View Full Version : Watch out for those moulises.

08-18-2005, 08:33 AM
So I was hunting the Maaghara tower, and I was ambush attacked by major ewave by a shricken killing instantly for the lack of the spine, then this moulis came and did this.

A moulis sends one of its fibers slinking along your chest. Suddenly it begins to burrow into your chest cavity. Even while dead you can feel what would have been excruciating pain as the fiber moves around your insides. The fiber flips away from your body and retreats back into the moulis leaving only a small hole where it had entered.

I didn't realize what happened till later. I decayed and thought that it would heal everything anyways. I started feeling lots of shooting pain in my stomach and all over my body.. I initially thought that it's a new feature of dying.. feeling hungry ( duh!) it turns out to be something else.

Log was cut out because I didn't log it and was only able to cut and paste the ending. But I had people casting remove curse and undisease and unpoison and healing me and all those attention to no avail

[Ta'Illistim, Hanging Gardens]
The platform is sitting at a distinctly downward angle facing due northward, its deepest edge firmly planted into the center of Shimmarglin Court's cobblestones. The plants all bow in curious angles. The canopy's fabric lays in crumbled heaps. You also see an engraved modwir coffer, the Kapera disk, a jocular sunburst spirit that is flying around, the Celeerial disk, the Glimmin disk, a rotting modwir chest, an enruned steel box, an enruned fel chest, an ornery potbellied rock muzzlerat that is sleeping and a glaesine arch.
Also here: Dayun, Harliegha, Ewthanasia, Fushugro, Kapera, Vazzim who is sitting, Celeerial who is sitting, Mordja who is sitting, Bevy who is sitting, Gallahan
Obvious paths: out

You say, I will try to fight it, but I'm afraid that it might cost me my life.

You sigh.

Speaking in broken common, Kapera says, Most likely, but some people have survived it.

You beam happily at Kapera!

Gallahan says, "Did she give birth to the moulises yet?"

You glance over at Gallahan and wince.

(Shalla touches her stomach in disgust.)

You cringe.

Speaking to gallahan you say, Don't make me waste my last remaining strength just to pinch you.

Pain shoots up and down your chest.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You nervously say, I will try and disperse it from within.

Your eyes darken as you lean softly against your adorned orase runestaff gathering your power.

You close your eyes for a moment.

Sharp jabbing pains stick you in the ribs and back.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You cough.

Blood begins to run from your eyes and ears.

You scream!

Sharp jabbing pains stick you in the ribs and back.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

>cry brave
You bravely hold back your tears, your eyes glistening with pain.

Runny blood-soaked sores begin to grow on your chest and abdomen.
Kapera cringes.
Speaking in broken common, Kapera says, "Be ready folks."
Gallahan deeply asks, "One ever bursted out of a livin person?"

You angrily say, "I can't take this anymore."

Sharp jabbing pains stick you in the ribs and back.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Speaking in broken common, Kapera says, "It'll all be over soon."

Gallahan whispers, "Think ya may have to walk out the gates."
Runny blood-soaked sores begin to grow on your chest and abdomen.

>whisper gal I do?
You quietly whisper to Gallahan, "I do?"

Gallahan nods to you.

Gallahan joins your group.

Gallahan nods.
Gallahan deeply exclaims, "Ill kill it!"

Speaking to gallahan you say, "I'll try and do that."

>tone none
Your tone is now normal speech.

You say, "If not."

You sigh.
Sharp jabbing pains stick you in the ribs and back.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You cryptically say, "I might have to kill myself."

Sharp jabs of pain crawl up and down your back.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

The voice of Semiera asks, "What the hell is wrong with her?"

Speaking in broken common, Kapera says, "Moulis got her.. ."

Gallahan deeply says, "Baby moulis."

The voice of Semiera says, "Ah."

You say, "I'm going outside."

Gallahan nods.


[Ta'Illistim, City Gate]
A cavernous opening in the cliff's steep face dominates the crest of the hillside, serving as the nearly impenetrable entrance to the great city built by House Illistim. A raised portcullis is barely visible at the top of the stony gate. Intricately carved columns flank the entrance, their crowns adorned with delicate silvered glyphs and toothily grinning gargoyles. Daylight shimmers across the glyphs, highlighting their curves and contours with subtle grace. You also see a yellow tent.
Obvious paths: southwest
Gallahan followed.

Time drags on by...
Roundtime: 2 sec.

Gallahan deeply says, "Hopefully it will come out."

