View Full Version : Raising in Invasion

09-02-2005, 05:19 PM
I learned early that in invasions, you raised empaths and clerics first. Am I wrong in this?
At one time, I was faulted for not raising a cleric before a non cleric or empath, and I mentioned I didn't know who the other clerics or empaths were. I was told about highlighting, which I have done and keep up with. So when I am dead in invasion, I ask in Guildspeak for a raise so there is no mistaking my profession.
Twice, in two seperate invasions I have been been raised last out of maybe 3 or 4 because I came in later.. two of the dead in that group bodies I had attemted to rescue. And one cleric to raise us all. Today, there was again one cleric raising when I was brought in, my dead self and the body I had come across and tried to help.

Is it that what used to be no longer applies? How can I tactfully suggest the fact that more raisers and healers mean people get life faster?
And is this everywhere? I experienced this each time in Illistim.

The first time I was agitated, today I just waited after speaking in guild and was again raised after the other dead one brought in when I was. When another wave hit, I asked for the two cleric, by names, to be raised next and then the healer. I don't want to be controlling, but it just makes sense to get people alive who can get other people alive.

As it is I will need a cleric again as the things were breaching towards the city when GS crashed and I was trying to fight off the nasty thing.

Oh, last question. My incant attacked the elven guard. Is there a way for me to get back on their good side? Killed a hag after, but I'm not sure they were impressed. Will it reset itself?

09-02-2005, 05:22 PM
If I was a cleric and someone said, "Raise this cleric before you raise this bard" I'd tell them to shut the fuck up.

<<My incant attacked the elven guard. Is there a way for me to get back on their good side? Killed a hag after, but I'm not sure they were impressed. Will it reset itself?>>

Nope. Same as the Jantalarian invasion: they don't care about you unless you attack one of them, then they'll kill you every chance they get.

09-02-2005, 05:23 PM
If you're lucky it will time warp back before you struck the guard... otherwise, I doubt you can convince them otherwise.

09-02-2005, 05:55 PM
In looking back, I found that mass interference is what initiated the attack against me from them. I didn't kill one at least.

Bob, if I was rude about it maybe I'd deserve the STFU comment, but I am trying to be a bit more mature about this. I didn't demand, I asked.

Editted to add: I realize Bob is not telling me to shut the fuck up in his post, just so no one thinks I took that personally.

[Edited on 9-2-2005 by cajunlady]

09-02-2005, 05:56 PM
Once you attack an allied NPC, it takes approximately 24 hours for their side to forget about you. Appealing to a GM-controlled character works as well, but there probably weren't any available.

09-02-2005, 05:59 PM
<<Once you attack an allied NPC, it takes approximately 24 hours for their side to forget about you.>>

That was not the case when I attacked a Jantalarian in town. It lasted until they left.

09-02-2005, 07:26 PM
Jantalarians weren't allied. I believe they, as occupation forces, had a somewhat different coding to them. I could be wrong though. I'm going by what has been said of the Elven and Vornavian soldiers by the GM's running those quests.

Dwarven Empath
09-02-2005, 07:41 PM
Of course clerics should be raised first.

09-02-2005, 08:12 PM
Yes, on the topic at hand, clerics should be raised first for the sake of getting everyone back to life faster. Empaths also, to a lesser extent, but only a few are generally needed. I recognize the tradition, but I hardly get upset when it isn't followed.

09-02-2005, 08:16 PM
If i get whispered to by a cleric/empath i raise them. Often in invasions the room is EXTREAMLY busy, so i focus on the bodies that have been in the room the longest. I don't pay attention to guild speak, expect when somebody bitches at me about raising their body, to which i either silence or kill them and get on with my work (depending if the room is scanted or not. I have become a expert of making friends in GS

09-02-2005, 09:03 PM
Generally speaking yes, clerics then empaths get raised first, especially if the cleric is of raising age.

But that said, there are some people who are needed. Like for example, Perigourd. He can actually smack a demon once its been dispelled, and teamed with Missoni, they do a damn fine job of it. So when Morvule comes, they take priority on my list. As do many of the Fury because they defend the towns quite well.

Frow what I saw in Solhaven the other night when Eryael came, and today in the landing, the empaths and clerics did a fantastic job overall.

Just my 2 cents.

Burnt out Priestess
09-02-2005, 10:25 PM
I agree with tsunami,i raise clerics first then empaths unless someone is dead that can handle the creatures invading then i raise them with clerics after them.

09-03-2005, 12:30 AM
I hate the idea of raising priority. Whoever died first should be raised first, imo. I play an empath and I don't expect be raised before Candor because of it.

09-03-2005, 06:18 AM
You should play your character the way it would want to live.
Raise your loved ones, friends, enemies (if you want to mend the broken bridges, or kill them again).
You have to ask yourself, 'Would my character care in the least about raising ettiquette?'.
I persronally would never follow any rules of how to play my character, unless he was in some sort of Order or Guild.
Something in game which would make my character do something against my will.

Raise who you want, in whichever order you want.
If they throw a fit do as Bob says. Tell them to STFU!