a GM interacting with us nearly the whole time and all got RP awards. (My third today if I'm allowed to brag a lil' bit)
The point is that RP in Vaalor is not impossible. You oftentimes have to foster it yourself... but it IS there.
Edit: Peni can be annoying at times, but he is certaintly not as bad as many of you make him sound . His cross RP'ng of characters bothers me.. but if you bother to spend time actually RP'ng with him, he's quite good.
[Edited on 9-10-2005 by Xandalf]
09-10-2005, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf
All who were present at the game of Terasian Craps Xandalf held today (Ranad, Rantha, and Percolin) had a blast.
We had a GM interacting with us nearly the whole time and all got RP awards. (My third today if I'm allowed to brag a lil' bit)
The point is that RP in Vaalor is not impossible. You oftentimes have to foster it yourself... but it IS there.
Edit: Peni can be annoying at times, but he is certaintly not as bad as many of you make him sound . His cross RP'ng of characters bothers me.. but if you bother to spend time actually RP'ng with him, he's quite good.
[Edited on 9-10-2005 by Xandalf]
You need to get out more.
09-10-2005, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by NieninqueYou need to get out more.
They say that personal attacks are reserved for those with nothing intelligent to say.
Sean of the Thread
09-10-2005, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf
Originally posted by NieninqueYou need to get out more.
They say that personal attacks are reserved for those with nothing intelligent to say.
They say that you are a retard.
09-10-2005, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
They say that you are a retard.
I won't stoop to your level and get into a mud slinging contest.
You're just not that important to me.
09-10-2005, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Showal
Originally posted by StrayRogue
You're a fucking moron.
Nope, the initial poster.
Sean of the Thread
09-10-2005, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Xandalf
Originally posted by Xyelin
They say that you are a retard.
I won't stoop to your level and get into a mud slinging contest.
You're just not that important to me.
Oh yeah?? I won't stoop to your level either.. so there.
09-11-2005, 03:10 AM
Do they really start all new players in the same place (Ta'Vaalor) now? That seems a bit short-sighted, even for Simu. How are they supposed to learn if all they see is each other? :thinking:
09-11-2005, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by Xandalf
Originally posted by NieninqueYou need to get out more.
They say that personal attacks are reserved for those with nothing intelligent to say.
They are obviously wrong then.
And that wasnt a personal attack.
Believe me, when you get a personal attack headed your way, you will know it.
09-11-2005, 08:58 AM
<< Do they really start all new players in the same place (Ta'Vaalor) now? >>
Folks still get started in the Trace and the Landing, but from what I've seen welcoming the novices it's weighted appx. 3:1:1.
Lots of new folks just jump in-game without reading any of the documentation. I will try to answer basic questions and direct them to good websites, but if they do not have the patience to do a little reading they will not go far in GS4 - it's too much detail for them and they go back to their FPS.
Novices now can take the Sprite Quest, which is an upscale Warrior Thraak.
09-11-2005, 09:02 AM
They are obviously wrong then.
And that wasnt a personal attack.
Believe me, when you get a personal attack headed your way, you will know it.>>
Your keyboard will start flashing light, and a big sign will pop up on your monitor reading, "OMG Nieninque just offered you a personal attack!!!1111one".
09-11-2005, 10:34 AM
Look I realize I d0 somethings that are uncalled for in game. Trust me I do. But I help plenty of n00bs out. Also Peni is 15 years old he's not supposed to act mature or grown up. I have RP well by your standards when I choose to. I have many characters that people don't even realize are me because I do not cross rp with all of mine.
And thanks for the words Xandalf. Though shouldn't post anything positive about me. I'm not concerned with the trash slinging of the gamers and I hate to see you get nailed with it because of a compliment you gave me.
09-11-2005, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Chaddy
... Also Peni is 15 years old he's not supposed to act mature or grown up....
If you're rping him as a child, you should probably drop the Lord title. Sure, 15 year olds COULD be a Lord, but they quickly learn to act mature if in that role.
09-11-2005, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Look I realize I d0 somethings that are uncalled for in game.
True...though probably more than somethings [sic]
Trust me I do. But I help plenty of n00bs out.
If you like the look of them that is. If you feel like a fight, it would be quite the opposite.
