View Full Version : 1605 and DF
08-20-2005, 05:47 AM
Anyone have the list for the DF of weapons in GSIV? I had one for 3, but lost it at some point, apparently.
08-20-2005, 12:07 PM
Arrow/Bolt .200 .100 .080 .100 .040 1 SP 20/40
Dagger .200 .125 .100 .080 .040 1 SP 18/195
Rapier .220 .120 .095 .070 .035 2 SP 30/100
Main Gauche .220 .130 .110 .090 .060 2 SP 18/190
Short sword .300 .225 .200 .150 .125 3 SPC 70/185
Katar .325 .250 .225 .200 .175 3 SP 70/175
Scimitar .375 .260 .210 .200 .165 4 SPC 60/150
Estoc .425 .300 .200 .200 .150 4 SP 65/160
Longsword .425 .275 .225 .200 .175 4 SPC 65/160
Backsword .440 .310 .225 .240 .150 5 SPC 75/160
Broadsword .450 .300 .250 .225 .200 5 SPC 75/160
Handaxe .420 .300 .270 .240 .210 5 S C 70/160
Falchion .450 .325 .250 .250 .175 5 S C 75/160
1hBastard sword .450 .325 .275 .250 .185 6 S C 75/200
[script done]
>.qrs blunt
[Script qrs is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
Whip .275 .150 .087 .100 .087 2 C 10/75
Crowbill .300 .220 .200 .150 .125 2 PC 65/250
Cudgel .300 .250 .200 .225 .150 4 C 8/130
Mace .400 .300 .225 .250 .175 4 C 65/250
Ball & chain .400 .300 .230 .260 .175 6 C 75/175
War Hammer .410 .290 .250 .275 .200 4 PC 60/155
Morning Star .425 .325 .275 .300 .225 5 PC 65/250
[script done]
>.qrs twohand
[Script qrs is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
Staff .350 .275 .225 .175 .100 5 C 20/140
2hBastard sword .550 .400 .375 .300 .210 6 SP 75/200
Military pick .500 .375 .425 .375 .275 7 PC 60/150
Flail .575 .425 .400 .350 .225 7 PC 60/150
Flamberge .600 .450 .475 .325 .200 7 S C 70/190
War Mattock .525 .425 .425 .375 .275 7 C 60/145
Two-handed sword .625 .475 .500 .350 .225 8 S C 75/200
Battle Axe .650 .450 .500 .375 .245 8 S C 70/155
Pilum .300 .200 .225 .175 .060 3 SP 50/150
Spear .350 .250 .275 .225 .100 5 SP 15/130
Javelin .350 .250 .275 .225 .100 4 P 17/105
Halberd .550 .400 .400 .300 .200 6 SPC 25/150
Jeddart-axe .550 .425 .425 .325 .225 7 S C 60/185
Hammer of Kai .550 .425 .450 .350 .250 7 P 50/190
Awl-pike .600 .550 .575 .450 .350 9 PC 60/160
Lance .725 .525 .550 .475 .350 9 PC 17/105
Light Crossbow .350 .300 .325 .275 .150 2 P 50/285
Heavy Crossbow .425 .325 .375 .285 .175 2 P 60/315
Short Bow .325 .225 .275 .250 .100 5 P 35/180
Composite Bow .350 .300 .325 .275 .150 6 P 50/225
Long Bow .400 .325 .350 .300 .175 7 P 45/140
Bow RT is calculated based on RT-(STR bonus/10), dropping any remainder.
Note that Reflexes and Dexterity do not modify bow RTs, nor does encumbrance.
Sniping from hiding and aiming will both add 1 second, cumulative.
Crossbows take 2 seconds to fire, with no strength modifier.
Strength, standing and lack of wounds all lower cocking times.
[script done]
I>.qrs thrown
[Script qrs is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
Net .060 .060 .035 .045 .016 7 GRAPPLE 45/160
Dart .125 .100 .075 .055 .050 2 P 10/85
Bola .205 .158 .107 .118 .067 5 C 12/75
Quoit .255 .230 .155 .110 .057 5 S 60/155
Discus .255 .230 .155 .110 .057 5 C 60/195
All thrown weapons have a 3 second minimum RT
[script done]
>.qrs brawl
[Script qrs is running, Esc to cancel, Shift-Esc to pause]
closed fist .100 .075 .040 .035 .035 0 S C N/A
razorpaw .150 .100 .050 .050 .030 1 S 40/80
paingrip .150 .100 .050 .075 .030 1 SPC 50/80
cestus .150 .100 .050 .075 .035 1 C 50/80
knuckle-duster .175 .125 .085 .100 .040 1 C 18/199
hook-knife .250 .120 .070 .070 .035 1 SP 30/100
tiger-claw .250 .150 .075 .050 .035 1 S C 18/165
knuckle-blade .200 .150 .100 .075 .075 1 S C 18/195
yierka-spur .175 .150 .125 .125 .075 1 SPC 18/185
blackjack .250 .140 .090 .110 .075 1 C 50/80
jackblade .250 .175 .150 .150 .110 2 S C 60/90
troll-claw .325 .175 .140 .120 .090 3 S C 60/185
fist-scythe .325 .225 .200 .200 .100 3 SPC 70/185
katar .325 .250 .225 .200 .175 3 SP 70/175
[script done]
08-20-2005, 12:10 PM
That thing's way outdated. It doesn't even have katanas.
One Hand Edged Weapons:
Arrow/Bolt .200 | .100 | .080 | .100 | .040 | 1 | SP | 20/40
Dagger .250 | .200 | .100 | .125 | .075 | 1 | SP | 18/195
Rapier .325 | .225 | .125 | .125 | .075 | 2 | SP | 30/100
Main Gauche .275 | .210 | .110 | .125 | .075 | 2 | SP | 18/190
Short Sword .350 | .240 | .200 | .150 | .125 | 3 | SPC | 70/185
Whip-blade .333 | .225 | .125 | .115 | .065 | 2 | S | 30/100
Katar .375 | .250 | .225 | .200 | .175 | 3 | SP | 70/175
Scimitar .375 | .260 | .210 | .200 | .165 | 4 | SPC | 60/150
Estoc .425 | .300 | .200 | .200 | .150 | 4 | SP | 65/160
Longsword .425 | .275 | .225 | .200 | .175 | 4 | SPC | 65/160
Backsword .440 | .310 | .225 | .240 | .150 | 5 | SPC | 75/160
Broadsword .450 | .300 | .250 | .225 | .200 | 5 | SPC | 75/160
Handaxe .420 | .300 | .270 | .240 | .210 | 5 | S C | 70/160
Falchion .450 | .325 | .250 | .250 | .175 | 5 | S C | 75/160
Bastard sword .450 | .325 | .275 | .250 | .185 | 6 | S C | 75/200
Katana .450 | .325 | .275 | .225 | .175 | 5 | S | 75/225
Blunt Weapons:
Whip .275 | .150 | .090 | .100 | .035 | 2 | C | 10/75
Crowbill .350 | .250 | .200 | .150 | .125 | 2 | PC | 65/250
Cudgel .350 | .275 | .200 | .225 | .150 | 4 | C | 8/130
Mace .400 | .300 | .225 | .250 | .175 | 4 | C | 65/250
Ball & chain .400 | .300 | .230 | .260 | .180 | 6 | C | 75/175
War Hammer .410 | .290 | .250 | .275 | .200 | 4 | PC | 60/155
Morning Star .425 | .325 | .275 | .300 | .225 | 5 | PC | 65/250
Two Handed Weapons:
Staff .450 | .325 | .350 | .175 | .100 | 5 | C | 20/140
Bastard sword .550 | .400 | .375 | .300 | .225 | 6 | SP | 75/200
Military pick .500 | .375 | .425 | .375 | .260 | 7 | PC | 60/150
Flail .575 | .425 | .400 | .350 | .250 | 7 | PC | 60/150
Flamberge .600 | .450 | .475 | .325 | .225 | 7 | S C | 70/190
War Mattock .550 | .450 | .425 | .375 | .275 | 7 | C | 60/145
Two-handed sword .625 | .500 | .500 | .350 | .275 | 8 | S C | 75/200
Battle Axe .650 | .475 | .500 | .375 | .275 | 8 | S C | 70/155
Katana .575 | .425 | .425 | .325 | .210 | 6 | S | 75/225
Claidhmore .625 | .500 | .500 | .350 | .275 | 8 | S C | 75/200
Polearm Weapons:
Pilum .350 | .250 | .225 | .175 | .060 | 3 | SP | 50/150
Spear (OHP) .425 | .325 | .250 | .250 | .160 | 5 | SP | 15/130
Spear (THP) .550 | .385 | .340 | .325 | .220 | 5 | SP | 15/130
Trident (OHP) .425 | .350 | .260 | .230 | .150 | 6 | SPC | 70/190
Trident (THP) .600 | .425 | .375 | .300 | .185 | 6 | SPC | 70/190
Javelin .425 | .325 | .250 | .250 | .160 | 4 | P | 17/105
Halberd .550 | .400 | .400 | .300 | .200 | 6 | SPC | 25/150
Jeddart-axe .550 | .425 | .425 | .325 | .250 | 7 | S C | 60/185
Hammer of Kai .550 | .425 | .450 | .350 | .250 | 7 | P | 50/190
Awl-pike .600 | .550 | .575 | .450 | .350 | 9 | PC | 60/160
Lance .725 | .525 | .550 | .475 | .350 | 9 | PC | 17/105
Ranged Weapons:
Light Crossbow .350 | .300 | .325 | .275 | .150 | 2 | P | 50/285
Heavy Crossbow .425 | .325 | .375 | .285 | .175 | 2 | P | 60/315
Short Bow .325 | .225 | .275 | .250 | .100 | 5 | P | 35/180
Composite Bow .350 | .325 | .350 | .275 | .150 | 6 | P | 50/225
Long Bow .400 | .325 | .350 | .300 | .175 | 7 | P | 45/140
Thrown Weapons:
Net .060 | .060 | .035 | .045 | .016 | 7 |GRAPPLE | 45/160
Dart .125 | .100 | .075 | .055 | .050 | 2 | P | 10/85
Bola .205 | .158 | .107 | .118 | .067 | 5 | C | 12/75
Quoit .255 | .230 | .155 | .110 | .057 | 5 | S | 60/155
Discus .255 | .230 | .155 | .110 | .057 | 5 | C | 60/195
[Edited on 8-20-2005 by Bobmuhthol]
08-20-2005, 12:33 PM
Anyone have an explanation as to why THW and ranged weapons have a higher DF against scale than they do against leather?
Goes against what it seemingly should be.
08-20-2005, 12:37 PM
No idea. They just do.
Brawling Weapons:
Closed Fist .100 | .075 | .040 | .036 | .032 | 0 | S C | N/A
Razorpaw .275 | .200 | .125 | .050 | .030 | 1 | S | 40/80
Paingrip .225 | .200 | .150 | .075 | .030 | 1 | SPC | 50/80
Cestus .250 | .175 | .150 | .075 | .035 | 1 | C | 50/80
Knuckle-duster .250 | .175 | .125 | .100 | .040 | 1 | C | 18/199
Hook-knife .250 | .175 | .125 | .070 | .035 | 1 | SP | 30/100
Tiger-claw .275 | .200 | .150 | .100 | .035 | 1 | S C | 18/165
Knuckle-blade .250 | .150 | .100 | .075 | .075 | 1 | S C | 18/195
Yierka-spur .250 | .150 | .125 | .125 | .075 | 1 | SPC | 18/185
Blackjack .250 | .140 | .090 | .110 | .075 | 1 | C | 50/80
Jackblade .250 | .175 | .150 | .150 | .110 | 2 | S C | 60/90
Troll-claw .325 | .175 | .140 | .120 | .090 | 3 | S C | 60/185
Fist-scythe .350 | .225 | .200 | .175 | .125 | 3 | SPC | 70/185
Sai .250 | .200 | .110 | .150 | .040 | 2 | P | 25/175
Katar .375 | .250 | .225 | .200 | .175 | 3 | SP | 70/175
08-20-2005, 12:40 PM
So just to reinterate, you're better off wearing doubles rather than brig against thw, ranged and some polearms.
Does this sound extremely out of whack to anyone else?
08-20-2005, 01:07 PM
<<So just to reinterate, you're better off wearing doubles rather than brig against thw, ranged and some polearms.>>
Sounds like a claim from someone who doesn't know what a crit divisor is.
08-20-2005, 01:12 PM
Thus the reason for my query.
Rather than trying to be incendiary, try explaining.
08-20-2005, 01:21 PM
A crit divisor determines the rank of crit you'll get. So while you may only get 100 raw damage instead of 115, you'll get a higher crit rank and thus probably a higher end damage as well.
The lower DF in leather is to help simulate how it's easier to avoid the full brunt of attacks in leather than the heavier armours. This logic came around well before the EBP system was in place and has kind of stuck since then. Either way, it's not a big enough difference to worry about, especially with the aforementioned crit divisors.
Originally posted by Xandalf
Thus the reason for my query.
Rather than trying to be incendiary, try explaining.
Let's see, off the top of my head the crit damage divisors are:
plate class: 11
chain: 9
scale: 7
leathers: 5
robes: 3
I think that's right. There are ten crit ranks you can recieve from damage, ranks 0-9.
So, you divide your endroll by the damage factor assigned to a weapon, let's say an easy .500 for sake of example.
So we do a 150 endroll on a creature. For the sake of argument let's just assume that this weapon has a .500 DF on everything, it makes it easier. So divide our endroll which is 50 over 100. 50/.5 = 25.
So we've done 25 raw damage. Now we factor in the crit divisors.
On robes we just did a rank 8 crit (this is before crit randomizition which is a whole 'nother story). Because each 3 damage pushes it up another crit rank 25/3 = 8.33
On doubles we just did a rank 5. 25/5=5
On brig we did a rank 3. 25/7 = 3 point something
On chain, we did a rank 3 as well because it divides out to over 2.5.
On plate we did a rank two because it divides out to under 2.5.
So, as you can see, if we hit anything vital on robe wearers they are most likely dead or at least stunned for a very long time. On the leather wearer they have a chance of death if we hit the head, eyes, or neck, and are most likely stunned. Brig, chain, and plate wearers have a minor and possibly a short stun.
Also this example was a bit skewed because no weapon does a .500 on everything, in general outside of the examples mentioned here the DF goes down as the armour gets heavier, so it's even tougher to stun/kill someone in the heavier armour. The combination of lows DFs and high crit divisors is what makes plate such a powerful armour.
Hope that clears it up a bit for you Xandalf.
[Edited on 8-20-2005 by Drew]
Hey Bob, your DF chart is wrong. It doesn't have mauls and it lists claidhmore DF the same as greatswords. When I get home I'll throw up a correct one.
08-20-2005, 07:26 PM
<<Hey Bob, your DF chart is wrong. It doesn't have mauls and it lists claidhmore DF the same as greatswords. When I get home I'll throw up a correct one.>>
Hey Drew, a maul isn't a base weapon. Claidhmores and greatswords, according to the most recent information, have equal DFs. I have yet to be proven otherwise.
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Hey Bob, your DF chart is wrong. It doesn't have mauls and it lists claidhmore DF the same as greatswords. When I get home I'll throw up a correct one.>>
Hey Drew, a maul isn't a base weapon. Claidhmores and greatswords, according to the most recent information, have equal DFs. I have yet to be proven otherwise.
>at kob
You swing a spiked-head vultite maul at a kobold!
AS: +142 vs DS: +57 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +11 = +132
... and hit for 24 points of damage!
Mighty blow cracks several ribs.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>stow maul
...wait 3 seconds.
>stow maul
You put a spiked-head vultite maul in your armor pack.
>get matt
You remove a heavy vultite mattock set with a diamond bat from in your armor pack.
A kobold bares his fangs as he approaches!
A kobold swings a short sword at you!
With extreme effort, you beat back the attack with your mattock!
>att kob
You swing a heavy vultite mattock at a kobold!
AS: +142 vs DS: +24 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +90 = +245
... and hit for 140 points of damage!
A mighty blow cleaves a swath through the kobold's back, taking the spine with it.
The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Look at the AvDs.
08-20-2005, 09:45 PM
Inspect them both Drew.
Arrow/Bolt .200 .100 .080 .100 .040 1 SP 20/40
Dagger .250 .200 .100 .125 .075 1 SP 18/195
Rapier .325 .225 .125 .125 .075 2 SP 30/100
Whip-blade .333 .225 .125 .115 .065 2 S 30/100
Main Gauche .220 .130 .110 .090 .060 2 SP 18/190
Short sword .350 .240 .200 .150 .125 3 SPC 70/185
Katar .325 .250 .225 .200 .175 3 SP 70/175
Scimitar .375 .260 .210 .200 .165 4 SPC 60/150
Estoc .425 .300 .200 .200 .150 4 SP 65/160
Longsword .425 .275 .225 .200 .175 4 SPC 65/160
Backsword .440 .310 .225 .240 .150 5 SPC 75/160
Broadsword .450 .300 .250 .225 .200 5 SPC 75/160
Handaxe .420 .300 .270 .240 .210 5 S C 70/160
Falchion .450 .325 .250 .250 .175 5 S C 75/160
1H Katana .450 .325 .275 .250 .200 5 S 75/225
1H Bastard sword .450 .325 .275 .250 .185 6 S C 75/200
Whip .275 .150 .087 .100 .087 2 C 10/75
Crowbill .350 .250 .200 .150 .125 3 PC 65/250
Cudgel .300 .250 .200 .225 .150 4 C 8/130
Mace .400 .300 .225 .250 .175 4 C 65/250
Ball & chain .400 .300 .230 .260 .175 6 C 75/175
War Hammer .410 .290 .250 .275 .200 4 PC 60/155
Morning Star .425 .325 .275 .300 .225 5 PC 65/250
# Staff .350 .275 .225 .175 .100 5 C 20/140
Quarterstaff .450 .350 .320 .175 .100 5 C 20/140
1H Katana .450 .325 .275 .250 .200 5 S 75/225
2H Bastard sword .550 .400 .375 .300 .210 6 SP 75/200
