View Full Version : A Hobbit and a Giant...A Tale of Incongruency
10-01-2003, 11:06 PM
Hookay. So, what do your characters look for, and at, when the possibility of an in-game relationship looms on the horizon?
If your current heart-throb is a hobbit and you play a giant, what to do? Do you go ahead with it and bedamned to the idiocy of a giant and a hobbit finding undying love together? Do you run for the hills and cry your sorrows to the moon?
Do you look at things like how a person dresses, what kind of roleplayer they are, the race and profession they play in relationship to your own? What other factors come into play when you are choosing a possible in-game mate (or simply a mad fling :D)?
HarmNone wonders about these things
My giant is giant only. My dark elf... well, he's a bard (I know, and an upbeat one at that), so he flirts with anything around his size.
Call me crazy... I read the Kama Sutra.
10-01-2003, 11:11 PM
I keep myself and Stay seperate. I play GS for RP, and therefore, a relationship for Stay is going to be a purely RPed one. So they have to be a good Rper, engaging, as well as generally fun to be around. I have never been with someone because I thought "oooo she is nice". So in that respect, I've never really had the problem of being "mis-matched", as I pick and choose my relationships.
10-01-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
If your current heart-throb is a hobbit and you play a giant, what to do? Do you go ahead with it and bedamned to the idiocy of a giant and a hobbit finding undying love together? Do you run for the hills and cry your sorrows to the moon?
My halfling won't have any fondness of any kind with anyone but halflings. She'll be a bit more friendly with dwarves, but that's about it. She's not looking for romance anyway. She has issues.
My half-elven rogue, on the other hand, is a big ole flirt, however she isn't attracted to dwarves and halflings. Something about her man being shorter to her will just make her giggle and pat him on the head like a puppy.
Do you look at things like how a person dresses, what kind of roleplayer they are, the race and profession they play in relationship to your own? What other factors come into play when you are choosing a possible in-game mate (or simply a mad fling :D)?
I really don't mind how a player dresses. That's their personal choice. I react more to the way people roleplay, how they show off the character's quirks and interests.
I'll also usually go for people that are not of the same profession. Being with someone of another profession gives the relationship some kick, a different perspective. I've tried dating a rogue, and both of us hiding and ambushing was just nuts.
Making me laugh is a huge perk.
10-01-2003, 11:19 PM
Anticor has no time for romance. Too many things to learn and roads to travel.
If I wasn't so sporadic in the duration I play and the times that I'm in game I would probably seek a relationship with Anticor. If that were the case it would have to be with another giant.
10-01-2003, 11:20 PM
For a minute there I thought you were saying you would date yourself. :lol:
I need sleep.
10-01-2003, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
Personally, I fell for Khaitiff over a period of time. I first met him as my cleric, then got to know him with my healer. I looked at him one day in game and thought 'Wow, I never noticed he was a dark elf. I should introduce him to my dark elf.' And I did. The rest is history. :)
As to what led me to want to introduce him to Daina, well, it was a great combination of things. His RP, the way he came across personally, the way he dressed, who knew him and had something to say about him...
Race to me isn't the most important thing, but it is important. I do try to keep things as plausible as possible. I think the 'oddest' combination I have is my half-elf is betrothed to a giant. The rest of my girls are matched even more closely racially.
I giggle at couples who are extremely different, but I think it's sweet too. Love comes in all forms. :)
Man, Mazelina and Adredrin must be a gut splitter for ya..a Halfling and a Dark Elf, whoda thunked it!
10-01-2003, 11:53 PM
For Adhara I would like a relationship that's only RP. The factors I consider are:
Quality of RP (I do not require stellar performances but something enjoyable and most importantly, the ability to remain IC out loud/in public.)
Race (Has to be human, elven or giant.)
Level (Around my level. Although this is a pure RP relationship, I have been miserable in the past spending ALL my time at tables for dating "younger" men. For once I'd like someone I can have fun hunting with and I mean that we both gain experience from the hunt.)
Culture (Adhara won't date some cultures like Dhe'nar or Nalfein. Actually it's not the culture itself but really the "typical" set of beliefs and behavior of those that choose it.)
Deity (Adhara's a priestess therefore religion plays a big part in choosing a RP mate that makes sense. Lornonites need not apply!)
Maturity of the player (self-explanatory I think)
Spelling and grammar. (I'm not bobmuhtholish but stuff like not capitalizing the "I" drives me absolutely up the wall.)
Taste in equipment (As dashing and witty as he may be, you don't see Adhara dating a sorcerer wearing runes of destruction in veniom thread! Vain you say? That would be a sin (one of 7 deadly too) and we all know priestesses don't sin!)
Yes ok as you can see I'm demanding. You guessed it, Adhara's single. *hint hint*
10-02-2003, 05:11 AM
In theroy we don't usually choose whom we fall in love with. At least I never looked at anyone and said 'That one, thats the guy I am going to love.' It just happens. You meet, you talk, you become friends, and then you realize hey, I really like this person, and things progress from there.
I don't see it any different for any of my girls in game. They can't choose whom they love. They become attached slowly to the people around them and realize that their feelings have transgressed friendship and become stronger. At that point they either suffer with it in silence or just tell the person. Depends on the personality behind the Character.
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