View Full Version : the morons flock to Vaalor now...

The Warrior Princess
08-30-2005, 05:43 PM
[Ta'Vaalor, Victory Wey]
A large stone-clad building sits back from the cobbled wey, its doors and windows thrown open. The clanging sound of hammer on metal rings through the area as smiths do their part to keep the city well armed. A small bronze plaque hangs upon the doorpost. A stone walkway snakes around to the rear of the building. You also see the Victory Gate and a wooden barrel.
Obvious paths: north, east
Ryyad just tiptoed in.
Fdan just arrived.
Fdan whispers, "Hello."
>smil mia
You smile quietly to yourself.
>whis fden allo
What were you referring to?
>put orb in my back
Your orb won't fit in the forest green backpack.
Valeon just arrived.
>look in my bac
In the forest green backpack you see a pale thanot wand, a smooth bone wand, a twisted wand, a twisted wand, a simple modwir chest, an engraved fel box, a polished bloodwood wand, a small statue, a simple fel strongbox, a silver wand, an enruned monir trunk, a scratched thanot box, a torn scroll, a pale thanot wand, a slender blue wand, a pale thanot wand, a pale thanot wand, a twisted wand, a twisted wand, a twisted wand, a polished bloodwood wand, a polished bloodwood wand, a tincture of bolmara, a crystal amulet, some wolifrew lichen, an enruned maoral strongbox, some basal moss, a white flask, a crystal amulet, a crystal amulet, a rose-marrow potion, a travel guide token, a bleeding heart rose, a heavy quartz orb, an acid-pitted brass coffer, an oaken wand and a white flask.
Valeon just went north.
Fdan whispers, "What are you on?"
You ponder.
Fdan reaches out and touches a bark-skinned golden brown sprite with long fingers.
Fdan says, "With your spirite quest."
You giggle.
>'i was about to say...
You quietly say, "I was about to say... ."
A middle-aged blonde elven priestess wanders in, moving slowly.
Sentamanala just arrived.
Fdan has a few words with a middle-aged blonde elven priestess.
Sentamanala just went east.
>whis fden i stopped before the creature quest
What were you referring to?
>whis fdan i stopped before the creature quest
You quietly whisper to Fdan, "I stopped before the creature quest."
Speaking to you, Fdan asks, "Creature?"
Sentamanala just arrived.
Sentamanala just entered the city armory.
Tca just arrived.
Tca just went east.
You nod.
Sentamanala just arrived.
Sentamanala just went through the Victory Gate.
Ryyad growls ferociously!
Lord Jadfeid just arrived.
Lord Jadfeid just went east.
Sentamanala just came through the Victory Gate.
>'you have to kill a worm or something of the sort
You quietly say, "You have to kill a worm or something of the sort."
Sentamanala just entered the city armory.
Sentamanala just arrived.
Sentamanala just went through the Victory Gate.
Sentamanala just came through the Victory Gate.
Sentamanala just entered the city armory.
Sentamanala just arrived.
Sentamanala just went through the Victory Gate.
Speaking to you, Fdan asks, "Mind if i tag along wheni get to the worm part?"
Sentamanala just came through the Victory Gate.
Sentamanala just entered the city armory.
Sentamanala just arrived.
Sentamanala just went through the Victory Gate.
Sentamanala just came through the Victory Gate.
Sentamanala just entered the city armory.
Fdan put a longsword in his leather sheath.
Sentamanala just arrived.
Sentamanala just went through the Victory Gate.
>'i would say sure, but when you get to that part, you can only be alone.
You quietly say, "I would say sure, but when you get to that part, you can only be alone."
Sentamanala just came through the Victory Gate.
Sentamanala just entered the city armory.
>glanc spri
You glance at a velvety russet red sprite with knobby knees.
Fdan says, "Not necessarly."
Sentamanala just arrived.
Sentamanala just went through the Victory Gate.
>'i jes nae wish to let her leave me
You quietly say, "I jes nae wish to let her leave me."
Sentamanala just came through the Victory Gate.
Sentamanala just went north.
>tilt fdan
You cock your head at Fdan.
You quietly ask, "Explain?"
A middle-aged blonde elven priestess wanders away, moving slowly.
Fdan says, "A person with a sprite could teleport at the same time."
Faelyne just came through the Victory Gate.
Faelyne just went east.
Apprentice Papomalin just arrived.
>'but nae end up in the same cave.
You quietly say, "But nae end up in the same cave."
Fdan says, "Yup."
Tyranic just arrived.
Tyranic just went east.
Fdan says, "You will."
>whis fdan but if i do that last quest, i lose my sprite for ever
You quietly whisper to Fdan, "But if i do that last quest, i lose my sprite for ever."
Fdan says, "I know where it is without teleporting."
>glanc spri
You glance at a velvety russet red sprite with knobby knees.
Fdan whispers, "You wont lose your spirite forever."
>'and i think she is cute
You quietly say, "And i think she is cute."
>whis fdan how so?
You quietly whisper to Fdan, "How so? ."
Papomalin quietly asks, "What trains are you 2?"
>tell sprit repeat
You tell the sprite to repeat the last instruction.
The sprite says, "I haven't given you any instructions recently."

