View Full Version : Cross the Council ... Meet Lacheis

09-12-2005, 12:15 PM
Before everyone jumps down my throat, Evarin has now spoken with Lacheis 3+ times. He wasn't just randomly kissing a GMs ass.

...Evarin <3 Lacheis

Situation: Evarin walks into Briarstone Fountain to see Lacheis executing Himmy. Lacheis is then arrested, and after attempting to have Himmy dismiss the charges for such an unfortunate accident, he goes to the Hall of Justice.

[Hall of Justice, Clerk's Office]
Stacks of files and papers occupy most of the available space in this small square room. Behind a long wooden desk, the court clerk sits quietly pouring over some paperwork, occasionally pausing to mark a document with the seal of the court. The only other permanent fixture in the office seems to be the two city guardsmen that flank the clerk on either side of the desk. You also see the Guard Captain.
Also here: Lacheis who is lying down
Obvious exits: west
Lacheis removes a well-balanced steel sabre from in the Lacheis box.

You cock your head at Lacheis.

>signal I am sure you didn't pay any fines
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.

You glance at the Guard Captain.

The Guard Captain hurries west.
Lacheis signals, "The guard released me for a small fee."
Lacheis smirks.

You pull Lacheis to his feet.
You frown.
Lacheis signals, "He knows his place."

>signal Would you wish for any aid?
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
You rest the edge of your vaalin-bound shield on the ground before you and lean forward against it casually.
The Guard Captain strides purposefully in.

You glance at the Guard Captain.
Lacheis signals, "Aid? What would you be able to accomplish that my Master cannot provide me?"

>signal The choice is yours. I offer my assistance to better protect that of the Council.
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Lacheis takes up a defensive posture.
The Guard Captain haughtily struts west.

>signal Blessed are its gifts.
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.

You glance around the room.
Lacheis signals, "You are a dutiful penitant. I shall speak well of you to the Master."

(Evarin inclines his head.)

You say, "Slay many, Lacheis."
Lacheis signals, "I think just Himmy this day."
Lacheis cackles!

You flash a quick grin.

You stride away, moving west.


09-12-2005, 12:15 PM
[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court]
This corner of the court is dominated by a round marble fountain. A few solitary elves sit on the wide edge of the fountain, occasionally tossing a coin inside and murmuring a wish, as they steal shy glances around them. The water descends from a tall center column, producing a musical burble that softens the noise of the city's daily traffic. You also see some manna bread and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Lacheis, Xandalf who is sitting, Himmy, Great Lady Phatall who is kneeling
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, northwest
Himmy signals, "If you stick around long enough, I'm sure the Poohbah will send his champion once more. The shame of letting himself be captured by the local authorities is surely going to be placed squarely at my feet."
Himmy grins at Lacheis.

You blink.

You say, "Beat me here."
Lacheis slaps Himmy across the face.

You chuckle to yourself.
You shift your weight.
You kneel down.

K>signal Enjoy the show, Ad'shai.
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Himmy gives Lacheis a slap across the face with the back of his hand!
Xandalf ponders.
Himmy appears to be focusing his thoughts while chanting softly...
Xandalf steeples his fingers in his lap, quietly observing his surroundings.
Lacheis takes up a defensive posture.
Himmy cocks his head at Lacheis.

Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Himmy!
... 19 points of damage!
Well placed strike shatters a rib!
He is stunned!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!

A heavy shudder passes through Himmy, but he remains helplessly stunned.
Lacheis cackles!
Xandalf looks thoughtfully at Lacheis.
Lacheis signals, "Like a pincushion."
Xandalf glances at Tamarkk.
Himmy says, "Oh, so now you can throw daggers in a minor sanctuary. That's fair."
Xandalf touches one finger to his lips.
Lacheis signals, "Life is never fair fool."
Himmy signals, "Of course you can't beat me in straight combat. I understand."

K>signal You think he plays by the rules, you fool?
Tamarkk acknowledged your signal.
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Himmy signals, "We already proved that early"
Himmy mutters something about earlier..
Himmy coughs.
Himmy begins to look a little better.
Tamarkk stares off into space.
Xandalf signals, "They own your soul. They merely toy with you now. They can claim your life at any time."
K>signal The price of power is steep. Why not simply abide it quietly?
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.

