View Full Version : Official: Awesome August: Assume Aspect Event Gift

08-20-2005, 05:22 AM
Awesome August: Assume Aspect Event Mementos. · on 8/19/2005

After recovering from his possession and inner struggles, forest gnome Ahndo Maeza returned to the public to express his gratitude to all who assisted him in his trying times. After much thought, he stated that the formerly tainted artifact would be broken back down into its components.

"With its natural influence already released into the world, I felt that this would be the best way to prevent any further chance of corruption," stated Maeza.

A number of the figurines that once made up the outer ring of the medallion that Ahndo beared have been temporarily loaned to the Ranger Guilds of Elanith. The figurines have been set up at the paths to each branch of the guild, in order to allow access to all.

"It seems that, even when separated, the figurines still hold a sort of memory of their complete intended form. A simple touch will trigger this memory in them, producing a replica. You'll find that they have plenty to tell, for those who are willing to listen," added Maeza.

Shortly thereafter, Ahndo began his journey back home, accompanied by a dark silver stratis. The artifact copies appear to respond strongly to those with a higher familiarity with nature than for others, though they seem to bond to any who claim them.



This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above follow the link below.

08-20-2005, 05:24 AM
Few notes-



First, these are open to everyone. Just run over to your local ranger guild entrance touch the figurine, and you will have your item.

Here is Mestys explaining a bit about the items as well.


>Also, is it just my imagination, or does being CONVERTed to Imaera substantially change the responses one gets from the medallions? -C

There are three factors that will affect what type of messaging the medallions give off: being converted to Imaera, being a Ranger, and having 50 Ranger spell ranks. Each one raises the messaging 'depth' by a stage, and there are three stages total.


08-20-2005, 05:26 AM
Finally, people should check if those with the highest level of bonding to their item get an enhancive effect of any sort. Just a hunch, I haven't heard anything of the sort.

08-20-2005, 06:54 AM
Maybe if you hold it, it makes 650 a usefull spell.

08-20-2005, 08:20 AM

The whole of the carved wooden medallion resonates with the sound of your voice, as if attempting to establish its own natural harmonization. The eyes of the central carmiln bear carving briefly glimmer to life, acknowledging your effort.

As your song continues, your surroundings blur and shift away into a formless verdant shroud. Regaining your bearings, you find yourself in the middle of a forest meadow, surrounded by the diminutive buildings of a makeshift gnomish settlement. One of its residents bears a medallion nearly identical to your own, as she forages around the outskirts of the trees.

Your surroundings begin to cycle through a number of scenes, each centered around the same young forest gnome with the medallion hanging around her neck -- defending her kin from a pair of forest trolls, nimbly traversing treacherous terrain while tracking game, and casting protective spells upon domiciles to protect them from the elements...

When your vision shifts again, you find yourself in serene darkness, the sounds of nighttime creatures lulling you to sleep. A blood-curdling scream abruptly pierces the calm, causing you to bolt upright. You instinctively clutch at something resting upon your chest, and rush out of your home.

Chaos suffuses through your surroundings, a number of your forest gnome kin laying dead or dying, scattered across the settlement. Before you can move to react, however, an excuciating pain shoots through your body, emanating from between your shoulder blades.

As you slump to the ground, the last thing you see is an unfamiliar short figure, his body marred with tattoos and piercings. He tears the medallion from your grasp, and you feel only a deep sense of forlorn. The darkness that ensues inspires nothing resembling the peace that you had felt only moments ago.

The environs blur and shift away again, leaving you this time in a roiling sea of dark fog. Soon, the silhouettes of twisted trees and hooded figures come into view, as you find yourself within a deep thicket. A number of torches surround a small clearing, one of the figures at its center.

The figure begins incanting with a monotonous sonance, and the torches flare up brightly in response. Streams of flame rise overhead, forming a dome on the clearing. The flames converge at the dome's apex, and send a column of fire down to the figure's feet.

Four of the other figures step forward, each joining in the archaic-sounding tongue. They simultaneously gesture toward the column of fire, causing a dark core to appear at its base, which quickly overcomes the entire height of the column with black and green tendrils.

A morose sense of loss filters again through your mind, as you feel as if a part of you has been torn away. You find yourself near the first figure, as he lowers his hood and retrieves a dark disk from where the blazing pillar had been. The tattooed and pierced gnome now approaches, picking you up in his grasp before plunging the disk into you. With a twisted grin and incantation, he seals the disk in place, and you feel a searing pain brought about by another unfamiliar presence...

A burning chaotic desire flows through your veins, as you set forth through the forest in a firestorm of destruction. You watch gleefully as the battered and scorched figures lie broken before you. As you turn to face your next victim, a hideous glowing golden light rattles your senses, and you feel your entire existance being pulled apart before all goes dark again.

Delving again into the depths of the carved wooden medallion, you feel completely disoriented and scattered, though you feel the faint comfort of your brethren nearby. A sliver emerges on the horizon, and rapidly expands into blinding daylight. You find yourself looking into the face of an old forest gnome, his features kind and wrinkled. He appears rather satisfied with himself as darkness overcomes you once more.

When day breaks anew, a much younger gnome peers around curiously into your confines, despite the look of genuine grief in his silvery green eyes. He cocks his head in puzzlement briefly before closing the box around you again.

You sense a passage of time and distance as you are carried within your dark home in pieces, longing to be reunited again. The box is opened and closed numerous times, allowing you to see a variety of curious gnomish and human faces alike.

You attempt to impress your longing desire of unification upon the young gnome, whose face has transitioned between curiousity, puzzlement, and frustration. Slowly but surely, you begin to regain your strength as he reunites you with the others, until finally you are made nearly whole again. The joy that wells up within you is reflected in his triumphant grin. Your elation is short-lived, however, as you sense a familiar, chaotic, dark presence overcome again...

The sadistic urge for disorder and turmoil overwhelms you anew as a long-dormant power burns through every muscle in your body with renewed strength. You revel in the screams, the searing flesh, as your twisted creations propogate your reign across the continent. Though the environment is different than it was previously, your victims are plentiful, and that is all that matters.

You weave your song through the ring of the carved wooden medallion once more, and your surroundings fade again, leaving you shrouded in a thick grey fog. As clarity returns to your sight, the scene of a town blanketed in black mist greets your senses. Fires rage, spewing forth with their black and green tendrils, devouring anything in reach of their grasp...

You find yourself surrounded by a motley congregation of people at the base of a waterfall, though only one has your focused attention. His bloodline reeks of treachery -- the thought of erasing him from existence is all that fuels you as you lash out at him with murderous aggression.

A familiar wretched, sickly golden light flashes before you as your bloodlust is forcibly torn from you. Confused bewilderment sets in momentarily, but it is soon replaced with pure serenity and comfort, as if everything was finally in balance again after so many years of separation, loss, and despair.

A deep force of natural power wells up within you, as you notice another shift in the environs. An endless field of golden grain extends far off into the horizon, a clear dark blue sky above. Instinctively, you release the energy, sending a band of golden incandescence streaking overhead, trailed by whorls of verdant green that momentarily paint the heavens with its color...

You sense that the flows of the magic within the carved wooden medallion are drawn to <name of owner>.

The purpose of the carved wooden medallion eludes you, as its makeup seems to be in discord with the harmony of your voice. You learn nothing new about the medallion.

Scripts (levels 1 through 3; an Imaera-aligned ranger who knows Assume Aspect may get a higher level of scripting, but I don't know one to check)

>touch med
You place your hand on the carved wooden medallion, grasping your fingers around its edges.
>touch med
As your hand comes into contact with the carved wooden medallion, you feel a bit more at ease with your surroundings.
>touch med
As your hand comes into contact with the carved wooden medallion, you sense a deeply harmonic satisfaction well up from within, putting you more at ease with your surroundings.

>rub med
As you rub the carved wooden medallion, the eyes of some of the intricately carved beasts upon its surface flicker with a warm green glow.
R>rub med
As you rub the carved wooden medallion, the eyes of each of the intricately carved beasts upon its surface momentarily flare with a warm green glow.
>rub med
As you rub the carved wooden medallion, the eyes of each of the intricately carved beasts upon its surface flare with a warm green glow, bathing the medallion's pale yellow monir core in their collective illuminated gaze.

>tap med
As you tap the monir core of the carved wooden medallion, a brilliant golden speck of light pulses once from its center before fading back into the grain of the wood.
Roundtime 3 sec.
>tap med
As you tap the monir core of the carved wooden medallion, a brilliant golden sheen spirals lazily outward from its center before fading back into the grain of the wood.
Roundtime 3 sec.
>tap med
As you tap the monir core of the carved wooden medallion, a brilliant golden sheen grows from a pinpoint at its center, slowly enveloping the disk's entire surface before fading back into the grain of the wood.
Roundtime 3 sec.

R>push med
You press upon the monir core of the carved wooden medallion, causing a thin, glowing line to spiral around its edge.
Roundtime 3 sec.
>push med
You press upon the monir core of the carved wooden medallion, causing a thin, glowing line to spiral around its edge. The dark haon yierka carving suddenly springs to life, trotting around in place in response to the illumination.
Roundtime 3 sec.
R>push med
You press upon the monir core of the carved wooden medallion, causing a thin, glowing line to spiral around its edge. The dark haon yierka carving suddenly springs to life, trotting around the perimeter of the medallion along the path created before it. The yierka leads the other animals around their concentric paths before ending its journey where it began.
Roundtime 3 sec.
(differs based on which animal is on top)

R>pull med
You grasp the verdant vine on the carved wooden medallion in your hand, adjusting its position around the monir core.
(same at all levels)

PR>turn med
As you turn the carved wooden medallion clockwise, the yew panther carving at the top of the ring of figurines is displaced by the carved ruic lion with a barely audible *click*.
Roundtime 3 sec.
(same at all levels)

>listen med
As you bring the carved wooden medallion up to your ear, you begin to hear a garbled hiss echo through your thoughts.
Roundtime 3 sec.
R>listen med
As you bring the carved wooden medallion up to your ear, you begin to hear a garbled hiss echo through your thoughts. The sound grows louder for a moment before fading completely away.
Roundtime 3 sec
>listen med
As you bring the carved wooden medallion up to your ear, you begin to hear a garbled hiss echo through your thoughts. The sound becomes increasingly louder, and you notice that it it is no longer internal to your mind, as the reverberations travel through your arm and off the surroundings.
Roundtime 3 sec.
(differs based on which animal is on top)

[Edited on 8-20-2005 by petroglyph]

08-20-2005, 06:11 PM
Very cool little item. Thanks for the information.

08-20-2005, 08:10 PM

Dwarven Empath
08-20-2005, 09:44 PM
So what's it do?

Im a ranger, knows 650 and follows Imeara.

>touch medal
As your hand comes into contact with the carved wooden medallion, you sense a deeply harmonic satisfaction well up from within, putting you more at ease with your surroundings.
>tap medal
As you tap the monir core of the carved wooden medallion, a brilliant golden sheen grows from a pinpoint at its center, slowly enveloping the disk's entire surface before fading back into the grain of the wood.
Roundtime 3 sec.
>rub medal
As you rub the carved wooden medallion, the eyes of each of the intricately carved beasts upon its surface flare with a warm green glow, bathing the medallion's pale yellow monir core in their collective illuminated gaze.

It doesn't make the spell last longer, still lasts 2 minutes.

08-20-2005, 09:48 PM
Nothing, atleast nothing I have heard of. Just a nice, heavily scripted item to celebrate the release of the spell.

08-21-2005, 01:24 PM
This is what it looks like when you get the medallion.

I have a ranger who's converted to Imaera but doesn't have 50 ranger spells.

rub fig
As you rub the bear figurine, a myriad of gold and green strands of energy burst forth from around its edges, forming a tightly knit webwork in the palm of your right hand. The bands of energy quickly expand and begin coursing rapidly around in tight ellipitical paths, moving with some unknown purpose. You notice a tangible weight in your hand as they slow down and fade, leaving you holding an intricately carved wooden medallion.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

I friggin LOVE the designer who didn't make it neckworn. It's pin-worn. Yayay!

I get the same level of messaging that Celember mentioned. The third set. Very nice item, thanks for the heads up.