>shak head
You shake your head.
Fdan says, "She will give you a mirror when you finish the quests."
>'i am 7 myself.
You quietly say, "I am 7 myself."
Fdan asks, "Level seven?"
>'train seven, indeed
You quietly say, "Train seven, indeed."
Papomalin quietly asks, "A rogue?"
Fdan slaps himself on the forehead.
You quietly say, "Nae."
Fdan says, "Yeah."
>'a witch
You quietly say, "A witch."
Papomalin chuckles.
Fdan removes a copper lockpick from in his forest green backpack.
Fdan put a copper lockpick in his forest green backpack.
Speaking quietly to Fdan, Papomalin asks, "And what train are you?"
>look pap
You see Apprentice Papomalin the Prowler.
He appears to be a Nalfein Elf.
He appears to be mature and average height. He has silver-flecked silver eyes and tanned skin. He has raggedly cut, silky steel grey hair with a black streak running through it. He has an angular face and sharp pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a fist-scythe in his right hand.
He is wearing a black leather tool kit, a tailored thick leather waistcoat, a gold-stitched dark velvet hat, a pair of narrow blue breeches, a pair of polished black boots, a velvet-edged dark green backpack, a dark blue satin pouch, a crystal amulet, a reinforced shield, a black canvas armband, and a musty midnight blue purse.
>look fdan
You see Fdan.
He appears to be a Sylvankind of the Kytawa D'ahranal.
He appears to be very young and tall. He has watery hazel eyes and pale skin. He has very short, limp platinum hair shaved at the temples. He has a bony face, a broken nose and a broad chest.
There is a bark-skinned golden brown sprite with long fingers sitting on his right shoulder.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a small shield emblazoned with a golden key, a leather sheath, a crystal amulet, a waxed black leather pouch, a bone-clasped forest green backpack, a pair of glazed leather boots, some dark silver-buttoned breeches, a silvery green leather cap, and some ragged sea green full leathers.
Speaking to his golden brown sprite, Fdan asks, "........what?"
A middle-aged blonde elven priestess wanders in, moving slowly.
Fdan says, "She may know."
Speaking to his golden brown sprite, Fdan says, "What is my train."
Papomalin whispers, "Do ya know what train he is?"
Fdan removes a travel guide token from in his forest green backpack.
Fdan offers Papomalin a travel guide token.
Papomalin declines Fdan's offer.
A middle-aged blonde elven priestess wanders away, moving slowly.
Fdan says, "There that is my train."
Ailea just came through the Victory Gate.
>whis fdan jes type EXP and it will tell you what level
You quietly whisper to Fdan, "Jes type EXP and it will tell you what level."
Kallech just arrived.
Papomalin acts puzzled.
>whis pap got me
You quietly whisper to Papomalin, "Got me."
Kallech just went east.
Fdan put a travel guide token in his forest green backpack.
Gyedion just arrived.
Gyedion just went through the Victory Gate.
>fame fdan
Ailea just went east.
Fdan has 20 fame.
Bridghid just arrived.
Bridghid just went east.
Fdan says, "3."
Leilaray just arrived.
Vilinixbloodoak just arrived.
Leilaray just went north.
Vilinixbloodoak just went east.
Papomalin quietly says, "Ahh."
Your personal fame is 15841.
You are a level 7 Elf Sorcerer.

Vilinixbloodoak just arrived.
Vilinixbloodoak just went through the Victory Gate.
Jescelia just arrived.
Jescelia just went through the Victory Gate.
>rub amu
You rub a crystal amulet.
Feels smooth!
You feel your mind open up to the world around you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>rub amu
You rub a crystal amulet.
The distant thoughts in your mind feel stronger.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Fdan says, "You dont keep your sprite forever you know."
>rub amu
You rub a crystal amulet.
The distant thoughts in your mind feel stronger.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>'ya can
Papomalin quietly asks, "Me?"
You quietly say, "Ya can."
You grin.
Fdan says, "No you cant."
Papomalin quietly says, "They annoy me."
>whis fdan i know someone thats 30 trains with one.
You quietly whisper to Fdan, "I know someone thats 30 trains with one."
Papomalin rubs a crystal amulet.
Papomalin gets an odd look on his face.
Speaking to you, Fdan says, "Sprites can die ya know."
>say ::fdan and why are you on my case about it?
Speaking quietly to Fdan, you ask, "And why are you on my case about it?"
Papomalin chuckles.
Fdan says, "To be mean.......wait."
>'tis nae good to upset a witch.
You quietly say, "Tis nae good to upset a witch."
Papomalin whispers, "Have ya just met em?"
>nod pap
You nod to Papomalin.
Fdan says, "A witch."
Tereysa just arrived.
Tereysa just went through the Victory Gate.
>whis pa like a few minutes before you
You quietly whisper to Papomalin, "Like a few minutes before you."
Fdan says, "My bro can beat you easy."
You giggle.
>'oh, wish to bring in family?
You quietly ask, "Oh, wish to bring in family?"
Papomalin stares at Fdan.
>'i am sure my mom would love to hear that
You quietly say, "I am sure my mom would love to hear that."
Fdan says, "Yes that is the idea."
You ponder.
Fdan yells, "Oh iweg!"
Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.
Cirlin just strode in.
Cirlin strides away moving east.
Papomalin whispers, "Tell me if you want me to bring someone aslo."
>whis pap i was so trying not to get fines...
You quietly whisper to Papomalin, "I was so trying not to get fines... ."
Fdan says, "He'll meet you here in a minute ."
Fdan says, "Ill go get him."
Fdan just went east.
Papomalin laughs!
Shake what?
>shak head
You shake your head.
Papomalin's jaw drops.
>whis pap i been here about....
You quietly whisper to Papomalin, "I been here about...."
You ponder.
>whis pap 14 years now
You quietly whisper to Papomalin, "14 years now."
Papomalin's jaw drops.
>smil innocently
Miaehia smiles innocently
Novice Iweg just arrived.
>gig mia
You giggle to yourself.
>look iwe
You see Novice Iweg the Conjurer.
He appears to be a Loenthra Elf.
He appears to be very young and tall. He has bloodshot silver eyes and pale skin. He has very short, limp platinum hair shaved at the temples. He has a bony face, a broken nose and a broad chest.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a plain brass chest in his right hand.
He is wearing a little round mirror, a threadbare pink woolen hood, a tailored thick leather waistcoat, a pair of narrow blue breeches, a pair of polished black boots, a velvet-edged dark green backpack, a gathered green velvet pouch, a crystal amulet, and a leather sheath.
Iweg says, "Ahem my bro said.................."
Papomalin stares at Iweg.
>'and what?
You quietly ask, "And what?"
Nikau just strode in.
Nikau strides away moving east.
Iweg asks, "That you were being a annoying doofus?"
>'i frankly coupld care less what your brother said.
You quietly say, "I frankly coupld care less what your brother said."
>gig mia
You giggle to yourself.
Papomalin whispers, "He could barely kill me how could he beat you?"
Papomalin ponders.
>'he comes to me... and gets in my face, and I am being the doofus
You quietly say, "He comes to me... and gets in my face, and I am being the doofus."
Iweg says, "You underestimate with the power of a wizard."
Papomalin laughs!
Papomalin ponders.
Iweg put a plain brass chest in his dark green backpack.
>say ::iwe you really need to back the hell off me
Speaking quietly to Iweg, you say, "You really need to back the hell off me ."
Iweg removes a spear from in his dark green backpack.
Papomalin agrees with you.
Iweg says, "Make me."
Papomalin whispers, "Do you care if i sort of play along?"
Cyciro just arrived.
Iweg says, "Or tell your side of the story."
Cyciro just went through the Victory Gate.
>'he wishes to bring family, i have some of my own, that can and have leveled this town before
You quietly say, "He wishes to bring family, i have some of my own, that can and have leveled this town before."
Iweg rolls his eyes.
Iweg asks, "Are you sleepy?"
>'i however have the balls to stand here myself, and not get family involved, unlike your brother
You quietly say, "I however have the balls to stand here myself, and not get family involved, unlike your brother."
Rakhi's group just arrived.
Rakhi's group just went through the Victory Gate.
>prep cal;m
That is not something you can prepare.
>prep calm
You do not know that spell!
Iweg recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Iweg gestures.
Iweg appears somewhat more powerful.
>prep 702
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mana Disruption...
Your spell is ready.
Iweg intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Iweg says, "Bring it."
>'dont attack me... i warn you
You quietly say, "Dont attack me... i warn you."
Tereysa just came through the Victory Gate.
Tereysa just went east.
Papomalin chuckles.
>'you will not like the outcome at all
Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
You evade the attack by a hair!
You quietly say, "You will not like the outcome at all."
Iweg gestures at you.
CS: +35 - TD: +89 + CvA: +19 + d100: +10 - -5 == -20
Warded off!
You are unaffected.
You feel the magic of your spell depart.
You nod.
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
Iweg says, "Lets take this outside."
>cast iw
You gesture at Iweg.
CS: +55 - TD: +26 + CvA: +20 + d100: +49 - -5 == +103
Warding failed!
A ragged wound rips open Iweg's jugular, which begins spurting blood.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>'leave e be
You quietly say, "Leave e be."

Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
AS: +17 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +87 = +15
A clean miss.
Nikau just strode in, her group following close behind.
Nikau strides away moving north, her group following close behind.
Iweg says, "Then die."
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast iw
You gesture at Iweg.
CS: +55 - TD: +26 + CvA: +20 + d100: +19 - -5 == +73
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Iweg's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
>rub orb
You rub your quartz orb.
A sudden clarity of thought comes over you, and you realize that you now understand arcane mysteries that were previously incomprehensible.
The quartz orb suddenly disintegrates!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Papomalin whispers, "Woh!"
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast iw
You gesture at Iweg.
CS: +78 - TD: +26 + CvA: +20 + d100: +20 - -5 == +97
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
AS: +12 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +36 = -43
A clean miss.
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast iw
You gesture at Iweg.
CS: +78 - TD: +26 + CvA: +20 + d100: +91 - -5 == +168
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from Iweg's neck!
The "blood gates" open wider.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You quietly say, "Now."
Iweg removes some acantha leaf from in his dark green backpack.
>'you die.. or get healed, either way... leaveme
You quietly say, "You die.. or get healed, either way... leaveme."
Iweg says, "Im not giving up."
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
Iweg takes a bite of his acantha leaf.
Iweg looks a little better.
>cast iw
You gesture at Iweg.
CS: +78 - TD: +26 + CvA: +20 + d100: +3 - -5 == +80
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast iw
You gesture at Iweg.
CS: +78 - TD: +26 + CvA: +20 + d100: +18 - -5 == +95
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>prep 701
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Blood Burst...
Your spell is ready.
>cast iw
You gesture at Iweg.
CS: +78 - TD: +26 + CvA: +20 + d100: +81 - -5 == +158
Warding failed!
Blood gushes from Iweg's neck!
The "blood gates" open wider.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Iweg says, "Mess with my bro mess with me."
Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
AS: -5 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +69 = -27
A clean miss.
>'your bro messed with me
You quietly say, "Your bro messed with me."
Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
AS: -5 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +10 = -86
A clean miss.
You quietly say, "Moroon."
>prep 702
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mana Disruption...
Your spell is ready.
Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
AS: -5 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +36 = -60
A clean miss.
>'he followed me
You quietly say, "He followed me."
>'he came to me with questions
Iweg takes a bite of his acantha leaf.
Iweg looks a little better.
You quietly say, "He came to me with questions."

