View Full Version : Which society?

09-07-2005, 02:59 PM
Which society is more appropriate for a twc/brawling/ohe warrior (what can I say, I like using katars!)?

09-07-2005, 03:00 PM
... Voln?

09-07-2005, 03:00 PM
If you're 2x in brawling I'd say voln. Fu is just nasty.

09-07-2005, 03:01 PM
Agreed. Voln for brawling. No point in Voln nowadays w/o it, IMO.

09-07-2005, 03:23 PM
Voln for brawlers unless you have an RP reason for hating voln (:cough:).


09-07-2005, 03:51 PM
Yeah, if you've got the brawling, like the others said, Voln Fu is just an obvious no-brainer as it's a sick sick skill.

09-07-2005, 03:52 PM
COL. I like staunching and not having to hunt the stupid undead. The brawling suggests Voln though.

[Edited on 9-7-2005 by Warriorbird]

09-07-2005, 05:03 PM
I think voln is really useful. I don't know how many times Ive had characters out with someone else in an invasion or hunting and both are on the ground stunned and laying down. The other day I grabbed the capped wizard I was hunting with because I was unstunned first and fogged us to voln saving our life. My little volner runs around and grabs deaders in the invasion all the time and fogs them to voln.

It's also nice to be able to hunt with who ever you want. My characters in COL always have to worry about their signs falling infront of people who arn't in COL. If you have a character who depends on mana a lot, I'd go COL other then that I'm a voln kinda person. Could be just the fact that voln was my first society I ever joined and I'm more used to it.

09-07-2005, 05:09 PM
Voln has always been easier to master for me, and my Voln warrior is better than Bobmuhthol.

09-07-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
It's also nice to be able to hunt with who ever you want. My characters in COL always have to worry about their signs falling infront of people who arn't in COL.It's very easy to a) set aura a bit higher or b) stagger the spirit draining signs or c) not use all the spirit draining signs.

09-07-2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by GSLady17
It's also nice to be able to hunt with who ever you want. My characters in COL always have to worry about their signs falling infront of people who arn't in COL.It's very easy to a) set aura a bit higher or b) stagger the spirit draining signs or c) not use all the spirit draining signs.

Exactly. My CoL warrioress only uses Swords since she's only got 8 spirit. Granted her signs last a fair bit longer then they used to now, but I don't like the idea of coming into town and accidently losing the last point of spirit that brings one below half and showing the drain. (Of course, now that her signs DO last longer, I might try using Shields with Swords sometime, just to see how it works....being an elf though, her spirit return really blows. *blush* )

On-topic: If you plan on brawling most of the time, Voln does sound better. I've never done Voln myself, but I hear it's a pretty good society. If you only plan on brawling sometimes, CoL might be better..

09-07-2005, 11:47 PM
Voln-fu is an absolutely ridiculous attack style. I saw a hasted wizard laying the smack down during the recent besiegement. Doing 50+ points of damage a second is hard to beat.

Terminator X
09-07-2005, 11:53 PM
The idea of me, a square, having mastered Voln and playing even somewhat consisently will entail that at some point, I am going to have to hunt the undead, unavoidably, in order to sustain X amount of symbols for Y amount of hunts.

I don't really like the constraints.

09-08-2005, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by Terminator X
The idea of me, a square, having mastered Voln and playing even somewhat consisently will entail that at some point, I am going to have to hunt the undead, unavoidably, in order to sustain X amount of symbols for Y amount of hunts.

I don't really like the constraints.

I don't like the constraint of having to put points into a semi useless stat like aura when they could go into something that really affects combat.

09-08-2005, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by mgoddess

Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by GSLady17
It's also nice to be able to hunt with who ever you want. My characters in COL always have to worry about their signs falling infront of people who arn't in COL.It's very easy to a) set aura a bit higher or b) stagger the spirit draining signs or c) not use all the spirit draining signs.

Exactly. My CoL warrioress only uses Swords since she's only got 8 spirit. Granted her signs last a fair bit longer then they used to now, but I don't like the idea of coming into town and accidently losing the last point of spirit that brings one below half and showing the drain. (Of course, now that her signs DO last longer, I might try using Shields with Swords sometime, just to see how it works....being an elf though, her spirit return really blows. *blush* )

On-topic: If you plan on brawling most of the time, Voln does sound better. I've never done Voln myself, but I hear it's a pretty good society. If you only plan on brawling sometimes, CoL might be better..

Hmmm... Maybe I am confused, are you saying as long as your spirit stays above half it doesn't matter who see's them fall?

09-08-2005, 12:24 AM

09-08-2005, 12:30 AM
Hehe. That pisses me off. I hope the person who was teaching me about COL reads this thread.