K>signal ..discretely..
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Himmy begins to look a little better.
Himmy signals, "I've paid the price and climbed the path. If the cat needs a mouse to toy with, I'm game."
Xandalf smirks.
Himmy begins to look a little better.
Xandalf takes a moment to observe Lacheis.
K>look lach
You see Lacheis Taurvon.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young. He has hazel eyes and black skin. He has very long, black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a well-balanced steel sabre in his right hand.
He is wearing an iron-bound hide shield, a wide-brimmed black felt hat, a jeweled sabre sheath, an unlaced pleated black silk shirt, some black linen trousers, a rugged leather harness, and a dark grey travelling cloak.
You feel at full magical power again.
Lacheis signals, "I grow weary of toying with you Himmy. I think one more shall be an end this day."
K>turn himm
You turn to face Himmy.
Himmy begins to look a little better.
Himmy shrugs.
K>"::Lach Do aim for something useful
Speaking to Lacheis, you say, "Do aim for something useful."
Himmy signals, "If that's how you feel. You still haven't silenced what you came to silence."
K>signal of recognition
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Speaking quietly to Lacheis, Xandalf says, "Perhaps the tounge."
Himmy begins to look a little better.
Xandalf looks thoughtfully at Himmy.
* Eleanore just bit the dust!
Himmy begins to look a little better.
K>signal Why has this fool still rank within the Council?
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
K>express loss
You shake your head, totally at a loss.
Lacheis grabs Himmy and spins him around like a top with a silvery dagger pressed against his throat and as his spins, he peels his skin off like an apple exposing his neck, and then with a sick yank, rips out his trachea.

* Himmy drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant aura fades away from Himmy.
The opalescent aura fades from around Himmy.
The light blue glow leaves Himmy.
For an instant, Himmy's wounds begin to knit, and it looks as though Himmy will successfully to cling to life. Then, the reality of death overcomes the influence of Troll's Blood.
Himmy appears less secure.
Himmy begins to breathe less deeply.
The dim aura fades from around Himmy.
The powerful look leaves Himmy.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Himmy.
Himmy appears less confident.
The very powerful look leaves Himmy.
The white light leaves Himmy.
The air calms down around Himmy.
The deep blue glow leaves Himmy.
* Himmy just bit the dust!
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Xandalf stares at Himmy's lifeless body, apparently lost in thought.
Lacheis begins chuckling at Himmy!

Xandalf signals, "Can't speak with no vocal cords."

You say, "What a strange accident to befall someone."
Phatall says, "That was... different."

You ponder.
The ghostly voice of Himmy says, "Still.. hardly fair. Seeing as how we're in a sanctuary."
Xandalf frowns at Himmy.
Lacheis signals, "Good luck in your future endeavours, you are going to need them."
Lacheis smirks.

You say, "His throat just sort of ..fell out of his neck."
Xandalf signals, "The death can speak without a throat it seems."
Lacheis looks around frantically as if trying to find somewhere to hide. With a quick twist of his ring, Lacheis disappears while muttering, "You have not seen the last of me!"

You slowly say, "Odd, that."
The ghostly voice of Himmy says, "Ghosts don't need what binds the flesh."
[Ta'Illistim, BriarStone Court]
This corner of the court is dominated by a round marble fountain. A few solitary elves sit on the wide edge of the fountain, occasionally tossing a coin inside and murmuring a wish, as they steal shy glances around them. The water descends from a tall center column, producing a musical burble that softens the noise of the city's daily traffic. You also see some manna bread and a wooden barrel.
Also here: Xandalf who is sitting, the body of Himmy who is lying down, Great Lady Phatall who is kneeling
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, northwest

The ghostly voice of Himmy says, "How droll."
An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment. With a flash of insight, you realize you understand yourself a bit better than you did a moment ago. The sudden feeling of self-knowledge is a pleasant one.

You say, "I've always liked him."

You nod to Xandalf.

Himmy's body decays into compost.

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Himmy.
Speaking quietly to you, Xandalf says, "I can see why."
Himmy murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Himmy gestures.
Himmy springs upright with amazing agility!

