View Full Version : Role playing Chaos is not allowed in gemstone

08-30-2005, 12:31 AM
A shaft of scintillating light suddenly pierces the ceiling and strikes the ground next to you. The beam of light then explodes in a shower of sparks and Zyllah is standing in its place.
Zyllah says, "Hello."
>greet zyl
You nod to Zyllah in greeting.
>'hello my good friend zyllah
You say, "Hello my good friend zyllah."
Zyllah asks, "Why did you log out when you were brought here the other night?"
>chat Zyllah says, "Hello."
You focus on transmitting your thought.
>chat i had an emergency
You focus on transmitting your thought.
>'i had an emergency
You say, "I had an emergency."
>chat telling her i had an emergency when i logged out
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Zyllah says, "Seems rather coincidental timing since you were busy right up until you landed here."
* Kaikala just bit the dust!
>'ya well i had to go for a while before
You say, "Ya well i had to go for a while before."
Zyllah asks, "But fighting in town was more important than that, even after I'd already told you twice to move to the boulder?"
>'its kinda hard to fight someone at the boulder when hes your enemy
You say, "Its kinda hard to fight someone at the boulder when hes your enemy."
Zyllah says, "Maybe you shouldn't be fighting him then."
>'especially when your trying to ambush each other
You say, "Especially when your trying to ambush each other."
Zyllah says, "Towns are not meant to be free for all zones of combat."
>'theres nothing wrong with fighting each other i dont htink
You say, "Theres nothing wrong with fighting each other i dont htink."
Zyllah says, "In town and at the gate there is."
>'i wasnt aware of that
You say, "I wasnt aware of that."
Zyllah says, "Oh come on."
>'mind explaining why?
You ask, "Mind explaining why?"
Zyllah says, "I told you twice that night."
Zyllah says, "It shouldn't need any explaining."
Zyllah says, "It causes an overall disruption to the other players."
* Ralgilhen just bit the dust!
Zyllah says, "The game is not intended to be played that way."
>'well ive never been told before
You say, "Well ive never been told before."
Zyllah says, "That's not true."
>'then why are there attacking mechanincs
You say, "Then why are there attacking mechanincs."
Zyllah says, "Because that is how the game is set up."
>'but its not meant to be played that way?
You ask, "But its not meant to be played that way?"
Zyllah says, "It doesn't mean however that you can just carry on your personal wars anywhere you wish."
Zyllah says, "So here's the deal."
>'if i see an enemy i belive i can attack him, and vice versa, doesnt matter where they are
You say, "If i see an enemy i belive i can attack him, and vice versa, doesnt matter where they are."
Zyllah says, "You've been talked to more times than I can count about your disruptive behavior."
Zyllah says, "You have been cut many breaks over time."
Zyllah says, "Yes it does matter."
>'other gms told me it doesnt
You say, "Other gms told me it doesnt."
Zyllah says, "When a GM tells you that you are not to be doing something, you are expected to comply with the GM."
>'your the only one who seems to have this problem with me
You say, "Your the only one who seems to have this problem with me."
Zyllah says, "That is also not true."
>'ya well when theres a million gms and everyone tells me something diffrent its not my fault
You say, "Ya well when theres a million gms and everyone tells me something diffrent its not my fault."
Zyllah says, "But we would be here for hours if I went over every chat with a GM you've had."
