View Full Version : When do the Summer Kiddies go home?
08-12-2005, 09:57 PM
I would hope that some of what I have seen coming back to Gemstone is primarily summer kiddies off from school who will dwindle come september.
The -A- team is pickin' locks at a waysahd table! No tips, no trouble! Thank The Deck! Illoke an' down!"
I have no problem with things like this other than the "A Team" part.
[Edited on 8-13-2005 by Heshinar]
08-12-2005, 09:59 PM
School should be started just about everywhere by the day after Labor Day. However, most of them are probably not going anywhere.
08-12-2005, 10:11 PM
august 30 here
Burnt out Priestess
08-13-2005, 03:31 AM
2 days after labor day here.
08-13-2005, 03:37 AM
Heh. By the time I threw in the towel on GemStone, it had become obvious to me that they never go home. Not only that, but it had come to my attention that not all of them were "Summer Kiddies".
08-13-2005, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Artha
School should be started just about everywhere by the day after Labor Day. However, most of them are probably not going anywhere.
Just because I'm naive...why do you say that? Seems that a lot of them are 30 day trials...again and again and again.
Wouldn't they disappear or have I been too unobservant to realize they don't leave?
08-13-2005, 08:16 AM
School's not going to take up 100% of your time. They might be gone from 7am to 4pm, but they'll be back.
08-13-2005, 08:18 AM
Well, hopefully their parents decide that homework and school are more important than their GSIV characters...
08-13-2005, 08:23 AM
Now you're dreaming.
If their parents had that much of a say in their life then they wouldn't be acting like idiots in the first place. I'm not really talking about the original target of this thread, but the attitude of most park kiddies and such.
08-13-2005, 12:09 PM
my mom tried to convince me not to go to college because I should concentrate on capping my ranger.
08-13-2005, 01:25 PM
Just so you are aware, they are called the A team because both of the locksmiths names start with an A. I realize it can be construed as OOC due to the long dead show from the 80's however honestly, it's not OOC and I know the players of those two locksmiths very well. They are IC for the most part and are decent RP'ers. I doubt they meant that as an OOC reference. And also, they aren't kiddies. They are adults heh.
As far as the kiddies, they will be around after 4 pm I'm sure since that is when school is normally out. Kids here in Florida started school on Aug. 8th
08-14-2005, 01:23 AM
It is as jarring to the nature of the game as most of the names in the bad names thread. I am quite sure they would never have come up with that if there wasn't a show they were aware of from the 80's.
Why even stay in character anymore? Lets go back to the GENie days and talk about the latest football game or the news or such.
They may have good RP skills so lets see some that don't so obviously reference an OOC concept like that.
08-14-2005, 02:40 AM
Ah yes, I see. Well then, I stand corrected. I'm sure you never ever reference something that might be considered OOC from 20 years go even if it's currently perfectly acceptable for their names to be called the A team.
08-14-2005, 04:40 AM
This seems similar to that "Bo Jangles" nonsense that happened on subsequent runs of the Wavedancer.
08-14-2005, 09:46 AM
I'm sure you never ever reference something that might be considered OOC from 20 years go even if it's currently perfectly acceptable for their names to be called the A team.
So then it's ok for someone whose name starts with a T to go around calling himself Mr. T and telling you to stop your jibber-jabber and pitying fools?
08-14-2005, 10:35 AM
Isn't the A Team pretty much not a reference most current teenagers would get?
I think a lot of people perceive younger players as a problem when there's really a lot of older idiots.
08-14-2005, 11:14 AM
<<As far as the kiddies, they will be around after 4 pm I'm sure since that is when school is normally out.>>
wtf kind of school housing GS players gets out at 4pm?
edit: goddamn I hate forgetting that I'm not at my computer. this is Bob
[Edited on 8-14-2005 by MangledKitty]
08-14-2005, 11:38 AM
I doubt they meant that as an OOC reference.
Artha summed up my thoughts on that, things like this that just happen by coincidence is bs, they know they are making an OOC reference, why not call themselves the A squad, or A legion. They might have an IC excuse, but they are well aware of the OOC parallelism.
It doesn't bother me though, it's not like they're running around going "du du dUU, dun nuh nuu" firing tons of arrows and never hitting anything and smoking cigars while their plans come together
08-14-2005, 01:05 PM
Here's a prime example why they need to go home. I just cut out the random stuff.
Resting Solhaven's North Market after a hunt.