Also Peni is 15 years old he's not supposed to act mature or grown up.
Roleplaying kids is so passe
I have RP well by your standards when I choose to.
You wouldnt know RP if it jumped up and bit you on the arse.
Secondly, it is a RPing game, therefore it shouldnt be "I RP well when I want to" it should be "I RP" period.
The fact that you miss that subtle difference, emphasises everyone's point better.
I have many characters that people don't even realize are me because I do not cross rp with all of mine.
Sure you do. You have conversations with one about another's business. You act them out the same way. You may as well call them all variations on Penisdiamond, because that's what they are.
And thanks for the words Xandalf. Though shouldn't post anything positive about me. I'm not concerned with the trash slinging of the gamers and I hate to see you get nailed with it because of a compliment you gave me.
You flatter yourself.
Xandalf would get nailed because of his own words/actions, not because of yours.
Bye now :bye:
09-11-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Look I realize I d0 somethings that are uncalled for in game. Trust me I do. But I help plenty of n00bs out. Also Peni is 15 years old he's not supposed to act mature or grown up. I have RP well by your standards when I choose to. I have many characters that people don't even realize are me because I do not cross rp with all of mine.
And thanks for the words Xandalf. Though shouldn't post anything positive about me. I'm not concerned with the trash slinging of the gamers and I hate to see you get nailed with it because of a compliment you gave me.
Serious, good RP never tells another person how to feel about an action.
09-11-2005, 12:56 PM
And they still won't let him eat the other boys' caca.
How come when I create a new character with stormfront, I get to choose which of the three towns I want to start in?
09-11-2005, 12:57 PM
If you're premium, you always will.
09-11-2005, 12:58 PM
All of those play-for-free accounts must start in Ta'Vaalor. That is why they get the most new players.
09-11-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
All of those play-for-free accounts must start in Ta'Vaalor. That is why they get the most new players.
That just mystifies me. If you start all new players in one place, you're asking for trouble, unless that place is a training area only. By putting all the new people in Ta'Vaalor, they're making it more difficult for the new players to come in contact with experienced roleplayers who could help them. Not all will take advantage of the mentors, as they feel it's sissy to do so. However, many will listen to fellow players with no quasi-official standing, and many others will learn by observing such players.
09-11-2005, 01:08 PM
This is why I don't fucking bother with trying to be nice to noobs..
Raann says, "My mind is muddled... :-)"
You quietly whisper to Raann, "You shouldnt "say" smiley faces outloud thats very OOC."
Raann ponders.
You quietly whisper to Raann, "Just smile at the person instead."
Raann whispers, "Too much work... :-)."
You quietly whisper to Raann, "Maybe so.. but ooc stuff outloud will just annoy other people.. we like to roleplay here."
Raann whispers, "Well, you seem to be the only complainer. But there has to be one here."
Raann stands up.
Raann just went east.
That will teach me to try and be nice.
09-11-2005, 01:34 PM
cut his throat next time you see him and then smile at him. Let him know it's not too much work.
09-11-2005, 01:36 PM
Or just murder him, then do one of these..
You quietly whisper to *Whoever* ":-)"
09-11-2005, 01:41 PM
He'll probably whisper back ":-("
Doyle Hargraves
09-11-2005, 01:49 PM
Also Peni is 15 years old he's not supposed to act mature or grown up.
I'm pretty sure back in medieval times, 15-year-olds were considered grown men and acted like grown men. If you're old enough to go out and kill things, you're old enough to pull your head out of your ass, so your dumb excuse just doesn't fly, unless you're RPing your character as a 15-year-old retard.
Originally posted by Kainen
This is why I don't fucking bother with trying to be nice to noobs..
Raann says, "My mind is muddled... :-)"
You quietly whisper to Raann, "You shouldnt "say" smiley faces outloud thats very OOC."
Raann ponders.
You quietly whisper to Raann, "Just smile at the person instead."
Raann whispers, "Too much work... :-)."
You quietly whisper to Raann, "Maybe so.. but ooc stuff outloud will just annoy other people.. we like to roleplay here."
Raann whispers, "Well, you seem to be the only complainer. But there has to be one here."
Raann stands up.
Raann just went east.
That will teach me to try and be nice.
Too much work? What a douche. Typing :-) and typing SMI require the same amount of work.