Zyllah says, "What is your fault is ignoring what I told you."
>'yea because i found it to be quite irrational
You say, "Yea because i found it to be quite irrational."
Zyllah says, "It doesn't matter what you think of it, you're expected to comply."
You say, "Heh."
>'oh come on now
You say, "Oh come on now."
>'dont be so bitter
You say, "Dont be so bitter."
Zyllah says, "Your behavior is a general disruption to the game as a whole."
Zyllah says, "If you do not change, you will be locked out again."
Zyllah says, "It's completely up to you."
>'why because i have to ask someone to move somewhere so i can ambush them?
You ask, "Why because i have to ask someone to move somewhere so i can ambush them?"
Zyllah says, "Yep."
You chuckle.
Zyllah says, "But that's just part of it."
>'can i get a second opionion?
You ask, "Can i get a second opionion?"
Zyllah says, "Your behavior in general is disruptive."
Zyllah says, "You do everything you can to create chaos wherever you go."
>'so its all roleplayed
You say, "So its all roleplayed."
Zyllah says, "This infringes on the rights of other players to have a good time."
Zyllah says, "You can't use roleplay as an excuse to disrupt other players."
>'i dont infringe on anyones right
You say, "I dont infringe on anyones right."
>'everyone has a good time
You say, "Everyone has a good time."
Zyllah asks, "Are you really that thick?"
>'i have never gotten a complaint from anyone except maybe 1 or 2, and when they warn interact i do
You say, "I have never gotten a complaint from anyone except maybe 1 or 2, and when they warn interact i do."
>'err did
You say, "Err did."
Zyllah says, "Oh come on, there are constant complaints about you."
>'like who?
You ask, "Like who?"
Zyllah says, "You have been talked to by GM's about this numerous times."
Zyllah says, "This is not news."
>'i have?
You ask, "I have?"
Zyllah says, "You have three warnings this year and several chats with GM's."
>'none of them were bout roleplaying
You say, "None of them were bout roleplaying."
Zyllah says, "No, they were about your behavior."
>'they were for scripting
You say, "They were for scripting."
>'all of them
You say, "All of them."
>'which has nothing to do with behavior
You say, "Which has nothing to do with behavior."
Zyllah says, "Okay, you seem to have a really bad memory...let me refresh it for you..."
Zyllah says, "Your most recent warning was in May for Disruptive behavior."
>'was it from you?
You ask, "Was it from you?"
Zyllah says, "Nope."
>'who was it from?
You ask, "Who was it from?"
Zyllah says, "You also have one from another GM who was not me for Disruptive behavior."
Zyllah says, "Zilana and Kyalia issued those."
Zyllah says, "Then there are the AFK scripting warnings you mentioned."
>'ya maybe when i first got the account
You say, "Ya maybe when i first got the account."
>'but nothing recent
You say, "But nothing recent."
>'i changed my ways
You say, "I changed my ways."
Zyllah says, "I just said your most recent warning was for game disruption."
>'4 month ago is considered recent?
You ask, "4 month ago is considered recent?"
Zyllah says, "You have not changed your ways. What I see from you is that you cool it for a little bit after a GM talks to you...then a bit of time passes and you go right back to your same old thing."
Zyllah says, "Yeah, that's pretty dang recent."
* Iceshark just bit the dust!
Zyllah says, "You need to consider that most players never get a single warning."
* Jescelia just bit the dust!
>'well i try to stay within the rules
You say, "Well i try to stay within the rules."


