View Full Version : Sparroe
So I glance at this guy, just wanting to RP some hatred and whatnot.
I go hunting and get this..
You hear the faint whisper of Sparroe saying, "Entress told me you were a bit of an jerk. i guess she understated things."
I reply, still IC.
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "bit of A jerk, you complete retard."
(my character can hear when someone says AN instead of A)
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "go back to sleep and take your bitch girlfriend with you."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You hear the faint whisper of Sparroe saying, "How eloquent. you must be very proud to be so quick to catch peoples typos."
>think to sparr OOC: that was in character dude, do you still want to rp?
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "OOC: that was in character dude, do you still want to rp?"
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You hear the faint whisper of Sparroe saying, "I fail to see how that was in character. unless your RP is that sad."
>think to sparr OOC: oh great , another person who can't tell the difference between RP and RL. Woohoo.
You hear the faint whisper of Sparroe saying, "I can tell the differnce, and tell bad RP from good."
You hear the faint whisper of Sparroe saying, "I made no comments about anything ooc. it was you who brought it up as i recall."
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "OOC: Typo's are IC? stfu. "
You hear the faint whisper of Sparroe saying, "Ahh yes. another slip. i must be an idiot."
And next, becouse of all this...
Sparroe is revealed from hiding.
Sparroe fires a black oak heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +580 vs DS: +409 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +25 = +229
... and hits for 67 points of damage!
Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull!
The powerful look leaves you.
You feel less confident than before.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The light blue glow leaves you.
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.
The opalescent aura fades from around you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The air calms down around you.
Your SIGN OF DISSIPATION is no longer effective.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The dim aura fades from around you.
A white glow rushes away from you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!
...departing in 10 mins...
The guiding force leaves Sparroe.
(If you wish to dismiss this murder charge, use ACCUSE DISMISS Sparroe.)
Someone exclaims, "Murder by Sparroe! Call the Guard Captain!"
The heavy crossbow bolt sticks in your left eye!
Gedron glance at the vortex in his hand.
The voice of Sparroe quietly says, "Leave me be from now on."
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
A pained expression crosses Shisshio's face.
A swirling colorless vortex suddenly loses its form and dissipates.
A swirling colorless vortex suddenly loses its form and dissipates.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
You are now speaking Common.
You say, "As if killing me will ensure that."
Veiss says, "Nice shot."
Veiss examines his fingernails.
>depart confirm,
Had to add . .
He's a fucking retard.
And he's soon to be in many many pieces.
I hate when people like that have high AS's.
And was his first thought only in response to you glancing at him?
PS: What's up with that accuse dismiss message, is that new? I wouldn't know because my characters are too cool to be killed :tumble:
08-21-2005, 06:02 AM
Originally posted by Drayal
Veiss says, "Nice shot."
Veiss examines his fingernails.
>depart confirm,
Brown noser.
08-21-2005, 06:32 AM
I glanced at him the other day and he was very nice. When ever I see someone glance, I never think of it as being a bad thing. I look at it as they are just looking around the room or seeing someone. I always figure glare to be used if you wanted to show hatred.
If you look passed both of the ways you two RP (good or bad).
<<<So I glance at this guy, just wanting to RP some hatred and whatnot. >>>
You got what you wanted/started, you got hatred back.
The only thing Shimm did IC to offend him was 'Shifting his eyes to Sparroe' and about 2 sentences of pushing him.
After that it all went OOC due to him not knowing the difference between IC and OOC.
You'd be a fucking idiot to think the killing was NOT anything to do with what was said OOC.
Still . . that boy is dead.
08-21-2005, 07:08 AM
I've been in Vaalor for a while, and from what I've seen about Sparroe, he appears whenever an opportunity to kill someone shows itself. If you had done the same thing to one of his other characters, Sparroe would have still killed you.
08-21-2005, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by Drayal
The only thing Shimm did IC to offend him was 'Shifting his eyes to Sparroe' and about 2 sentences of pushing him.
After that it all went OOC due to him not knowing the difference between IC and OOC.
You'd be a fucking idiot to think the killing was NOT anything to do with what was said OOC.
Still . . that boy is dead.
Oh, I was just saying if you look past all the rp stuff. Now you got what you wanted and have lots of hate.