Actually, typing :-) requires even more work, since you have to hold the shift key, release the shift key, then press it again.
You should have followed him and killed him or give him a good long stun/sleep him. Then you can explain everything to him about why he's an idiot without him walking away.
[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]
09-11-2005, 02:39 PM
Elanthia isn't Earth. Nothing says that mid-evil times must run synonymous between the two. And I don't wear my title but all this is besides the point. As far as I'm concerned this thread is dead. You wanna bust me down do it in a folder with my name you call all talk about how much my RP blows and how you can fantasize better than me. The point was the shouldn't lay the n00bs on so thick in Vaalor that it hinders the invasion possibilty within/around the fortress.
09-11-2005, 03:14 PM
To quote you:
<<Speaking warmly to you, Penidiamond says, "And they don't let you eat the other boys caca.">>
This quote alone supports doyle's point. On Earth and in Elanthia, a 15 year old saying this would most likely be retarded.
And this quote:
Originally posted by Chaddy
The point was the shouldn't lay the n00bs on so thick in Vaalor that it hinders the invasion possibilty within/around the fortress.
I have to say, that's a well written sentence ... for a retard.
09-11-2005, 03:31 PM
Showal love... don't insult the retards.
OMG wah wah wah...the thread is dead to me! Listen guy, you come here claiming you know all about RP as you're forcing emotions on others and hiding behind your "OMG! I R RP'er" bs so you can eat other boys caca or do whatever it is you do -- you're as bad as Michaelous' thread about how he shouldn't be banned for RPing chaos.
My character's name is Kiera. Feel free to go kill her with Peni's lil army whenever you like for something *I* said on a message board to you, Chad, the player of Penidiamond, (yes some RP'er you are), but you won't like the consequences of your actions.
edited to add: several of my characters have had interaction with you, and I've: 1. watched you run away when you know you can't win. 2. found you uninterested in RP. You seem more than annoying others and being a detriment to the game. 3. watched your little mass murdering spree in Vaalor on well-established characters of the gemstone community (wasn't it a similar incident that got you banned?).
Your statement "I R ONLEE N00B killa!" is incredibly unfounded and stupid, as you can't know who is or isn't new to GS.
To your statement of "I R ROLEPAYING!", I wonder why you always seem to choose hours like 2-3 am when you know no staff is around for your murdering binges. I doubt "mid-evil" times had WHO full either.
[Edited on Sun, September th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]
09-11-2005, 03:44 PM
All of those play-for-free accounts must start in Ta'Vaalor. That is why they get the most new players.
Not only that, they're unable to leave.
09-11-2005, 06:15 PM
By the way, my character's name is Showal.
09-11-2005, 07:18 PM
Sacrerlund says, "I noob."
Dark red droplets seep out of Suschia's skin and evaporate.
Uved just went south.
Morzany picks up an iron-bound wooden box.
Morzany just went south.
Fartreie just went south.
You stare at nothing in particular.
Fonda slowly asks, "Noob?"
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Court]
You notice the Penidiamond disk, the Gulra disk, a golden brown mastiff, a wooden barrel and a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Iony, Dayeah, Sacrerlund (prone), Gulra, Lord Pooht (sitting), Suschia (sitting), Ardolen (sitting), Lmaren (sitting), Fonda (kneeling), Ahlazia (sitting), Alcov (sitting)
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
You say, "Great."
And why do I care that your characters name is Showal? Like I take any of this personally and I'm going to bring it with me back in game?
09-11-2005, 07:33 PM
it's because it's obvious who my character is. I was poking fun at ES.
09-11-2005, 07:58 PM
I see
09-11-2005, 07:59 PM
Like I take any of this personally and I'm going to bring it with me back in game?
Yeah, probably. Especially if you think you can get away with it without getting curbstomped into oblivion.
[Edited on 9-11-2005 by Gigantuous]
09-11-2005, 10:09 PM
Nah I don't. But only time will tell I suppose. So go on thinking what you will. Much love to all my homies that keep on posting.
09-11-2005, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Artha
All of those play-for-free accounts must start in Ta'Vaalor. That is why they get the most new players.
Not only that, they're unable to leave.
I don't see why they couldn't leave. There's a travel office there, and they should be given a free token when they first roll a character.
