View Full Version : Sweet Memories
10-03-2003, 06:20 PM
I was sitting here playing GemStone, and thinking to myself ... my this sure is boring ... and questioned myself on why it was ... :?:
Then all of a sudden it hit me, I don't have the same feeling anymore about it. I mean the feeling: The working hard for silver, adventuring new places, towns, meeting new people, making friends, just roleplaying itself was truly fun! But its changed so much ... I mean I've done everything that *was* exciting ... making all the silver I could, having lots of it and nothing to spend it on, I've seen all the towns, and I've met about all of the people ... plus alot of people don't roleplay anymore, and they are so argumentative these days. Why has GS gone so down hill, yet the prices just keep on going up? :?:
But the real purpose of this thread was to question all of you, on whether or not you still have the excitement of playing GS, as much as you first did when you started it....
[Edited on 10-3-2003 by ElvenRangeress]
10-03-2003, 06:24 PM
I haven't played in a couple of weeks.. but I still enjoy the game as much as I did when I started.
10-03-2003, 06:25 PM
i played today for a little bit.
10-03-2003, 06:26 PM
Havn't played in almost a week
When I first started playing all those years ago, there definitely was a certain charm that isn't present now.
I think my knowledge of game mechs ruined it.
10-03-2003, 06:34 PM
only thing I am looking forward to is creating a brand new monk and playing with no MAing, transfer of gear etc.
When I come back from the desert in 05, I might try the new area that is going to be plat only.
10-03-2003, 06:37 PM
I love GS, still, or I wouldn't be playing it.
10-03-2003, 06:43 PM
As with any game that you play, when you start you're excited about every aspect of it. Over time, the longer you play it, the less thrilling it becomes. The challenge isn't there as much as it used to.
You can always try starting up a new character with a new profession and race you've never played before, and play them without trying to interact with people you know. You'll get some of that fun back. :)
10-03-2003, 06:44 PM
I haven't *enjoyed it in a long time.
10-03-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I haven't *enjoyed it in a long time.
Yet you continue to pay monthly.
If I wasn't enjoying what I was paying for.. I sure as hell wouldn't be paying for it.
10-03-2003, 11:19 PM
I don't enjoy it as much as I use to and even thought about selling everything and quitting BUT then I look at all the items I've collected over the past years. Not sure if I'm ready to just drop it all, would kinda piss me off having to pay 2x and 3x the amount just to get the items back if I ever came back...
10-03-2003, 11:23 PM
I have a blast everytime I play. It's why I play.
10-04-2003, 01:25 AM
I can't say I have a blast every time I play, but I still play. I enjoy it enough to keep my accounts open at the moment. I also have days when I just want to sell everything really cheap and close my accounts, too though..:grin:
10-04-2003, 02:08 AM
I enjoy it still most of the time. If I get bored, I switch characters.. I have one of all the professions at a lot of different ages, so it keeps me interested. Plus hanging at the Cul-de-sac always keeps things interesting (well most of the time).
10-04-2003, 02:12 PM
Yeah I used to be a cullie girl as well, but then some really bad people starting going there, the *bad* newbies, the ones that love to attack you with their ds of 1, and talk OOC... I try to help though!
10-05-2003, 05:15 AM
Nothing is ever going to always, every day, forever have that great feeling you get the first few times you play a game, wear a new outfit, feel the first tingles of love.
You get familiar with it, used to it, sometimes it becomes very rote. Whenever I feel this happening, I either start a new character in a totally new profession or I create something my character can do to expand on her personal history. Sometimes I spend days just helping new players get set up and oriented.
I just look for newbies or try to make my own magic. Call me strange...
10-05-2003, 05:23 AM
I created Wezas 8 or 9 years ago. I loved playing an empath who could hunt. When I got bored with him I'd take a break and play my little warrior, or bard. Right now my Warrior is 22, and Bard 17.
I never *stopped* playing, but I would take breaks for a few weeks, especially if I got a new game (PC or PS2). Wezas eventually got boring, and I was thinking about closing out the account when reallocation came along. I was able to pick up spell aiming and a nice amount of pickpocketing.
Pickpocketing, it's such fun. It basically saved my account. I had fun tracking what I'd stolen, who I'd stolen from. I've created a program that scans all my log files and tracks how much and exactly what i've stolen from a particular person, weekly stats, monthly, etc.