Wait... he killed you by ambushing... Who killed you with the bolt then? I heard on the amulet you fell on one. And didn't know if you bolted yourself or someone else decided to throw one at you.
Sparroe is revealed from hiding.
Sparroe fires a black oak heavy crossbow bolt at you!
AS: +580 vs DS: +409 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +25 = +229
... and hits for 67 points of damage!
Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull!
Does that give you any clues?
I really hope you were kidding.
08-21-2005, 07:29 AM
Looks like someone didn't read the entire log before they decided to start posting.
08-21-2005, 07:35 AM
Ahhh, someone had said that you fell on their bolt. But it wasn't Sparroe who said it so I figured someone else had killed you as well.
Apologies are sickening.
08-21-2005, 09:08 AM
Wow, Entress was quoted! Albeit wrongly.
He was told Shimm has a temper, and is always like that. And that he should just forget about everything. So much for attempting to diffusing a situation.
Besides, it started when Sparroe started spelling up Cylla with mobiles? because she lost it, without asking. Shimm puffed his chest out and yelled at Sparroe for doing so. There's more to the story than above.
And I'll thank people to keep Entress out of stupid shit like that.
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Nobody Cares]
08-21-2005, 09:14 AM
I thought Sparroe was a woman til I looked.
Basicly, RP fun turned into him becoming confused as to what's RL, what's RP and what's in game.
Until it spiralled into him killing my character.
Thought it was important to point out a total dickbag when I met one.
08-21-2005, 09:35 AM
I knew Sparroe wasn't going to let it drop when he said he has an extreme dislike of Dhe'nar. I walked away instead of trying to explain Shimm to him, as it would have been futile and not my place.
He doesn't seem the same person I met in RR, that's for sure.
08-21-2005, 09:37 AM
I might be wrong, but I think Sparroe was a part of that bloodbath on the Wavedancer when Lirion was raffling off some of the first bows.
08-21-2005, 09:44 AM
In my opinion, you got what you asked for. You mentioned typo's (which I'd classify as OOC) and started calling the names in the first place. I'd have done the same, just with much less provocation.
08-21-2005, 10:14 AM
Yeah if someone tells me to go back to sleep and take my bitch girlfriend with me, I'd have to wonder if they were crossing the OOC line too. No offense but when Shimm thought that to him, in my opinion, it opened it up for a very very volatile and probably OOC situation.
Him killing Shimm over it was lame though. Very lame.
08-21-2005, 10:39 AM
Heh. Its a peeve of mine when people take IC conflict OOC. I mean, its bound to happen. Especially with my bad characters. And I'm always ready to defuse the situation in that case. Irony! Why does it *always* happen that people start shit with me while I'm playing my PEACE LOVING HIPPY BUGPUFF, MODELED-AFTER-A-BUDDHIST-MONK PACIFIST??!!
edited to say: haha. Shimm got pwned.
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by JihnasSpirit]
08-21-2005, 10:40 AM
Oh, hehehe, I didn't even notice that part:
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "go back to sleep and take your bitch girlfriend with you."
Shame on Shimmerain for taking the word of a stranger over Entress. Good thing she doesn't know he said that ;)
08-21-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
Originally posted by Drayal
The only thing Shimm did IC to offend him was 'Shifting his eyes to Sparroe' and about 2 sentences of pushing him.
After that it all went OOC due to him not knowing the difference between IC and OOC.
You'd be a fucking idiot to think the killing was NOT anything to do with what was said OOC.
Still . . that boy is dead.
Oh, I was just saying if you look past all the rp stuff. Now you got what you wanted and have lots of hate.
Wait... he killed you by ambushing... Who killed you with the bolt then? I heard on the amulet you fell on one. And didn't know if you bolted yourself or someone else decided to throw one at you.
What? This is ridiculous. Falling on a bolt is retarded enough, but the fact that you think someone would throw an arrow instead of actually shooting it is even worse. Please think before you type.
I've seen Sparroe start a lot of shit at the dais, jump into other people's conflicts, etc etc. Personally, none of my characters have a problem with him, but anything he does is not surprising. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him at the dais lately without him firing at someone, though I never know what it's all about.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-21-2005, 12:07 PM
Yeah, Sparroe was the moron on the Wavedancer. Clearly he's a moron everywhere.
Sean of the Thread
08-21-2005, 12:20 PM
Isn't the dais still perma sanct?
Miss X
08-21-2005, 12:34 PM
I think I read on the officials that Vaschka ha d taken away the Dais sanct for the time being. :)
08-21-2005, 12:49 PM
Actually, if what I was told is true, Shimmerain was the first to step into someone else's business (Cylla). He threatened Sparroe because Sparroe cast a few friendly spells at Cylla to be nice (but without asking).
And I finally found the thoughts he and I threw back and forth:
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "ouch! did you have a run in with Shimmerain today too where you died?"
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "no. he never touched me"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "i'm sure he could kill me without too much trouble, but i'm fairly certain i could him too"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "he and i just have a disagreement though"
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "he uses the cloak of shadows, it kills me when I try if I don't kill him outright. He must have been just using your name earlier. Oh? About?"
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "cloak of shadows goes off on the caster if you use a bow and stay hidden"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "i've never once been hit by it"
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "what is your disagreement with him? I used to date him."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "he got all upity about me giving someone dex when they did not ask for it. after she had said thank you"
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "who was it?"
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "i told him i do not take orders from dhe'nar, and he got all pissy because he says he's not dhe'nar"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "some empath. cyla or something"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "i saw her mobiles drop so i figured she would not mind. silly me. that will teach me to be nice"
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "they're old friends. He's weird."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "yeah. so long as he does not threaten me again we will be ok. i'm not getting in a fight over it"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "nor am i foolish enough to go after him right now."
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "he hunts otf if i'm not mistaken"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "i've droped cholan three or four times"
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "As is not the problem, if they are too old they just evade" **I think he went back and read a previous thought from Ent and now responded**
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "but it was still something silly to fight over"
You focus your mind on Sparroe and think: "he lives for doing that, though. I'd forget about it."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Private - Sparroe (faint)]: "i will unless he make more threats. i have a thing about dhe'nar anyway"
And that's where it ended.
So his dislike for Dhe'nar would have made the kill appropriate for how Sparroe is roleplayed, but that's also the thin line. How would he know if Shimm was Dhe'nar, blah blah blah. Goes back to the old arguments the boards have already gone through.
Neither side came out smelling like roses.
Oh, and one, Ent barely knows Sparroe.. but knows he is married. Two, Alfue's been in Ent's bodice several times lately. If anyone would be calling her gf, it'd be him :P
Oh wait, he's married too. :lol:
Nice sig, Alfster :rant:
08-21-2005, 12:58 PM
Shimm's comments to Sparroe after he cast dex at Cylla were 100% IC for Shimm to do.
Cylla just ignored the whole thing. Found it fairly amusing, if anything.
As for the "typo", if I 'heard' someone say what was typo'd, it'd sound like A instead of AN. I'd ignore it personally, but that doesn't make it OOC for an OCD sorcerer.
Oh, and I know someone who killed another person (accidentally) by THROWING an arrow from hiding. Total fluke. Funny, too.
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Czeska]
08-21-2005, 12:58 PM
Well, I have experience with Sparroe as well.
One of his other characters, a level 40 or so Paladin named Corynh, started shit with Xandalf in Ta'Vaalor a few months back. To make a long story short, Cory told Xand to leave someone else alone, Xand told him to mind his own business, Cory likes to jump into everyone elses business and continued, so Xand killed Cory. Cory started warning Xand about how he was going to die and what now.
Well well, suprise suprise a few minutes later Sparroe shows up, and spikethorns Xand without any RP. Kills xand in town a few times and then gets banished from town. Cory comes back a few weeks later, attacks Xand, Xand killes Cory, and then... suprise suprise Sparroe comes back and kills Xand again!!
So I talked to the player and thought I had worked it with him, blatant cross RP and what not. Then a few weeks later Sparroe walks up to Xand in town, says "You feeling lucky?" Then spikes him for no reason.
To make a long story short, I agree Drayal. Sparroe is a moron. He jumps into other people's conflicts for no reason; he cross RP's like a bitch; and he can't distinuish between IG and OOG. He got mad at Me, the player (someone he doesnt knolw at all), for something my character did.
08-21-2005, 12:59 PM
Also, the dais lost its sanct when the scarabs attacked and everything fell over.
08-21-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
Oh, and I know someone who killed another person (accidentally) by THROWING an arrow from hiding. Total fluke. Funny, too.
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Czeska]
When was this, because the last time I tried to throw an arrow, I got a message of "This weapon is far to small to be thrown" or something like that.
08-21-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
Oh, and one, Ent barely knows Sparroe.. but knows he is married. Two, Alfue's been in Ent's bodice several times lately. If anyone would be calling her gf, it'd be him :P
Oh wait, he's married too. :lol:
Nice sig, Alfster :rant:
08-21-2005, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Alfster
Originally posted by Czeska
Oh, and I know someone who killed another person (accidentally) by THROWING an arrow from hiding. Total fluke. Funny, too.
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Czeska]
When was this, because the last time I tried to throw an arrow, I got a message of "This weapon is far to small to be thrown" or something like that.
Been a couple years.
08-21-2005, 03:30 PM
Right when the very "hurl" came out I believe. Because I remember everyone trying to get arrows to stick into each other.
Besides, saying, "I threw a bolt at him and killed him." Doesn't have to literally mean that they picked it up and threw it at him. I thought they were talking about lightning or some kind of magic attack.
As for not knowing if he was Dhe'nar or not, he seems to hide in the shadows a lot. Almost everyone knows of Shim in Illistem and I don't think it would be too hard to observe something that would point to Shimm being Dhe'nar.
IF my character was racist and a Dhe'nar said he wasn't a Dhe'nar, I'd still kill him. I'd think hmmm... he is trying to trick me etc etc. If you really hate a race, whatever comes out of their mouth means nothing. Atleast that's how I've always looked at it.
08-21-2005, 03:47 PM
The whole thing with Xandalf and this guy tells me to steer clear of him (I'm not fond of his name anyway). The previous log and situation make me glad to be a fountain player in EN.
I think the guy was probably leaning toward calling shimm an ass, rethought, and deleted, but I don't think either were very in character as retard doesn't seem like a very IC insult to me anyway.
Robeen, people like to try to test/anger pacifists because they want to bring them down to their level (very easily explained).
08-21-2005, 03:59 PM
I think he (Shimm) was looking for anything to complain about, which he does anyway. I couldn't say for certain, but I doubt Shimm goes around and listens to how everyone says things, and corrects every single person on their pronounciations. Not everyone ig will have crisp clear common language. Some rp very well botched common.
And yes, I agree Shimm complaining about Cylla being spelled is ic for him. Other posts have proven that. He just needs to remember not everyone will bow down to his complaining.
08-21-2005, 04:06 PM
If you do happen to kill him or whatever. Just be ready to do it over and over again. He doesn't seem to get the message til yer headcount is pushin double digits.
08-21-2005, 04:23 PM
Although I also don't see him running around fixing everyones grammar. I think that the only reason people fix grammar in a situation like this is because they don't know what else to say and just want to piss the person off even more.
08-21-2005, 04:35 PM
Or because they like people to speak and type correctly.
08-21-2005, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Or because they like people to speak and type correctly.
So true. Most people, I'd assume, would like to at the very least think the person they're arguing with has some semblance of intelligent thought. If they can't spell simple words or form proper sentences, the whole argument just scampers into annoyance territory.
08-21-2005, 04:40 PM
Exactly, Axhinde. Hence why the "I don't spell check my posts because it doesn't make any difference" BS that Teeoncy spouts from her excellerated ENGLEESH mouth rubs me up the wrong way.
08-21-2005, 04:41 PM
I'm glad I can get under your skin sweet heart.
08-21-2005, 04:43 PM
No, I don't want to have any form of relationship with you Teeoncy, or your imaginary bf. So I ask you desist your little prattle. English teacher my ass. Thats almost as bad as Hitler becoming a bagel salesman.
08-21-2005, 06:43 PM
I also think both people dealt with this poorly. No offense to the initial poster, but insulting him without swearing (or bringing in the oh-so-clever "retard" retort) probably would have been a better way to approach this situation. Also, as annoying as it sometimes is, if you're going to play a character that seeks conflict, I personally think the second you get wind that the *person* behind the other character is getting offended it's your obligation to try and difuse the OOC part of the situation. Sending a message like "OOC: Hey, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to offend you the player, I'm just trying to RP a little conflict" can sometimes really lessen the problem.
Then again, I do think the other guy majorly overreacted and that a physical attack should never have been brought into what was mostly an OOC conversation. Given the fact that he jumped the gun so quickly, I'm not sure you could have done much to difuse the situation. But it would have been nice to see you try.
Shame all around, in my opinion.
08-21-2005, 06:48 PM
I don't know...most guys in the game try and be all noble etc and defend the ladies.
<<go back to sleep and take your bitch girlfriend with you>>
Bitch girlfriend?
Wench might have been a better insult. I always think of Bitch as a little ooc. However, I can see many killing him for insulting their lady.
08-21-2005, 06:56 PM
How is bitch ooc?
1. A female canine animal, especially a dog.
2. Offensive.
1. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing.
2. A lewd woman.
3. A man considered to be weak or contemptible.
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Artha]
08-21-2005, 07:12 PM
TO ME It always seemed to be. Just one of those words I suppose.
I asked a GM using report if I could use the word bitch.
They said to go for it, no bad 100%.
I enjoyed reading the responses to this post.
I know for a fact, aftrer trying to absolve the 'I can't handle IG and OOC' situaltion, Sparroes player seemed to have.. that he's an idiot.
My bad for calling SPARROE a retard, it seems the player thought I meant him, instead.
Next time I'll remember to make Shimm call him a fucking asshat knob knocker.
I'll torment and forget the guy, I think.
A la Dighn.
Edited to add:
By the way, Shimm is so bad he will nail someone for not speaking correctly.
OR he'll find a way to piss them off for spelling Cylla in a way he could never do with his sorcerous guards alone.
[Edited on 8-22-2005 by Drayal]
08-21-2005, 08:04 PM
Next time I'll remember to make Shimm call him a fucking asshat knob knocker.
I'll torment and forget the guy, I think.
A la Dighn. >>
You and Dighn went at it, Drayal? What about?
Originally posted by GSLady17
TO ME It always seemed to be. Just one of those words I suppose.
The provenence of the word bitch traces back to the 1400's in reference to a woman, and first reference to a dog was in 11th century. So it's well within the realm of gemstone
I was actually more bothered by 'retard' which didn't come into common usage until of bit over one-hundred years ago, but it has an etymology tracing back over five-hundred years so it's also an older word. If sparsely used back then.
Personally I try to use words that are period appropriate. For instance I studiously avoid the word "OK" because it wasn't invented until the 1840s (incidentally, it's now the most recognized word in the world after "Coke"). On the other hand I don't expect people to notice that I do, nor do I try to hold them to my standards. Just do what I can to add to the enviroment.
No dude, that was Dighns' quote on the officials.
Torment it and forget it.
It's a fucker when you learn a vital sorcerous hunting technique from some guys sig.
Was a long time ago.
Fallen used to play Dighn, so it might have been him at the time.
Ron Popiel: "Torment it...."
Audience: "AND FORGET IT!"
100% of the worlds population knew this.
Drew, your char and mine are SO gonna have a fight if they speak to oneanother.
Let's try to keep them miles apart.
Originally posted by Drayal
100% of the worlds population knew this.
Drew, your char and mine are SO gonna have a fight if they speak to oneanother.
Let's try to keep them miles apart.
Tell me something I didn't know, I've been saying that for months :grin:
In Chiv's eyes Shim is just another "Reltov Retard". But he wouldn't say retard :lol:
He'd say '' Shimm is OK ''
Well I checked my logs, remember when this happened?
gigg shimm
>You giggle at Shimmerain!
'LOLz Shimmerain, you are all that and a bag of chips
>You say, "LOLz Shimmerain, you are all that and a bag of chips."
>Shimmerain says, "I'm a big bad dhe'nar"
>Shimmerain says, "And you anger me but I can't think of a way to vent my anger."
'Let's have a dance off to determine who is better!
>You exclaim, "Let's have a dance off to determine who is better!"
You dance around the room to music only you can hear.
You exclaim, "Vogue!"
That's probably the funniest thing I ever read on these boards.
You're a star!!
Thanks. Needed a laugh tonight.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
In my opinion, you got what you asked for. You mentioned typo's (which I'd classify as OOC) and started calling the names in the first place. I'd have done the same, just with much less provocation.
You do realise he'd picked up on a minor fault in the guys speech?
When the whisper was directly into his ear it's easier to realise it was a mistake.
Besides, not only did he correct him, Shimm repeated that he was ''A jerk''.
He's kinda proud to be a jerk.
Besides Strayrogue, you fuck!! That's your free pint down the sink.
08-21-2005, 10:04 PM
I agree he's a moron. However randomly glancing at me and calling me a jerk would get you similar results from me. Especially if I've never met you before.
So it would be ..
>Gaze Stay
You shift your eyes to Stay.
>'::stay You're such a jerk.
You say to Stay, ''You're such a jerk''.
Depart confirm.
08-21-2005, 10:08 PM
Well, I'd do what I did to Chica when she was trying to be a smartass with me *Flex*
If our characters ever had a problem I'd e-wave then stance neutral curse his ass.
I'd then take sorrow and wave it at Chica, who would be standing there too, and laugh heartily as she was clouded to death.
I'd give the sword back to you, before GMs saw and banned me, and then pick it up again becouse of the said curse..
Shimmerain says, ''fuck yooo GM Biznitches''.
Shimmerain swings a fucking ace sword at you..
AS: -199 vs DS: +511 with AvD: -10 + d100 roll: +xx = -xxx
A clean miss.
Shimmerain realises he's been banned for 30 days.
Urinal Poops
08-23-2005, 04:02 PM
It's someones own choice to take eye shifting however they want to take it, I used to take "glances" in a negative fashion until they added nastier verbs to use.
Not sure which is the lesser of two evils, you use "retard" which i view as an OOG phrase, and he immediately jumps to profanity. Maybe you should just both kill eachother repeatedly.
08-23-2005, 06:14 PM
Glancing can be negative, or just looking over. I take the context of the situation, and the person's demeanor into consideration.
Now with sorcerers, most of my characters view the eye shifting as a "mean" look, unless they know the sorcerer.
With Shimm, my opinion is biased and completely selfish. He does it to other people, it's mean. He does it to me, it's cause he forgot to pay attention to me and is looking to see if I'm going to go off on him for it. :lol:
The guy's been in hiding for days.
I hate when Rangers I want to disect do that!!
08-23-2005, 07:44 PM
He was here tonight. If you had been just a little sooner.
Motherfu . . .
No, I'll do what all good invis sorcerers do.. remain calm, stalk and learn.
Then teach.
08-23-2005, 07:49 PM
If Shimm's nice to Ent, she can reveal his hiding spots ;)
She knows, considering he came out of hiding and tried talking with her.
08-24-2005, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by Nobody Cares
I knew Sparroe wasn't going to let it drop when he said he has an extreme dislike of Dhe'nar.
:lol: He gets along with my Dhe'nar sorceress just fine.. in fact from the moment they met he's been very nice to her. I wonder if thats because dispite the fact that his older rogue killed her.. she still imploded him to death :D or maybe it's because she's female hehe. Yeah he can be a an ass :uglyclown: .
08-26-2005, 12:32 AM
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
* Sparroe just bit the dust!
All within about 5 minutes.
08-26-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
In my opinion, you got what you asked for. You mentioned typo's (which I'd classify as OOC) and started calling the names in the first place. I'd have done the same, just with much less provocation.
Yeah that.
08-26-2005, 02:31 PM
My empath has looked at people who misspeak in game (garbled language, intentional or not) and when they ask why, she'll reply with something like, "I am just trying to figure out what in the world you just said."
Not that everyone doesn't make typos.. but under certain circumstances, if you're RPing that you HEARD it, it can be done quite IC.
My occasionially neurotic two cents.
08-26-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
... He gets along with my Dhe'nar sorceress just fine.. maybe it's because she's female...
Yep, that's about the only reason right there.
08-26-2005, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
My empath has looked at people who misspeak in game (garbled language, intentional or not) and when they ask why, she'll reply with something like, "I am just trying to figure out what in the world you just said."
Not that everyone doesn't make typos.. but under certain circumstances, if you're RPing that you HEARD it, it can be done quite IC.
My occasionially neurotic two cents.