09-11-2005, 10:27 PM
Probably in an effort to contain the retarded n00bness.
09-11-2005, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
Originally posted by Artha
All of those play-for-free accounts must start in Ta'Vaalor. That is why they get the most new players.
Not only that, they're unable to leave.
I don't see why they couldn't leave. There's a travel office there, and they should be given a free token when they first roll a character.
there is and they do.. but most trail players will not understand it fully as they are too new to the game.
"Here, take your token to the office by the gemmshop and pick another town."
as to WHY... Vaalor's in-game MAP works in stormsfront I believe was the explanation I heard.
09-12-2005, 12:28 AM
Not just that bu t they have the explore command. I mean what the fuck. Trash my rp all you want but I can hold my own storyline with any of you. It's not fair that Vaalor should have to endure such nonsense. Even the fortress can't mantain it's ground against this relentless assault.
09-12-2005, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Not just that bu t they have the explore command. I mean what the fuck. Trash my rp all you want but I can hold my own storyline with any of you. It's not fair that Vaalor should have to endure such nonsense. Even the fortress can't mantain it's ground against this relentless assault.
It's not fair that GS should have to endure the likes of wankers like you
09-12-2005, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Not just that bu t they have the explore command. I mean what the fuck. Trash my rp all you want but I can hold my own storyline with any of you. It's not fair that Vaalor should have to endure such nonsense. Even the fortress can't mantain it's ground against this relentless assault.
I find the concept that someone who brings in his other characters to fight his battles when he can't fight them with one could hold up an interaction with most folks here.
Though, if you mean "hold up" as in "OMG! I R COOL FLATULANCE!!!" "OMG! U HIT ME 4 PICKING IN SQUARE! I BRING IN SIX OTHER TOONS TIL I KEILL U!" yes, I can see you holding up *very* well. :rolleyes:
09-12-2005, 10:15 AM
I feel like this is that episode of the family guy where peter ruins that play but stands by it and when lois yells at him in the ending about commiting murder on theater, peter farts and everyone in the crowd laughs completely ignoring lois.
ES and Nien say "penidiamond your rp blows"
penidiamond farts.
but this time, it's not really even that funny.
09-12-2005, 12:08 PM
I never bring in my other characters to fight Penidiamond's battles. Or vice the versa. As far as that smithing incident. Not that you'll believe this but that wasn't even fucking me. I saw that post on the forums before and left it alone. I did ask them to stop picking but I didn't kill them later that night.
09-12-2005, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
I never bring in my other characters to fight Penidiamond's battles. Or vice the versa. As far as that smithing incident. Not that you'll believe this but that wasn't even fucking me. I saw that post on the forums before and left it alone. I did ask them to stop picking but I didn't kill them later that night.
I'm calling bullshit on that one with big fucking brass bells on.
I had you pulled by a GM for your cross-pollution of Vaalor with your scummy characters.
report Penidiamond is using multiple characters to create conflict and its doing my head inREPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.
Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.
Lord Eril just went west.
>Grandeau quietly asks, "Who lickin me?"
>Grandeau gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
>Shartoose blinks.
Wayward just arrived.
>Woodi just arrived.
>Grandeau drools.
>A sleek golden ferret sniffs around on the ground for a moment, then turns and scurries away in a flash of golden fur.
>Tylaen just arrived.
Tylaen put some murky grey trousers on a darkly stained wooden bench.
>Wayward just went south.
Woodi slings a short bow off from over his shoulder.
Grandeau snaps around as though something just pinched him.
>Penidiamond gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Penidiamond gestures.
Nothing seems to happen.
Grandeau leans against a wooden barrel.
>Woodi just went west.
Penidiamond gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Penidiamond gestures.
Valisna is discovered by Penidiamond!
>Tylaen picks up a rose-marrow potion.
>Grandeau quietly asks, "Ohh and pinching?"
>whis peni dont do that
>You quietly whisper to Penidiamond, "Dont do that."
>Tylaen takes a drink from her rose-marrow potion.
Tylaen's neck looks better.
>Penidiamond says, "Val is."
Grandeau smiles.
>Grandeau gives Valisna a friendly hug.
>Valisna gives Penidiamond a good pinch!
Tylaen takes a drink from her rose-marrow potion.
Tylaen's head looks better.
Penidiamond asks, "Don't do what?"
>Grandeau quietly exclaims, "Hey sis!"
Valisna gives Grandeau a friendly hug.
>Grandeau quietly asks, "Guess what?"
>The air calms down around Xill.
>Tylaen smiles at Umbrello.
>whis peni with your other charactersYou quietly whisper to Penidiamond, "With your other characters."
whis peni just dont
>You quietly whisper to Penidiamond, "Just dont."
Speaking to Grandeau, Valisna says, "Hello."
>Grandeau quietly says, "Its good to see you."
Penidiamond says, "You can pull me."
>Grandeau nods to Valisna.
Tylaen just went east.
>Mially just left.
Penidiamond just disappeared.
That was after I would befriend Penisdiamond cold and you would get another stupid character to piss me off...of course you didnt try and get them to kill me because you couldnt.
So yeah, your "I dont bring other characters" claim is le shiat.
Mially was your empath I logged her out just as you got pulled.
[Edited on 12-9-05 by Nieninque]
09-12-2005, 02:58 PM
Penidiamond was the only one of mine there. I don't even know what that little string is supposed to prove. I'm sure you feel like you're a cool kid for reporting me to the gods. "Look wha I did guys!" I done brung ya Penidiamond I a good boy? I wasn't cross RPing there.
09-12-2005, 03:04 PM
Actually, the occurance I spoke of was never posted on this board. The person it happened to never went to GMs, though they did clip various logs and send them to me, so obviously, this is something you engage in often enough not to remember who you've been moronic to. Not only did you kill this person's picker once, you did it each time you saw them.
It's nice that they have the restraint to keep their older characters from slaughtering yours. Even if you had no idea your friend was engaging in this behavior, YOU are still responsible for what your characters do.
09-12-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
Penidiamond was the only one of mine there. I don't even know what that little string is supposed to prove. I'm sure you feel like you're a cool kid for reporting me to the gods. "Look wha I did guys!" I done brung ya Penidiamond I a good boy? I wasn't cross RPing there.
Yeah you were, you had three of your characters in there.
I'm sure you feel like a cool kid for pushing the nubs around in a town where they dont even know what the fuck they are doing.
09-13-2005, 01:38 PM
You're nothing shy of a hypocritical twat. I don't pick on people younger than me. That's people starting retarded fucking rumors. I've not killed anyone in quite some time. Yet you sit there and post about how many times you killed me prior to me being capable of hunting the bog without fear. Way to go Captain Cocksucker!
09-13-2005, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Chaddy
You're nothing shy of a hypocritical twat. Wrong!
I don't pick on people younger than me. Wrong!
That's people starting retarded fucking rumors. Wrong!
I've not killed anyone in quite some time. Yet you sit there and post about how many times you killed me prior to me being capable of hunting the bog without fear. Way to go Captain Cocksucker!
Erm...let me point a couple of things out for you.
a) calling a woman a cocksucker doesnt have the same "OMG HE IS BEING MEEN TO ME" factor as you probably wanted. You might have to look to increase your vocabulary
b) this thread was started by you.
You started out by saying "Hey look how great I am picking on all these nubs. I r fantastic!"
Why must Vaalor be Grand Central Retarded N00b Station?
People love to whine about my antics. That's fantastic. But what the hell else is there to do? I don't want to leave Vaalor we never get invaded by anything except for n00bs asking "How do I kill stuff in this game?", "How do I level?", "Lol, this sux". Of course I'm goin to be a shit.
So it's a little bit late to do the self righteous "I am a gud person" routine. You are a wanker, you have always been a wanker and we all know you are a wanker.
Suck it up.
09-13-2005, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
calling a woman a cocksucker doesnt have the same "OMG HE IS BEING MEEN TO ME" factor as you probably wanted. You might have to look to increase your vocabulary
09-13-2005, 04:56 PM
I wasn't saying that I abuse n00bs I was saying that's why I act like a fucking idiot. The point of this thread was to discuss how there shouldn't be a conglomeration of new players anywhere. It's not fair any one place to get them all. Not to discuss whether or not you appreciate my RP. If you're so concerned with that. Open up a fucking thread about it. Cocksucker. heh.
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