Ashfer whispers, "Masterbate with me ."
You stare at Ashfer.
Using the back of your hand, you give Ashfer a stinging slap across his face!
Senvelen appears less confident and fearless.
Your tone is now cold.
Ashfer whispers, "So youre a chick."
Speaking coldly to Ashfer, you say, "Keep your filthy whispers away from my ears."
Senvelen ponders.
Ashfer whispers, "Shut up dammit."
You scoff.
You kneel down and begin to meditate on your lot in life.
Your meditation is interrupted by Ashfer.
Ashfer grabs your hand.
Your group status is now closed.
You begin to meditate on your lot in life.
Senvelen mutters uh-oh.
Your meditation is interrupted by Ashfer.
Ashfer whispers, "I love you."
Ashfer whispers, "Kiss me ."
:lol: shoulda killed him
- Arkans
08-14-2005, 01:17 PM
I woulda if my cleric wasn't only eleven trains. Little fucker.
08-14-2005, 01:19 PM
Heh. Garbage like that was when one used to really, really hope that Kennesaw was lurking. :lol:
08-14-2005, 01:21 PM
:wow: Unbelievable. Report that asshole if you can't blast him.
08-14-2005, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by MangledKitty
<<As far as the kiddies, they will be around after 4 pm I'm sure since that is when school is normally out.>>
wtf kind of school housing GS players gets out at 4pm?
edit: goddamn I hate forgetting that I'm not at my computer. this is Bob
[Edited on 8-14-2005 by MangledKitty]
Well here in Florida, the kids get out anywhere from 3 to 4 pm. That's from elementary on up to Highschool. So that's where I get my thoughts on that from.
08-14-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Artha
I'm sure you never ever reference something that might be considered OOC from 20 years go even if it's currently perfectly acceptable for their names to be called the A team.
So then it's ok for someone whose name starts with a T to go around calling himself Mr. T and telling you to stop your jibber-jabber and pitying fools?
the difference there is that the person calling himself Mr. T would be running around using phrases that the character from the TV show used. Making it inherantly OOC.
I would not have ANY issues with him calling himself Mr. T should his name start with a T. My only problem with that would be IF he were to start using those phrases associated with the OOC character reference.
Someone calling themselves the 'A Team' but not using any OOC phrases or references aside from the simple name is totally different in my opinion.
08-14-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Artha
So then it's ok for someone whose name starts with a T to go around calling himself Mr. T and telling you to stop your jibber-jabber and pitying fools?
That's a hysterical idea.
08-14-2005, 10:09 PM
After more thinking, I'd probably pay top dollar for a level 100 warrior named Tee.
I'd be banned in like a week.
08-14-2005, 10:21 PM
I would not have ANY issues with him calling himself Mr. T should his name start with a T. My only problem with that would be IF he were to start using those phrases associated with the OOC character reference.
But it would be purely coincidental and the show is from 20 years ago so it doesn't matter anyway!
08-14-2005, 10:24 PM
right, just completely ignore the valid point I made in my post Artha. Cute.
08-14-2005, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
After more thinking, I'd probably pay top dollar for a level 100 warrior named Tee.
I'd be banned in like a week.
If his last name were some form of "Bagging", I think I would, too.
08-14-2005, 10:33 PM
right, just completely ignore the valid point I made in my post Artha. Cute.
Ok, but only if you ignore the blatant OOCism of The A Team because you like the two people doing it.
08-14-2005, 10:35 PM
I actually don't care one way or the other. I know them and they are nice but I wouldn't say we are great friends by any means. As I said, I would have no issues with someone being called Mr. T or whatever the case is, as long as it was explainable (like their name starts with a T) and they weren't running around saying "I pity tha fool!" wearing heavy gold chains etc.
Honestly, is it that big of a deal that they are called the A team? I see folks changing up words in modern day songs, having Thraksmas, etc. in game all the time and that is BLATANTLY OOC. This is not.
08-14-2005, 10:41 PM
<<Someone calling themselves the 'A Team' but not using any OOC phrases or references aside from the simple name is totally different in my opinion.>>
If I named my character Aragorn and called myself son of Arathorn and heir of Isildur, but never said anything that Aragorn said, I would still be OOC.
08-14-2005, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Someone calling themselves the 'A Team' but not using any OOC phrases or references aside from the simple name is totally different in my opinion.>>
If I named my character Aragorn and called myself son of Arathorn and heir of Isildur, but never said anything that Aragorn said, I would still be OOC.