* Iweg drops dead at your feet!

Iweg seems a bit less imposing.
>'and you attack me...
You quietly say, "And you attack me..."
The ghostly voice of Iweg says, "So."
>say ::iwe your a real man...
Speaking quietly to Iweg, you say, "Your a real man..."
You feel the magic of your spell depart.
The ghostly voice of Iweg says, "You will never take me alive."
>'your right
You quietly say, "Your right."
Sladinix just arrived.

Iweg's body decays into compost.

>'your dead now
You quietly say, "Your dead now."
>shak head
Sladinix just went north.
You shake your head.
Papomalin chuckles.
>whis pap looks like i need to get my mom here
You quietly whisper to Papomalin, "Looks like i need to get my mom here."
Novice Iweg just arrived.
Papomalin whispers, "How old?"
Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
You evade the attack by a hair!
>glnce iwe
Please rephrase that command.
>glance iwe
You glance at Iweg.
Iweg thrusts with a spear at you!
AS: +0 vs DS: +122 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +18 = -73
A clean miss.
Papomalin frowns at Iweg.
>'you really have no brains do you?
You quietly ask, "You really have no brains do you?"
>prep 702
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mana Disruption...
Your spell is ready.
>chan iw
You channel at Iweg.
CS: +78 - TD: +10 + CvA: +20 + d100: +99 - -5 == +192
Warding failed!
Target reels from brutal strike.

* Iweg drops dead at your feet!

A nearby goodwife screams, "Murder!".

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>prep 702
You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mana Disruption...
Your spell is ready.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
The ghostly voice of Iweg says, "I am a slow learner."
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.

Iweg's body decays into compost.

>'so i see
You quietly say, "So i see."

then today... claims no knowlage of him attacking, but yells out about him being attacked. when no one attacked him.

08-30-2005, 05:46 PM
Fucking nice avatar.
Nice BIG avatar.

Now I'll read the thread. Ahem.

08-30-2005, 05:50 PM
''Say something for the record, tell the people what you feel.''

''FUCK the record.. and FUCK the people!!''




yes, there are morons in Vaalor. And when Nixt stalks them they are always like OMG I WILL KEEL JOO NOW. There are some good RPers too. Look harder.

08-30-2005, 05:51 PM
You obviously missed the "fun" in Ta'vaalor when Penidiamond and company felt the need to kill most of the town people there until he got a vacation. Idiots have been in Vaalor awhile.


08-30-2005, 05:57 PM
Vaalor has sucked since they made it a starter town.