K>signal Always seek to aid him should you have the chance, ad'shai. He does great things for the Council..great things.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
An old memory bubbles up from your past, and causes you to reflect a moment. With a flash of insight, you realize you understand yourself a bit better than you did a moment ago. The sudden feeling of self-knowledge is a pleasant one.
Himmy signals, "At the least, don't cross him. Chances are he'll win. Too many tricks up those sleeves"
Xandalf signals, "Perhaps with Our assistance... he will teach Us some of those tricks."

K>signal My deeds and assistance have been noted, as they always have.
Chalon acknowledged your signal.
Himmy acknowledged your signal.
Xandalf acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.


Edited to add: Both logs were cleaned to aid in clarity, reduce scroll, and ease continuity.

[Edited on 9-12-2005 by Fallen]

09-12-2005, 12:40 PM
You say, "What a strange accident to befall someone."


Sweet logs.

09-12-2005, 12:40 PM
Oh, good show. I was wondering what you two were talking about over there in the Hall of Justice. That was much fun, even though I died a bunch of times in a row. I hope to see Lacheis again. That's the first time I've ever said anything bad about the Poohbah and actually seen something come of it. Best time I've had in GS in weeks.

09-12-2005, 12:41 PM
Ironic that perma-sanct Himmy is complaining about a sanctuary. Is he playing as his own character now? Last I saw him he was just Brimzstone's healing whore in the Cavern of Ages.

09-12-2005, 12:42 PM
Lacheis has punished a great many who have broken their oaths. I think I posted some of his previous work here as well. Good stuff.

09-12-2005, 12:44 PM
Himmy has belonged to me for awhile now. And, yes. He's his own character. And, no.. I'm not Brimz. Or Algrus.

09-12-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Himmy
Himmy has belonged to me for awhile now. And, yes. He's his own character. And, no.. I'm not Brimz. Or Algrus.

Ah gotcha. The Himmy I knew carried a sanctuary in his pocket, so if you saw him you knew there was a sanct.

09-12-2005, 01:00 PM
By popular demand, here's the first part of this that hasn't been posted yet:

Great Lady Phatall just arrived.
You feel more refreshed.
Phatall suddenly looks drained!
The appearance of great calm leaves Gilheal as he looks up and glances around.

Phatall suddenly looks drained!

Gilheal winces.

>signal The Poohbah is probably crying himself to sleep over that
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Deathdivious acknowledged your signal.
Diynasta acknowledged your signal.
Songbyrde acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Melenie acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.

An icy voice whispers, "Our master whines for no man. Desecrate his name at your own peril fool."

You feel more refreshed.
You feel at full magical power again.
The grey wolf looks around suspiciously.
You sneer.

>signal Dark whispers from the shadows really don't do much for me. Tell the Poohbah to dry her eyes and come talk to me herself.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Deathdivious acknowledged your signal.
Diynasta acknowledged your signal.
Songbyrde acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Melenie acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.

An icy voice whispers, "Beware, lest he unleash the lead of his dark brotherhood to end your miserable existance."


>signal Beware? I'll tell you where to be. Out of my range of hearing before I go visit the Poohbah myself.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Diynasta acknowledged your signal.
Songbyrde acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Melenie acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.

>signal Much as I thought. Emtpy threats from a voice with no face.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Songbyrde acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.
You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.

Lacheis glances at you.
>l lach
You see Lacheis Taurvon.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young. He has hazel eyes and black skin. He has very long, black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a well-balanced steel sabre in his right hand.
He is wearing a jeweled sabre sheath, an unlaced pleated black silk shirt, some black linen trousers, an iron-bound hide shield, a wide-brimmed black felt hat, a rugged leather harness, and a dark grey travelling cloak.
Lacheis signals, "Pathetic fool"
>sneer lach
You sneer at Lacheis.

Lacheis signals, "Let me show you my power."
>signal I suppose you're the Poohbah's hand in Illistim?
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Songbyrde acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.
The fox digs into the ground looking for something.

You sense the thoughts of the Grand Poohbah:
"My child, you have not abided by your vow of
secrecy and have permitted non-members to identify
your affiliation. As such, I strip you of your
powers for 10 minutes, so that you might have
time to reflect upon your actions."