Heh! Last night in TSC there was a guy in there asking for healing 'plz' and my empath chuckled and then turned to him and said "You know, I used to have problems with that word as well. You just have to remember it ends in a ssss sound and not a zzzz. I bet if you practice you'll get better. And yes, I can heal you. "
The guy didn't acknowledge that instruction at all but he did thank her for the healing and wandered off. A few minutes later my empath asked for some spare spirit mana please and one of the guys there grinned and said "is that with an ssss or a zzzz" :lol:
Good times.
Well, some time has passed since all of this occurred, so I figure I can safely post now. Honestly, I'm not certain why killing someone's character is cause for such excitement. I will say this, nothing anyone has said here really surprises me, but it would be a pleasant change if you all were not so insecure in your own intelligence you feel the need to degrade someone else. It is really pretty pathetic to call someone a names and insult them simply because you lack the capacity to make your point otherwise. I also see no reason to attempt to defend my actions or rebut someone's senseless bad mouthing.
As far as the conflict goes there is much more to it than what was shown would leave any of you to believe. I'm not out to prove anything though, and really could not care less how the entire episode is taken.
10-08-2005, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Lee
Well, some time has passed since all of this occurred, so I figure I can safely post now. Honestly, I'm not certain why killing someone's character is cause for such excitement. I will say this, nothing anyone has said here really surprises me, but it would be a pleasant change if you all were not so insecure in your own intelligence you feel the need to degrade someone else. It is really pretty pathetic to call someone a names and insult them simply because you lack the capacity to make your point otherwise. I also see no reason to attempt to defend my actions or rebut someone's senseless bad mouthing.
As far as the conflict goes there is much more to it than what was shown would leave any of you to believe. I'm not out to prove anything though, and really could not care less how the entire episode is taken.
So what was it that motivated you to post in a two month old thread?
10-08-2005, 04:27 PM
Heh. Nevermind, Lee. You ain't alone, hon. These boards often eat their young. :lol:
10-08-2005, 04:31 PM
LOL I love these typical "you're all kids" posts.
10-08-2005, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
LOL I love these typical "you're all kids" posts.
especially when they end with the I DUN CAYR WOT U THINK
10-08-2005, 05:38 PM
If you don't care, don't post. Nobody gives a shit, and they're all gonna laugh at you.
10-08-2005, 05:39 PM
Like I'm doing right now.
10-08-2005, 05:50 PM
So Satira I uh, saw your picture on the OOC website...
10-08-2005, 05:58 PM
Plz is kind of going over the top, however let's just say someone said they were hunting bares. Totally spelled wrong but your character hears he word bear.
I hate when I see poeple acknowledge that hey it is really text...not my character hearing things.
Some situations should be taken in whispers in stead of out loud for better rp.
10-08-2005, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Lee
As far as the conflict goes there is much more to it than what was shown would leave any of you to believe. I'm not out to prove anything though, and really could not care less how the entire episode is taken.
While that may well be true, then why even say that much?
<So what was it that motivated you to post in a two month old thread?>
Because I only just read it today. I'd heard about it, but not bothered to look for myself. A friend happened to bring it up, so I thought i'd take a look out of idle curiosity.
10-08-2005, 06:57 PM
And you demonstrated you lack of caring about what people think, by telling us what you think.
Makes a whole lot of sense...
That is over simplifying the sentiment, but the argument is moot, as nothing I said could possibly make any difference to someone who's already made up their mind.
10-08-2005, 08:51 PM
Unfortunately your character happens to have the reputation of being a trigger-happy dipshit notwithstanding, so no, the argument isn't exactly moot. Your RP generally consists of being blatantly abrasive and killing people, as is seen in this thread. Perhaps more did occur, but *that* is actually the moot point.
There was no more to it than I posted originally.
I let the whole drama fade out anyhow, since we're even.
When the first incident occurred, Sparroe asked Shimmerain if he had a problem with him because he glared at him. That was totally in character, however, instead of keeping it so, Shimmerain took it as an ooc statement, and proceeded to make both veiled, and not so veiled threats. It continued for a weak before it came down to the portion you chose to show. There was nothing hasty in the decision to kill. I've accepted the fact some might not understand Sparroe's motivations, and thus have toned him down, and had by the the time this even occured. As far as the comments made by Stu/xandalf, I think they are a gross mistunderstanding on his part, and largely untrue.
10-08-2005, 09:21 PM
Poor Sparroe...
He's not bad, he's just drawn that way.
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