You're absolutely right. And the bolded section is the reason WHY you would be OOC.
08-15-2005, 11:51 AM
Wait... their names aren't "A-Team" they are calling themselves the A-Team. I don't see how that is that different than what Bob said...
Is it IC to have four halflings, a dwarf, an elf, and three humans running around calling themselves "The fellowship of the ring" without any other references? They could even have an IC excuse of hanging out on the north ring road.
Sure it falls within the confines of the game and the letter of the IG law, but it's a blatent attempt at OOC.
08-15-2005, 12:23 PM
They should get another 'A' named locksmith to join them. Then they could advertise for calling Triple A when you have lock trouble.
The A Team is probably technically justifiable... but then again, just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should, either.
08-15-2005, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Praefection
Here's a prime example why they need to go home. I just cut out the random stuff.
Resting Solhaven's North Market after a hunt.
Ashfer whispers, "Masterbate with me ."
You stare at Ashfer.
Using the back of your hand, you give Ashfer a stinging slap across his face!
[... original post quote cut-- to try to keep length down...]
Your meditation is interrupted by Ashfer.
Ashfer whispers, "I love you."
Ashfer whispers, "Kiss me ."
I had said I wouln't post another log involving myself, but I've changed my mind for this. Ashfer isn't alone... Also look for Quice
edited to try to keep length down:
Speaking to Sulvina, you say, "Sleep well
>Speaking to you, Sulvina says, "And you hunt safe."
You nod to Sulvina.
You smile.
>Sulvina kisses you, her mouth lingering on yours.
You kiss Sulvina, your mouth lingering on hers.
[Ta'Vaalor, Amaranth Court]
A large inn marks the bustling corner of the court, its massive walls
enlivened by deeply carved intertwining vines that creep up the
stonework and meet in a mass of heavy stone foliage above each window embrasure
and door lintel. An engraved silver sign, illuminated by the lanterns
hanging from the inn's wide awning, swings from a post beside the inn's
ironwood front doors. You also see a black-billed nightingale and the
Zenaxa disk.
Also here: Novice Quice, Sulvina
Obvious paths: east, southwest
You wave.
>Sulvina waves.
>Quice whispers, "Are you two lez."
>Sulvina just left.
* Sulvina returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
> * Miressa returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
> * Mihorkan joins the adventure.
> * Morendo returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
> * Arcadyr joins the adventure.
>A black-billed nightingale whistles a melodic little song, its soft
notes echoing through the night. The sounds of another faroff
nightingale returning its call echo faintly in the distance.
>ponder qui
You ponder the meaning of Quice's existence.
> * Arlora joins the adventure.
>nod qui
>You nod to Quice.
>say aye
You say, "Aye."
>Quice whispers, "Are you lez i like lez."
You see Novice Quice.
He appears to be an Ardenai Elf.
He appears to be very young and taller than average. He has piercing
stormy grey eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, fine silver
hair with a black streak running through it. He has an angular face and
slightly pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a leather sheath, a leather sheath, a pair of narrow
blue breeches, some bracers, some green iron leg guards, some iron chain
mail, a maple long bow, a belt quiver, a crystal amulet, a velvet-edged
dark green backpack, a pair of soft leather shoes, and a gold-stitched
dark velvet hat.
**Now, I AM trying to be nicer to new folks... my first instinct was to tell him to mind his own buisiness. I tried to make light of it rather than get all pissy.**
You say, "As it happens, so do I."
You smirk at Quice.
>Quice whispers, "It turns me on mybe we could have a threesome."
> * Bristenn joins the adventure.
> * Kriztian joins the adventure.
>Annantassio just arrived.
>Annantassio just went southwest.
>Quice grins at you.
> * Olahan joins the adventure.
> * Aysees joins the adventure.
>Quice reaches out and holds your hand.
You say, "We
aren't some talent show te put on for others..."
You frown.
>Quice whispers, "I know."
You say, "Te be honest, I'm
not great at sharin..."
>Quice whispers, "I was kiddin about the threesome."
You nod to Quice.
You smile.
You say, "Thas good news."
You say, "Been
asked about it before... and they weren't jokes."
You smile.
>Quice whispers, "Want to be good friends."
You say, "So im sorry I didna get
th humor."
>Quice whispers, "O humor."
>Quice whispers, "Want to be my girlfriend."
>Quice darkly asks, "?"
Speaking to Quice, you say, "I have a
You ask, "Thought we cleared that up?"
>Quice darkly says, "So i could have two."
You say, "Well I would rather focus all my attention on th womean I love."
>Quice darkly says, "Like i said 3."
You say, "I dun share well at all."
>Quice darkly says, "I can help you love her."
You frown.
>Quice rubs you gently.
You say, "I would appreciate it if ye stopped this line of conversation."
>You say, "I dun want a relationship like tha with a man."
>Quice darkly says, "Why."
You raise an eyebrow in Quice's direction.
>Quice darkly says, "At least be my friend."
**That is a very common question or comment with newbies...being a friend**
You say, "I dun need te tell you why."
>Quice begs and pleads with you!
You say, "I am a friendly preson."
You smile.
You nod.
>Quice smiles at you.
>Quice lets out a cheer!
>Quice starts jumping around like a twelve-year-old.
>Quice dances around the room to music only he can hear.
>You grin as Quice tickles you.
You ask, "Are ye new to Vaalor?"
>Quice darkly says, "Friendly tickle and yes."
>You ask, "Elanthia too or just Vaalor?"
>Quice darkly says, "Elanthia."
You nod
You smile.
>You say, "Well, welcome to us."
You smile.
You ask, "Have ye been gettin on pretty well?"
>Quice darkly says, "Thanks what train."
You ask, "Hmm?"
You say, "Ooho..."
You say, "We usually whisper that sorta discussion."
You nod.
>Quice darkly says, "No i got busted."
You say, "Well thats."
You say, "Why we whisper."
You smile.
>Quice whispers, "I know but my mouse is kinda screwed."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "So
is mine.. i still manage."
You smile.
>Quice starts chuckling at you!
>Quice rubs you gently.
You ask, "Do ye have any questions I kin answer?"
>Quice darkly says, "No."
You smile.
You nod.
>Quice darkly says, "Do you know ashfer."
You ask, "What profession have ye chosen to study?"
You say, "I heard the name."
>Quice darkly says, "Ranger."
You say, "In the last day or so."
>Quice darkly says, "Good things or bad."
You say, "Ah.. rangers and quite
You say, "Uhm... well. she's been
You say, "So as a cleric, i could say good and bad."
>Quice darkly says, "Ashfer is a dude."
You chuckle to yourself.
You say, "Mm."
>Quice darkly says, "Chuckle."
You say, "Maybe i confuse th name
>Quice darkly says, "Oops."
You say, "The one im thinkin of
was a female."
>Quice whispers, "Are you a lez in real life."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "That is much too personal a question to answer.. what does it matter?"
>Quice whispers, "Just wondering no matter."
You nod.
>You quietly whisper to Quice, "I dont answer such personal question as a rule. few exceptions."
>Quice grins at you.
You quietly
whisper to Quice, "The only personal question I ever ask is age."
You quietly whisper to Quice,
"And i wil answer age questions."
You say, "Thats it."
You nod.
>Quice whispers, "Me neither how old are you im 14."
You smile.
You quietly whisper to Quice, "I am 36."
>Quice whispers, "Oh i thought you were 16 or some."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "What made
you think so?"
You quietly whisper to Quice, "There are younger people...that age.."
>Quice whispers, "? most people i met are."
You quietly whisper to
Quice, "*name* the emapth.. i believe is younger."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "Ah yes...
You say, "Vaalor is quite young."
>Quice whispers, "*he repeats her name*?"
You say, "Many of the more experienced lords and ladies you will find are a bit more mature."
You nod to Quice.
You say, "Ye know her."
>You smile.
>Quice whispers, "And arrogant."
**At the time, I thought he meant the empath I mentioned.**
You say, "Ah.. i am sorry."
You say, "Odd she would be arrogant to an elf."
>Quice whispers, "My friend asher and i im crashin at ashers place."
>You say, "Elves are kings of arrogance."
You say, "Be arrogant back."
You nod.
>Quice whispers, "Not her high levels (most)."
>Quice whispers, "Im an elf."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "Type
disdain haughty."
You say, "Aye, i saw th ears."
>Quice stares around the room, a haughty expression on his face.
You smirk.
You say, "Thats it."
You nod.
>You say, "Ye just be snooty right back."
>Quice whispers, "How can you this is text only."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "How can ye what."
>Quice whispers, "No / see me."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "Think of it like a book..."
>Quice whispers, "I love books."
You quietly whisper to Quice, "That your character lives in."
>Quice whispers, "That was corny."
You quietly whisper to Quice,
"Your minds eye makes yer pictures."
You raise an eyebrow in Quice's direction.
Quice snuggles up to you, resting
his head on your shoulder.
>You say, "Corny or not, it is what it is."
We went on to talk about RP a little bit, then
I went on to VC and things were cool until the next morning where he thought to me asking me If I didn't have a life. Whether I do or not isn't the point, Didn't seem to me to be right to ask. I decided to report him. I didn't feel like spending another hour with him explaining
manners and inappropriate questions, let the higher ups deal. In the report I mentioned the night before he'd asked me about lesbianism, and my personal life, and I'd asked him to stop.
Got to VC a bit later, and he came in and said sorry, but not directly to me. I assumed it was for me, and thanked him, nodded, and that was it. Until he saw me hug another character and smooch her on the cheek, and he whispers to me asking if she was "lez" too. I whispered no, and out loud I said to him that I had asked him not to ask about my personal life. I got up at that point and left for Illistim.
Then I read this thread.
I will continue now to ignore him and now this Ashfer character.
Think I saw Ashfer in Vaalor today. I wonder if they are new, or just alters made to cause trouble. Anyway.
Sorry this was so long.
[Edited on 8-15-2005 by cajunlady]
08-15-2005, 02:14 PM
<<I wonder if they are new, or just alters made to cause trouble.>>
Seems like legitimate 14 year old sexual exploration with lezzes.
<<Quice whispers, "Are you lez i like lez.">>
This is priceless.
08-15-2005, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<I wonder if they are new, or just alters made to cause trouble.>>
Seems like legitimate 14 year old sexual exploration with lezzes.
<<Quice whispers, "Are you lez i like lez.">>
This is priceless.
I didn't wonder until I saw the Ashfer had been in Sol Haven. When I was brand new in the lands, I didn't have much of a concept of the other cities, much less move to another one. But then, I didn't have a friend also playing who wound up in one of the other cities. Who knows, doesn't matter I suppose. I'm not interested in them, 14 or 40 or somewhee in between.
08-15-2005, 02:39 PM
Ashfer is someone who runs around being an idiot. It's funny his friend asked all those questions about being a lesbian. Ashfer did the same thing to my rogue. Yes, he movs back and forth from solhaven and Vaalor... has been for a week or so to my knowledge. (Could have been longer) Since the incident with my rogue, although she didn't report him, She's cleaned him out twice in solhaven and many times in Vaalor. But then she also lives in Vaalor and only steals from specific people usually.
08-15-2005, 02:43 PM
My inclusion of the "A Team" reference was an example. I was not going after them specifically.
A few years ago they would have been heckled mercilessly from what I remember. Any comment on the Black NET other than MB, 4X, TTM and a few others would get slapped. Things such as H4H - Hunt For History would get slapped as well.
I played on GENie many many years ago. Sunday Football Game, Laters News and such would all be allowed in open conversation.
When the "strict" rules on RP came about I do not know and do not bother me.
About 8 Years ago I came back to play for a few months. I made the mistake of trying to talk to someone 'OOC Can you help me find such and such" Something to that effect. I ran into no one who would help me or even take the time to correct my mistake.
About 3-5 years ago things were about the same and the above mentioned issues with the Black Net. Even references to OOC specific things were not tolerated.
Now things have shifted towards allowing OOC references as long as they are not too blatant.
Names are a big obvious point of GMs and SIMU not giving a rats ass about policy.
Most of this is brought in with the Summer Crowd which is normally school kids who don't have a high stake in the game just killing time for the summer or such.
So... we are not on a slipper slope but I am quite sure Gemstone is slowly going back to the days of GENie where OOC didn't matter one bit.
If you want to rationalize the use of "A-Team" or any other OOC things go for it. Just do not get mad if I say something like "Patriots win yay" I may be using OOC reference but I might be talking about a legitamate issue in game. So let me say it and realize I can rationalize anything I want.
WTB some swampland in RR. Cheap, MB 2MIL CB:
08-15-2005, 03:01 PM
There are people bitching in the winter just as much in the summer. (not that they don't have a good reason to bitch, but it happens just as much in the winter.)
If it upsets people, why not report? If a name is way OOC and it upsets you, report.
Instead of coming here to complain, if evreyone reported instead, maybe something would be done about it.
I sat and watched someone singing beatles songs.
Beatles are my favorite band but I still thought it was waaaaaaaaaay out of line. Your right, it is getting worse though. Even I find myself whispering to people OOC when they do the same to me.
The game keeps getting more and more relaxed. The GM's will only stop it if enough complain.
08-15-2005, 03:15 PM
not enough complain. I have reported the name Flintstone 5 Times. Everytime I see it.
Yet he keeps coming back.
It gets to a point that you get tired of reporting and not having even a whisper of a response let alone someone doing something about it.
But to use the logic of the A-Team - The last Flinstone Movie was what 5 years ago and not very big. The series is from the 60s. So who really knows about it except us old farts and we don't matter because a majority probably have no clue.
That is the basic logic from the arguement about the "A Team"
The other reason to bring it up here is just to vent a bit since no one seems to care about it in game.
Well I just posted on the Forums to ask about things like names and such and why GMs are more lax about it. Also suggested they write new policies showing that they are lax as well.
[Edited on 8-15-2005 by Heshinar]
08-15-2005, 03:21 PM
The GM's probably are ignoring you because you are the only one reporting. If everyone here who "vented" reported like you did...I believe the game would change.
I'm only 18. I know what the flinstones is, but not the A team.
08-15-2005, 03:25 PM
The A-Team is being replayed on some channel now, forget which one... want to say spike but it's not.
... You know who Mr. T is right?
And your ignorance of pop culture doesn't justify it, obscurity is not an excuse. "Come'on, kids don't know what a frothy walrus is, it's acceptable".
08-15-2005, 03:28 PM
Umm... yeah........ I was not part of the A team so don't bitch at me. I did not say it was acceptable.
I watch TV very rarely.
Mr. T, yes I know who that is. Have I ever seen the show? No.
I could tell you history on music though. I know tons and tons (usually more than those from that time) of facts on 50-70 rock and roll. Pretty good on the Bubble gum as well.
[Edited on 8-15-2005 by GSLady17]
The Ponzzz
08-15-2005, 03:31 PM
18 year olds not knowing Mr T?!! What is this world coming to?! I pity the foo!
But on topic about the kiddos, yea, I don't think it will improve 100%. This summer it has been pretty bad. New blood is needed, but the influx are the younger kids.
08-15-2005, 03:35 PM
Hehe, I could quote him on many things and yet have never watched the show.
The other night I turned on a late show and a 22 year old was on the last question to win half a million dollars.
What movie is this famous chant from?
Toggggggggggggggggga Togggggggggggga
She was clueless. I was like damn it! I could win half a million dollars!
So it's not just shows, also movies!
08-15-2005, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
Hehe, I could quote him on many things and yet have never watched the show.
The other night I turned on a late show and a 22 year old was on the last question to win half a million dollars.
What movie is this famous chant from?
Toggggggggggggggggga Togggggggggggga
She was clueless. I was like damn it! I could win half a million dollars!
So it's not just shows, also movies!
I used to love the partradge family, or Mork and Mindy show. Alf was my favorite. Fraggles, loved them---Gramms bought all their shows on tape.
And I still believe Sean Connery was the best james bond.
So I do enjoy old tv, just never heard of the A team.
Damn it, I thought I hit edit. Sorry.
[Edited on 8-15-2005 by GSLady17]
08-15-2005, 03:39 PM
I wasn't trying to bitch at you about your knowledge of things (There is a lot of pop culture info I don't care to know), or blame you for this OOCism (really this one doesn't bother me), I was just trying to say obscurity isn't an excuse.
You might be offended by someone running around yelling Togggga, getting wasted and breaking bards instruments, but somewho who didn't know better might just think it's that person's character.
El Burro
08-15-2005, 03:40 PM
Mork and Mindy?
08-15-2005, 03:42 PM
Mork and MINDY! It's MINDY! :CRIE:
08-15-2005, 03:47 PM
Nanu Nanu
08-15-2005, 03:47 PM
The leader of Fraggle Rock.
El Burro
08-15-2005, 03:48 PM
Cindy is hot
08-15-2005, 03:49 PM
So is the leader of fraggle rock.
08-15-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Celephais
I wasn't trying to bitch at you about your knowledge of things (There is a lot of pop culture info I don't care to know), or blame you for this OOCism (really this one doesn't bother me), I was just trying to say obscurity isn't an excuse.