Lacheis signals, "I can end your life with a snap of my fingers."

>signal Well then.. Snap them.
Gedron acknowledged your signal.
Sahra acknowledged your signal.
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.


Lacheis signals, "As you command, oh, lord."
Gilheal says, "It auto unstuns ye from phisical stuns."
Milque put an opal-inlaid tarnished invar lockpick in her black layered cloak.
Lacheis smirks.
Sahra takes a bite of her acantha leaf.
Sahra makes a horrible face!
Sahra looks a little better.
Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at you!
... 28 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!
Though you are stunned and reeling, you become aware of your pounding heart. With each beat, it grows louder and louder, faster and faster, but then it fades again, and you are left as dazed as you were.
!SP>Lacheis signals, "Do you require another lesson?"
Lacheis says to you, "You, sir, are a queasy minnow!"
Gilheal gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Gilheal gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
Gedron says, "I hardly get hurt."
!P>inc 1107
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Adrenal Surge...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You feel a surge of energy that carries you to your feet in a heartbeat, with no sense of effort whatsoever!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds

!>mock lach
You say to Lacheis, "You, sir, are a frumpy, dog-hearted rudesby!"
Gilheal nods to Gedron.
Milque refines her professional calipers a bit.
The grey wolf sniffs the ground.
Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at you!
... 27 points of damage!
Well aimed strike shatters bone in right arm!
You are stunned for 5 rounds!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!
Though you are stunned and reeling, you become aware of your pounding heart. With each beat, it grows louder and louder, faster and faster, but then it fades again, and you are left as dazed as you were.
!S> !S>
Sahra asks, "Why are we stunning Himmy?"
Lacheis signals, "You are pathetic."
Though you are stunned and reeling, you become aware of your pounding heart. With each beat, it grows louder and louder, faster and faster, but then it fades again, and you are left as dazed as you were.
!>signal Not as pathetic as the Poohbah. He can't even take care of things for himself
Lacheis says, "Internal affairs fool. Bother me not."
Diynasta acknowledged your signal.
Melenie acknowledged your signal.
Deathdivious acknowledged your signal.
Sahra acknowledged your signal.
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.
Deathdivious signals, "someone spreading secrets?"
!>prep 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
!>cast lach
You gesture at Lacheis.
You concentrate intently on Lacheis, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward Lacheis!
CS: +324 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +15 - -5 == +67
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

!>prep 1106
>cast lach
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Lacheis.
You concentrate intently on Lacheis, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward Lacheis!
CS: +324 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +21 - -5 == +73
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
!>prep 1140
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Empathic Dispel...
Your spell is ready.
!>cast lach
You gesture at Lacheis.
Nothing happens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Fushugro just went out.
You ponder.
Lacheis gives you a harsh shove!
You fall down!
Lacheis growls, "Get out of my way!"
Milque removes a slim veniom fingernail file from in her black layered cloak.
!P>prep 1106
With a casual motion, Milque twirls her file around her index finger, catching it between thumb and forefinger before applying it to the lock of a sturdy mithril box...
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
!P>chan lach
You channel at Lacheis.
You concentrate intently on Lacheis, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward Lacheis!
CS: +324 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +45 - -5 == +97
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
!PR>prep 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
!P>chan lach
You channel at Lacheis.
You concentrate intently on Lacheis, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward Lacheis!
CS: +324 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +69 - -5 == +121
Warding failed!
Lacheis shudders with moderate convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop his body.
Lacheis is smashed for 38 points of damage!
... 35 points of damage!
Hard blow to Lacheis's back causes him to cry out in pain!
He is stunned!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to right arm!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
!PR>prep 1106
You focus your thoughts while chanting the mystical phrase for Bone Shatter...
Your spell is ready.
!P>chan lach
You channel at Lacheis.
You concentrate intently on Lacheis, a pulse of pearlescent energy ripples toward Lacheis!
CS: +324 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +75 - -5 == +127
Warding failed!
Lacheis shudders with sporadic convulsions as pearlescent ripples envelop his body.
Lacheis is smashed for 46 points of damage!

* Lacheis drops dead at your feet!

A small elf child cries out, "Murder!". His mother then sends him off for the Guard Captain.

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
!>signal Good job. Champion.
Diynasta acknowledged your signal.
Melenie acknowledged your signal.
Deathdivious acknowledged your signal.
Sahra acknowledged your signal.
Lacheis acknowledged your signal.
Phatall acknowledged your signal.
Gilheal acknowledged your signal.
Step acknowledged your signal.
Laccon acknowledged your signal.

A dark vortex swirls around Lacheis and he disappears. A gong sounds in the distance once, thundering all around.
!H>signal Next time.. Tell the Poohbah to pick someone with better aim
You come out of hiding.
Heavily edited, excuse the gaps and whatnot. There was alot of noise on the Dais.

[Edited on 9-12-2005 by Himmy]

09-12-2005, 01:09 PM
None of this shows what you did to betray it's secrecy, that I saw.

Unless it was talking ill of the Poohbah in the signal.

09-12-2005, 01:13 PM
An icy voice whispers, "Beware, lest he unleash the lead of his dark brotherhood to end your miserable existance."

Very nice. As I said, good roleplay all around.

09-12-2005, 01:15 PM
I didn't reveal any secrets to anyone. Himmy was just talking shit about the Poohbah and ol' Pooh-bear got all buttered up.

09-12-2005, 01:46 PM
At least you can say you killed a dark assassin. I don't know of anyone else that has.

09-12-2005, 01:55 PM
then this makes no sense:

You sense the thoughts of the Grand Poohbah:
"My child, you have not abided by your vow of
secrecy and have permitted non-members to identify
your affiliation. As such, I strip you of your
powers for 10 minutes, so that you might have
time to reflect upon your actions."

Just being technical.

09-12-2005, 02:02 PM
I know it doesn't make any sense, but.. I'm NOT the GM who was running Lacheis. So, don't ask me.

Yeah, whoops.

[Edited on 9-12-2005 by Himmy]

09-12-2005, 02:30 PM
Huh? I think there should be a NOT in the post above mine.

09-12-2005, 02:33 PM
I hereby declare that I stand against all that GMs stand for. Except slaughtering the innocents and handing out RPA's.

09-12-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Andreal
At least you can say you killed a dark assassin. I don't know of anyone else that has.

Crylone for one ... in Wehnimers.


09-12-2005, 03:00 PM
<3 Lacheis <3

09-12-2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
then this makes no sense:

You sense the thoughts of the Grand Poohbah:
"My child, you have not abided by your vow of
secrecy and have permitted non-members to identify
your affiliation. As such, I strip you of your
powers for 10 minutes, so that you might have
time to reflect upon your actions."

Just being technical.

I went back to look for a public mention as well. Perhaps They wanted to make sure Himmy didn't toss any signs up... can't have him talking poorly of the Poohbah on one hand and using Signs to defend himself from punishment from the other? Just a thought...

09-12-2005, 03:51 PM
Yeah, or maybe he was SHOWING HIS AWESOME ASSASSIN POWERS. Man, I love capslock.

09-12-2005, 04:07 PM
I killed Lacheis about 6 months ago. He was assasinating some people outside the north gate, so I cast call lightning at him. Apparently, he thought that by hiding, the cloud would miss...he was wrong. It's odd that his TD was only 296 for you though. When he attacked these people, he warded in the 900's.

09-12-2005, 04:10 PM
In all the instances I have been around Lacheis, he is usually killed in his efforts. Perhaps it goes to show that while powerful, the Council of Light is inherently flawed.

09-12-2005, 04:15 PM
Lacheis owes me 500k.

And Lacheis has definitely been killed by other folks before.

09-12-2005, 04:16 PM
Whatever the case may be.. Did you see how he pulled my head off with that horse? How many other people have you seen do that? I wanna give him a big ol' hug.

09-12-2005, 04:57 PM
Here is some other of the same GMs work:

A trio of hooded dark men wander in. One clips Solamarar with his mace, and he falls to the ground, stunned. Quickly, they tie his hands to the willow tree and his feet to a nearby team of horses. One slaps the rump of the horses and they lunge forward, tearing him in half. His entrails flop to the ground and the men wander off, chuckling.

Some old threads on Lacheis:
