View Full Version : Non picking rogue...
09-07-2005, 09:50 AM
Are they still viable?
I'm looking into getting back in to GS, and since I last played, I've heard things have changed quite a bit overall in the game.
Like ... building for TPs rather than maxing stats is now the way to go, or what?
As far as skills go, what would be the most "viable" non picking rogue skill setup that utilizes ambush and most likely OHE x Shield? Willing to consider TWC just to be a little different.
Any tips? Would be interested in a good Statistic setup as well ... Last time I played, I waited 12 hours to get optimal stats with an auto-roller, that's how long it's been since I played.
09-07-2005, 09:53 AM
I played a non-picking rogue that could cast up to brills in the elemental circle.
I think I was around level 45 or so?
I had a lot of fun with the character.
Edited to add - He was OHE and shield, and I think he was wearing brig with minimum cast failure (8 percent)?
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by Hulkein]
09-07-2005, 09:55 AM
Man I love your banner, Philly sports nut here myself.
09-07-2005, 10:17 AM
Non-picking rogue is definately viable.
You have virtually every physical combat style as an option.
TWC Brawling
It might actually be more difficult to totally screw up.
Building for TPs or Stats at cap is entirely up to how high level you intend to take this character.
The Ponzzz
09-07-2005, 10:40 AM
I was a non picking rogue till level 27. Completely viable. Just didn't fit my RP...
09-07-2005, 03:22 PM
Thinking of a TWC rogue - what amount of dodging per train would be suitable?
Also, I'd definately like to learn some spells - it doesn't really matter at the beginning, but once I have some MTPs saved up, I'd like to start pumping it.
Interested in MOC, too, but this would just be less doable as a Rogue, so I'd be better off with a Warrior, correct?
As for race, I'm pretty much hellbent on being an elf, whether it be Elf, Half-Elf or Dark Elf ...
Statistic setup ...
I'm still rather stumped on the stats... I would really like to shoot to max stats before cap, but it would hurt me alot from 1-30. I can't really get a good stat maxing setup going with the Lost Ranger's roller... any help with this?
The Ponzzz
09-07-2005, 03:35 PM
Ok, basically it comes down to this. Are you gonna be hiding or not? Because if ya are going for, not being seen, so they can't hit me, MoC becomes useless. Dodge ranks are still needed but 2x is more than enough. Now if you are gonna be out in combat, in the open I suggest heavy armor, 2x+ dodge and try to 1x MoC.
But with MoC costing so fucking much for rogues its either hiding or MoC for the most part.
My opinion is if ya stick with TWC, go for 1.75x dodge and 2x hiding and atleast 1.5x ambush. Or 2.5x dodge 0x hiding/ambush and 1x MoC.
Stat wise... This is tough. I agree with TPs NOW are better than stat capping THEN. This is where GemStone IV's balance is lost for new comers.
09-07-2005, 04:01 PM
With a combat rogue I'd suggest getting into a metal breastplate as soon as you can, regardless if you hide or not. I rarely get hit with more than a 2 round stun now and I only hunt with 401 and signs.
With the recent changes to ambush, you're going to want 2x ambush and 2x dodge.
2x CM is nice, as is 2x PT for the added redux.
09-07-2005, 04:53 PM
I've basically decided to go with a statistic set up for TPs rather than maxing at cap.
Aside from Agility and Dexterity which are obvious, which stats are most important and least important for a TWC+OHE/MOC rogue that doesn't bother to pick, hide or ambush? Since I'd not be hiding or ambushing, would it be better to go full plate and stick Dodge at 2x or... 3x Dodge and go for metal breastplate?
I'd like to get spells/MIU enough to hunt with no help from anyone else. Also plan on going CoL, so Aura is fairly important - I'd like to have 10pts train 50 at the latest.
It seems that maybe the Half-Elf is NOT the greatest choice as for a race, what would one suggest?
I'm sorry fo all the questions, I've just lost total touch with what stats affect what and things like that ... too much Guild Wars / Everquest 2. :(
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by Detri]
09-07-2005, 05:00 PM
I personally think you're a waste of a rogue if you don't do hiding and ambush, as that is where their power comes from.
That said..I don't know what stats are important for that.
09-07-2005, 05:01 PM
Strength (STR): 89
Constitution (CON): 58
Dexterity (DEX): 86
Agility (AGI): 85
Discipline (DIS): 70
Aura (AUR): 84
Logic (LOG): 60
Intuition (INT): 60
Wisdom (WIS): 48
Influence (INF): 20
that's what mine looked like at level 0, the biggest problem was my TD blows because WIS is so low, if i had a reallocation i'd probably drop agil str and dex and up my wisdowm
09-07-2005, 05:16 PM
The only reason I see to hide would be subdue ... although ambushing specific body parts would be kind of nice.
I've had people tell me that they stopped hiding altogether because it just seemed pointless, and they just did it for style when they did.
As far as stats... what race is that for? Would it be optimal to be a Human with this setup? Assuming I do bite the bullet and go with Hide/Ambush ...
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by Detri]
Isnt a non picking rogue basically a warrior with less skillz?
I went that route for almost a year, and was ranged/OHE/Shield and fared ok but with little magic and lots of dodge/CM etc.
It got old after a bit and I missed picking my own boxes... especially now that I'm old enough to pick up boxes that are actually worth more than 1 or 2k.
09-07-2005, 06:03 PM
Yeah, I know what you're saying - but there are a few conflict of opinions from those I've spoken to.
Rogues have their perks.
I'm somewhat mulling over the value of picking.
[Edited on 9-7-2005 by Detri]
09-07-2005, 10:40 PM
OHE weapons are weak as hell if you're not ambushing from hiding. If you want to stay in the open I'd go nothing less than a two hander or polearm.
09-07-2005, 11:27 PM
You sure you want to have spells? The points really start to add up when saving for spells, and there are lots of places you can put those points in to make you a very strong and viable non-picking rogue.
Doesn't seem like you want to do much hiding either, but then why don't you just be a warrior? You don't want to pick, you don't want to hide.. be a warrior. Heh.
On the other hand, if you decide you wanna hide.. you have a ton of points to dedicate to your combat skills. The whole point of ambushing (from hiding) these days isn't just to aim your shot, it also gives DS pushdown, which is f'ing great. 2x in ambush gives you the full amount of pushdown. Perception also helps alot, it'll make you hit harder from hiding, 3x this if you can.
CM will help you alot by boosting your AS along with giving you cman skills. You want Surge of Strength. The rest is all preference since you learn everything you ever need in the guild. Except Subdue because you will never, ever need it. PF (Physical Fitness) helps alot in determining redux, which you will need since you're gonna be hit. Which then brings us to Armor.. the heavier the better.. aim for MBP.
Lets see.. scrolls make for a good and cheap alternative to spells. 25 ranks and you can use pretty much every spell in every circle. MIU is nice also, but I think scrolls give you more versatility, and you don't need to bug someone to imbed crap for you.
Stats? I dunno.. here's mine..:
Level 0 Stats for Yuwen, Dark Elf Rogue
Strength (STR): 90
Constitution (CON): 70
Dexterity (DEX): 85
Agility (AGI): 83
Discipline (DIS): 70
Aura (AUR): 75
Logic (LOG): 50
Intuition (INT): 55
Wisdom (WIS): 55
Influence (INF): 27
And here they are at 47:
Strength (STR): 100 (25)
Constitution (CON): 82 (11)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (35)
Agility (AGI): 100 (30)
Discipline (DIS): 82 (6)
Aura (AUR): 84 (27)
Logic (LOG): 69 (9)
Intuition (INT): 77 (18)
Wisdom (WIS): 63 (11)
Influence (INF): 50 (-5)
Ok I think that's pretty much it... this is coming from a TWC/OHE/Brawl ambushing Voln rogue that can pick.
09-08-2005, 06:59 PM
2x Armor Use ... to 80 - 15/0
2x Edged Weapons - 6/3
2x Two Weapon Combat - 6/6
1x Combat Maneuvers - 4/4
2x Ambush - 6/3
2x Stalking and Hiding - 3/3
2x Dodging - 6/3
2x Physical Training - 6/0
3x Perception - 0/7
52/28 per
Randomly thrown in...(which should I go for first - AS or MIU?)
3 ranks of Magic Item Use
30 ranks of Climbing
30 ranks of Swimming
25 ranks of Arcane Symbols
? ranks of Multi-Opponent Combat (Just not possible with hide/ambush, is it?)
... Is this alright? :bye:
Um... as for weapons - falchions for the heavily armored enemies, shortswords for the others? Or what...
IF I were to pick, what would I need to sacrifice? ... That being asked, this's what I'm looking at without picking.
[Edited on 9-8-2005 by Detri]
[Edited on 9-9-2005 by Detri]
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