************************************************** ******

Suavementasious, this is an official warning, that Disruptive Behavior is against GemStone IV policy. If you persist in ignoring these warnings, you risk losing permanent access to GemStone IV on all of your accounts.

If you feel this warning was received in error, please speak to a GameHost by typing ASSIST REQUEST.

You can also learn more about GemStone IV policies online, by typing POLICY while in the game or by visiting http://www.play.net/gs4/gamepolicy.asp.

************************************************** ***********

* Nazradin just bit the dust!
>'and the policy says if there is consent i can attack
You say, "And the policy says if there is consent i can attack."
Zyllah says, "That warning is for the other night when you were pulled here."
* Errolyn just bit the dust!
Zyllah says, "The policy also covers disruptive behavior and that is what we are here talking about."
Zyllah says, "You are expected to take your fights away from town. Ongoing fighting does not belong there."
Zyllah says, "It disrupts the other players and causes them to have a miserable experience playing the game."
Zyllah says, "It chases them away."
>'what if they attack me first?
You ask, "What if they attack me first?"
Zyllah says, "We can't allow that."
Zyllah says, "Then you need to find a different way to deal with it or ask to meet them outside of town."
>'i cant attack them back?
You ask, "I cant attack them back?"
Zyllah says, "If you are in town, then you risk getting another warning because you know the score."
>'that ridiculous but whatver you say
You say, "That ridiculous but whatver you say."
Zyllah says, "If you are having an ongoing fight with someone, then you need to talk to them and arrange to settle your differences where it won't negatively affect other people."
>'what if this fight is reoleplayed as an ongoing fight?
You ask, "What if this fight is reoleplayed as an ongoing fight?"
Zyllah says, "We aren't talking about roleplaying. We're talking about how much you disrupt the game for other players."
Zyllah says, "RP is not an excuse to break policy."
>'well it's all roleplayed
You say, "Well it's all roleplayed."
Zyllah says, "And as I am saying, that is irrelevant."
Zyllah asks, "Any other questions?"
>'if no one brings it to my attention how do i know when im disrupting other players?
You ask, "If no one brings it to my attention how do i know when im disrupting other players?"
Zyllah says, "Okay, I don't know how you can say no one brings it to your attention."
Zyllah says, "People complain to your face all the time."
You chuckle.
Zyllah says, "They also send us reports."
* Subarashi just bit the dust!
>'shake head
You say, "Shake head."
>shake head
You shake your head.
>'no one tells me
You say, "No one tells me."
>'they roleplay yes
You say, "They roleplay yes."
Zyllah says, "Any time you have people all riled up, there is a lot of fighting going on, or there are insults flying a mile a minute, you can bet that what's going on is disruptive."
>'they might frown at me, or curse at me, but no ooc whispers or anything like that
You say, "They might frown at me, or curse at me, but no ooc whispers or anything like that."
Zyllah says, "I've seen people whisper to you."
>'chaos is part of roleplaying enviornment
You say, "Chaos is part of roleplaying enviornment."
Zyllah says, "No. It isn't. Not here."
>'in my opinion
You say, "In my opinion."
>'ok so thats where our diffrence is
You say, "Ok so thats where our diffrence is."
Zyllah says, "Your opinion doesn't count in this instance."
>'but as i said before
You say, "But as i said before."
>'in 4 month your the only gm that has had any problem with it
You say, "In 4 month your the only gm that has had any problem with it."
Zyllah says, "I have personally talked to you about your behavior before, and so have other GM's. So why you're acting like this is all new to you I have no idea."
Zyllah says, "That is not true."
You shrug.
Zyllah says, "I've been as clear as I can be on this."
Zyllah says, "If you choose to ignore it, then that is your choice."
Zyllah says, "But understand that another warning will probably mean a lockout for you."
Zyllah says, "So I'd suggest trying to change your ways."
You nod.
Zyllah asks, "Ready to go back?"
You say, "Ya."
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...

08-30-2005, 12:37 AM
Zyllah should have bolted your ass, and THEN given you that official warning.

You make my brain bleed.

08-30-2005, 12:40 AM
Yeah, I was listening to you whine like a toddler on OOC about that. Suck it up, baby.

08-30-2005, 12:42 AM

08-30-2005, 12:49 AM
I have seen other characters tell yours to leave them alone. You rarely if ever do so.

08-30-2005, 02:35 AM
This is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with Gemstone. I commend Michaelous for bringing it to light and posting it in the staff complaints folder.

Your whiny bitchy little ass SHOULD have been permenantly locked out months and months ago, so they could be kicking you out of the game on the third or fourth account you made on stolen credit cards.

If I was a GM and could deliver such lines as ...
Zyllah says, "You've been talked to more times than I can count about your disruptive behavior."
Zyllah says, "You have been cut many breaks over time."
and ...
Zyllah says, "Your behavior is a general disruption to the game as a whole."
... with documented proof to back it up, your ass would be playing Everquest right now end of story.

08-30-2005, 02:46 AM
Roleplaying a fucking douche bag SHOULDN'T be allowed, but the GMs have failed me once again.

08-30-2005, 02:47 AM
Translation of long log:

Zylah says, "You lose at Gemstone."

Suave makes this face:

08-30-2005, 02:47 AM

fuck you showal

08-30-2005, 03:30 AM
My favorite line:

Zyllah says, "But we would be here for hours if I went over every chat with a GM you've had."

08-30-2005, 03:30 AM
Go away.

P. S. I quoted him so he won't pull a Teeoncy. But somehow I have a feeling he's proud of it.

Edited to remove that long quote. I kept it in my idiot folder instead.

[Edited on 8-30-2005 by Vesi]

08-30-2005, 03:33 AM
Can I get a m***** fing PWNED!!!!

Yea I agree this is a big part of what's wrong with GS. I hardly ever play... no one to rp with and no one seems to care anymore.. Michaelouses and Atreau's of the world seem to have free rein.

08-30-2005, 03:35 AM
Well...bye, Suave.

08-30-2005, 06:07 AM
Zyllah asks, "Are you really that thick?"

Yes. He is singlehandedly attempting to disprove Darwin's theory

Miss X
08-30-2005, 06:09 AM

It's generally a good idea to follow advice given to you by a GM. You didn't do that so you have no one to blame but yourself.

We'll miss you! :bye:

08-30-2005, 06:28 AM
Heh, I'd have locked you at the first 10 minutes of the conversation.

You simply DO NOT argue with a GM when your record supports what they are accusing you of. It's like beating a hornet's nest with a stick, but you know that.


08-30-2005, 06:46 AM
I think Zyllah's a harsh toned bitch powerfreak.
But she should still have banned your ass.

Soon.. so soon..

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-30-2005, 08:52 AM
I love Zyllah, frankly I think she should have banned your ass.

I don't even know you and listening to you whine last night on OOC made me wish she did ban you.

08-30-2005, 08:59 AM
Probably the most important thing that was said...

Zyllah says, "RP is not an excuse to break policy."

08-30-2005, 09:20 AM
Zyllah has been nice to me in the few encounters we've had. If you let her know you're not trying to be an asshole but you're trying to defend yourself, she's really understanding. She pulled me once when she thought I was being disruptive and picking on younger characters. At first, our conversation wasn't starting out too hot and then I told her that I wasn't trying to be a dick to her. She listened. It was a time when it was RP and it did fit within policy, so instead of arguing we just joked around for a few.

Edited to add:
Most people when pulled up by a GM do try to be assholes (or at least do a good job of being an asshole without trying), so I can see why she'd start out cautious.

[Edited on 8-30-2005 by Showal]

08-30-2005, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Showal

Most people when pulled up by a GM do try to be assholes (or at least do a good job of being an asshole without trying), so I can see why she'd start out cautious.

Once I was pulled and had no idea as to what the GM was talking about (this is my fun 10 day banning for having my account cracked -- still makes me laugh). Looking back at the log, yes I'm asking a lot of questions, and it is irritating him (Daecir). Many people react badly to confrontation (flight or fight -- and you can't fly far from a GM), so I think most people aren't trying to be assholes (not that I'm defending this poster in particular, as I feel he knew exactly what he was doing and trying to bait the GM in question).

I try to stay away from GMs as much as possible though, so I hope this poster's behavior isn't the standard, or my toons are going to have to start stepping up beheadings, cussing, slamming, and mouthing off to people who have the ability to remove me from GS.


08-30-2005, 10:57 AM
Yea... hearing this little pussy whine on OOC and ask everyone who Zyllah's player character was so he could harass her was pretty fucking classic. Michaelous, you're obviously unstable IRL. Did you ever think that playing this game possibly further irritates your cracked gourd? Seek help.

08-30-2005, 11:04 AM
Holy crap. Michaelous please quit Gemstone.

08-30-2005, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Michaelous
Role playing Chaos is not allowed in gemstone Especially when the person causing chaos is lacking in the rp skills department.

08-30-2005, 12:22 PM
Um Michaelous.. haven't you had a similar conversation with a GM before? Seriously, do you not know that what you are doing is disruptive at the least and stupid at best? Are you so determined to be a pain in the ass on GS, that you don't know when to stop? Even when it's obvious that you should just shut the fuck up and do what you are told? How many times do you have to read policy before you understand what you can and can't do? Unless you are illiterate, you should have gotten the message by now.. QUIT BEING A FUCKTARD!

08-30-2005, 12:32 PM
Probably because I don't play anymore, but I thought that conversation was funny, in a train-wreck-full-of-clowns way.

08-30-2005, 02:03 PM
Ditto to both.

08-30-2005, 02:13 PM
This thread should be called "GEMSTONE DUSENT LET ME BEE MISELF"

08-30-2005, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
This thread should be called "GEMSTONE DUSENT LET ME BEE MISELF"

:lol: Bitch! I just choked on a Cracker Jack peanut.

08-30-2005, 03:34 PM
Here's my favorite part of the conversation (which by the way, we can't verify isn't altered):

Zyllah says, "I just said your most recent warning was for game disruption."
>'4 month ago is considered recent?
You ask, "4 month ago is considered recent?"

That was after he lied about not being aware of previous GM conversations with him about his behavior and stating the only chats he'd had with GMs were about scripting.

Amusing that Zyllah reminds him about Kyalia's and Zilana's chats, and all of a sudden, he knows they happened four months ago? LOL.

08-30-2005, 03:58 PM
She said when the last one was. He was just in awe that 4 months is recent. I wonder what I long time is for him, a week?

Zyllah says, "Your most recent warning was in May for Disruptive behavior."

08-30-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
She said when the last one was. He was just in awe that 4 months is recent. I wonder what I long time is for him, a week?

Zyllah says, "Your most recent warning was in May for Disruptive behavior."

Figures. I read through the thing so quickly that I totally missed she told him it was in May! He gets points then for being able to count to 4 backwards so quickly. Not many points, but some.

08-30-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
She said when the last one was. He was just in awe that 4 months is recent. I wonder what I long time is for him, a week?

Zyllah says, "Your most recent warning was in May for Disruptive behavior."

Figures. I read through the thing so quickly that I totally missed she told him it was in May! He gets points then for being able to count to 4 backwards so quickly. Not many points, but some.

08-30-2005, 04:24 PM
Actually he still can't count as May is 3 months away. No points for him. :lol:

08-30-2005, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Actually he still can't count as May is 3 months away. No points for him. :lol:

Hahahaha! Or for me either. Doh!

08-30-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Actually he still can't count as May is 3 months away. No points for him. :lol:

Unless you count August, and the May warning was at the beginning of May....then it'd be 4 months....but, then again, that's just my logic speaking. It'd be three months, from today to the end of May.. (Stupid logic...)

08-30-2005, 06:17 PM
That's so fucked up.

Originally posted by Michaelous
Zyllah asks, "Ready to go back?"
You say, "Ya."
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...

She should have put you in lockout.

08-30-2005, 06:43 PM

08-30-2005, 08:52 PM

08-31-2005, 05:48 AM
< You say, "Chaos is part of roleplaying enviornment." >

You are by no means what Chaos is. You are a complete moron with the dueling skills of rusted lawn furniture, you slammed the lounge like a bitch, just like you slam in game.

Doyle Hargraves
08-31-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Michaelous
I ride the short bus.

08-31-2005, 02:35 PM
You're not chaotic you're retarded.

08-31-2005, 02:39 PM


The funniest part of all of this is that he brings it on himself and then when its falling on him he asks, "How did this happen TO ME?"