But with GS4 around the corner, I'm not sure how viable I will be. Pickpocketing is out (too difficult), and I just hope Bone Shatter isn't the only nice empath spell we get.
10-05-2003, 05:26 AM
I agree, I miss the awed magic of not knowing what the fuck I was doing or where the hell I was going. GS isn't static however, as its constantly growing an evolving, so I do often find new stuff to keep me amused and active, though I admit that the last month, all I have been doing is script power hunting, while doing other things like reading books, or posting here, or sorting out the new house.
10-05-2003, 10:17 AM
I logged in to look at an item I created a lil while ago, that was all and for something a person in another game was talking to me about it. Once I stopped playing for awhile, I realized that I can still talk to everyone I met there in IMs.
GS is a white world for me now. Other worlds have color beside it though :)
10-05-2003, 10:18 AM
Created?! Are you a GM *polishes his nose*
My current feeling on GS is due to how IMPOSSIBLE those damn warcry ranks on critters are!!!
It took me like... 4 hours to get 10 reps on pumas.
Who am I kidding, I still love the game. :yes:
10-05-2003, 10:53 AM
Try Stun Maneuvers some time ;)
I've got 5 ranks of Stun Maneuvers!
Go me!
10-05-2003, 11:12 AM
I couldn't stand getting my first rank in stun maneuvers.
10-05-2003, 11:13 AM
First are always the worst.
10-05-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Created?! Are you a GM *polishes his nose*
Nope, but I did all my own item templates and told them what I wanted and never got arguments.
10-05-2003, 01:06 PM
Ahh, I am assuming we are talking about alters here then?
No 10x death axe for me then :(
10-05-2003, 03:35 PM
Well lets see .. No GS isnt as fun as it once was for me .. I havent been IG for well over 3 weeks .. Im tired of hunting stupid stuff and the critters just dont have the money like they useto.. Hmm i dunno i mean maybe if i started over with a little one again i could find the fun ?
10-05-2003, 03:49 PM
i mean maybe if i started over with a little one again i could find the fun ?
That always works for me. I got a sorcerer to 26 when I was bored with warriors, and now I'm doing rogue guild things because I got bored with sorcerering.
10-07-2003, 06:02 PM
For me GS3 has lost it's luster because the GMS dont listen enough to the people that pay their bills.
As players we all have good ideas how to improve or fix what we feel is wrong. In my beginning I had no idea how to roll up a character let alone a profession. So Hasek in the beginning was a warrior then a bard and been a sorci rerolled a number of times.
GS3 reminds me of a science class in that you experiment what works for you and go with it. On that part I do enjoy making a newbie up and having fun with it. What I dont like is some folks going around and killin newbies for kicks.
I think to keep my good memories are really some beautiful people I got to know. People are the ones that make sweet memories or nightmares.
10-07-2003, 06:12 PM
If anything, GS is more fun for me know than it was when I started playing. I didn't have the first frigging clue what RP was, but I was VERY lucky to be taken into a group that was able to sort of show by example.
The more I get into my girl's storyline and the things that happen to her, the more I love GS. I'll take breaks for a few weeks at a time occassionally, but never too long.
It's up to you as a player to find new challenges for your character. Earlier this year, someone I have avalanches of respect for handed my character (and me, really), a lot of control in a PRO that has been in existence for over five years.
Wow. It DOES keep getting better, IMO.
10-07-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Hasek
For me GS3 has lost it's luster because the GMS dont listen enough to the people that pay their bills.
I actually think it's the opposite sometimes... I think they listen too much to their customers and end up trying to please everyone (Which is impossible).
10-07-2003, 06:20 PM
Re-thinking this, the only thing that has dampened enjoyment of GS for me is the realization of a lot of behind-the-scenes crap which people refer to as "GS politics." There was a brief period there where I was playing my character, really into RP, and blissfully unaware of the politics bit.
Having said that, I don't let it bother me too much. 99% of it is exaggerated and the other bit has failed to affect me to the point it makes me mad.
10-07-2003, 06:30 PM
For me GS3 has lost it's luster because the GMS dont listen enough to the people that pay their bills.
GMs are all volunteer staff, with the exception of the less than 10 OSGMs.
10-07-2003, 06:48 PM
They get SOMETHING, but it's not anything anyone could actually live on. What they get, they deserve, and nine times out of ten I think they deserve more.
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