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08-31-2005, 02:53 AM
What's the Justice Department setting as a priority? Terrorism? Drug traficking? Organized crime? Nope. It's porn. (http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1125318960389)

Remember the 2006 elections folks.


08-31-2005, 08:07 AM
This reminds me of consenting adults being prosecuted for practicing consentual BDSM and being charged for assault against each other.

His own prosecutors have warned Acosta that prioritizing adult porn would reduce resources for prosecuting other crimes, including porn involving children. According to high-level sources who did not want to be identified, Acosta has assigned prosecutors porn cases over their objections.


"While there are crimes like drugs and public corruption in Miami, this is also a form of corruption and should be a priority," said Anthony Verdugo, director of the Christian Family Coalition in Miami. "Pornography is a poison and it's addictive. It's not a victimless crime. Women are the victims."

Don't tell me what I'm a victim of, thanks. I happen to like Porn. Also, who says it's a corruption? Forcing a woman to have missionary every night of her life is a f'in tragedy and arguably, corruption as it's harder to get off. -But every other form of sex is frowned upon by Christians in general, so hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Pot. Kettle. Meet each other.


edited because I knocked the enter key on the number pad.

[Edited on Wed, August st, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

Rainy Day
08-31-2005, 09:30 AM
This is totally mind boggling. I can't think of anything else to say I'm so stunned at the stupidity.


08-31-2005, 10:01 AM
Even the participants of the event were questioning this direction. I cant say that I blame them.


08-31-2005, 01:09 PM
Porn should be a top priority.

I can't tell you the amount of low quality porn that I have watched. Standards need to be put in place, better story lines, more realistic moaning, better looking actors without acne or scars.

Porn will be a big issue in the next election for me. I am sure Bill Clinton wouldn't have allowed such low quality porn to be distributed under his watch.

08-31-2005, 01:30 PM
Damn right XTC

Cigars for All!


08-31-2005, 01:34 PM

The porn industry needs better lobbyists or a nice PAC to take up the cause.

08-31-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Don't tell me what I'm a victim of, thanks.An excellent rebuttal!


or it WOULD BE, if he had said "all women".

Another neat little language switch:
Attorney Alex Acosta last month, they wondered what the top enforcement priority for Acosta and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales would be. ... The agents were stunned to learn that a top prosecutorial priority of Acosta and the Department of Justice was none of the above. Instead, Acosta told them, it's obscenity.How I read it is that he intends to prosecute obscenity, not prosecute obscenity and nothing else (hence the references to the Clinton administration's 100% tolerance policy). :shrug:

08-31-2005, 02:26 PM
When someone makes a sweeping statement that includes 'women' in it, without an indicative group, your damn right, as a woman that I'm going to call it Latrin.

Exactly which women do you feel he is excluding. If you are citing "the poor women who feel offended by porn", could you not make the argument then that the industry is equally unfair to men who find it objectionable, thus that entire quote is a piece of bullshit? Maybe people offended by porn should not watch porn.


Doyle Hargraves
08-31-2005, 02:33 PM
"Pornography is a poison and it's addictive. It's not a victimless crime. Women are the victims."

Huh? Anyone able to explain that one?

08-31-2005, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Exactly which women do you feel he is excluding.Unlike you, I'm unable to read the minds of people I've never met, so I can't tell you. I reckon you could ask him though. :)

08-31-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

"Pornography is a poison and it's addictive. It's not a victimless crime. Women are the victims."

Huh? Anyone able to explain that one?

Three words: manipulative emo bullshit.


Doyle Hargraves
08-31-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren

Originally posted by Doyle Hargraves

"Pornography is a poison and it's addictive. It's not a victimless crime. Women are the victims."

Huh? Anyone able to explain that one?

Three words: manipulative emo bullshit.


Uh...ok if you say so.

08-31-2005, 11:38 PM
A woman who likes porn. Damn, it's taken me waaay to long to find these boards.

Rainy Day
09-01-2005, 05:26 AM
Porn does victimize women. Not all porn, and not all women, but the generalization still remains true. But that's a social issue that needs to be dealt with on a cultural level.

Sure the article said "A" priority, rather than "THE" priority, but it also went on to talk about how people are being pulled from other areas to deal with this as a priority. It's idiotic and not in the best interests of the country. Wasting tax money and personnel resources is what I find obscene.