08-30-2005, 10:09 PM
Yep. They should've switched area quality... made Ta'Illistim easy stuff and a newbie town and made Ta'Vaalor the hard OTF type stuff.

08-30-2005, 10:20 PM
There are a ton of idiots in Vaalor.. most of them young people who feel the need to talk shit to you.

08-30-2005, 10:30 PM
Vaalor after release was one of my favorite times to play aside from old icemule. But there was alot more of a sense of community then. Now its just not there.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-30-2005, 10:38 PM
Anyone besides me think this is Teooncy?

08-30-2005, 10:41 PM
Is everyone obsessed with Teeoncy? Not all idiots are Sarah.;)


Enough with the Teeoncy already..boring..

I also agree that Vaalor shouldn't have been a started city. Just the history of the city alone it doesn't make sense..now Solhaven would have been a bit of a better choice.


[Edited on 8-31-2005 by Ilvane]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-30-2005, 10:50 PM
Actually you'll find I've never bashed Teeoncy, and didn't above either. Just making an observation really.

08-30-2005, 10:53 PM
OMG ILVANE. You know I :heart: you to pieces but we know that you are sick of Teeoncy, because you've said it in like 29384029384019234093459458039480234.5 posts! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


08-30-2005, 10:54 PM
Have I mentioned I'm sick of Teeoncy yet? :ducks:


08-30-2005, 10:55 PM
I dont think anyone has yet

08-31-2005, 12:24 AM
Back to the point...After 1 and half years of Vaalor, I've given up on it for a while.


Make a starter town at a maximum.


08-31-2005, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by Elrodin
I dont think anyone has yet

What kind of parallel universe do you inhabit?

08-31-2005, 05:07 AM
Nothing new, Vaalor = teh nub factory now.


[Edited on 8-31-2005 by Kenn]

08-31-2005, 05:58 PM
I also agree that Vaalor shouldn't have been a started city. Just the history of the city alone it doesn't make sense..now Solhaven would have been a bit of a better choice.

Solhaven would be an awful choice, too, given how it's the preferred invasion playground of the GMs. No disagreement on Ta'Vaalor, though. If the city was done up true to form, they'd probably skewer half of the people coming through.

09-01-2005, 06:36 AM
There are plenty of idiots everywhere thesedays... starter towns are just... more rampant with noobie ones. My bigger pet peeve of late is the higher level chars that act worse than newbs and use their power to bully the general populace (that can't be a match for them of course... or bring their friends in.) I doubt I need to give examples of the people that do ths in Illistim.

09-01-2005, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by OreoElf
There are plenty of idiots everywhere thesedays... starter towns are just... more rampant with noobie ones. My bigger pet peeve of late is the higher level chars that act worse than newbs and use their power to bully the general populace (that can't be a match for them of course... or bring their friends in.) I doubt I need to give examples of the people that do ths in Illistim.

True. At least some of the new people to the game can still be guided somewhat.

The Ponzzz
09-01-2005, 08:32 AM
The idea behind Vaalor being a starter city for new players is simple. They wanted to migrate more players to the eastern side of Elanthia. Most people never venture past the landing and icemule if given the choice(in the beginning).

So now you have new blood, who might never use their travel token to come west and maybe they will ventureinto Logoth, maybe orcsworld...

Because where it stands now the landing is already packed with players.

Plus you can RP great reasons to why you are in Vaalor...

09-03-2005, 04:20 AM
I've met quite a few decent RPers in Vaalor. I wouldn't call a lot of the people there idiots, just new. I actually find Vaalor to be better for RP then the Landing.

09-03-2005, 07:23 AM
I love Vaalor, my home is there. And it was practically one of the only places left to RP when I left a year and a few months ago.

And I agree with the person who talked about the youngins. At least when they're young, you can guide them to be better RPers, once you get too old, it's too much of a habit. I used to try and push the mentor society to have more Vaalor-knowledgable mentors, but when I left, they didn't really. Ah well, such is life.