To them: Thanks for forgetting that part. :rah:

Thanks for the info though, now I don't have to always freak out about it.

09-08-2005, 12:37 AM
Hmmm... Maybe I am confused, are you saying as long as your spirit stays above half it doesn't matter who see's them fall?

There are signs you can not use in front of non-CoL without punishment: Wracking, Healing, Darkness, Hopelessness.

If using a sign, or having one fall (in front of non-CoL people) brings you below half your spirit you will be punished. If you think that will happen, perhaps hide in an unpopular area until it falls?

I just started using signs other than wracking and healing as I tend to have trouble keeping track of them *blush*. Guess I need to test them and see how long they last. Is sign of thought stackable? Also, the jocelyn page I used for reference for CoL says the sign of hypnosis only calms one critter, but this isn't accurate. Seems to be subject to something akin to warding however- but you could hypothetically calm a whole room of foes if you're will is strong enough. I don't know what other sites say...

I have yet to put any of my characters through Voln, but Voln Fu is pretty nasty! Seems a natural for a brawler.

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by cajunlady]

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by cajunlady]

09-08-2005, 12:38 AM
Hmmm...not that I'm not believing you but could someone confirm this? Now the person is saying I'm abusing a bug because no matter how much spirit you have if you lose sign of swords infront of someone you get punished.

Terminator X
09-08-2005, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Drew

Originally posted by Terminator X
The idea of me, a square, having mastered Voln and playing even somewhat consisently will entail that at some point, I am going to have to hunt the undead, unavoidably, in order to sustain X amount of symbols for Y amount of hunts.

I don't really like the constraints.

I don't like the constraint of having to put points into a semi useless stat like aura when they could go into something that really affects combat.

Exclusively EXP hunting, for me, the above has been circumvented by usually annihilating enough critters to fry by the second time my SHIELDS and SWORDS wear off, but it's not always the case.

Terminator X
09-08-2005, 12:49 AM
<<cajunlady's post>>

Just from my personal experience, I have definately had SWORDS or SHIELDS drop infront of non-COLers, leaving me with more than half of my spirit remaining and have still been punished. I have also used healing in front of non-COLers and did not suffer punishment.

Aside from that, how's the gout doing?

09-08-2005, 12:50 AM
"Hmmm...not that I'm not believing you but could someone confirm this? Now the person is saying I'm abusing a bug because no matter how much spirit you have if you lose sign of swords infront of someone you get punished"-GSLADY17

If that were the case you would hardly ever see CoL hunters with non-CoL hunters. That sends off my bullshit alert about it being a bug, but I could be wrong. Zen's been using CoL a lttle over a year and I've only seen punishment when it fell below half.

09-08-2005, 12:53 AM
I just tested it out and he still says it's a bug.

09-08-2005, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Terminator X
<<cajunlady's post>>

Just from my personal experience, I have definately had SWORDS or SHIELDS drop infront of non-COLers, leaving me with more than half of my spirit remaining and have still been punished. I have also used healing in front of non-COLers and did not suffer punishment.

Aside from that, how's the gout doing?

Well then which is the Bug? Shields only takes 1 spirit away, healing two.
Why would they design it so that a sign falling which only controol you have about your spirit not dropping in front of other be either a) dont use it with nonCoL, or b) don't hunt with non-CoL. Bah. Yet another reason for me to stay away from that which I do not understand.

edited... Gout. Life is going well with discolored feet. Kidding, much better since I started hydrating myself better. Thanks for asking, sorry it wasn't gout! I know you wanted pictures... damn the luck.

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by cajunlady]

09-08-2005, 01:02 AM
Its not a bug. Thats how CoL is supposed to be. If you go below half you see the person get DRAINED. Like during raising.

Its ALWAYS been like that. And if it somehow was a bug in anyways, EVERYONE in CoL is abusing it, and obviously the GMs don't care to fix it. However, I'm pretty certain its not a bug based on how the Taskmaster explains the signs when you recieve them.

09-08-2005, 01:49 AM
With the brawl, Voln, gives you another way to hunt.


09-08-2005, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by Andreal
Its not a bug. Thats how CoL is supposed to be. If you go below half you see the person get DRAINED. Like during raising.

Its ALWAYS been like that. And if it somehow was a bug in anyways, EVERYONE in CoL is abusing it, and obviously the GMs don't care to fix it. However, I'm pretty certain its not a bug based on how the Taskmaster explains the signs when you recieve them.

The question I have is when your 'shields' or 'swords' falls and you are STILL over half your spirit after they take what they take... do you get punished? I thought no, but Terminator X says his character has been puninshed. I don't use those particular signs enough to say with any kind of certainty, but will be soon I think and would like to know for sure what I can and can't do without trial and error in character if possibe.

If I read GSLady17 right, she has them fall in front of non-CoL with her characters and no penalty and she is being told THAT is a bug abuse. I have never tried to use 'healing' in front of non-CoL but I thought this was a punishable sign as you do have the "drained" messaging.

edited because what would a post from me be without one?:yawn:

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by cajunlady]

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by cajunlady]

Terminator X
09-08-2005, 02:24 AM
Where's the official document that says it should or shouldn't drain SPs in the above situations? I haven't complained in a while and need too :-/

09-08-2005, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Terminator X
Where's the official document that says it should or shouldn't drain SPs in the above situations? I haven't complained in a while and need too :-/

Well on play.net they don't say much about CoL so any site i cite *heh* is unofficial.
Here's the url of my rescourse:

I see here too that it doesn't say healing is a punishable sign if done in front of Non-Col. So I must have gotten it in my head it very early in my GS experience that it was and it stuck.

SO! Good side, I can sign of heal in front of anyone without punishment as long as I stay over half, or is it at half or more? I have 10 spirit, will 5 trigger it or 4?

eesh.. I see in going to that url, I misnamed a source,... jocelyn-NO jocelin-YES

edited because my verb and tense got into an argument.

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by cajunlady]

09-08-2005, 06:49 AM
With 10 spirit I have safely used healing in front of people and always have. although I don't know where this half spirit thing comes from, but with 10 spirit if I drop below 7 in public I'm boned. That's been my experience.

09-08-2005, 07:05 AM
You can have as many signs as you want drop, as long as your spirit doesn't go below half.

09-08-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Andreal
You can have as many signs as you want drop, as long as your spirit doesn't go below half.


My wizard gal has 10 spirit (at 23!)...she's gotten down to 6 spirit without the public drain message...but down to 5, and she'll get punished. So, stay above half your spirit, and you'll be good. Half and below, and you'll get punished. (Of course, as that CoL page on Bravepages states, wracking must be done in hiding if non-CoL are present, no matter if you'll get the public drain message or not.)

So, yes....you can have as many spirit/non-spirit signs up as you like, just make sure you don't go half or below on the spirit around others/non-CoL people.

09-08-2005, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by cajunlady
Is sign of thought stackable?Yes. I never bother with sign of hypnosis/possession, so I can't help you there.
Originally posted by GSLady17
Now the person is saying I'm abusing a bugPlease tell whoever you're talking to to STFU.
Originally posted by Celephais
but with 10 spirit if I drop below 7 in public I'm boned. That's been my experience.I don't know how exactly that's happening. You will suffer AS/DS penalties, but you shouldn't get the public punishment message.

Going TO half will result in punishment. 5 of 10, 4 of 8, etc.

As for wracking, as it costs 5 spirit, I'm not sure if someone can say with certainty that it's wrack itself that causes punishment unless they've had someone with 11 spirit try it in public.

09-08-2005, 02:01 PM
Actually I'm starting to think maybe I was wrong about below 7 and it was below 6. I just rarely ever go from 6 to 7 (Since I hunt with just Sword and Shields the only time I ever worry is if I wracked in hiding and then forget I have swords or shields up and i'm in the open).

So ignore me, I haven't done any testing with it.

I've also heard of people saying with 11 spirit they can open wrack... don't hold me to that though.

09-08-2005, 02:20 PM
Lets clear some things up: No sign inherently gets you punished...just indirectly. If, in using a sign, your spirits drops to half or below, you will get punished. Since, normally, the max spirit is 10 and wracking takes five, it almost always gets you punished. Same with any other sign that takes 5. However, with 100 Aura and a aura boosting item, you can have 11 spirit, and wrack in public without consequence. So...find out how much half of your spirit is, find out your current spirit, and how much spirit the signs cost, and you will never get punished :) The only way I can see someone getting punished for shields wearing off is if they have (max spirit/2+1) spirit before it wears off. IE, I normally have 10 spirit, have 6 from trying to sacrifice (sorc command) stuff, then shields wears off in front of my volner friend.

As for COL vs Voln: Sadly, unless you use Fu a LOT, its not worth it anymore from a mechanics standpoint. I don't even think its worth it from a rp standpoint; Volners used to be a tight knit community, now when I symbol of need, no one comes! No xp gain from dreams...inferior mana recovery, not as much AS/DS boosters, no td booster, no madness for tight spots...

That said, my sorc is voln, because he brawls, but more because he likes the rp of it.

Edited for typos that made my points diluted.

[Edited on 9-8-2005 by Janarth]