View Full Version : Does your character act like you?

08-11-2005, 11:08 AM
For instance.
My sorcerers sense of humour, not being able to stop himself from helping the weak, intolerance towards being bugged or touched, the way he feels he has to look the best he can at all times and his obsessive traits are all taken straight from my personality.
It's very easy to RP someone who suffers / displays the things you , yourself are used to.
On the otherhand he is so many things I'm not.
He's murderous ( I wouldn't be even if I could get away with it ), he's very calculating, lives for revenge and would gladly wade through blood, where I would throw up and collapse from the sight of it.

Fun stuff.
How about yours?

08-11-2005, 11:11 AM
My main character has a lot of my sarcastic humor, and she's very loyal to those she loves. In that sense, yeah, she's like me. But she's more violently physical (ie, she killed someone for kissing her the other day), and she hates birds and fish, which don't bother me.

My cleric is the hardest character I have to RP because she's nothing like me at all. It's exhausting, even though it's a blast. She's completely nuts, neither good nor evil, and thinks her goddess speaks to her through rats.

08-11-2005, 11:12 AM

I do not steal

08-11-2005, 11:14 AM
My main character isn't really like me at all, except that he likes guys too. He's a lot meaner and extremely conceited.

08-11-2005, 11:15 AM
No. My little sorceress is too friendly, outgoing and flirty, but also has a little mean streak now and then.

08-11-2005, 11:16 AM
Jolena has a few of my traits, like her loyalness and devotion to her family and her sense of humor. However, no I'd straight faint if I had to fight in a war or go up against a troll/goblin/giant/demon. :lol: And I'm SO not into fashion, etiquette, etc. like she is. She's so girly it makes me laugh out loud at her at times.

My wizard, Sherinas, she's very stuck up and haughty, nothing like me at all. She's always looking down at every other race then Sylphs and she's very very easy to anger. It's a lot of fun to play her mainly because it truly gives me an opportunity to be something/someone else for a while which is a nice creative outlet and escape for me at times.

My Aelotoi is also nothing like me. She's a bit shy, very philosophical, never worries about anything, and very proud. I'm none of those things.

08-11-2005, 11:18 AM
Czeska, rumor has it, your cleric and my Showal should meet.

Showal is like me in a bunch of ways and very unlike me in others. His humor's kinda like mine. His innocence and his inexperience in life aren't two things I'd attribute to myself. He causes more trouble than me. He kills people. I love rats but he believes he's been chosen to be their champion and to defend them (except the sick ones). He's confused 99% of the time but that 1% of the time he's usually spot on exactly what's going on. He has a lot of strange uses of words and will argue over nearly anything but he doesn't have the self confidence to think he's right but he's too stubborn to let anyone else be right. That's not really like me. He's a ton of fun to RP.

08-11-2005, 11:38 AM
Not really, my sense of humor is rather skewed. I'm pretty sure if I started firing out dead baby jokes in game, I'd get banned real quick.

08-11-2005, 11:39 AM
My main character is alot like me, if not based on me.

She hates owing people, and if asked someone for a favour, she will more than compensate for it.
She can't go on if everything is not the way she want it to be, like making sure her inventory is head to toe, well groomed etc, and just picture perfect.
She's a little aloof, a little withdrawn, and won't talk to people unless they talk to her, but the friends she has now are like family and are really close and very loyal, who would do anything for her friends without doubt or regret, even if it means sacrificing/compromising herself.
She is generous.
She is expected to act a certain way, but don't feel comfortable being like that.
She is adventurous both mentally and physically.
She is very forgiving, but once pushed to the edge.. it's not a very good sight.
Too much indecision.
A bit tempermental.

08-11-2005, 11:39 AM
Stay possesses many of my own personality traits only amplified.

08-11-2005, 11:46 AM
Definitely not, for the most part. We both grin and laugh excessively though.

08-11-2005, 11:50 AM
Some traits of my characters are mine, some arent, and some are exaggerated traits that I either wish I had or did not have. Thats the beauty of this game...

08-11-2005, 11:52 AM
My characters' hairstyles are *almost* as good as mine and they like plain clothes. Otherwise, very little resemblance.

08-11-2005, 12:05 PM
Hmm, come to think of it. I don't really think I play gemstone to roleplay in a sense of roleplaying something I'm not. I'm not a very good actor to begin with. I think it's more of being in that medievalic fantasy world, and being part of a story line in that genre.

08-11-2005, 12:15 PM
I think my personality is divided between my characters, with other traits totally not my own.

08-11-2005, 12:21 PM
I dont think roleplaying is necessarily being something different as much as it is just being consistant with what you're being.

08-11-2005, 12:37 PM
A good RPG friend of mine came up with a great theory on role-players.

There are Masks. People who themselves into their characters bodies and act how they would act in any given situation with a fair amount of anonymity.

Then there are Puppets. People who disassociate themselves from their characters completely and pull the string of an entirely different person.

Everyone is probably a little of each, or lean more towards one or the other.

I started off as a total mask then ended up completely a puppet.

08-11-2005, 12:41 PM
Gore is more like me then any of my characters, with the exception he is religious where as I am more anti-religious. His sense of humor is similar, but much less sexually explicit.

My others are more RP, especially my newer wizard. He is :?:. Takes directions from his runestaff that he loses when he is holding it. He forgets he is a wizard, and replies to rudeness with abundant kindness. Probably my favorite to play.

Burnt out Priestess
08-11-2005, 12:42 PM
My main character is alot like me as where she is very loyal and dedicated to those she loves and are friends and family.

08-11-2005, 12:46 PM
Uni and myself are really nothing alike. My friends who play GS tease me about it all the time. We couldn't be more dissimilar. But I think that is half the fun of the game. Of course there are situations and reactions that I can relate to, otherwise I don't think I'd be able to place any depth into her.

Fashion wise, I'm into names and couture but most of my stuff is from Abercrombie or the Gap. I would think most of her stuff would come from like Versace collections or Vera Wang.

One point that we do share is we both enjoy being decent at a variety of things and having activities to keep us focused. The idle brain is the devil's playground. And...she'd never become interested in a game like GS. Heh.

08-11-2005, 01:02 PM
Each of characters is built around a couple of my personality traits, but they've also all got a bunch of traits I don't share. (If you've got a lot of time on your hands, try taking a Myers-Briggs personality test for all your characters -- or, heck, any silly interest quiz. It's a fun way to expand your understand of how your characters would react in various circumstances.)

I think about the only thing they have in common with each other is a certain fairly bizarre sense of humor -- and that's probably not really apparent, since they vary widely in their willingness to express it.

08-11-2005, 01:13 PM
My main is somewhat like me.. but she's MUCH more tolerant of people and not nearly as outgoing as I am.

08-11-2005, 01:31 PM
My two main characters are mostly me, just different sides.

My more outgoing friendly jovial side in one and my more reserved dignified side in the other.

08-11-2005, 01:34 PM
Shay had my "fuck you if you don't like it/you die if I don't like you" side. Bobmuhthol is closest to my personality: he's aggressive if he has to be, but he's also funny and helpful. Biggnife is your standard quiet guy that just wants to kill undead and isn't afraid to throw a divine strike your way if it's necessary.

08-11-2005, 01:36 PM
Shonison is very much like me, if I could do everything he could. Exceptions include his extreme Machiavellian attitude (often hidden from most people in game for political reasons) and his being quick to kill someone for trivial matters like petty theft. That's just me having fun at the cap. Heh.

Miss X
08-11-2005, 01:44 PM
Heh, Chica is basically a hyper, more outgoing and much (much honest) shorter version of me.

08-11-2005, 01:53 PM
Well now 3 inche isn't that much shorter. :fish:

08-11-2005, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Showal
Czeska, rumor has it, your cleric and my Showal should meet.

I was told the same thing. She's in Illistim at the moment. If you meet her, you'll know.

08-11-2005, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
For instance.
My sorcerers sense of humour, not being able to stop himself from helping the weak, intolerance towards being bugged or touched, the way he feels he has to look the best he can at all times and his obsessive traits are all taken straight from my personality.
It's very easy to RP someone who suffers / displays the things you , yourself are used to.
On the otherhand he is so many things I'm not.
He's murderous ( I wouldn't be even if I could get away with it ), he's very calculating, lives for revenge and would gladly wade through blood, where I would throw up and collapse from the sight of it.

Fun stuff.
How about yours?

My main character is very much like me -- she's loyal to a fault with friends and family and appreciates a good, dry sense of humor. The only real difference I can think of is that she is pretty devoted to her god -- Andelas and she has more/niftier tattoos than I do.

Each of my other characters always begins as one sliver of my personality magnified. I move them through the game then, so they can be influenced by their experiences within the storyline that I created for them.


edited to clarify what the heck i was talking about -- don't hunt, trade stocks, and post at the same time. It's bad.

[Edited on Thu, August th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

08-11-2005, 04:51 PM
If I were to take about five shots of 151 and have someone hit me in the head with a giant plastic hammer, my character and I would be identical.

08-11-2005, 06:26 PM
Voldermort is alot like me. Quiet, observant, helpful, aggressive, and full of sexuality when it comes to the ladies. He's also blunt and to the point when he needs to be, but he's genuine when it comes down to it.

The Cat In The Hat
08-11-2005, 07:00 PM
Gothique is alot like me. I keep her in character but I don't really RP any actions differently than I would IRL.

My little empath is totally not me, she's my chance to be pretty much the opposite of me.

My ranger has a fuck off attitude, she's me with PMS.

08-11-2005, 07:15 PM
Jeska has my positive traits, she is outgoing, happy go lucky and bubbly with absolutely no fashion taste whatsoever. She likes to help people and collect toys.

Dieandra on the other hand has my negative traits. She is selfish, demanding and likes to shop.

08-12-2005, 02:32 AM
Jesae is probably the most like me. Aside from the flirting. I'm afraid that is one trait I was never able to master. Thank god my mother set me up with Scott or I'd likely be single for-ev-er. Her obnoxiousness, and immature I can identify with. She can also be very sharp and witty when put to the challenge. But basically she goes with the flow. But she certainly likes to shop with money she doesn't have, like me!

Nalina...well, she's defintely the PMS version of myself. Quiet, withdrawn, about as much tolrance as a pmsing woman can take. You poke her once, and the second time the finger comes off. She does like to instigate the trouble out of boredom, just so she can justify yelling at someone. (Like stealing, getting caught, and then getting in a fight over it.)

The cleric I will be bringing out....I'm not sure yet. She's full of suprises. Very, very lady like, (Which I'm going to have a hard time staying in-char with) and quite fashionable. I know that all my girls are clothes horses but this cleric will likely be more devious about how she goes about obtaining exactly what she wants and how she wants it. She will likely be the most manipulative character I've tried to pull off. I'm not sneaky like that. If I want something, you'll damn well know it without me beating around the bush and waiting for you to figure it out.

Terminator X
08-12-2005, 03:36 AM
PREP/CAST 916 and GO GIRL'S LOCKER ROOM has earned me nothing but mean stares and issues with the local constabulary. I need to practice my lores more :(

08-12-2005, 05:13 AM
In some ways. Mostly because I have a hard time controlling myself when it comes to sarcasm. Someone will say something retarded and most of the times I respond back. I don't envision him as being so sarcastic, but he's got a superiorty complex so I just say it's part of that.

Otherwise he's noble but in a way I think is more realistic than some of the "HONOUR, JUSTICE, TRUTH!!!!" types you'll find in the game. He's chivalrous (literally) but clearly considers himself better than just about anyone he encounters. Just because someone can kill him in no way means they are better than him because they weren't born into nobility. The only person he's ever really been impressed with was Elendr who played a Nalfien prince and Chiv identified with the fact that they both had to leave their rightful home under duress. He considers himself a noble among savages.

I think if you took some actual earth nobility/knights from the 1500s and put them amongst a crowd of commoners you would have got the same reaction from many of them. Put on a facade of chivalry and kindness but still in regards to their station, considering themselves much better than those around them.

08-12-2005, 08:23 AM
Arkans is very much like me as we're both Dark Elf Sorcerers.

- Arkans

PS: Arkans has very little, if anything, in common with me.

08-12-2005, 09:15 AM
Kasia is a lot like me in some ways, in that she rarely trusts anyone, she has a sarcastic as hell sense of humor, and a quick to blow temper. (I admit it) We'd both fight to the death for a cause. She is probably the social side of me humor wise.
But she's also a fashion junkie, a heavy shopper, outgoing and a huge flirt, half of which I care nothing about, and the other half I was always just too damn shy.

Valiria is too nice, too trusting, helps everyone as long as they don't hurt her flock. Very motherly, and thinks she can fix the world. She is what I used to be like honestly. Trying to fix everyones problems and make everything better. Now though, I learned that the word doormat doesn't work for me. We do share the same trait of being fiercely protective and loyal to our families.

Rhean is probably the least like me at all. Super girly, super proper. Always has her hair in place, and her skirts just so. She's a rogue but she doesn't like to admit it because its highly unladylike to pick locks.. shes that type.

The Ponzzz
08-12-2005, 09:26 AM
My traits are kinda split up between all my characters and amplified...

My rogue tends to act the most like me since I play him the most.

Whole point of RPGs is to role play something else though...

08-12-2005, 11:47 AM
My main character: Yes.

BUT: I play MANY chars just so I can get away from playing myself. Some of my chars are SO different from me that it is a REAL challenge to play them, and I like that, but I guess you know they also get played the least.


08-12-2005, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by The Ponzzz
My traits are kinda split up between all my characters and amplified...

My rogue tends to act the most like me since I play him the most.

Whole point of RPGs is to role play something else though...

I just don't agree with this. The point of RPGs is to have fun with what you're doing. For a lot of people that could be doing something else. I think the important part is to be consistant. If showal spoke with an accent one night, he should speak with the same accent the next. If he hates Arkans, he shouldn't go hunt with him 30 minutes later and hate him again the next time some RP comes up.

Other than that, a character is going to somewhat be like you, or at least have some of the same interests. I wouldn't set up an old woman character who's favorite thing is to knit and pick boxes. Even thought that's very different from what I'd like to do and from me as a whole, it would not be enjoyable for me in the least and the character would rarely, if ever, be played.

08-12-2005, 12:21 PM
To make a very generalized answer... because I can... there are parts of me in Entress, and there are parts of Entress not me.

She's fiercly loyal (to a fault) and I'm the same way.
She belives in a deity, I'm not religious.
Ent's fashion is the same as mine (no, I'm not saying I wear leather!) Basics, nothing too frilly.
She's much more sociable than I am.

Eh, I guess that's enough to list.

08-12-2005, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
My characters' hairstyles are *almost* as good as mine and they like plain clothes. Otherwise, very little resemblance.


I'd say the similarities are uncanny. :D

Does your character act like you?

My characters are exaggerated aspects of my personality concentrated into one person. I usually create a character when I'm at odds with that aspect and add some heresy or idealogy for good measure just to insure I dont get bored with them in the longrun. Faith is something I never have in common with them, but it keeps me interested. I get bored quick with characters who I can understand completely.

08-13-2005, 07:09 PM
At first I would say Zadya is nothing like me but then I think about it. She has my sense of humor, my flirtyness and my short attention span. Which all makes her very easy to play, but most of her personality other than that is based on environmental factors what has happened in her life and how it molded her.

My wizard is nothing like me at all and difficult to play but so very fun too. I wouldn’t say she is the opposite of me either just nothing like me. She is overly polite and very timid. But she has a little bit of a violent side that I have discovered recently.

08-13-2005, 07:23 PM
Yes but im nicer in the game cause i can turn off the fucktards and cant kill people i hate irl so its bottled up fury i must unleash in game.

Then agian irl you can grab a smart ass by the collar and give em 5 across the face and get a little respect.

[Edited on 8-13-2005 by Gridlock]