2H Katana .575 .425 .400 .325 .215 6 S 75/225
Military pick .500 .375 .425 .375 .275 7 PC 60/150
Flail .575 .425 .400 .350 .225 7 PC 60/150
Flamberge .600 .450 .475 .325 .200 7 S C 70/190
War Mattock .525 .450 .425 .375 .275 7 C 60/145
Maul .550 .425 .425 .375 .300 7 C 70/180
Greatsword .625 .500 .500 .350 .275 8 S C 75/200
Claidhmore (new) .625 .475 .500 .350 .225 8 S C 75/200
Battle Axe .650 .450 .500 .375 .245 8 S C 70/155
Pilum .300 .200 .225 .175 .060 3 SP 50/150
Javelin .350 .250 .275 .225 .100 4 P 17/105
1H Spear .350 .250 .275 .225 .100 5 SP 15/130
1H Trident ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 5 SP 70/190
2H Spear ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 6 SP 15/130
2H Trident ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 6 SP 70/190
Halberd .550 .400 .400 .300 .200 6 SPC 25/150
Jeddart-axe .550 .425 .425 .325 .225 7 S C 60/185
Hammer of Kai .550 .425 .450 .350 .250 7 P 50/190
Awl-pike .600 .550 .575 .450 .350 9 PC 60/160
Lance .725 .525 .550 .475 .350 9 PC 17/105
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Inspect them both Drew.
Yeah, if it has the proper noun it won't tell you what the base is. I have a mattock with a different noun but not a maul. I can probably find an example on playershops with a new sledgehammer though.
Here we go, got the sledgehammer from playershops:
>inspect storm
You carefully inspect your heavy granite stormhammer.
After a careful inspection you determine that a glaes-hafted heavy granite stormhammer requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified war mattock.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
a small maple-handled sledgehammer - 60,000 silvers
After a careful inspection you determine that a small maple-handled sledgehammer requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified maul.
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Drew]
08-20-2005, 09:51 PM
HAHA Drew pwned Bob.
08-20-2005, 09:52 PM
Seriously, no one has 100% correct GS information anymore. I fucking hate this game.
08-20-2005, 10:02 PM
I will agree to that. Far more effort should be commited to keeping this information up to date on the official boards.
Nothing too top secret about DFs and what have you.
08-21-2005, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by Drew
Hope that clears it up a bit for you Xandalf.
Very much so.
Thank you, Drew.
08-21-2005, 03:47 AM
So what would you guys suggest, in general for blunt, edged, or two handed weapons for someone who wants to use 1605 to the highest degree? I'm running this character through Voln (my first time in 10 years) but am not sure what armors undead usually wear, since I tended to avoid them...
(I'm thinking Bastard Sword until 25, then claidh with the sanctify spell...if I go THW)
I'm pretty sure I want to go THW, but I have so many blunt and edged weapons lying around, lol....
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Raine]
Originally posted by Raine
So what would you guys suggest, in general for blunt, edged, or two handed weapons for someone who wants to use 1605 to the highest degree? I'm running this character through Voln (my first time in 10 years) but am not sure what armors undead usually wear, since I tended to avoid them...
(I'm thinking Bastard Sword until 25, then claidh with the sanctify spell...if I go THW)
I'm pretty sure I want to go THW, but I have so many blunt and edged weapons lying around, lol....
[Edited on 8-21-2005 by Raine]
If you have good blunts that would be the way to go one-handed. I dunno, sanctify mixes things up a bit, but I tend to think if you are going to be doing open swinging, polearms are the better choice amongst the two handed weapon types.
Consider that with 1605 and a lance against skin you'd raise your DF a while .075, that's huge. Weapons with bigger DFs respond best to 1605 and when you are talking about big DFs you are talking about polearms.
08-21-2005, 02:14 PM
To get this straight, because I've never been completely sure, DF only effects the point damage done, not crits at all, right?
I was thinking about polearms, but they're a bit expensive to train in, and also, it's been a pain finding anything two handed that's sanctified so far.
08-21-2005, 02:19 PM
To get this straight, because I've never been completely sure, DF only effects the point damage done, not crits at all, right?
It indirectly effects crits because more damage = higher crit rank.
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