View Full Version : Comments that are likely to give you an aneurism

Urinal Poops
09-07-2005, 08:03 PM
Primum says, "Call a gm while I get him up."

Well, it was nice of you to take a respectful character, buy him, and totally make him a wiener. My congrats cumstain

09-08-2005, 01:04 AM
wait he was sold?...BWAHAHAHAHA

Terminator X
09-08-2005, 01:04 AM
"If it weren't for that horse, I would have never gone back to college..."

09-08-2005, 04:25 AM
Poor guy. Thankfully we had a mentor in town for the Invasion who helped this one out.
Since he's fairly new and didn't know better I omitted his name. He does seem to want to learn the ins and outs, so good for him!
Edited out extranious script to keep post short, though there wasn't much...
At some point... I assume -name- died. I didn't search the log for it...

>You hear the faint thoughts of Iamreally-name- echo in your mind:
"ok i REALLY need help i am dead (long story and i need protection)"

** This is where the hissing voice recalls his "petsss" **
** Mentor, gentle but firm, accidently publically addresses Iamreally-name- over the amulet of policy and that -name- has made an unacceptable situation with said name and thought, then Mentor sends a frustrated thought of his own mistake **

>You hear the faint thoughts of Iamreally-name- echo in your mind:
"i just made this name to save myself"

and a little bit later...

>Iamreally-name- bit the dust!

Maybe not a migrain causer, but enough to make you wince. I don't know if he ever did get -name- help as I left for Illistim to hunt.

09-08-2005, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by Urinal Poops
Primum says, "Call a gm while I get him up."

Well, it was nice of you to take a respectful character, buy him, and totally make him a wiener. My congrats cumstain

Primum was great to my character when I first started playing GS. My husband introduced me to him. He was always there to help me raise me and teach me in IC ways about the game.

My first rogue died so much he looked at me and said if you stay in town hon you won't die, I died in town he fogs to me and says You died even in town???

The guy was great sad to hear he was sold.