You might be offended by someone running around yelling Togggga, getting wasted and breaking bards instruments, but somewho who didn't know better might just think it's that person's character.
Ahhhhhhh that would totally crack me up. I'd laugh my ass off while I sent a report.
08-15-2005, 03:55 PM
Every kid in my highschool knew every line from Animal House, and thought the A-Team was awsome, and I'm only five years older than GSLady 17. Its a product of your peers and where you grow upl, all that crap. You don't know "Buddy?" Everyone in New England knows Buddy Cianci...etc. I betcha every senior in the prep schools in the northeast knows animal house better than their right hand (hehe, the irony...)
08-15-2005, 03:56 PM
My brothers and I are like that with animal house and we are from WA state.
08-15-2005, 04:56 PM
As far as Pop Culture goes.
I am one person who only saw a total of 3 episodes of Seinfeld.
I do not watch network TV. Closest to it is Sci-Fi Channel otherwise I watch movies and listen to music.
Party of Five? Friends? Others in the last 10 years. I know the names of the Shows but I have no clue about them.
Part of me wishes I never watched A-Team. Though the first couple of season of Mork and Mindy were good till they got married or such then it was downhill.
I find these reality shows more obnoxious because a lot are actually scripted or played up.
So I guess I am a pop culture drop out myself and I can understand how someone who is even my age doesnt know who the A Team was.
Still it seems policy is both loosely and selectively enforced.
08-15-2005, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Heshinar
The other reason to bring it up here is just to vent a bit since no one seems to care about it in game.
Well I just posted on the Forums to ask about things like names and such and why GMs are more lax about it. Also suggested they write new policies showing that they are lax as well.
[Edited on 8-15-2005 by Heshinar]
Cool, I can reply more uncensored here than I did there.
Youre wasting your time trying to deal with idiot names. The Hosts will even defend retard names or star wars ripoffs to your face. Hey, how do we know there wasnt a Pannaka back in those days?
Youve got a better chance of them amending the policy - but I wouldnt really count on that either.
Also, as I said on the officials, you have to put up with this in practically every MUD or MMORPG out there. Why, right now on Zuljin theres a dead Tauren outside of the Auction house named "Imahugecow". Hes been there for weeks.
I almost dont want to get into the asshat hero names they had on City of Heroes. Still, even a completely shitheaded name was better than the Marvel/DC ripoff guys. One of the only good side effects of Marvel suing NCsoft was that they cracked down hard on the Hulk wannabees and Punisher ripoffs. Which, by the way, they became very efficient at - fancy that huh?
Youre right, no one seems to care. Debate it on the officials and youll get people defending even the worst names. It boggles the mind. God knows, Im no stickler for RP - but you have to wonder WTF.
Not that Im unsympathetic to folks who have picked a bad name. I remember reading posts from Zangief and Ghrim Reapman begging to change their names. They were stuck with all sorts of shitty comments every day they played. Then if you let them more people want it... yadda yadda.. scammers start changing their names. You get the idea.
08-15-2005, 05:53 PM
This arguement runs paralell to the Bad Names thread.
Actually a lot of what I have seen commented on this board come from the difference between written policy and what GMs say about issues.
08-31-2005, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Artha
right, just completely ignore the valid point I made in my post Artha. Cute.
Ok, but only if you ignore the blatant OOCism of The A Team because you like the two people doing it.
It's not blatant, Jolena makes a very valid point. A-Team was also a term designated for the best team for the job way before the show came on the air.
They make absolutely no other references to the show, or give any other sign thats what they're referring too. Since I know his name starts with A, I always assumed thats what they were talking about.
Your point is like saying people can't have a "white house" because it's so connected to the US President in modern times. Blatant ooc-ish is one thing, but an accidental reference that fits both in GS and from our time is not bad.
08-31-2005, 04:39 PM
1) It was only a couple of weeks, not months or years. Give the guy a break.
2) He has a valid point, and was completely on topic.
3) He's new to the boards. Teach him the ways of the boards before insulting the poor guy.
Welcome to the PC, Kriterian. :welcome:
08-31-2005, 04:50 PM
Actually referring to a group of people as the "A-Team" is a modern euphisism. One that came from the modern military special forces.
The main point I see and agree with here is a the distinction with poor RP or poor choice of terms vs true OOC.
In this case I think it is a poor choice of words to use.
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