View Full Version : Some of the Alliance make me laugh, a lot.

08-29-2005, 08:38 PM
Screen shots speak for themselves.

For a bit of background, I've been killing this guy in BG for months. He's had the SAME MO the entire time, cept now he has a mount. He runs up the ramp, drops down (ignoring anyone hitting him) grabs the flag, and trys to run out. Alone, every single time.

Also to note, The first time I ran into him today in BG, he was running into our base, I CS him, got a backstab in, he hamstring, ran outside, mounted, and ran all the way back to the Alliance base to heal up. :lol:

08-29-2005, 09:10 PM
Okay this confused me cause me being a n00b had no idea you could whisper to people on the opposite faction. Silly me. Although by the looks of it he was probably confused too and thought you were on the same side.

What I did find funny is him asking who you were, when there's a name right there as a reference. :D

08-29-2005, 09:32 PM
No, I switched to my alliance guy to talk to him. You can't whisper between sides. I was switching to finish goldshire with the warrior, and thought I'd give him a /t :)

08-30-2005, 01:39 PM
So you took the time to hassle this guy about how he plays on BG... Then you rubbed his face in how you owned him with backstab. I would have told you fuck off too.

This is exactly why the game doesnt let you talk cross-sides. So we dont have to listen to smack talking. Too bad only the PvP servers prevent you from having alts on both sides.

08-30-2005, 01:43 PM
I didn't see him bragging about owning him with a backstab.

08-30-2005, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Landrion
Too bad only the PvP servers prevent you from having alts on both sides.

They dont...they just require you to be more creative about having them

08-30-2005, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Artha
I didn't see him bragging about owning him with a backstab.

Youre right, that was in this thread. "I CS him, got a backstab in".

08-31-2005, 03:51 AM
If you're gonna quote something, at least get the full quote.

he was running into our base, I CS him, got a backstab in, he hamstring, ran outside, mounted, and ran

On a side note, what the hell is your problem? You seem to be taking a lot of offense to this. Did it touch a nerve? Did I shed some light on a BG tactic you use or something?

Lets face it, the guy is a fucking moron. He's too chicken to fight for the honor (He ran away from me 1v1 - Him being the warrior, and higher level), he won't work with the team for the honor. He just charges in and expects us to let him win.

As for me switching sides just to taunt him, I guess you just read half my post.

08-31-2005, 08:05 AM
Okay but... if he's on the opposite faction and you guys keep killing him, what do you care what his dumbass tactic is? It's obviously in your favor if he can never get away with it.

If you're trying to get him to work with his team, you're funny. Coming in with a character of the opposite side to speak to him isn't going to work, it's just going to come off as a taunt.

I would just leave him alone and keep killing him. He doesn't want to learn or adjust and you'll just get credit for it. :shrug:

BTW, next time explain why you switched sides in the first place cause I don't like getting confused, as often as that happens anyway. :P

[Edited on 8/31/2005 by CrystalTears]

08-31-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
If you're gonna quote something, at least get the full quote.

he was running into our base, I CS him, got a backstab in, he hamstring, ran outside, mounted, and ran

On a side note, what the hell is your problem? You seem to be taking a lot of offense to this. Did it touch a nerve? Did I shed some light on a BG tactic you use or something?

Lets face it, the guy is a fucking moron. He's too chicken to fight for the honor (He ran away from me 1v1 - Him being the warrior, and higher level), he won't work with the team for the honor. He just charges in and expects us to let him win.

As for me switching sides just to taunt him, I guess you just read half my post.

No Im not taking a lot of offense to it. I just didnt like the way you came off in the exchange and let you know about it. Sort of like how you felt the need to share your insights about CTF tactics with him.

Im not defending how that guy plays capture the flag. I dont know him and I couldnt care less. The thing that irritates me most when I play is people who dont stick the hell together and run off on their own to die. For fucks sake, I play horde anyway so if theres a retard on alliance side Im probably better off - but then, I dont know which server you play on anyway.

As for the partial quote - whatever - I was just acknowledging my mistake that you hadnt said that over the game to the guy and it was in the thread. I wasn't deleting some information to alter the content of what you said.

I read that you had switched to do some quest and then decided to whisper him. If I wrote different then I fucked up. But Im clear on the point.

So in closing, you're better than this guy. Happy? I think its a dick move to rub his face in it. Clear? Maybe you werent doing that. Awesome. Thats how it came off to me.

08-31-2005, 05:13 PM
To be honest, I can't tell if I'm better then him, since he has fled from every single fight I've started with him.

The purpose beind me /t'ing him? Maybe it was to poke a bit of fun at him. But also to point out to him that the people he is fighting aginst are not confused by his tactics, and maybe he should try something new.

Honestly, it's very sad that I can walk his entire path he takes in the BG, every single time. He never even changes how he enters the base. I dono, maybe the first time he ever played, he got a couple flag caps this way. But everyone on the horde side laughs when they see him, and they have 1 person stand in his run path, thus removing him from the entire game (since he runs as soon as anyone hits him).

09-01-2005, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
To be honest, I can't tell if I'm better then him, since he has fled from every single fight I've started with him.

The purpose beind me /t'ing him? Maybe it was to poke a bit of fun at him. But also to point out to him that the people he is fighting aginst are not confused by his tactics, and maybe he should try something new.

Honestly, it's very sad that I can walk his entire path he takes in the BG, every single time. He never even changes how he enters the base. I dono, maybe the first time he ever played, he got a couple flag caps this way. But everyone on the horde side laughs when they see him, and they have 1 person stand in his run path, thus removing him from the entire game (since he runs as soon as anyone hits him).

Admittedly, he does sound pretty awful. I bet his teammates were harder on him in their criticisms of that "style" than you were.

[Edited on 9-1-2005 by Landrion]

09-01-2005, 12:41 PM
I've never played any WoW PvP but coming from some CounterStrike experience I would sometimes offer members of the other team tactcical advice if they were repeatadly doing something stupid and not knowing it (like rushing in a vent that makes a lot of noise or something). Not to rub it in their face so much as to improve gameplay, like Adre said, they effectively removed him from the conflict, and sometimes "honor levers" are nice, but it's not nearly as much fun.

09-01-2005, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
But everyone on the horde side laughs when they see him, and they have 1 person stand in his run path, thus removing him from the entire game (since he runs as soon as anyone hits him). That was actually a cool thing for Adry to do considering their side could certainly benefit and probably does from his retarded tactics. Harsh... I'd have to say no, but definitely funny and hopefully he improves his game and learn to work as a team.

[Edited on 9-1-2005 by DeV]