View Full Version : Are people blind?

08-12-2005, 11:33 AM
I was hunting over in Potters Field yesterday. Had 3 Zombies in my room/Area etc.

I finished off two and in RT. In comes a group with a Lord and a Lady that I recognized. Though it had been over three years so no RP BUT.

The Cleric (Lord) Proceeds to bind the last zombie right in front of me. Before I am out of RT the two younger of the group start hacking away at the bound zombie. Finally I am out of RT and and the lady whispers to me "Is that yours"

At least when they realised I was there they stopped but dammit doesnt anyone look to see if there is a person in the room. I wasnt hidden. Just botched on the hiding so couldnt do anything fast enough.

Seriously I passed them several times while searching for zombies. How can they NOT know I was there?

08-12-2005, 11:58 AM
I don't know, maybe people aren't perfect?

I once walked into a room with Chica and some Ithzir in it and proceeded to blast away. Since she's highlighted as a friend, I thought she was a group member.

A small cough or chuckle from someone in the room would make me scroll back and look to see if I botched up.

Miss X
08-12-2005, 12:03 PM
Yeah, it happens. I've done it a few times to people around OTF, just as people have done it to me. I brush it off, say sorry or they do. No big deal. :roll:

08-12-2005, 02:14 PM
The irony of this topic name slays me.