A searing pain hits you and knocks you prone, your body jerking spasmodically. As you watch, your body rips open and several moulis scrapings burrow out and drop to the ground!
The deep blue glow leaves you.
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The light blue glow leaves you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The air calms down around you.
Your breathing becomes more shallow.
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.
The white light leaves you.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The powerful look leaves you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 10 mins...
* Shalla just bit the dust!
[Ta'Illistim, City Gate]
A cavernous opening in the cliff's steep face dominates the crest of the hillside, serving as the nearly impenetrable entrance to the great city built by House Illistim. A raised portcullis is barely visible at the top of the stony gate. Intricately carved columns flank the entrance, their crowns adorned with delicate silvered glyphs and toothily grinning gargoyles. Daylight shimmers across the glyphs, highlighting their curves and contours with subtle grace. You also see a moulis scraping, a moulis scraping, a moulis scraping, a moulis scraping and a yellow tent.
Also here: Gallahan
Obvious paths: southwest

Gallahan makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Gallahan gestures.
Gold-traced pale green ribbons of energy swirl about and coalesce upon Gallahan.

Gallahan exhibits a much more regal air, power coursing through his movements.
Gallahan makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Gallahan gestures.
Gallahan blends into invisibility among the surroundings.
You let out a hollow, ghostly moan.
Gallahan leaps from hiding to attack!
Gallahan hacks at a moulis scraping but it has no effect.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

Gallahan removes a dark rolaren scimitar from in his wolf-hide harness.
Gallahan swings a dark rolaren scimitar at a moulis scraping!
AS: +392 vs DS: +94 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +59 = +381
... and hits for 74 points of damage!
A moulis scraping rolls into a ball and flings itself at Gallahan!
Amazingly, Gallahan manages to block the attack with his shield!
A moulis scraping rolls into a ball and flings itself at Gallahan!
Amazingly, Gallahan manages to block the attack with his shield!
A moulis scraping rolls into a ball and flings itself at Gallahan!
With extreme effort, Gallahan blocks the attack with his shield!
Gallahan gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Gallahan gestures at a moulis scraping.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath a moulis scraping! Several of the thorns jab into the scraping!
... hits for 15 points of damage!
... 40 points of damage!
... hits for 21 points of damage!
The moulis scraping collapses to the ground and with a last ripple dies.

Gallahan searches a moulis scraping.
A moulis scraping shrivels up into a small ball and disappears.
Gallahan gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Gallahan gestures at a moulis scraping.
Gallahan closes his eyes for a moment as he slowly raises his hands to shoulder-level. You hear and feel a resounding low thrumming sound just as a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing the area!
The surroundings advance upon a moulis scraping with relentless fury!
CS: +247 - TD: +15 + CvA: +25 + d100: +82 == +339
Warding failed!
A moulis scraping is struck by a sharp piece of hard debris!
... 62 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
Incredible shot clean through the throat severs the spine!
The moulis scraping collapses to the ground and with a last ripple dies.
The surroundings advance upon a moulis scraping with relentless fury!
CS: +247 - TD: +15 + CvA: +25 + d100: +79 == +336
Warding failed!
A cluster of hard debris collides with a moulis scraping!
... 62 points of damage!
... 55 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
The moulis scraping collapses to the ground and with a last ripple dies.
The surroundings advance upon a moulis scraping with relentless fury!
CS: +247 - TD: +15 + CvA: +25 + d100: +59 == +316
Warding failed!
One of the large, pointed slivers of hard debris hits a moulis scraping!
... 58 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
... 50 points of damage!
The moulis scraping collapses to the ground and with a last ripple dies.
As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.
Gallahan searches a moulis scraping.
A moulis scraping shrivels up into a small ball and disappears.
Gallahan searches a moulis scraping.
A moulis scraping shrivels up into a small ball and disappears.
Kapera just arrived.
Gallahan searches a moulis scraping.
A moulis scraping shrivels up into a small ball and disappears.
A jocular sunburst spirit floats in, following Kapera.
Speaking in broken common, Kapera asks, "Ya get them all?"
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Kapera rubs you.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Luccas.
You sigh softly, your ghostly voice a mere breath on the wind.

Gallahan rubs you.
Gallahan begins to do his best to mend your wounded back.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Luccas asks, "Need a cleric?"
Speaking in broken common, Kapera says, "I think so."
Gallahan deeply says, "Yeah she does...and an empath."
Luccas raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Luccas gestures at you.
You feel a tingle on your soul, as if a powerful hand is gently cradling it.
(Thy soul is bound to thy body for an extra 18 minutes and 30 seconds.)
Kapera meditates over you.
Kapera takes your back damage.
Kapera meditates over you.
Kapera takes your chest damage.
Kapera meditates over you.
Kapera takes your abdomen damage.
Luccas asks, "Its out right?"
Kapera nods.

You say, "Those Monsters, but why do I feel like I've lost something.. as if maternal."
Gallahan deeply says, "Yeah."

Gallahan's regal air swiftly drifts away.
>whisper gal ooc: shit that was like something from an alien movie
You quietly whisper to Gallahan, "Ooc: shit that was like something from an alien movie."
Gallahan rubs you.

Gallahan snickers.
Gallahan whispers, "I was sayin the same thing."

Gallahan chuckles.

Luccas bows to you.

Luccas raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

[Ta'Illistim, City Gate]
A cavernous opening in the cliff's steep face dominates the crest of the hillside, serving as the nearly impenetrable entrance to the great city built by House Illistim. A raised portcullis is barely visible at the top of the stony gate. Intricately carved columns flank the entrance, their crowns adorned with delicate silvered glyphs and toothily grinning gargoyles. Daylight shimmers across the glyphs, highlighting their curves and contours with subtle grace. You also see the Kapera disk, a jocular sunburst spirit that is flying around and a yellow tent.
Also here: Luccas, Kapera, Gallahan
Obvious paths: southwest
Luccas gestures at you.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Luccas encompassing you. You sense the comfort of salvation, and an image flashes before you, but it is gone before it can be recognized.
Speaking in broken common, Kapera says, "Of course."
Gallahan deeply says, "Least they was small moulis...and not a mess of tiny BIG moulis."

You quietly whisper to Gallahan, "I probably should've logged it."

Gallahan whispers, "Hehe i know i got it logged...probably the neatest thing ive seen in a while."
Gallahan chuckles.

Speaking in broken common, Kapera says, "Be well."

You offer your emerald to Luccas, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Luccas has declined the offer.

Luccas says, "Youve had a bad enough day."

You curtsy to Luccas.

Speaking to Luccas, you say, "My thanks Sire."

Speaking to Gallahan, you say, "And ye for keeping me company."

You quietly whisper to Gallahan, "Ooc: I should've logged it :(."

Gallahan tickles you.
Gallahan chuckles.

You reach out and hold Gallahan's hand.

You say, "Well that's 2 of my lives today."

Gallahan nods.
Gallahan chuckles.

08-18-2005, 08:36 AM
I heard you mention it on the amulet and was dying to ask you what ws going on . .
The log made my skin crawl by the way.

08-18-2005, 08:39 AM
Always fun to see the reactions of people who witness it for the first time.

If you manage to catch it in time, there's some way to get Maaghara to clean them out of you before they hatch. Although few people know it and it'd take FAST moving to get the process to work.

08-18-2005, 08:41 AM
That was wicked!

08-18-2005, 09:42 AM
Heh, yea, its always interesting to see first reactions of those who experience that.

I always get drug outside of town prior to being raised so the moulis will hatch before I'm resurrected. That way I dont waste another deed. Once the moulis hatchlings are killed then all you need is healed up and raised. Using this technique will save you a deed when this happens.

08-18-2005, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Ganalon
Heh, yea, its always interesting to see first reactions of those who experience that.

I always get drug outside of town prior to being raised so the moulis will hatch before I'm resurrected. That way I dont waste another deed. Once the moulis hatchlings are killed then all you need is healed up and raised. Using this technique will save you a deed when this happens.

c'mon nobody buys deeds anymore.

08-18-2005, 09:57 AM
All of my characters still have deeds.

08-18-2005, 12:27 PM
only because someone broke a ton of vaalin lockpicks ;)

08-18-2005, 12:56 PM
When my Empath's mother was impregnated by moulis, my empath took her outside of town and killed her, then killed off all the babies. Was fun.

08-18-2005, 02:50 PM
Awww you're a mommy! Congrats :lol: Same thing happened to Yngvar yesterday.

08-18-2005, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner
only because someone broke a ton of vaalin lockpicks ;)

ROFFLE. Touche Dazmar, touche.

Well, one still has a huge amount from the flower/deed place on Teras. The rest I use worn out vaalin picks and scarabs for.

08-18-2005, 02:55 PM
that was a disturbing read.

08-18-2005, 04:21 PM
one of my chars has 90+ deeds and the other has 51... from before

Terminator X
08-18-2005, 04:30 PM
I think Jungle trolls rip off your head right after they kill you and you can see it when you LOOK in the room for a short while after.

Anyway, congratulations Shalla on that Alien reenactment ... :weird:

08-18-2005, 06:04 PM
Wow, that was crazy. :scared: